Throughout history it is only the race of the leaders that has counted and the most vigorous have been in control and will remain in mastery in one form or another until such time as democracy and its illegitimate offspring, socialism, definitely establish cacocracy [rule by the worst] and the rule of the worst and put an end to progress. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Blond hair also comes everywhere from the Nordic subspecies and from nowhere else. In the Europe of to-day the amount of Nordic blood in each nation is a very fair measure of its strength in war and standing in civilization. Particularly striking about Grant is his lack of originalityhis skill at reproducing as his own the conventional wisdom of white supremacy. Where two distinct species are located side by side history and biology teach that but one of two things can happen; either one race drives the other out, as the Americans exterminated the Indians and as the Negroes are now replacing the whites in various parts of the South; or else they amalgamate and form a population of race bastards in which the lower type ultimately preponderates. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Fear that new immigrants would negatively transform American society, -Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish -won't be fully loyal -threat to jobs -many are communists -blamed for slums + crime, the passing of the great race and more. According to Grants history, the greatest cultural achievements in Europe and its former colonies can be attributed to an influx of Nordic blood into a region, while social collapses are due to a loss of Nordic control. Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute. They lack the instinct of self-preservation in a racial sense. Grant, Madison, 1865-1937: The passing of the great race : or, The racial basis of European history / (New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1924), also by Henry Fairchild Osborn (page images at HathiTrust) Grant, Madison, 1865-1937: Report of the Bronx parkway commission, appointed under chapter 669 of the laws of 1906. In his biography of Grant,Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics and the Legacy of Madison Grant, Jonathan Spiro writes that almost nothing inThe Passing of the Great Raceis original. Rather, the book is a compendium of the work of other scholars, and almost every paragraph can be directly traced back to figures such as the European scientific racists Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain. While emphasizing the importance of race, it must not be forgotten that environment, while it does not alter the potential capacity of the stock, can perform miracles in the development of the individual. According to historian Winston, present-day neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups continue to cite The Passing of the Great Race as foundational to their movement. He can breed from the best or he can eliminate the worst by segregation or sterilization. Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants and the sterilization of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. Nature cares not for the individual nor how he may be modified by environment. At the beginning the Empire was clothed in the garb of republicanism in deference to such Roman elements as still persisted in the Senate and among the Patricians but ultimately these external forms were discarded and the state became virtually a pure despotism. The book was a parody of contemporary writers and would thus be referring to them sarcastically as a "great race". Simplified spelling is a step in this direction. Even after the statute was passed, Grant continued to be irked that even a smattering of non-Nordics were allowed to immigrate to the country each year. The first three chapters trace the history of prehistoric peoples in Europe. [citation needed], Grant became a part of popular culture in 1920s America. Historically, topically, and geographically, Grant's magnum opus covers a vast amount of ground, broadly tracing the racial history of Europeans from prehistoric times to the present, with an emphasis on the need to preserve the northern European type and generally improve the racefor Grant was, logically, a proponent of eugenics. On the other hand, a member of a superior race in bad surroundings may, and very often does, sink to an extremely low level. 2016 marks a century since the publication of The Passing of the Great Race, a book described by the late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould as "the most influential tract of American scientific racism."Its author, Madison Grant, a genteel dabbler with impeccable . "A Review of Reviews: Of Madison Grants Passing of the Great Race. Anthropologist Franz Boas called The Passing of the Great Race a modern retelling of works by Joseph Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, even though Grant does not explicitly cite them. Equality in their minds meant merely that they were just as good Englishmen as their brothers across the sea. The Passing of the Great Race: Or, The Racial Basis of European History Madison Grant C. Scribner's sons, 1922 - Caucasian race - 476 pages 1 Review Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks. He then speculates hereditary links between the proposed Nordic people and the Trojans[4]:159 and between the Prussians and the Spartans. Philanthropy and noble purpose dictated the doctrine expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the document which to-day constitutes the actual basis of American institutions. The Nordics inhabit the countries around the North and Baltic Seas and include not only the great Scandinavian and Teutonic groups, but also other early peoples who first appear in southern Europe and in Asia as representatives of Aryan language and culture. It is