Id heard so many horrendous storiesthough in hindsight, they were mostly from amateur astrologers who knew just enough to assume the worst and then blather about it. In many ways this therefore correlates with a wider message brought by the Solar Return Seventh House. The stress along the 2nd-8th axis, the preponderance of Cancer (another analogue for domestic focus *symbolically*) the oppositions along Cancer and Capricorn and the disposition of the Cancer stellium by the Aries Moon in 4th (conjunct Chiron) sounds like all the transformations, deaths and upheavals will be with regard to the 4th house - which this Solar Return indicates will be the broader area of focus for the year in question. The following year, the solar return Sun will move to the 7th house , and then into the 4th house the next year. March 2020 Money close up! Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this year, and there will be times when you will see more or know more. Not to mention step-children, profits and personal aspirations. July 2017 September 2021 Whatever house in which Venus appears, that house will be graced with an element of harmony and cooperation. May 2012 So, Im just a bit anxious about my upcoming SR this yr 2013. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I am getting over it and dealing with the emotions that I thought were long gone. The solar return chart is a forecasting technique that offers an overall view of one year. But I think that repeating patterns in solar returns (11-8-5-2-11-8-5-2) can mean taking the lessons of the previous pattern and taking life to a higher level. However, most When Venus and Jupiter are in aspect, you can either benefit directly or indirectly through the influence or assistance of another. I did write a lot that year though. Though my birthday is March 3rd, my solar return usually takes place on March 2nd. Career, Ambition, Life Direction, Status, Reputation, Important Matters, Responsibility, Executive, Decision Maker, Boss, Important Person, Marriage (indicator), Public Identity. If you're an eleventh house native, the eleventh house is an ongoing theme in your life. July 2014 The Sun is as likely to develop a pattern of rotation through the succedent and cadent houses, moving thro, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Sun in 7th House of Solar Return chart placement, indicates the time is right for truly getting to know others, to understand their dreams and disappointments. The Eighth House is about death, sex, regeneration, other people's money, secrets. My observation of people I know with eleventh house suns is that they tend to be community oriented. 1- The Ascendant of the Solar Return chart will color the individual's approach to his or her environment for the year. Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. However, its also about your attitudes towards your resources. It can be considered the beginning of the angular cycle because it is here that one sets down roots, establishes a path, and sets the tone for the next four years. I know a lot of people who have sex for fun and recreation and see no problems with it. Resulting, The 8th house is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power. March 2018 What makes an Eighth House Solar Return Sun so terrifying? The Self, Identity, Independence, Self image, Self Awareness, Self Assertion, Focus, New Beginnings, A New Approach, Enthusiasm, Seeking Attention, Paying Attention. crisis make you grow up in this year. - Venus trine/conjunct Ascendant. My birthdays coming up in just a few weeks, and you know what that means? You would probably be doing that no matter what your solar return is like, but this year sounds strong for it. The ashrams, temples and bars you visit on your quest for spiritual enlightenment are also found here. So, in this Solar Return House we create and also procreate. And read, write, walk, text, email, exchange gossip, exchange numbers and change your mind. Scorpio rules this house. August 2016 Me, Too: The Day my Parents Killed the Pedophile, The Conflict Between Motherhood and CareerStill, Spiritually Eclectic and Pagan Blog Directory. if your solar return ascendant is in 8th house in your natal chart, you may have crisis in your life, something that you can not control. The 8th house rules sex for procreation. April 2019 May 2016 December 2022 Its about your values and very often, your self esteem, in other words, how you value yourself. Copyright 2005 - 2023, Lorna Tedder, The Spiritual Eclectic, Personal Excavation leads to Personal Evolution, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), A medical problem cropped up that had some dire consequences but I found metaphysical ways to deal with it. This may involve artistic creation if you are so inclined, however creativity also applies to almost every other field of human endeavour so if you have a love of science, sewing, sport or sex, an emphasis on your Solar Return Fifth House may prompt you to take a risk and try something new, engage more with the thing you love, have more fun doing it and boost your confidence at the same time. Most of my dealings with secrets overlap into the other Eighth House issues I had. However, its more accurate to think of the Solar Return Fifth House as the place you express yourself and develop your own interests hence its association with creativity of all kinds. September 2018 It sounds like you have your SR houses lined up more or less with your natal houses. Friendships, Group membership, Team Player, Social Life, Social