Officer John R. Riblet, 31, a native of Paulding Village, Ohio, died in a shoot-out with Bob Ashley, a member of the notorious Ashley Gang who were trying to free his brother, John Ashley, from jail. Wever spotted their auto while responding to a burglary at NW 7th Avenue and 8th street. (This chapter goes into detail on the death of Officer Baldwin.) Whitman has been under much criticism due to the inability to solve the Kinsey murder and the bombing of the Odd Fellows hall. ), David Herring, a four year MPD officer working solo on late night shift in a marked patrol car, died from carbon monoxide poisoning from a defective muffler on his police car, (Herring was killed by exhaust fumes from faulty police car) (410 words), A well known MPD police accident investigator, 49 year old Vic Estefan, was gunned down in March of 1988. A Miami News editorial blasted Chief Quigg for crossing over the line, ignoring first amendment protections. As Zamora confronted Deskins, the later pleaded, "Gil, it's me, Dale Deskins". July1905 to 1911. Sheriff Lehman backed up the Chiefs order. Rogers, J.W. Driggers was not hurt. To my knowledge I thought this place was uninhabited. The Chief sent Captain E.W. The driver, a woman, explained that she had just had a new exhaust system installed and perhaps there was something wrong with the installation.' He said that back when he was Chief, the City and downtown merchants were having a real bad problem with pickpockets down on Flagler St. and I think it was around Christmas time. He was living at 1252 SW 6th with a roommate, William Oakford, who was also a MPD motor officer. (220 words), Due to so many young men entering the military during World War Two, the age hiring standards for the Miami PD was being temporarily relaxed in order to keep the force intact. Wiggins said he would be the first to crash into the compartment, station that he was the oldest, with grown children while the other three had young kiddies to worry about The other three tossed a coin to see who would be Wiggins back up. Officer LeFleur was a Booker T. Washington graduate and a WW II veteran, who had joined the MPD on Jan 19, 1946. Upon Gillette's arrival at the home, Fairbrother threatened the on-duty officer with a knife and Gillette fired twice to stop the attack. In February of 1933, Crews was one of the Miami officers who arrested Guisippi Zangara for the murder of Chicago Mayor Cermack during the attempted assignation of President-Elect Franklin Roosevelt in Miamis Bay Front Park. Former officer Jesse J. C. O. Huttoe was removed from Vice Squad as a result of pressure from Mayor Williams. Plainclothes officers D.F. MIAMI (AP) For four decades, police detective Mike Gonzalez was Miami's undisputed master of solving murders. He was reported to have said, If other states followed Floridas example of speedy trials, crime would certainly drop quickly all over our country, (Fresno Bee-2/17/1933, Nevada Journal-2/18/1933). (Interesting story from one of our smartest MPD vets.) Fallen Miami-Dade Police Department Detective Cesar "Echy . The author could hardly believe how normal and calm Edwards's demeanor was while discussing the horrible crime. Mayor Sewell replied: The Mayor makes the appointments which are confirmed by the Council. (Sad story in this chapter about the death of the entire contingent of MPD police horses.) No record of the trail could be found. MPD advised that Ingram was a four-time loser with a criminal record. After an investigation by Chief Quigg, Dets. Bowles, who mistook Scott for a prowler. The only local Miami protection was supplied by a night watchman, A.E. It should be read by every staff officer in every U.S. police department as well as our political leaders. Johnson, working the traffic detail downtown, fired four shots from his pistol at two jaywalkers on Flagler Street today. Mathis, sleeping and drunk on his beat, with a pint bottle in his pocket. At 3:15 AM early Monday morning, April 19th, 1926, Miami police headquarters was notified by phone by an area resident that several men had been seen prowling around houses in the rear of the Saunders store. (Miami Metropolis- 5/14/1897). scholarship fund. McCarthy, Lt. Finch Cochran, Sgt. I'm at the back and it's pitch dark. (This chapter describes details of organizing the M.P.D. With McCann during that morning was Officer W. G. Wilson, who escaped with only bruises. McGriff, R.C., Appointed Dec 1905 as unpaid special, McNeil, .L.L., Appointed Dec 1905 as unpaid special. McCreary had been the Vice President of El Commodore Hotel in Miami for at least five years and was a member of the City Publicity Bureau. Loud and profane talking by police officers will not be tolerated. He was also the father of now deceased MPD Vets Major Bob Knight and Captain Jimmy Knight, and is the grandfather of our own MPD Vet Lyriss Underwood, VP of the Miami Police Veterans Association. Deal with it.). Tom Kelly was appointed interim Sheriff a month later. Barrick, a leader in the department as well as the P.B.A.). Guy Bradford