In 1935, Bennie Moten died and it was left to Basie to take some of the musicians from that . Basie credited Billy Eckstine, a top male vocalist of the time, for prompting his return to Big Band. Ellington was a composer who played piano, but he really used the band as his expressive instrument. She was 67 years old. After automobiles replaced horses, his father became a groundskeeper and handyman for several families in the area. Charlie Parker forever changed the performance and writing of jazz music. [24] During a stay in Chicago, Basie recorded with the band. (traveling variety entertainment). dealing with the egos of his musicians. band's achievements was its fifty-year survival in a culture that There were often no musical notations made. Count Basie, the jazz pianist whose spare, economic keyboard style and supple rhythmic drive made his orchestra one of the most influential groups of the Big Band era, died of cancer yesterday morning at Doctors Hospital in Hollywood, Fla. Which is correct poinsettia or poinsettia? In 1949, the Basie family moved one of the premier neighborhoods open to African American families Addsleigh Park in St. Albans, Queens, New York. He is survived by a daughter, Diane Basie of Freeport. One Great Band.Count Basie will always be remembered..Too bad he passed away.. [58] They played to a crowd of 15,000. [8], Though a natural at the piano, Basie preferred drums. Date of Death: April 26, 1984. After Moten died in 1935, Basie took what was left of the band, expanded He constantly parried Chick's thundering haymakers with tantalizing runs and arpeggios which teased more and more force from his adversary. He began his professional career as an accompanist on the vaudeville circuit. Early years William Basie was born in Red Bank, New Jersey, on August 21, 1904. Swing-era bandleader noted for his theme songs One O'Clock Jump from 1937 and April in Paris from 1932. Basie made a few more movie appearances, such as in the Jerry Lewis film Cinderfella (1960) and the Mel Brooks movie Blazing Saddles (1974), playing a revised arrangement of "April in Paris". Within a year Those four sides were released on Vocalion Records under the band name of Jones-Smith Incorporated; the sides were "Shoe Shine Boy", "Evening", "Boogie Woogie", and "Oh Lady Be Good". Then he said, 'Bill, I think I'll call you Count Basie from now on. They had one daughter, Diane, in 1944. went to Kansas City to hear it and support it and brought it to the attention of booking agents. [28], At the end of 1936, Basie and his band, now billed as Count Basie and His Barons of Rhythm, moved from Kansas City to Chicago, where they honed their repertoire at a long engagement at the Grand Terrace Ballroom. 50 feet long, which was having trouble doing business in the summer because it had no air-conditioning. His personnel around 1937 included: Lester Young and Herschel Evans (tenor sax), Freddie Green (guitar), Jo Jones (drums), Walter Page (bass), Earle Warren (alto sax), Buck Clayton and Harry Edison (trumpet), Benny Morton and Dickie Wells (trombone). Everything We Know about the Music Legends Love Life, Rich Man Leaves Older Son $2.8 Million, Younger Son Gets Only $1 Story of the Day, Hank Williams Jr Lost 'Drop-Dead Gorgeous' Wife of 31 Years in March Inside Their Marriage, Loretta Lynn Fought for Her Beloved Husband Though He Called Other Women into Their Bed. When William James Count Basie died of cancer in 1984, he left his $1.5 million fortune in a trust to provide for his only child. At a White House reception, President Reagan said that Mr. Basie was "among the handful of musicians that helped change the path of American music in the 30's and the 40's" and that he had "revolutionized jazz.". Mr. Basie's wife, Catherine, died in April 1983. The couple had an only daughter, Diane Basie, who's now a 74-year-old disabled woman. The Barons of Rhythm were regulars at the Reno Club and often performed for a live radio broadcast. [20] Where the Blue Devils were "snappier" and more "bluesy", the Moten band was more refined and respected, playing in the "Kansas City stomp" style. Count Basie was a bandleader and pianist who was at the forefront of American big band music in the mid-twentieth century. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. . Count Basie Birthday and Date of Death. When he came back to Harlem, Fats Waller showed him how to play the organ, and Willie the Lion Smith took him under his wing. Count Basie was born on August 21, 1904 and died on April 26, 1984. The award was received by Aaron Woodward. Count and Mrs. Basie were true socialites - often gathering with friends including celebrities Frank Sinatra, Jerry Lewis, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Basie protg Quincy Jones. expensive blunder in Basie's history," said Mr. Hammond) that included hit after hit--"Swingin' the Blues," "Jumpin' at the Woodside," "One O'Clock It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Diane Lillian Basie (1944-2022), the beloved only child of the legendary jazz musician, William James "Count" Basie and his wife, Catherine Morgan Basie. Provide Feedback Form. Before he was 20 years old, he toured extensively on the Keith and TOBA vaudeville circuits as a solo pianist, accompanist, and music director for blues singers, dancers, and comedians. Born: August 21, 1904 Provide Feedback Form. Count Basie, the jazz pianist whose spare, economic keyboard style and supple rhythmic drive made his orchestra one of the most influential groups of the Big Band era, died of cancer yesterday . Copyright 2023, Rutgers, The State University of Within less than six months, however, Mr. Basie was back at the keyboard. accessibility issues with Rutgers web sites to The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Basie reorganized the Orchestra in 1952 and this new band was in high demand and toured extensively around the world. Diane died peacefully on October 15 after suffering a heart attack a few days before. At a theatre in Newark he was able to hear regular performances by the bands of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Stan Kenton and others. Basie had Holiday, and Webb countered with the singer Ella Fitzgerald. Then he joined a touring show headed by one Gonzel White, playing piano in a four-piece band. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. next five years. From the Grand Terrace, it moved on to New York and Roseland Ballroom (playing opposite Woody Herman's new, young band) where listeners complained that it was out of tune (not a surprising reaction Services will be private. Died: April 26, 1984 4 What pianist and his orchestra were really popular in the big band era? Mr. Basie was, along with Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman, one of the pre-eminent bandleaders of the Big Band era in the 1930's and 40's. Dropping out of junior high school, Basie learned to operate lights for vaudeville and to improvise piano accompaniment for silent films at the local movie theater in his hometown that would eventually become the Count Basie Theatre. Many musicians came to prominence under his direction, including the tenor saxophonists Lester Young and Herschel Evans, the guitarist Freddie Green, trumpeters Buck Clayton and Harry "Sweets" Edison, plunger trombonist Al Grey, and singers Jimmy Rushing, Helen Humes, Thelma Carpenter, and Joe Williams. Basie recalled a review, which said something like, "We caught the great Count Basie band which is supposed to be so hot he was going to come in here and set the Roseland on fire. [72] The Basies bought a home in the new whites-only neighborhood of Addisleigh Park in 1946 on Adelaide Road and 175th Street, St. Albans, Queens. Died: April 26, 1984 Hollywood, Florida African American bandleader and musician Count Basie was an extremely popular figure in the jazz world for half a century. [75], Basie also recorded with Tony Bennett in the late 1950s. Page, a bassist--Jimmy Rushing, the blues signer, both of whom would be key members of Mr. Basie's band. African American bandleader and musician. His father played the mellophone, and his mother played the piano; in fact, she gave Basie his first piano lessons. Discouraged by the obvious talents of Sonny Greer, who also lived in Red Bank and became Duke Ellington's drummer in 1919, Basie switched to piano exclusively at age 15. Though stories abound at the genesis of his nickname, Basie later recalled it as a tribute to his penchant for slipping off during arranging sessions with Moten. They had direct lines to presidents, occasionally exchanging personal telegrams giving well wishes. The band survived Basie's death, with ex-Basie-ite trumpeter Thad Jones directing until his death in 1986. [70], During the balance of the 1960s, the band kept active with tours, recordings, television appearances, festivals, Las Vegas shows, and travel abroad, including cruises. Basie's new band played at the Reno Club and sometimes were broadcast on local radio. Sinatra later said of this concert "I have a funny feeling that those two nights could have been my finest hour, really. Mechanic Street, where he grew up with his family, has the honorary title of Count Basie Way. He was already playing jazz piano at parties, clubs and other venues. 6 Who was Count Basies adopted son on Long Island? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He then traveled from New York to Kansas City just to hear the band and to meet Count Basie. Basie's band regularly worked some of the better The band flopped at a Pittsburgh hotel that had never booked a jazz band before. with disabilities are encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any The family had a piano, and Basies mother paid 25 a lesson for his piano lessons at an early age. By then, Basie was playing with pick-up groups for dances, resorts, and amateur shows, including Harry Richardson's "Kings of Syncopation". silent movie theater, he joined Walter Page's Blue Devils in [29] Right from the start, Basie's band was known for its rhythm section. "April in Paris" (arrangement by Wild Bill Davis) was a best-selling instrumental and the title song for the hit album. Basie changed the jazz landscape and shaped mid-20th century popular music, duly earning the title King of Swing because he made the world want to dance. the arrangements that enabled his band to break through a year earlier, lent Mr. Basie some of his arrangements. What Is The Origin Of Springerle Cookies? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This second-generation big band differed from the early one in that it depended on arrangers for its basic style, a smooth, rolling, highly polished swing style for which Neal Hefti ("Li'l What pianist and his orchestra were really popular in the big band era? time!". Birthday: August 21, 1904. By then a series of records by the Basie band had begun appearing (under a contract with Decca Records by which Mr. Basie was paid a total of $750 for 24 sides with no royalties--"probably the most After a decade-long courtship, Basie married dancer Catherine Morgan, his second wife, on his birthday in 1942. Basie also toured with Bennett, including a date at Carnegie Hall. His mother, a piano player who gave Basie his first piano lessons, took in laundry and baked cakes for sale and paid 25 cents a lesson for piano instruction for him. His daughter, Diane Basie, now 71 and living in Florida with full-time caregivers, is severely retarded and only marginally communicative, according to court papers. Count Basie (1904-1984) The title of one of his bands most famous tunes The Kid from Red Bank is an obvious tip-off, but many jazz historians assume that William J. [12][13] His touring took him to Kansas City, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Chicago. epitome of swing, of jazz that moved with a built-in flowing intensity. since many of Mr. Basie's musicians were blowing patched-up horns and saxophones held together by rubber bands). It was released by Roulette Records, then later reissued by Capitol Records. In 1976, Mr. Basie suffered a heart attack. the personnel, and formed the first Count Basie Orchestra. He died of cancer in This stemmed primarily from the presence in the rhythm section, from 1937 to the present, of both Mr. Basie on piano and Freddie Green on guitar. Diane died peacefully on October 15 after suffering a heart attack a few days before. "One night the announcer called me to the microphone for those usual few words of introduction," Mr. Basie once recalled. She died in 1983. [43] Durham returned to help with arranging and composing, but for the most part, the orchestra worked out its numbers in rehearsal, with Basie guiding the proceedings. Catherine Basie, wife of Count Basie, the jazz musician and band leader, died of a heart attack yesterday at the couple's home in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, according to Mr. Basie's agent. During a broadcast the announcer wanted to give Basies name some style, so he called him Count. Little did Basie know this touch of royalty would give him proper status and position him with the likes of Duke Ellington and Earl Hines. century. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. He rose to fame after taking over Bennie Moten's band in 1935. Catherine Basie, wife of Count Basie, the jazz musician and band leader, died of a heart attack yesterday at the couples home in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, according to Mr. Basies agent. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Splank-Splank-Splank-Boom. "I wanted 13 men to think and play the same way. [89] The board selects songs in an annual basis that are "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. [5][6], The best student in school, Basie dreamed of a traveling life, inspired by touring carnivals which came to town. big city hotel ballrooms. While reports of Woodard being sent to jail never surfaced, one thing is for sure, and that is that Diane is doing great under her new caretakers. When Young complained of Herschel Evans' vibrato, Basie placed them on either side of the alto players, and soon had the tenor players engaged in "duels". Count Basie, Jr. was a native of Kansas City, Missouri. New Jersey, Report Accessibility Barrier or in the death of the big-band era. Throughout his tours, Basie met many jazz musicians, including Louis Armstrong. Okla., a band that included--in addition to Mr. "He certainly made a notch in musical history," said Benny Goodman, 75 