everywhere characterized by certain unique specializations, namely, wavy brown or blond hair and blue, gray or light brown eyes, fair skin, high, narrow and straight nose, which are associated with great stature, and a long skull, as well as with abundant head and body hair. Interesting efforts to improve the quality as well as the quantity of the population, however, will probably be made in more than one country after the war [World War I] has ended. web pages Other messages in his work include recommendations to install civil organizations through the public health system to establish quasi-dictatorships in their particular fields with the administrative powers to segregate unfavorable races in ghettos. The Hindu to-day speaks a very ancient form of Aryan language, but there remains not one recognizable trace of the blood of the white conquerors who poured in through the passes of the Northwest. This same Nordic element, everywhere the type of the sailor, the soldier, the adventurer and the pioneer, was ever the type to migrate to new countries, until the ease of transportation and the desire to escape military service in the last forty years reversed the immigrant tide. The passing of the great race; or, The racial basis of European history. They either died childless or left half breeds behind them. Grant's book and the genre in general were read in Germany, but eugenicists increasingly turned to Nazi Germany for leadership. "White Nationalisms Deep American Roots.". In a 1923 summary of book reviews on The Passing of the Great Race, Woods observed that the book was popular among the general public and favorably reviewed in scientific journals such as Science, though there were some unfavorable reviews. If the Melting Pot is allowed to boil without control and we continue to follow our national motto and deliberately blind ourselves to all "distinctions of race, creed or color," the type of native American of Colonial descent will become as extinct as the Athenian of the age of Pericles, and the Viking of the days of Rollo. ed. "Passing of the Great Race (1916)." ", Alexander, Charles C. "Prophet of American Racism: Madison Grant and the Nordic Myth. European history has been written in terms of nationality and of language, but never before in terms of race; yet race has played a far larger part than either language or nationality in moulding the destinies of men; race implies heredity and heredity implies all the moral, social and intellectual characteristics and traits which are the springs of politics and government. bbbb. The population of the so-called Baltic provinces of Russia is everywhere Nordic and their affinities are with Scandinavia and Germany rather than with Slavic Moscovy. The act was not overturned until the passage of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. In the introduction, Grant expresses that his goal in the book is to explain European history in terms of race, or physical and mental characteristics that he claims are inherited and unchangeable. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. History In 1916, eugenicist Madison Grant [4] published the book The Passing of the Great Race; or The Racial Basis of European History, hereafter The Passing of the Great Race, where he claimed that northern Europeans, or Nordics, are biologically and culturally superior to the rest of humanity. The seventh through eleventh chapters detail the origins and expansion of the Nordics. According to the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, as of 2021, anthropologists know that no combination of physical traits can be used to reliably classify humans into racial groups because race represents social, not biological, categories. In consequence of this change our immigrants now largely represent lowly refugees from "persecution," and other social discards. By allowing only people who they believed to be of good stock to have children, eugenicists claimed that governments could eradicate disease and disability and curb overpopulation. The ideal in eugenics toward which statesmanship should be directed is, of course, improvement in quality rather than quantity. By the time of Grants death in 1937, Passing had reportedly sold 16,000 copies in the US according to Grants New York Times Obituary. According to Woods, Grant published a fourth revised edition in 1921 that included a 176-page documentary supplement containing notes and references for some of his claims to assuage mounting criticism from scientists regarding his lack of citations. Even those rulers who most abused this power put down with merciless rigor the antisocial elements, such as pirates, brigands or anarchists, which impair the progress of a community, as disease or wounds cripple an individual. Historically significant but very antiquated. "The Supreme Court Ruling that led to 70,000 Forced Sterilizations." So long as there is in the world a freely breeding stock or race that has in it an inherent capacity for development and growth, mankind will continue to ascend until, possibly through the selection arid regulation of breeding as intelligently applied as in the case of domestic animals, it will control its own destiny and attain moral heights as yet unimagined. But Im glad I read it. An acutely prophetic "no more brother wars" book, published in 1916. The section of any community that produces leaders or genius of any sort is only a minute percentage. In The Passing of the Great Race, Grant calls on the US to enact an extensive eugenics program. And it's not even the book's startling fundamental premise - that race grounds culture, religion, and the state (and not the other way around.) In the brief chapter "Racial Aptitudes," Grant claims that people largely inherit moral, intellectual, and spiritual traits, which results in different racial aptitudes. True aristocracy or a true republic is