and Off. Despite a standing reward close to fifty thousand dollars, this vexing case is still only one of two Dade County police officer murders yet unsolved. The killing was ruled accidental and no charges were filed. Wm. (351 words), (An inside story on Super Bowl event at Miamis Orange Bowl in 1969, when the Jets beat the Coltsin Super Bowl III). At 5AM, four burglars arrived with three entering the building via the open window. An inquest was held on Oct 17th, 1931, by Justice of Peace, R.R. 7/9/1938. Sam D. McCreary was appointed as Public Safety Director of Miami, heading up both the Police and Fire Departments in January, 1930. Compiled by Phil Doherty, Assistant Chief (Ret), Miami Police Department, President Miami Police Veterans Association, March 2010. Chief Hardee also made a request to the City Council for funds to buy a Patrol Wagon. The account, although lurid, describes the state of the art of the process of major crimes investigations during that period. In June of 1960, Class #44 graduated from the MPD Police Academy. On November 8, 1907, Chief Hardee announced a change in police beats for the city. Officer H. Floyd was fired for drunkenness, Off A.T. Richards was suspended five days for sleeping on duty, and Off Frank Gerke and E.A. It was noted that Detective Sgt Hardy Bryan was promoted to Lieutenant by Chief Quigg, Bryan, from Suwannee County, Florida, came to Miami ten years ago and joined the MPD two years ago. He had firebombed Smiley's Bar in Miami early the same evening he shot Lane. Midnight shift guys had two hours to kill before City Court opened. Lane left a fianc, his parents and a brother. The two men known to have been wounded were carried from the field by their comrades. (This chapter has a story about the author and partner arguing about who actually nailed the burglar. If it wasn't so serious, it would have been funny. A year end report by Sgt Mack Oakford, head of the Juvenile Bureau, reported a successful record after the first year of the new Juvenile unit, established in mid-1941. William Driggers and Bob Johns. Whitman is still a practicing attorney and was recently honored by the France for his extraordinary valor during WW II. Actually it was 2:47AM when the phone rang at the Chief Harms' household. (Bennie) Palmer is investigating. It was reported that a woman who was at the wheel of the car when the shooting started rapidly drove off alone. In order to provide a snapshot of Miamis law enforcement history, we will present excerpts of Phil Dohertys recent book, The Miami Police Worksheet. STILL HAS ELECTRIC CHAIR. These are just a few antidotes to highlight the political interference of politicians which can be observed in most police departments nationwide. Carroll was later jumped and beat up by several assailants while walking the midnight Grove beat, an obvious result of his earlier raid. The Pistol Teams fielded by MPD in the 1930's included the following officers: Sgt L.G. This email address is being protected from spambots. At the conclusion of the 1999 reunion, member George Green inquired as to when the next gathering would be held. Down the street from his home came MPD Officer C.H. The fourth offender escaped. Detective Castillo succumbed to his wounds at the scene. Gray was the only Miami policeman until 1898, pulling his goat-drawn wagon, collecting stray dogs and unwanted law breakers in the City of 1,500. Crews, E.H. Hanlin, Pat Baldwin, Charles Stanton, Lt. J.O. Wever was buried in Miami's Woodlawn cemetery. On October 3, 1931, Officer Robert L. (Bob) McCormack, 29, was visiting Miss Dorothy Lager and her family in Miami, and had gone out on the porch to rest before dinner. The Council agreed and the officers were sworn in: Rufus James Hardee, John Frank Coleman, J.R. ONeal, and Joseph M. English. (422 words). (Miami News-10/3/1950). Miami became a 'hot' city in more ways than weather. He said that the great number of murders in Miami has made the formation of a homicide squad a necessity. City Manager Danner was fired by the city commission. In June of 1947, C.O. Others hit were William Sinnott, a New York City police officer accompanying Roosevelt, Margaret Kruise, a New Jersey visitor, Russ Caldwell, Miami, and Miami Mayor R.G. (407 words), "The mammoth procession led by motorcycle escort, blinking bright red incandescent was immediately trailed by many squad cars that lighted up the highways (en route to the cemetery) They weaved in and out of the winding roads like a colossal dinosaur. automatic. August 24th -New uniforms were issued to all uniformed MPD officers. guys, known all over the world as 'Man Mountain Dean', real name Frank Leavitt, @Soldier Leavitt. Harris ran to the street where Lane was sprawled and radioed for medical assistance and back-up. Jim was attending law school at the U. of Miami while still on the department and later was the university's boxing coach. The officer never regained consciousness and died four days later, on September 24th, at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Sergeant