If a player controls Aragon and Castile is computer-controlled then Aragon gets the event instead of Castile and can choose to be the senior PU partner. Our eagle-eyed users may have noticed the lack of a November announcement in the We The Players event, so we're declaring the winners from both November and December today, which brings the year-long event to a close Alright so I got the Iberian wedding event back in 1452 and so I have been waiting for the Isabella of Castile event hopping that . Aragon: - is AI controlled. Just make sure to kick your heir out at the beginning of the game and hope your king dies befor your new heir reaches his 15th lifeyear. Historically, Castile joined with Aragon in a personal union to form Spain and went on to establish a massive colonial empire in the . - is not at war with Aragon. - Spain does not exist. The same should Navarra, but that should be a bit more rare. 5 1795 3 AI Priorities 3 Back in March, Isabella was romantically linked to Bradley Cooper , who is currently dating SOUTH BAY 454 S Powered by - Designed with the Hueman theme Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way - mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world Choose from four unique, varied factions . I went Valois in my recent run and still got the wedding. Fellini_Fiend Aug 21, 2018 @ 7:45am. The Aragonese version of the Iberian Wedding event can only happen if Aragon is controlled by a human player and Castile is controlled by the AI. grotaclas Field Marshal. Castile or Aragon has a regency and is controlled by the AI (Iberian wedding cant fire on a player who is aragon though.) Iberian Wedding as castille; . Jun 4, 2014. Empire of Sin AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: . what I can do to prevent the Iberian Wedding from firing? #17. Iberian wedding. The kingdom of Castile in 1444 is the largest and most influential country in the Iberian peninsula, bordering Portugal, Aragon, Navarra, Granada, England and (indirectly) Morocco, Tlemcen and France.It is one of the recommended country starts for new players. If either country has a female heir (I'm guessing that both rulers are male right now) it may be worthwhile to wait. However the capitulation was negotiated Eu4 iberian wedding event id keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of burgundian inheritance eu4 event id europa universalis 4 of my effort on dividing the Iberian peninsula so I can focus on the HRE and to keep the new world open long enough for France . By fifty years its 95% chance to happen roughly I think. Aragon/castille need a minimum amount of provinces for it to fire iirc. The Iberian wedding requires that the ruler of one of the countries is male and the other female. You also avoid the castilian civil war with that tactic . Aragon can be your best buddy or your worst enemy. MTTH of 120 months. Aug 7, 2019 4.134 3.496. You must not be at war with the target country, and they must not be the war leader in their own war. May 2, 2017 @ 4:20pm. - is not a subject. Europa Universalis IV. What year does the Iberian wedding happen eu4? Declare war on Spain. Once that requirement is satisfied it actually has a massive chance of firing (1/12 per month). Apr 18, 2016. so you're facing a lot of reloads for it to fire in a 2 months period in regency. Toggle signature. . Trigger conditions for Iberian Wedding are: The country: Castile. Leaving Aragon alone with no wars to lose prestige in is Castile's best hope at getting Naples via the Iberian Wedding, otherwise Naples will be independent before the Wedding happens. Any of the following: In 1.30, what you want to do is wait until Aragons starting ruler dies, so Naples breaks the union. Reply. Queen regencies do count, a good way is to disinherit your current heir > get an heir > hope ruler dies > queen regent > IW in ~10 years from 1444. You can be in a different war, just not one with the other country. I wasn't sure because Aragon being in a regency as Aragon isn't enough in the event data, and the pragmatic sanction isn't required for Queen-Consorts so I thought maybe they didn't count. Search: Eu4 Isabella Event. Consort also counts. - has at least 10 cities. Just as a side note the iberian wedding in my playthroughs fired a lot of times because of the regency, because even if the MTTH is longer, the regency has still more chances to happen than a female on the aragonese or castillian throne. . - was not player-controlled at any point. I think it can fire when Aragon and Castile have a female and male ruler or something like that. Declare war on Spain. Add bookmark. From Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. Europa Universalis IV. "success is a journey not a destination . Plus a strong living Burgundy allied to Castile can change northern Italy a lot, particularly in Venice versus Austria (part of keeping Austria weak). The Iberian wedding event is a fantastic chance as Aragon or Castile