We just blogged the question to the Internet and are so surprised to find a support group. The taste is still on the tip of my tongue. As I remember they were not sold in the summer. We hid them in the frige and I can still taste the creamy, fresh peanut butter. I can not remember the name. We all should go to the keebler web site and leave our coments there also. I still have the scar and it reminds me of these wonderful cookies everyday. 1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands. The history of Oreos is pretty dark. WILL YOU PLEASE BRING THEM BACK IF EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME (possibly like the recent "Pepsi Throwback" offering Pepsi did with their original sugar recipe/formula), BUT THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL RECIPE - PLEEEEEESE???!!!!!!!!!!! to which he replied, they were no longer stocking them on shelves in the warmer months. Man I loved those things. Please please PLEASE bring them back! With all these people clamoring for these cookies, I wonder why they ever stopped making them. I always figured they were available in some part of the country that I hadn't visited yet. PLEASE bring them back!!! If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! :(. I remember my mom used to buy the Ideal Bar or I think it was called the whirl. It was a chocolate cookie, shaped like a donut, with a big marshmellow on it, covered in dark rich chocolate. Whoever bought it or felt the need to make a change . Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring these cookies back. Since Vintage and Retro (i.e. If they ever do, there is going to be mass hysteria and total chaos around the world!! Well it was about 9 AM and I knew I was busted but Mom wasn't due home till much later in the afternoon. I remember grocery shopping with my mother at the commissary in Newport RI. For the longest time, I refused to believe that Ideal bars (we always called them bars) weren't being made anymore. Crazy.. Dad always got a pack when we all went to the grocery as a familywe'd open the pack while shopping and they were gone before we hit the register! And even if theyll always be the second banana compared to Oreo, they have a spot in the grocery store again. I immediatly thought about Ideal cookies for the first time in many years, looked on Google and found this site. COME BACK FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oreos were made with lard. Nabisco Brands History and Timeline - ThoughtCo Please bring this cookie back so my children can enjoy them too!!! Corporations have the rights of an individual but not the soul of one. I don't know what is stopping them. Whatever they did to make this cookie, it was the BOMB!!! I've been looking for them for years!!!!! The assortment packs included several types of cookies and were marketed for families or parties because of the variety they offered. Let's bring them back, people!!! They were better than the Oreo with peanut butter in the middle, and that is saying a lot because I love those Oreos. I'll definately sign it! THE best cookie ever. An Ideal Bar was better than a Snickers or any candy bar, and it was a cookie!!! Just emailed NabiscoWe NEED to let the world know about the Ideal bar. I can't help but wonder if Hershey paid Nabisco to discontinue Ideal bars. I would buy them..in fact I know my entire family would buy them There were utterly AWESOME. Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. I can still taste them. No other cookie compares! That is absurd in a world where Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are one of Hershey's #1 sale items. He could not believe the Ideal bar interrogation. I continue to hopefully search. I thought I was the only person who could remember these cookies! Well apparently my husband wasn't kidding. I would really like my daughter Keira, who is a chocolate fanatic, to enjoy the delectable Ideal bar. My mother also tried her best to keep these wonderful cookies to herself and we made a game of finding where she had hidden them and sneak 1m or 2, but of course she always knew. :). Such a wonderful cookie, I sure wish they would bring them back!! Even at 50 every year at Christmas I long for them, well really all year. No other cookie compares. I frequently speak of these cookies and how incredible they were. Maybe we need to start our own petition to Nabisco! My brother and I could eat a whole package of them in one sitting back when we were kids (ahhh, the good old days of a speedier metabolism!). I was looking for ideal bars. I keep looking and hoping they will bring them back I absolutely loved them PLEASE PLEASE BRING THEM BACK THEY ARE ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! There's one candy bar, Peanut Butter Twix, that kind of reminds me of the essence of Ideal, but still not the real thing. The woman I spoke with was quite nice as I recall but had no answer as to why they had discontinued the product. In 1882, the entrepreneur Jacob Loose bought a biscuit and candy company that would eventually be known as Sunshine Biscuits (after the companys baking plant designs) and, in 1908, launched the biscuit sandwich known as Hydrox. I've even told my kids about ideal bars. Mondelez International, the Illinois-based parent company that makes Oreo cookies, announced in July that it plans to invest $130 million in four state-of-the-art manufacturing lines that will. The quality of the ideal bar was high and I am sure it would be a challenge to reproduce today. Mondelez International, Nabisco's Chicago-based parent company, makes some of its snacks in Mexico, but it said in a news release that production from Fair Lawn and Atlanta, where it is closing. I have never stopped thinking about those cookies. If he were alive he'd want them back, too. Does anyone remember how some of them used to be more rounded and others were flatter? HAHAHA! They are the best cookies ever made! For Nostalgia they really should reproduce some of these old snacks. Maybe I will email Keebler and encourage them to check out this site - for sure there's a demand - so how 'bout they provide the supply - :). wrote architecture critic Paul Golderberger, Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. Nabisco, if these wonderful cookies are too expensive to make and sell in a package of cookies, how about packaging them as candy bars? Apparently they were well loved and a very popular cookie. You've almost got a cookie mob on your hands here and all we want is Ideal Cookie chocolate on ours!!! please bring back this tasty, tasty treat. We kept ours in the fridge in the summer so the chocolate wouldn't melt off!!! If Nabisco won't do it I wish they would sell the recipe to Keebler, they have some really good products. Come on you guys bring them back. I just got home from the store. Now that I know there are others out there, I will call them again. Bring Back Old Recipe for SnackWell's Devil's Food Cookies The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . I agree that they were the best store-bought cookies ever. These were the best cookies ever and I would give my first born child to have one of these again. Thanks a bunch, Nabisco. 