John S. Phillips shot himself in the foot while cleaning his .25 cal. He passed away in 2008. Criminal Investigations Division 9105 NW 25th St. Doral, FL 33172 Phone: 305-471-2350 Fax: 305-471-2376 Email: Chief: Arnold Palmer Entities under direct supervision of the Criminal Investigations Division: Crime Scene Investigative Support Section Forensic Services Bureau Homicide Bureau Property and Evidence Section It was also reported that Officer Eddie Motes lost a leg due to an off duty motorcycle accident. She was wearing a flared skirt, a blouse, and a hat. The council voted 4-3 to remove him but a unanimous vote was required, so he remained on the job. Shortly into his poetry presentation to a small crowd, a Miami City official, Mannie Costa, upset with the profanity laced offerings of Ginsburg, cut the power to the microphone. North Beat: Officer W.G. Emergency. Jonathon is a native of Arizona and grew up in Litchfield Park where he attended Agua Fria High School. on May 30, 1995, Officer Carlos Santiago, 47, a 13 year veteran of MPD, was killed when he fell thru an open bridge over the Miami River. He was highly praised by his bosses. Detective Mike Gonzalez was the first police unit that arrived on the scene and attempted first aid. (174 words), Did you know that Charlie Chan was a member of the Miami Police? Schel returned to duty several weeks later but soon after he left the department. (Miami News 5/20/1927). Smith was taken to police headquarters and questioned by Police Chief Quigg. September 6th -The new Dade County courthouse opened. (The interesting story of the 1952 Dora Pinder case is contained in this chapter.) The MPD motorcycle squad's office was located along the Miami River back in the 1950's. Sheriff Frohock has gotten tired of the large number of habitually idle negro and white men, who frequent North Miami and Colored Town, (both areas just outside the city limits and under the jurisdiction of the Sheriff), some of them having been hanging around these parts for months and even years without working or having any visible means of support, and last night, accompanied by two or three of his deputies, made a raid on these gents of leisure. North Miami and Colored Town were given a through scouring and when the job had been finished, seven Negroes and one white man were in the toils and escorted to the jail where they were locked up on the charge of vagrancy. He was a pilot, a magician, paid circus clown and a story-teller extraordinary. The investigation indicated that Nolle was wounded by shots from a 20 gauge shotgun at 9:25PM and his life was saved by ducking just in time, according to Det. Jim Maloney was a heavy weight boxer who won 49 of his fights, 21 by a knockout in bouts with the biggest and the best boxers in America during the late 20's and early 30's. Driggers fired three more shots and was reloading when a rifle bullet ripped into his right side, knocking him down. At about 4:15AM, December 19, 1967, he requested a dog car without giving his exact location. (The case dragged out in the courts for years). Detective Paul Nichols, Detectives Eddie Edmonds, Burt Whittle and W.E. linked sites. Detectives. Det M.H. Two hundred citizens escaped the inferno. (Miami News- 5/23/1935). In April of 1914, Clarence Daly was hung for the rape of an elderly woman that occurred in June of 1913. The MPD Pistol Team is participating in the Flamingo Open pistol match. In 1914 a MPD Officer named W.H. The provision of links to these external sites does not constitute an Holton was fired. Captain Brock, an Ohio native, employed by the department for 19 years, retired at age 47. ), PO Box 291121 Port Orange Fl 32129All Rights Reserved. He was also supplied with ample amounts of iced lemon aid to help him keep his cool while handling this vexing assignment.". A Miami Police motor officer was hurt when his police motorcycle went into a ditch while he was escorting a Ku Klux Klan motorcade today. An auto driven by Thomas McGill struck Brigmans marked police car causing the auto to crash into a utility pole while the officer was hanging on to the open car door that had sprung as a result of the collision. Sgt Paul Denham (later Chief) was his supervisor and praised him as an outstanding officer. The MPD had a liquor squad back then and many wondered if they were assigned to stop the activity or promote it. August 25th -The Public Safety Director and the Chief ordered a roundup of all rowdies as a result of a downtown shootout in front of the Mutt & Jeff pool room. Jackson, came on the scene. Neighbors reported to the police that the men drove to the scene in an auto. Ellis, himself a big time moonshiner, was to testify against gang members who had planned to kill witnesses in an upcoming trial. The Court again restored his job and rank. Rolland Lane II, a rookie with only four months on the job, along with partner, 23 year old Fred Harris, had stopped three men for questioning in front of the Imperial Hotel on NW 8th Street. 