Media, Technology, Social Conscience, Politics, Ideology, Political Activism, Idealism, Aspiration, Step Children, Profits material and otherwise. April 2012 The 8th house also signifies the transformations through growth and change. You may have to deal with more serious issues and matters, and have to dig deep into people and situations. The material gained during this year will be reorganized, internalized, and contemplated when the Sun moves into the 12th from the 3rd moves to a higher state of knowing in the 12th and assists in the emergence of wisdom. February 2013 Who knows? To an outsider, these may seem small but they were huge changes to me. Friends, the future, hopes and wishes, social contacts, social media, technology and invention, freedom, ideals and good fortune. January 2019 They are like family to me. September 2016 My Solar year is only half over, so who knows what else may happen. I'll put my new chart up when off mobile. I hope that's correct because that's what I want for myself and I'm not one to shy away from pain either, especially for the sake of growth. Though this can be considered experimental astrology I do believe in the possibility solar returns can show possible deaths in the year. Partnerships, Contracts, Relationships, Legal Matters, Business Relationships, Professional Relationships, Negotiations, Commitments. Sun conjunct Uranus in my chart that year but relationships were the only bumpsmost pretty boring except 1 brief one where his daughter/pre-teen princess disapproved of me and he went poof. I thought I was going to win the lottery! Your capacity to analyze and your attention to detail will be greater. April 2016 Its where you may save, squander, find new ways to boost your earnings or find big bills heading your way. July 2015 And talk. . Your sexual activity will intensify but be careful, in this sense, about the possibility of venereal diseases. September 2013 - Moon aspect Sun. The Sun in the 3rd house of the solar return emphasizes your intellectual abilities and mental stability or the lack thereof. The 6th house emphasis on practical application and testing information lays, The 3rd house rules factual data as well as superficial information without an immediate and obvious purpose . From here the Sun will most likely travel to the 1st house and foster personal development. Any place but in the Eighth House! If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. A more positive interpretation of the 8th house energy for my solar year is immense transformation born possibly from pain. By ASTROFIX Houses Neptune Through the Houses F inal fantasy. Generally, there is at least one major misconception recognized during the year. The First House in an Astrological Chart has always been described as the face you show to the world. Moon in the 8th house of Solar There is a craving for financial speculation, imprudence of behavior. I have, emotionally, let go of my father after this event. September 2014 The natal + solar return with houses option is the one I would use. In this example, the Sun is moving through the angular houses. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the Moon's nodes will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. Usually, the change directly affects shared resources, but sometimes the change also, The most notable mundane manifestation associated with this Neptune placement is confusion or uncertainty surrounding resources and finances. June 2021 We think of change as away from the security we know and loveand even sometimes hateand rarely toward a good thing unless life has been really terrible recently. In what way are you making things more difficult? You expose yourselves to "high" financing or mortgage and in some cases there is a real risk of a possible financial reverse, just as, on the contrary, The unforeseen arrival of a conspicuous inheritance or of a bequest or donation. In my experience, The Solar Return Fourth House is very directly to do with all matters relating to the home and family as they are in the here and now. A medical problem cropped up that had some dire consequences but I found metaphysical ways to deal with it and over the course of the year, it went away. Learn how your comment data is processed. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. Satisfying the moon's need to probe and understand can be shifted to worldly issues like politics, psychology or astrology which helps to shift the focus away from the self, and therefore, freeing the eighth-house moon. I will also have saturn and NN in the 12th!!! I lean toward the traditional approach to chart interpretation, one of the more straightforward reasons being that you cannot side-wind your way out of an incorrect read of the chart -- if you say something about the finances of a person, then it is easily verifiable that the statement made about the financial situation of an individual is either correct or incorrect. So book your ticket and go. I was able to make changes in my retirement accounts before I lost major bucks in the stock market, so that part was good. May 2022 Her many hats include writer, publisher, contract negotiator, mom, ordained minister, and life coach. Get our new posts and free monthly horoscopes sent to your inbox. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Solar Returns: Understanding The Houses Made Easy, professional Solar Return Chart Report Im happy to offer that service on this website, Solar Returns: How To Interpret The Planets, Solar Returns: How To Interpret The Planets. June 2014 One thing I have noticed about the Solar Return Seventh House is its immediacy the relationship it points towards will be significant in your life even if temporarily so. November 2011 If you want to hear an eighth house story: the first time I had my solar return chart done professionally, it was a year when my SR AC was just a few degrees off my natal one, so all the house lined up. September 2019 January 2014 However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart only lasting for one year interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. The mind-body connection is strengthened, and though subtle, provides valuable information regarding diet, exercise, rest, and daily habits. Planets in the Seventh House of Solar return chart show a reflection of who you are and you will attract someone that matches your self. September 2012 I admit, Id been really dreading this past year for a long time now. November 2020 This does not mean, however, that a heavily tenanted Solar Return Twelfth House will turn you into a substance abuser your previous life history will be the most important factor in this. Letting go of things, attitudes and people which may be hindering my growth feels good. For example, I have a packed 8th with nothing in the 5th. You are using an out of date browser. You want to expand your life in some way, have new experiences, make improvements and you are prepared to take a risk and do something outside of your usual routine or sphere of experience in order to do so. When the Sun is in the 9th house, many higher and "not so high" beliefs need to be tested and worked with. Personal Finances, Personal Resources, Earnings, Talents, Income, Budgets, Bills, Spending, Values, Self Esteem, Self Worth, Stability, Security, Confidence. February 2016 Astrologers use the term " PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE of Solar Return " to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. So, matters such as relocation, house repairs, remodelling and redecoration are found in the Solar Return Fourth House. This assimilation process is essential to the individuals multidimensional growth. The idea was that I might be at some other spot on the planet at that exact moment and by traveling on my Solar Return birthday to somewhere else, it would change the position of the houses within my Solar Return Chart. I stand to inherit money from him, hence the 4th house Jupiter for 2011. Settlements in partnership disputes as well as in legal and marital affairs are likely. Survive an 8th house transit and you'll be reborn. November 2016 Seeing everyones retirement accounts drop and how people who planned to retire soon had to change their plans, I rethought how I look at retirement and realized that I probably never will. The Jupiter Return Jupiter returns to its natal position around every 12 years so you have a Jupiter return roughly at age 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on. I don't wanna scare you or anything cause I read that 8th house SR isn't always about death of your family member,but about deep transformation. Take heart, fearful ones, because heres how it manifested for me. Rather unfairly, I think, because of this, the Sixth House has a rather dull and boring reputation. You dont become a different person, the persona shown by your Natal Chart is still there, however it has a temporary overlay which results from changes in how you feel about yourself during the Solar Return Year. February 2017 Psychological issues you have avoided for years may surface here and demand to be heard. It doesn't focus on specific transits or timing (although there are a couple of timing indicators that can be used) but it does provide a snapshot of events. See the book "Predictive Astrology" on how to interpret solar returns. She also describes what it means for each planet to be in the Seventh House. May 2020 November 2014 Work is, after all, the rent you pay for life. ( I dont believe Ive ever had a moon either new/full/eclipse on the exact day before) So that will make a total of 7 planets activating my next SR in the 8th! Significant relationships will be lit up by the Solar Return Seventh House but they are just as likely to be business or professional or contractual in some way. Their body. February 2019 Also read. I would have had to travel out of the country to have made any difference with an Eighth House Sun, and it would have adversely affected a lovely stellium (a whole bunch) of planets in my Seventh House of relationships. It is where you make a conscious effort to open up to the world or set up a barrier against it. It is also the first house in the chart where you engage with the outside world usually your immediate environment or neighbourhood and you may be more involved in local issues this year. 61 people love it! Does this mean what I think it means? The ruler of the 8th house is Jupiter in Libra at a critical degree, the 26th. When the Solar Return Sun is in the Solar Return 8th house, you can spend the next year of your life focused more on transforming yourself or your life for the better. I will also have solar return uranus in opposition to solar return jupiter in 2nd house. So draw the line and move on. Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the year. Its house placement in the Solar Return shows how that function can work out. Ideas abound, and you are open to looking at life, The 9th house is the house of beliefs. Also in this case it will be the position of other planets in your SR chart and the contemporaneity of the transit of the slow moving planets in aspect with your natal planets to make clear how to interpret this Sun in the eighth SR house, and to tell you if this money will be more incoming or outgoing. This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day. I don't "play" sex. December 2019 However, because the chart is temporary - only lasting for one year - interpreting the Solar Return Chart House positions of your Solar Return Sun (and the other planets) will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. JavaScript is disabled. T, he Solar ReturnThird House often indicates mobility and mental flexibility. Also read, Example chart case study - sun in the 8th of Solar return. January 2023 Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! For example, I was born February 13th with the Sun in. Major Changes, Major Decisions, Sexual Relationships, Death, Birth, Phases of Life, Insurance, Taxation, Loans, Investments, Inheritance, Crime, Violation, Power. SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC :from first house to 12 house SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Who you are does not change, but how you present yourself to others, does. I accepted that there was little chance of escaping an Eight House Sun and instead, made plans to enjoy a quiet day at home in my garden and try not to be too afraid. September 2022 Keep that in mind and analysing your chart becomes a lot easier. Which is very reassuring after not feeling at home with my father. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. at which zodiac sign and what planet is in your seventh house via your natal chart solar return chart of your birthday. Unable to let go of control in your life. You will both leave home and find new homes in the Solar Return Fourth House as this covers all things relating to your living and domestic situation and that includes people living in your home and its state of repair or decor. I admit Im nervous about doing this again! Up front, I want to remind you of the basics the Planets in your Solar Return Chart tell you What will happen and the Solar Return Houses tell you Where. Copyright 2011© Astrology online - All rights reserved. Solar Returns are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. Therefore, Jupiter in the 8th house of Solar return chart is primarily focuses on the money made available to you after someone else has al-ready earned it. There are alot of other things going on as well; Zero degree MH and Nadir, 0 degree Uranus conjunct Jupiter in 5th House trining my 0 degree Natal Venus in Leo. I discovered a few health products that helped me detox and feel better than ever. ): - Venus trine/conjunct Sun. Possibly a complete overhaul and recapturing of my power IF utilized? The woman has the danger of a stillborn baby. April 2018 Ill have another Eighth House Sun in a few years and Ill keep in mind that they dont have to spell disasterthey can mean better changes than Ive ever known existed. The house position (and aspects) may indicate where you feel like someone is watching over you; where you always land on your feet. Transactions are about give and take and thats not always easy as it provokes some fairly heavy emotional responses when you have to part with something or someone precious to you. The natal house placement of the Solar Return Ascendant ruler shows how the planet operates for the year. Unless it is conjunct a house cusp within 1. Not your standard family holiday type of travel but a journey to somewhere that you consider alien, unfamiliar and more challenging to you than your more usual destinations. The house position of the Solar Return Moon can show what areas of life you'll be emotionally invested in for the year. Reflection, introspection, and even withdrawal can help you to personalize information in a meaningful way. There is an openness to new knowledge and a willingness to consider new topics that lead to mental expansion. Your relationships and what other people value will have a profound impact on your life. Possible gynaecological problems for women already have a predisposition for these kinds of pathologies. In three years' time, when the Sun has, This is a good time to organize and assimilate information you have collected. February 2014 October 2011 This house is filled with dream holidays on deserted beaches. This can indicate a proclivity to die through some debilitating illness. She mentioned the year 2019 in her OP, which I assume means that she is cognizant that this SR is for next year. We gain a sense of comfort from associating with like minded people and a sense of freedom from aligning ourselves with those who are like ourselves our tribe. This house is where you feel optimistic. My understanding (and related to my own story above) is that gives you some extra oomph. His not seeming to care about my financial situation angered me and brought up alot of childhood issues of feeling abandoned and not cared for by him. The 8th house also represents power, secrets, sex, trust, and money. Loss of physical sight. Astrology and a Stellium of Planets in the 8th House Your 8th House Having a stellium in your 8th House symbolises some kind of need for cleansing and transformation in your ego, in your life's goals, in your perspective on life and others. The Solar Return Sixth House is, above all else, a practical house. March 2022 Is that something you've been doing? For example, the Sun in the1st housein this year's solar return will probably move up