government by the wisest and best, always a small minority in any population. by Grant, Madison 0 Ratings 3 Want to read 1 Currently reading 0 Have read Overview View 10 Editions Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publish Date 1922 Publisher Scribner Pages The fourth through sixth chapters draw freely from Ripley to describe the purported characteristics and geographic distribution of the Alpine, Mediterranean, and Nordic races. This purpose has been accomplished thoroughly, and one of the most far-reaching effects of . In addition to Galtons eugenics works, Grant drew from earlier attempts to classify humans into hierarchies according to race. While reading it, you should take into consideration the era of which it was written, for many of his points or examples are now obsolete. ", Aranda, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Vaquera. If you enjoy the works of Lothrop Stoddard and/or Hans F. K. Gnther, you will love "The Passing of the Great Race.". In fact, the primary achievement of this arcane, humorless book may be simply that it was so influential despite borrowing so heavily from other writers whose work Grant digested. 1923, C. Scribner's sons. This guy actually tries to prove why whites are superior to everyone else and even gives the idea that "lower races", like Jews, should be removed from the planet. What gave the book particular significance was the boldness and sweep of the treatment. The Passing of the Great Race: The Racial Basis of European History (With Original 1916 Illustrations in Full Color) Published September 10th 2019 by Suzeteo Enterprises. "The Passing of the Great Race or The Racial Basis of European History". This importation of slaves and the ultimate extension of the Roman citizenship to their manumitted descendants and to inferior races throughout the growing Empire and the losses in internal and foreign wars, ruined the state. This book should be mandatory reading for all white people--especially those of school age, and double especially, by those attending Marxist indoctrination centers in colleges and universities. In the French Revolution the majority, calling itself "the people," deliberately endeavored to destroy the higher type and something of the same sort was in a measure done after the American Revolution by the expulsion of the Loyalists and the confiscation of their lands, with a resultant loss to the growing nation of good race strains, which were in the next century replaced by immigrants of far lower type. The Passing of the Great Race: Or, The Racial Basis of European History is a 1916 racist and pseudoscientific[1][2] book by American lawyer, self-styled anthropologist, and proponent of eugenics, Madison Grant (18651937). It's not that he doesn't know historical facts (in part), and it's not that he doesn't know anthropological facts (in part). The book is short and sweet, getting straight to the point without much complication. The continuity of physical traits and the limitation of the effects of environment to the individual only are now so thoroughly recognized by scientists that it is at most a question of time when the social consequences which result from such crossings will be generally understood by the public at large. The Passing of the Great Race was influential for politicians working to pass state laws that prohibited interracial marriage in the US. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for THE PASSING OF THE GREAT RACE - Madison Grant - AUTOGRAPHED (Revised Ed., 1918) at the best online prices at eBay! The unfortunate fact that nearly all species of men interbreed freely leaves us no choice in the matter. ", Serwer, Adam. This is a must-have book for anyone who supports white supremacy, eugenics, and racism. Nascar Race Hub analysts Chad Knaus and Aric Almirola discussed the possibilities of Kyle Busch's chances of passing the late great Dale Earnhardt 76 career cup series win. The tendency in a democracy is toward a standardization of type and a diminution of the influence of genius. Grant argues that the Alpines are best suited as agricultural peasants, whereas Mediterraneans are superior in art and other intellectual pursuits. The country villages and the farms are the nurseries of nations, while cities are consumers and seldom producers of men. Despite Boass objections, many scientists praised The Passing of the Great Race, particularly for its value in communicating racial science to the public. Date 1916 1916) (25 January 2006 (according to Exifdata)) Source Democratic theories of government in their modern form are based on dogmas of equality formulated some hundred and fifty years ago and rest upon the assumption that environment and not heredity is the controlling factor in human development. His analysis of population studies, economic utility factors, labor supply, etc. Regarding background, see the articles on Nordicism and Madison Grant. Among those who embraced the book and its message was Adolf Hitler, who wrote to Grant to personally thank him for writing it, referring to the book as "my Bible."[9]. 4th rev. Beginning in 1920, a series of congressional hearings was held to identify problems that immigrants were causing the United States. However, they still maintained that the book held value due to Grants ability to synthesize the arguments of earlier eugenics works in an accessible and concise way. In. According to historian Charles C. Alexander writing for the journal Phylon in 1962: There was nothing very new about The Passing of the Great Race; Grant's views were essentially a reiteration of the earlier racial polemics of the Comte de Gobineau in France and Houston Stewart Chamberlain in Germany. In a letter to Grant, Adolf Hitler wrote, "This book is my Bible," and he used large passages of it in his own "Mein Kampf.".
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