to gain a personal union against a strong regional rival - let's look at how it work. Tl;dr - Iberian wedding as Aragon gives Castile under a PU? Redirect page. Thread starter delpiero1234; Start date Aug 3, . In the event that Aragon is not human controlled, the slightly different original Iberian Wedding event may fire instead. Off The Wall is way better than Thriller! #3. Wait 5 years. Score: 4.4/5 ( 28 votes) Randomly between 1450 and 1530, when the rulers have different genders or are in a regency. Aug 27, 2020; Add bookmark #2 I think you have some misconceptions about the iberian wedding . I got it in under 2 years and the event doesn't allow for a regency as Aragon, so I figure that a Queen-Consort simply counts as a female ruler with the mean . Or if Aragon has a very young heir . Take a province that belonged to Aragon. Here's what you do, friend: Wait for the Iberian Wedding. She is deeply familiar with the ideas of the Enlightenment, and will endeavor to lighten the burden of Russian serfs It's not a 100% chance though, and according to the Wiki It can happen no matter what as long as you don't have the Castillan Civil War modifier a queen regency counts as female while a regency council counts as male both . An eu4 guide or EU4 Aragon Guide focusing on your Starting Moves, explaining in detail how to get spanish portuguese and byzantine lands and how to manage yo. Release Aragon as a vassal after converting them to your religion. - is not a subject. How can I get my Iberian wedding early? Wait for Spain to form. Aragon requires 16 provinces to trigger the Iberian Wedding. 49 Badges. That doesn't change the fact that the current system is idiotic and asinine, forcing Iberia into a set pattern of Portugal mucking about with its colonies and doing nothing in Europe, Spain forming peacefully because Aragon goes into a regency in 1455 and causes the Wedding to fire, and yet does nothing of interest in Europe besides get . Jump to navigation Jump to search. Iberian Wedding will no longer fire for Castile if it owns less than 25 provinces, or for Aragon if it owns less than 16 provinces WiH Isabella event now has less stringent triggers Ideas Added national ideas for pirate nations Setup Added Granada core to Ceuta Altered trade winds so that the Caribbean is more reachable from Iberia while Brazil . Redirect to: The iberian wedding will fire regardless. Yeah regency = 10 years. I believe they have to be from the same dynastie though, which they start with but can change easily. Prevent Iberian Wedding. Aragon should also have an event similar to the Iberian Wedding, where Aragon could get Castile under in a PU. But then my 3rd legendary ruler (5/4/6)died but left a female heir (5/4/4) at age 1 and then one year before my regency council was up, Enrique produce a (1/3/1) (trash makes more trash) and I knew my hopes for a force PU was over, but hopefully Iberian wedding can still produce a PU. Have them return all of Aragons cores. 3 yr. ago No it doesnt change anything. For deg som bor og jobber p Lillestrm The War of the Castilian Succession was the military conflict contested from 1475 to 1479 for the succession of the Crown of Castile fought between the supporters of Joanna 'la Beltraneja', reputed daughter of the late monarch Henry IV of Castile, and those of Henry's half-sister, Isabella, who was ultimately successful . or is it RNG i.e. Search: Eu4 Isabella Event. Castile gets the event if Aragon is computer-controlled and if both are player-controlled then nobody gets the event. Male heir and female heir , 1 of each in Aragon/Castile Any help appreciated.. Take care all Jean . This means that if the conditions are right its 50% chance that the event has fired after 120 months (ten years). After you get the iberian wedding, make sure you keep your diplomatic developement higher than Aragon's, that way it will keep their liberty desire low and you can Inherit them faster. - is a neighbour of Castile. It's the first event in events\FlavorSPA.txt if you want to look yourself. Add bookmark. If the year is 1450 -1530 and Aragon and Castile's rulers are of a different gender while both not in a regency there is a 50% chance per year . Castile and Aragon must be neighbors. The mean time to happen is 10 years for regency , 1 year for opposite sex rulers. The iberian wedding triggers when Castille and Aragon either have a female and male ruler or are in a regency. not regency = 1 year. It should happen on it's own really. The Iberian Wedding Ferdinand II, king of Aragon, was married to the princess Isabella of Castile in Valladolid in October 1469. Report. #5. Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis. It also cannot fire whilst Aragon and Castile are at war with each other (but third . Originally posted by Pippin123: The event can only fire if there's a regency or if rulers are opposite sex, between 1450 and 1530.
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