The magnetic stripe on your card is scratched, The magnetic stripe on your card has become demagnetized. Student Leader Scholarship: $2,000 per year(more information here) Involvement in select student clubs and organizations, additional application required by Dec. 31, 2022. ), game room, Starbucks in the Beehive, Secure living: card-only access and security at front desks, Receive mail and packages securely on campus, Summer Housing Assistants in each hall are there to help you, conduct nightly security rounds, and plan great events, May 15 (to get housing placement by June 1). Grants can be used to cover your tuition, books, and housing costs. If you are eligible for a Pell Grant or SEOG, the awards will appear on your financial aid award letter. There are two types of Direct Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. This loan is for parents who want to finance their student's remaining balance and expenses. Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation and Discharge, If you have a Federal Perkins Loan, there are several types of occupations that may qualify you for loan forgiveness or cancellation. Residential students use the BeeCard to gain access into their residence hall. Each year thousands of college students are unable to complete classes for the semester due to unforeseen medical issues such as illness, accidents, concussions, or issues related to mental health. Academic Scholarships: $15,000-21,000 per yearCriteria: based on unweighted GPA and test scores (optional), University Grant: $13,000 per yearCriteria: based on unweighted GPA and test scores (optional), Iowa Resident On Campus Additional Institutional Aid. This is not a complete list of fees. If you have any loan funds in excess of your costs, you may receive a refund. Leaving St. Ambrose University? Students are expected to have their card on their person at all times. St. Ambrose University has a test-optional* admissions process, but if you would like to submit scores, please make sure they are submitted either on high school transcript(s) or from the appropriate testing service. Federal Student Aid website on Teacher Loan Forgiveness, American Federation of Teachers funding database, Federal Student Aid website on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), fixed 3.73% (undergraduate); fixed 5.28% (graduate), 12 or more credit hours = $140 ($280/year), 11 or fewer credit hours = $70 ($140/year), Four and six person apartments with single bedrooms, Apartment includes a common living area, bathrooms, and kitchen, Apartment-style living with two double bedrooms, Features a common living area, bathrooms, and kitchen, Combined use residential and academic building, Four-person apartments with single bedrooms, Features a common living area, bathrooms and kitchen, Offers four double occupancy bedrooms and two bathrooms, Features a common living area, kitchen and an outside patio with picnic table, Offers double occupancy, suite-style living, Private bathroom and shower in each suite, First year through upper level students, female only, Single bedrooms with options for double rooms, Lower level includes a study lounge with a big screen TV. Faculty and Staff must pay the fee in Bee Central and bring the receipt to obtain a replacement card. Please contact your Admissions Counselor for details. This insurance program complements and enhances our school's refund policy, and we believe families will benefit from this added protection. Combined use residential and academic building North Hall $4,570 per semester / $9,140 per year Upper level students, co-ed by floor Four-person apartments with single bedrooms Apartment includes a common living area, bathrooms, and kitchen Academic themed housing option Tiedemann Hall $4,415 per semester / $8,830 per year If you've been out of high school (or the equivalent) for at least five years, you don't need SAT or ACT scores. Cannot be combined with athletics or fine arts scholarships. The loan also must fit within your Cost of Attendance budget set by the University according to Department of Education guidelines. Staff members will not accept a BeeCard if the card photo doesn't look like the individual presenting the card. Students in their third or fourth year may choose to live in traditional housing but will be held to the University Policies of traditional housing. AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and VISTA also count. (In other words, the earlier you sign your contract, the better chance you have at getting your first preference.). Enrolled students will receive their housing placement via their SAU email address in early July. Can I loan my BeeCard to a friend?No, your BeeCard is for individual use only. 563-333-6257, Visit Campus Working in certain public service jobs and making continuous payments on your Direct Loan may qualify the balance of your loan to be forgiven. How can I check my balance?When you make a purchase with BuzzBucks, simply ask the cashier to confirm your balance, or you may check your balance online at any time. We believe education should elevate your goals, your confidence, and your ability to shape the world. SAU receives all financial aid funds directly - including loans and grants - then applies them to your account: once in the fall term and once in the spring term. If your grace period elapses and you are not enrolled, you will begin your repayment period. Summer financial aid is not automatically awarded to students. If you plan to teach -and the world needs more teachers- you may qualify for a portion of your loan to be forgiven or completely paid (canceled). To remain eligible in subsequent years, students must maintain 2.5 GPA. Ambrose University has partnered with two private loan comparison tools, Credible and the Great Lakes tool, FASTChoice. Resident Student Commuter Buzz Bucks Dining Near Me My Meal Plan Explore Catering Contact 7 meals per week + $225 Buzz Bucks$1,845 per semester / $3,690 per year, 12meals per week + $275Buzz Bucks $2,340 per semester / $4,680 per year, 19meals per week + $200 Buzz Bucks $2,590 per semester / $5,180 per year, 160meals per week + $100Buzz Bucks $2,425 per semester / $4,850 per year, Summer (for all halls per day)Non-SAU Student Visiting Intern: $27SAU Student: $17.50, Winter (per day)Traditional Housing: $7.25Preferred Housing: $9.25. Academic and Career Planning. Looking for Financial Aid Forms? Then, when you file yourFree Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA), it computes where you land within that threshold and determines if you qualify for the grant and for how much.Award: $6,895 maximum, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)To qualify, you mustfile a FAFSAby the priority deadline of March 15andyou must qualify for a Pell Grant. This rate is for non-SAU college students who are working in the Quad Cities. Can my friends or family deposit money onto by BuzzBucks account?Yes! At St. Ambrose, by providing an education that supersedes the classroom, we are ready to tackle issues and contribute solutions for today and tomorrow. Once you apply, the Financial Aid office will be notified and