2023 Atlas Obscura. But while Oreo ascended to become something of a cultural touchstone, Hydrox retained its partisans, in part also because the slightly-more-bitter cookie was also kosher. My Mother kept these IDEAL Peanut Butter Cookie Logs in the Bread Box part of our shelvesthey were maybe three inches long and sorta like a flatted log.dark rich chocolate, didn't taste cheap.and had an inner crispy peanut butter filling, with some moisture.something like a Clark Bar taste, only a bit more of a cookie. I too wish they would bring them back. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. I'm from CT,and my Dad would buy them whenever they were available. Nothing will ever compare to Ideal Cookies! There never will be another cookie like it. !my mom says she LOVED them! (Two words: Cheez-It.). There are no substitutes and I have LOOKED. we both started laughing when we realized how much we both wanted them! "You have to have the right. Why they ever stopped making them I will never know. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; Absolutly loved 'em and as kids growing up in the 70's fought over them. I remember these and still desire them! This was a huge part of my childhood and teen years for my siblings and parents. These were the BEST cookies by far!! Without a doubt we would find them. I don't believe Nabisco would ship them during the summer months, at least here in New England. How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! !So I can show my grandkids what a great cookie really is! We also search for this cookie but now the truth is out we will stop, kind of sad. We would eat them all until they were gone. There is no time like the present to re-introduce them to the market. Please, Nabisco, bring these back. my mother and I would share IDEAL cookies and talk. Last time I had these was 4/17/80, my birthday, and I'm still dreaming about them 30 years later bring em back! I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. I can't believe the post starts in 2007 and the last one was 4 days ago. NOW!!!!!! Thanks, Mark. The best cookie of the 60s and 70s. Just found a Peanut Butter Crunch cookie by Little Debbie. Pretty rich. The following are links about Ideal Cookies you may find interesting. Even so, bring back the original recipe!!!!! Nabisco, the maker of Oreo cookies and other treats, said its NJ plant's approximate 600 workers have either retired, transferred or were looking for other jobs. I used to look forward to our Sunday visits to my grandparents. These were the best cookies ever! There are few things I wouldn't do for those cookies. She had the idea of looking for them online. She said they were expensive so we couldn't always get them, but I always tried. I used to demolish a whole strip of them at once. Kim McMiller Associate Director, Consumer Relations. I loved them. It's nice to see so many other people feel the same way I do. IDEAL COOKIES ARE A FAR CRY BETTER THAN ANY OTHER THEY MAKE. I would love to get my hands on them again. I would, I loved them. PLEASE bring them back - it's been like 30 years or more! Sorry, Belinda, Peanut Butter Twix is not even close! I still remember them and I'm going to write to Nabisco/Kraft asking them to bring them back! Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse, bring these cookies back. If someone starts a petition or figures out were/how to contact Nabisco I know many people who would sign or write or call. While no where as good as the origional Ideal Bars, they are worth it, for a stared population of Ideal cookie fanatics !! I'd bite a little hole into each end, then suck milk up into it like it was a straw. Only it turned out, four years later, to also be a game-changer for Nabiscos Oreo. I loved these cookies. Let's get on the 'stick' and urge them! He was amazed that I knew what he was asking. The cookie was great, the package was great. Please come back. Please, Please bring them back. THAT'S true love. I still crave them and will support any effort to making them available again. Please, please, please Nabisco. I have been looking for these cookies for 35 years and would love to have some again. Keebler makes a Pretzel bite that is as close as it gets, but still not Ideal!!!!!! She used to hide them so us kids wouldn't eat them all. . I would pay $6-$10 per package if these were back on the shelf!!!! I would base my weekly calorie intake around these cookies! This site was so fun to find. Hey NABISCO ITS TIME!!! Is it deliberate? They were amazing! I love these cookies! There was an extra little clot of chocolate on each side of the bar, sort of a remnant of a cooled puddle of chocolate, I figured, that resulted when chocolate was drizzled over the top of each chocolate. I must say that I am rather in accord with the previous statement by Tom. There is a whole new generation that would love them. !I'm 7 years old and I NEED them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! google_color_border = "E7F0EB"; It was a special treat when we were growing up, and, between me, my 5 siblings, and my mom, they didn't last an hour. Through the years I told so many people that my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE BOUGHT COOKIE was Nabisco's Ideal cookies. Perhaps the FDA considered them addictive; I know that I could never have enough of them. Still to this day every time I am in the grocery store cookie isle I look for Ideal Bars. PLEASE!!!!! Thanks. THEY WERE THE BEST. ;o(. The cookie took a long time to eat, but it didn't last a long time at the grocery store. It's decades later and those of us middle aged and older would enjoy having a cookie that tastes like something other than sugar to snack on. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). Seriously. I had no idea when I typed the name ideal peanut butter bars into google how many like minded souls there would be!! More like this. I'm on a mission now!!! I've been to a large number of websites and forums where these are mentioned the most. Maybe they cost too much for the average consumer but we average consumers have changed and will gladly pay for quality.
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