to the10th housenext year, assuming certain conditions: The individual must remain in the same location and this location should not be too far north or too far south in terms of latitude. Start counting those fingers if you dont believe me. November 2015 In the Solar Return Chart, placements in the Tenth House usually give an indication of where our careers are headed in any one year. On occasion however, placements in the Solar Return Tenth House can be an indication of marriage, if thats where you are in your life. BTW- I think I forgot to mention that I also will have a new moon in the 8th house on the exact day of my upcoming birthday!!!! So having a planet in this location can help you understand what you are here to learn, do, or accomplish when married. October 2013 I had an eclipse on my bday a few years backnot an 8th house year, though. Ok, now here's my actual 2018-2019 solar year chart. 2 of the offers include thier wives whod like to have 3-somes. December 2015 Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in 8th house. May 2013 Valuable lessons will be learned. My best solar return i had Jpiter in the 11th house, I had lots of friends and a good social life. The second time happened half-way through the year when an X-ray technician failed to follow my doctors orders for a routine exam, resulting in a lot of un-necessary X-rays and ultrasoundsas well as a month of excruciating worry because the medical offices involved tried to cover-up their mistakes, leaving me to think theyd found something really bad. The first mortality issue occurred at the beginning of the Solar Return year. Factual and practical data becomes integrated with emotional insights to form spiritual understanding. June 2019 Well, when Saturn is present in the eighth house, it may mean a terrible death. December 2016 The Eleventh house can seem a bit of a hotchpotch. Saturn Conjunct Pluto Transits In Capricorn: A User's Guide. Im really looking forward to your upcoming articles on the 8th house. Venus in House Eight. For Solar Return - the most promising aspects for meeting soulmate or someone "special" are these (you should have 2 or more! Also read, Example chart case study - sun in the 8th of Solar return. However, yes, my grandparent . Here is a good discussion on solar returns , which at the bottom of the first page begins the discussion on using the birthplace vs. using the location at the time of the birthday. Did anyone had any experience with that. Your imagination (because of the Moon!) Watch for the upcoming postsas soon as I can carve out the time . July 2020 Soothe yourself with music, art, a good book, the theatre or cinema losing yourself in another world does not have to be expensive or illegal. this year where you believe yourself to be right about something, even. April 2022 They're people who've started communities, co-created communities, keep their communities front and central in their lives. January 2017 Allowing ingrained patterns of behavior to strain committed relationships. A more remote possibility would be an event that involves you or a loved one having to face physical death or a life-threatening illness. In 2015 I've got the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the 8th house, with the Sun, moon and Venus squaring Saturn in Scorpio (WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE GET BACK TO SAGITTARIUS I'M CALLING YOUR MOTHER). Thats what travel and education do. Birth . Also Read, Example Case Study chart - Sun in the 12th house of Solar return. Guru reminds you to be open to the wisdom and teachings of others. Thank you so much for talking about your Sun in 8th house experience. You may also have an easier time finding out the truth. As of a couple of weeks ago, Im now in another 8th house sun year, withlike youa whole bunch of planets in the 8th house. Typical events include, but are not limited to: relocating to another state or country; quitting work; retiring; becoming a full-time student; having your first child; returning to a career after years at home; separating or divorcing a partner; or leaving your parents home to live alone in your first apartment. A need to discover your authentic self. One of the main avenues for acquiring new information is through direct communication.. The Solar Return Sixth House is where you work. July 2012 The Solar Return Twelfth House is where you go to get away from it all. The strong themes are what aspects your SR chart makes with your natal planets, and whether there's a cluster of planets anywhere in your SR chart. It is very common for financial arrangements to change during the year. There is a transforming quality associated with Mars in the 8th, and much energy can be applied towards gaining insight into sexual, financial, and psychological matters. November 2018 His memory, his body parts causing him problems and failing, crashing his car and finally admitting that its not safe for him to drive. The Solar Return Seventh House is where you buddy up. It is common to either find yourself being manipulated in one or more of these areas, or to attempt to manipulate another. This will be a year where you encounter things foreign to you and that may include people and/or languages. Optimism, World View, Travel, Higher Education, University of Life, Intellectual Development, Understanding, Perspective, Long Distance, Foreigners. August 2012 August 2021 Since I have my natal sun in the the eighth, that meant my SR sun was also in the eighth.

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