7/3/1938. The president of the PBA then was Lt. Edwin L. Barrick. One the same date, Officer Frank McDade, Gordon McDade and Harry Lee were allegedly drunk on duty and the Council asked for a hearing. The judge gave Hayes time served (3 months), saying his decision was predicated on the savagely of the beating by the detectives. This capture also solved the case of the murder of two Columbian visitors who were gunned down in the rear parking lot of the Trojan Bar, SW 8 St and 8th Ave earlier, by 45 cal. They did arrive and the man fell into the net. The two most seriously wounded were Mayor Anton Cermack, standing on the running board of Roosevelts car and Mrs. Joe Gill, wife of the President of Florida Power & Light Company, hit with a bullet to the stomach. Forty-five year old Officer Augustus McCann was killed when his police car crashed and overturned while chasing a speeding truck on September 28, 1928 at SW 27th Avenue and 14th Street. Driggers shot and killed the suspect during the confrontation. Sadly, just this past year, retired Captain Bob Yee, working as a security and crime prevention officer at a Miami River boat yard in his retirement years, was gunned down in an assassination by a hired hit man and killed. The results of the city election in July of 1913 were reported in the local newspaper. Hardie built the fire department from scratch and was very well regarded for his energy and efficiency. We still greatly miss him, his deep voice and his keen mind. )(397 words). Main figure arrested was Raymond Healy, 26, termed by police a self-styled Hitler who came here recently from New York. Ray Dillon, recently elected in June, will assume the Chief's job on Nov 1st. (MPD records). The description of the crime and the crime scene, committed over 100 years ago, was documented in exacting detail by the Metropolis newspaper reporter. They ordered him back into the house. Officer Patrick Howell Baldwin was killed in an auto accident yesterday. McLendon arrested an entire busload of Negroes because one of them yelled an insulting remark at the officers from the bus window. Tibbets to Lieutenant of Motorcycles, - J.J. Connelly to Asst. Liquori had been assigned as a liaison officer to the Dominican Consulate in Miami and was a one time aide to Dominican President Trujillo's son. Barker and former MPD officer, W.W. Davenport, at the home of a woman Huttoe was visiting. Department of Children and Families Squad: Conducts criminal investigations, including sexual battery and lewd and lascivious reports, in which both the victim and the subject are 13 years of age or younger. The police stated that the crime was precipitated by the issue of blacks driving autos in the Miami, an act fought fiercely by white chauffeur (taxi) drivers. Freeman, W.R. On-the-job in 1907. Officer Schel later confirmed the ID and the gun Neil found matched up. On May 24, 1928, Chief Quigg was dismissed by City Manager Snow, for Neglect of Duty and for the good of the services. They were. Rookie Miami officer, Steve Plumacher, was taken out of the police academy and placed into the City Water department as an employee, working along side the suspect, Donald Branch. Two photographs were found of Wevers funeral in Miami. The 1979 parade. One shot hit bystander, Mrs. Myers, in the neck, seriously wounding her. (This chapter describes one method the police department kept the streets clear of drunks and vagrants.) New York police advised MPD that an Arthur Longaro was en route to Miami on the train and was allegedly involved in the huge robbery. By this time, his prints were finally processed by the FBI and it was determined he was also a prison escapee from a mid-west prison. Some citizens liked the idea and others thought he looked silly. After sending the driver on her way, I began the process to determine who from the motor squad lived in the south end that would have a pair of britches that I could wear for the remainder of the shift. Yogi Berra was right. He rejoined the MPD in 1946 serving in the Accident Unit, often with partner Bill Pumphrey, until his death. Investigating police believe that two of them were wounded. Roosevelt was escorted by the Secret Service and Miami officers. Norman Franks, MPD motor officer, chased a bandit car containing a gang of robbers. It was a very warm day and the wagons were not air conditioned. The press headlined the story by stating. 