we will certify your loan. Ambrose is a Participating Institution in the Higher Ed Points program. Visit thePrivate Alternative Loan section above for more information. Network Login: Password: | Parents, Guardians or Other Relatives: The loan cannot exceed the cost of attendance that remains once all other institutional and federal aid has been applied. The amount of loan you request may not be the amount you are eligible for. Ambrose Advantage Full-Tuition Scholarship (more information here)Iowa resident, Pell Grant and Iowa Tuition Grant eligible, 2023 high school graduate, minimum unweighted 2.5 GPA, admitted and file FAFSA filed by March 15. You should pay close attention to interest rates, fees, and repayment terms. Therefore, we are pleased to make available the Tuition Refund Insurance plan. Here, you will think deeply, travel boldly, and use your abilities for the good of others. Many local businesses provide SAU students with discounts. We pursue it with everything we've got. Iowa College Aid administers need-based college financial aid for Iowans, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant. You also get in freeto most athletic events with your card. This is not a complete list of fees. Save your money and remove the BeeCard before charging. Deeper Life Conference (no daytime classes until 5pm) October 5. Meal plan change and appeal processes are available on the Housing Options and Meal Plans portal page. The SAU school code for the FAFSA is 001889. September 18. Supply Chain and Labor Notice. We want to recognize the time it took to stay on top of important steps in your college search. Or, they can surprise you with a deposit (they will need to know your SAU ID number, full name,and birthdate). There is no minimum deposit required. The term BuzzBucks refers to an account used for food service purchases. Loan type:Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans, Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans. If a lender approves the loan amount you requested, the University might not approve that same amount. These must be paid before students attend class, unless payment arrangements are made with Student Account Services office. Students must be accepted to SAU and have a housing contract turned in to be eligible for Academic Housing. What if my BeeCard is stolen?If your BeeCard is stolen on campus, file a theft report with Security. There are no penalties for early repayment. Boldly pursue a better world. Many private educational loans also have associated fees. Black Hawk Scholarship: $20,000 maximum per yearFor students transferring directly, full-time enrollment for in-person programs. Learn how college courses, Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), or other testing credit taken in high school transfer to St. Ambrose University. Store your card with keys or other items that could scratch or bend the card. First-Year Admissions Transfer or Adult You've already started your education. Rogalski Center, Security Office St. Ambrose University Women's Indoor Track $5,486 Net Profit/Loss 42 Team Members At St. Ambrose, we don't wait for the future to arrive. I play lacrosse at St Ambrose and the athletics is a great as the academics. The amount of loan you request may not be the amount you are eligible for. Extend the life of your card by handling it carefully and storing it in a protective sleeve, ID lanyard, or wallet. Private loans are not part of the federal education loan program. Download helpful PDFs of this information here: Housing Options and Meal Plans portal page. Student Leader Scholarship: $2,000 per year(more information here) Involvement in select student clubs and organizations, additional application required by Dec. 31 2022. Iowa College Aid administers need-based college financial aid for Iowans, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant. An unsubsidized loan is not based on financial need, and there is no interest payment deferment. Submit a request to receive a refund of your remaining balance. Convenience, flexibility and value are built into each dining plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Unlimited Plus Plan + $300 Dining Dollars + 6 Guest Passes: $2,886 175 Block Plan + $650 Dining Dollars: $2,694 205 Block Plan + $525 Dining Dollars: $2,694 Commuter Plans 40 Meal Plan + $300 Dining Dollars: $581 75 Meal Plan + $300 Dining Dollars: $726 125 Meal Plan + $200 Dining Dollars: $841 Plus check out the new main campus virtual tour! The loan cannot exceed the cost of attendance that remains once all other institutional and federal aid has been applied. Full-time students are required to live on campus until they have completed two years of post-high school studies at St. Ambroseor another accredited institution of higher education (community college, college or university). Any student with questions or considering a private loan to help cover costs should first speak with the Financial Aid Office. Funds deposited will roll over from term to term. Are you ready to take the next step? Faith Learning Justice Scholarship: $2,000 per year (more information here)Involvement in campus ministry, additional application required by Jan. 15, 2023. Iowa Tuition GrantTo be eligible for theIowa Tuition Grant, you must be a resident of Iowa as defined by the State Board of Regents and currently enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible Iowa college or university (SAU is eligible). 310 W. Locust St. This means that the company will run your credit history. Students who live with a parent orlegal guardian within 50 miles of campus can be exempted from the residency requirement. Are you ready to take the next step? St. Ambrose University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission,, 800-621-7440. The card has been hole-punched and severed the wires inside, Some wallets have RFID protection and will prohibit the signal from passing to the reader, Your card may be too close to another proximity-style card and the reader can't determine which signal to accept. Ambrose University has partnered with two private loan comparison tools, Credible and the Great Lakes tool, FASTChoice. Tuition Refund Insurance can help refund your tuition, fees, and room/board charges - up to the policy limits - if you are unable to complete the semester due to a covered medical reason such as an illness, accident, or mental health issue (two-day hospital stay required for mental health-related issues). Use it as an ice scraper or any other form of tool. Cannot be combined with athletics or fine arts scholarships. Download Brochure (pdf) Catering Award-winning Sodexo Chefs News Invited to compete for an Ambrose Scholar full-tuition award. See Transfer Housing Rates, 24/7 Security, Weekly Housekeeping, Campus Wifi, Dozens of Clubs and Service Activities. Housing and Meal Plans, 2022-2023 Paying Your Bill myMountMercy CASHNet (parents and families) Flywire (international students) Graduate and Adult Accelerated Tuition & Fees Cost of Attendance *$400/credit hour with the Iowa Teachers Tuition Scholarship Program.
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