years old, the jazz clarinetist and bandleader. onenighters, and the bebop revolution of the mid-1940s all played a role hired him. He was the arbiter of the big-band swing sound and his unique style of fusing blues and jazz established swing as a predominant music style. The following year, in 1929, Basie became the pianist with the Bennie Moten band based in Kansas City, inspired by Moten's ambition to raise his band to match the level of those led by Duke Ellington or Fletcher Henderson. returned to his first lovethe big bandand it thrived. [76] In 1968, Basie and his Band recorded an album with Jackie Wilson titled Manufacturers of Soul. One of the band's most popular arrangements, "April in Paris," was written in 1955 by Wild Bill Davis, a jazz organist who had originally developed it for his own small group. We collect and tell stories of people from all around the world. The band tried to stay together but failed. From that time on, I was a daily customer, hanging Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Diane Lillian Basie (1944-2022), the beloved only child of the legendary jazz musician, William James "Count" Basie and his wife, Catherine Morgan Basie. How do I choose between my boyfriend and my best friend? On Moten's death in 1935, Basie and several other core band members formed their own ensemble, the Barons of Rhythm. He was the arbiter of the big-band swing sound and his unique style of fusing blues and jazz established swing as a predominant music style. for the next quarter of a century. [21] In addition to playing piano, Basie was co-arranger with Eddie Durham, who notated the music. For a while, he performed in combos, sometimes stretched to an orchestra. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It positioned him with Earl Hines, as well as Duke Ellington. recipient of Washington's Kennedy Center honors for achievement in the performing arts. The songs were often designed to This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Today, Charlie Yardbird Parker is considered one of the great musical innovators of the 20th century. Count Basie was a pianist, bandleader, and composer considered as one of the most popular figures in the jazz world. He got some jobs in Asbury Park at the Jersey Shore, and played at the Hong Kong Inn until a better player took his place.[10]. was a member of the Basie band in the 1940's. He went out on tour with on the vaudeville and TOBA circuits again until his performance group disbanded in the mid-1920s, leaving him stuck in Kansas City. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? The Count Basie Orchestra is a 16 to 18 piece big band, one of the most prominent jazz performing groups of the swing era, founded by Count Basie in 1935 and recording regularly from 1936. "Big Name Bands, Singers in 'Cavalcade of Music' Sept. 23", Basie, Jordan, Prado Top Jazz Cavalcade Article, "Sugar Chile" Robinson, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and His Sextet, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Count Basie Presents Eddie Davis Trio + Joe Newman, Count Basie Jam Session at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1975, Count Basie Meets Oscar Peterson The Timekeepers, The Famous 1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert, Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian, Sugar Chile Robinson, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and His Sextet, "On This Day: Count Basie, 79, Band Leader And Master of Swing, Dead", "Jackie Wilson & Count Basie Manufacturers Of Soul at Discogs", "Manufacturers of Soul by Jackie Wilson: Reviews and Ratings", "Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez To Be Awarded Honorary Doctor of Music Degree From Berklee College of Music", "Count Basie, Jack Nicholson, Les Paul make New Jersey Hall of Fame", "2005 National Recording Registry choices", The Count Basie Orchestra official website, International Jose Guillermo Carrillo Foundation. They had one daughter, Diane, in 1944. His father was a student of the mellophone, and his mother was a pianist. Released: 1955 . [67] The Basie band made two tours in the British Isles and on the second, they put on a command performance for Queen Elizabeth II, along with Judy Garland, Vera Lynn, and Mario Lanza. [31] Hammond first heard Basie's band on the radio and went to Kansas City to check them out. Basie made his professional debut playing piano with vaudeville acts (traveling variety entertainment). The Count Basie Orchestra, today directed by Scotty Barnhart, has won every respected jazz poll in the world at least once, won 18 Grammy Awards, performed for Kings, Queens, and other world Royalty, appeared in several movies, television shows, at every major jazz festival and major concert hall in the world.
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