4/8/1938. As he did, an assailant fired a shotgun into the jalousie door as Nolle ducked back. One of the movements connected to the push for alcohol prohibition was the establishment of the Law Enforcement Movement of Dade County. In September of 1944, the Miami Police Department began hiring black police officers. (1,090 words), (Thirty-seven year old Bill Craig, a 14 year veteran Miami police motorcycle officer was struck by a drunk driver on South Dixie in early morning rush hour traffic on March 19, 1988.He died 3 months later. Carberry heard a pick-up call for a green Pontiac believed used in the Grand Union robbery and spotted the car at SW 3rd Street and 12th Ave. Appointed special officer in 1905. He was - Officer #237, by special order of Acting Chief William McCarthy. Officer Ferguson left six young children. Chief Quigg publicly stated that the City wanted a liberal atmosphere in vice enforcement. Det Thomas Elder won the dubious prize while Det A.B. It carried a floral tribute shaped like a motorcycle. Owsley, Lt. Ken Parker and Lt. (later Chief) Garland Watkins were super. The shack also contained the fruits of their crime spree. Mr. McGill was charged with reckless driving. Coleman, John F., November of 1905 -May of 1906. (395 words), (School Superintendent nailed for building home with materials paid for by the school department. If I remember correctly, we did a quick street lineup, showing the employees of the shop the two had robbed to make identification. (Inside story on great detective work by MPD squad in this chapter. Chief Quigg appoints Grace Tamasy to the position of policewoman in the MPD. His wife was pregnant at the time of John's death. A wag reported in a Miami News column that "A title for an official song for the police department has been suggested; You may be deaf tonight but you will get your hearing in the morning". To this day, no one has been convicted of the tragic crime. Officers are to carry themselves in a military manner with their hat in proper position. Chief John Cannon. On job May1907. Walter Combs, long time Miami funeral director, said in 1965 that Wever's funeral was the "most lavish funeral" he ever conducted in Miami. Arnold, former MPD officer, takes over as the Public Safety Director. Chief Whitman posted 'Ten Commandments' of parking in the newspaper in an attempt to achieve some sense of order out of the chaos of parking autos in the downtown area. Nelson refused to turn in his badge and demanded a hearing. Additional stories on Quigg are posted in further stories in this book. Elected in 1906, Chief of Police Frank B. Hardee. Sgt Wever (latter killed in line of duty), the motorcycle supervisor, located a cat burglar in a Northeast apartment house. 1999-2017 MPVA. was being treated for stomach wounds by doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital, including, Dr. G. Rapp, attending physician and Dr. Frederick, renowned surgeon. The Police Benevolent Association was born in the midst of all the instability in the department. Chief Quigg quickly re-instated fired Detective Chief Scarboro and Detective Williams, who was fired by Safety Director Kavenaugh last year. I will insist that the department be run with the sole aim of protection of life and property". On June 17th, 2010, at the opening ceremonies of the Fraternal Order of Police June Conference a special honor was given to one of its members. He was appointed by City Manager L.L. Working with top cops was very satisfying and the C/O's Capt. Rowe was struck in the chest by a bullet but a can of tobacco in his shirt pocket deflected the slug and saved his life. He was survived by his wife Vera and was buried in his home town of Carrolton, Georgia. Beginning as early as 1901, Miami's black community had asked for Black policeman to be assigned to what was then known as "Colored Town." City of North Miami Beach Police Department 16901 NE 19th Ave N Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-949-5500 Check for Florida Sexual Preditors Check National Sexual Preditors Check Past Arrests Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts Broward Clerk of Courts Florida Crime Prevention Association How do I report a crime? Officer Samuel D. Hicks, a 48 year old MPD veteran, an Alabama native, was killed by a drunk driver on Sunday, August 9th, 1936 at N.W. Miami passed an ordinance requiring boats to lower outrigger fishing poles while passing through bridges, thereby eliminating the necessity raising the bridges. (US Census reports, Miami Metropolis/News-8/1913). (They call it the greatest generation. He is expected to recover quickly. Headley charged Huttoe for interfering in a case outside his own detective district. Officer John Resick was immediately suspended by Chief Headley after his arrest. Long time MPD Sergeant Mansfield was buried today in honor. On the same day, MPD officer Ray Brock suffered a sprained angle at the range when he stepped into a hole while target practicing. He was buried in Flagler Memorial Park, 5301 W. Flagler Street. (MPD records). Ken Harms was fired at 3 o'clock in the morning by the City Manager because Ken resisted the Manager's improper and illegal moves to have the department a dumping ground for the manager's unqualified non-law enforcement buddies. Detective Fred Rowland was placed in temporary charge of squad. On March 8, 1967, eleven MPD police horses died in a fire at the city's stables, temporarily ending Miami's popular police patrol. In January of 1913, there were nine full time police officers working under Chief Ferguson. The locale of his home was actually within the city limits of Miami Beach. After years of legal arguing over Garrett's mental capacity, he was finally sentenced to life imprisonment plus 10 years by Judge Ellen Morphonios. The jail was completed by Christmas day with the police on the first floor and city hall above it. Phone: 305-471-2400 Fax: 305-471-2311 Email: Major: Fernand Charles Jr. In 1962, the City Manager, Mel Reese, hired as Public Safety Director, a retired Marine Colonel, Donald Pomerleau. 911. The door of the larger safe was blown off demolishing much of the office equipment. Under the new system, a thief need leave only a single tell-tale print at the scene of a "job". It was about 3 AM on a night in 1958, assigned to Unit 610. It was said by Wever's family that he was a member of that group but, at that time in the early 1920's of Miami's history, the group was generally thought of by the Miami residents as a sort of 'community group' and not of the virulent hate group it became to be in America. Rossman and Jimmy King covered each end of the coach. The Miami Police Department ( MPD ), also known as the City of Miami Police Department, is a full-service municipal law enforcement agency serving Miami, Florida. Their administration had been labeled the 'termite administration'. C.E. Andrews in his bare feet, wearing a bathrobe and pajamas. ), (A personal story by the books author about integrity OR lack of same) (380 words), (The inside story on the downtown shootout that left two hero officers shot and the offender dead. I stood next to Referee Norm Schacter, NFL Security, Miami Fire, a National Guard rep. and the team Captains discussing who would make the enormous decision to evacuate the teams and crowds while millions of fans world-wide watching on TV. Both Epperson and Eades got into some hot water over their use of firepower but not too seriously, as the MPD did not have guide lines for skyjacking situations. Mitchell was a subordinate officer assigned under Nolle at the black precinct. Chief Quigg took the offender to Jackson Hospital. Barker, Lt. J.H. Zangara had previously lived at 138 Jersey Street in Patterson, and in Hackensack, New Jersey until he moved to Miami months ago. Miami-Dade County Facebook - Opens a warning dialog, Miami-Dade County Twitter - Opens a warning dialog, Miami-Dade County Instagram - Opens a warning dialog, Miami-Dade County TV - Opens a warning dialog, Crime Scene Investigative Support Section. Edwards was married to a daughter of Captain Bratt, a former MPD commander, who urged him to come forward with the confession. The average police officer sees horrible things daily- year after year - that the ordinary citizen most likely will not encounter once in a lifetime. They served in WW2 and then had a career at Miami P.D. Quigg passed the order to Huttoe. The Precinct has now re-opened as a Museum, thanks to the efforts of some of these mentioned officers, led by the Retired Police Officers Community Police Benevolent Association. Five brave Black men completed the training and were sworn in as patrolmen on September 1, 1944. Sullivan was later reinstated but resigned when statewide prosecutors reopened criminal investigations. (This chapter goes into depth on the background of Chief McCarthy.) Jim Hardee, the brother of the Chief and a MPD officer, stepped in between the men. In 1910, the population of the City of Miami was 5,000 (a 400% increase in one decade). Dade County Sheriff Dan Hardie accommodated Zangara last request and the button was pushed. Safety Director Reynolds was ousted and Chief Quigg assumes full command of MPD. I now understand what happened to me that night and I can deal with it. On June 30, 1905, the Miami Metropolis (fore runner of the Miami News) newspaper, reported that C.E. Leavitt died in 1953. involvement. (Miami Metropolis/News- Aug 1913), The first motorcycle squad for Miami PD began to train on September 12, 1913, with three or four officers trained to ride a speedometer equipped motorcycle that the City had just purchased. Seven MPD officers were indicted for murder in three different cases from 1925 to 1927.). He was awarded the Silver Star posthumously. Miami officer Charles W. Potterton was shot through the lung, within two inches of his heart, Thursday night. Sexual Crimes Investigations Unit 1701 NW 87th Ave. Suite 120 Phone: 305-715-3300 Fax: 305-715-3390 Laurie Lafayette Wever, 34, a four year veteran of the MPD, was shot and killed while chasing two armed robbers in Miami. She was acquitted of the charges of attempting to murder Cox the following April. D. M. Kendall was chosen as Range Captain and Red Crews the Instructor. In 1944, during Charles Nelson's tenure as chief of police, Miami's Black population was over forty thousand and the racial climate throughout the nation was very sensitive. After the murder, the hired thug dropped the bag and the silencer slid out of its slot and was recovered by investigating authorities. In 1917, Lt. William C. Shields, a seven year veteran of MPD and the second in command, was arrested in connection with the homicide of Eddie Kinsey, a young informer for the department.
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