April 16, 2017 - The Council of Zion PRC- Jenison, MI announces a new trio of Rev. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) declined the call to serve as pastor of Immanuel Prot. S. Key (Hull, IA) to be their pastor. January 18, 2015 - The congregation of First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI voted to extend a call to Rev.R.Smit, currently serving as missionary to the Philippines. S. Regnerus received the call from Lynden (WA) PRC. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) received the call from Bethel Prot. ), and Rev. October 22, 2017 - Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton PRC), N. Decker (Grandville PRC), and J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland). W. Langerak declined the call to Hosanna PRC (Edmonton). August 15, 2010 -Edgerton Prot. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI) received the call to serve Calvary Prot. B. Huizinga receives the call from Southeast PRC, Grand Rapids, MI. Church, Hull, IA. May 19, 2013 - Faith PRC's Council presents the following trio to the congregation: Rev. S. Key and Rev. July 8, 2009 -Trio for First Prot. Church.April 2, 2006 -Rev. Huizinga (Redlands, CA), and Rev.J. March 13, 2022 - Doon PRC's Council announces a new trio consisting of Revs. J. Maatman(Southeast-GR PRC)declinedthe call fromDoon PRC. Bruinsma (missionary in Pittsburgh), H. Bleyenberg (Providence, Grandville), and R. Van Overloop (Grace, Standale MI). N. Decker. Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone). Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) received the call to serve as missionary to labor in the Sioux Falls, SD area. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. August 5, 2007 -Rev. Ron Hanko, and Rev.A. J. Holstegereceived the call to Doon PRC. September 23, 2018 - The congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call to Rev. Church of Grand Rapids, MI, April 27, 2003 --Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Ref. November 14, 2021 - Rev. J. Smidstra declines the call from Hudsonville PRC. J. Laning (Hope, GR), and Rev. N. Decker (Grandville PRC), D. Noorman (Southwest PRC Wyoming, MI), and J. Maatman (Southeast PRC, Grand Rapids). Church (Walker, MI) called Rev. Steven Key (Loveland PRC) and Rev. Church called Candidate Brian Huizinga. July 13, 2014 - On Sunday evening, July 13, 2014, the congregation ofFaith PRC (Jenison, MI)voted to extend a call toCandidate Joshua Engelsmafrom their trio, which also consisted of Revs.C.Spronk and R.Van Overloop. Version: 5.7.20 13208 . A.Spriensma (PRC home missionary) receives the call from Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN). May 23, 2010 -Rev. November 17, 2013 - Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) decined the call from Faith PRC. July 10, 2022 - Rev. A. Brummel (Calvary PRC), J. Holstege (Zion), and R. Smit (Philippines). Ref. Ref. December 10, 2017 -The Council of SW PRC (Wyoming, MI) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. Church.May 18, 2003 --Rev. E. Guichelaar declined the call from Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB). R. Hanko. D. Holstege preaches his farewell sermon at First PRC, Holland, MI (evening service). Church and Hope Prot. Church called Candidate Dan Holstege. Doug Kuiper of Randolph (WI) PRC. James Lanning (Hull, IA), and Rev. Ref. July 15, 2018 - The Council of Grandville PRC announces the following concerning the calling of a minister on loan to our sister church in Singapore: "Council reminds the congregation of our acceptance of Synod's appointment to be the calling church for the minister on loan (MOL) to Singapore. December 3, 2017 - The Council of First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. October 21, 2018 - The Council of Trinity PRC announced a new trio from which to call her next pastor: Rev. Ronald Cammenga (Faith, Jenison, MI) announced his acceptance of the call to serve in the P.R. Ref. Ref. Carl Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville, MI), and Rev. January 9, 2022 - Heritage PRC extended a call to Rev. C Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA). Ref. February 27, 2022 -The Council ofHudsonville PRChas formed a trio ofRevs. Ref. George Lanting, emeritus pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches, passed away in South Holland, IL. A. denHartog (Southwest); and Rev. January 2, 2022 -The Council of Heritage PRC announced a triofrom which to call a new pastor: Revs. Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI), Rev. November 21, 2021 - Rev. Andy Lanning (Faith, Jenison) received the call from the Wingham Protestant Reformed Church. Church, Holland, MI called Rev. C. Haak (Goergetown Prot. Church. February 14, 2010- Rev. Ref. Ref. March 13, 2022 - Rev. D. Kleyncelebrates with family and congregation.September 21, 2004 --Rev. April 14, 2013 - Rev.David Overway is installed as the 12th pastor of Hope PRC, Walker, MI (Prof.H.Hanko officiating). August 19, 2018 - Grandville PRC's Council formed its first trio from which to call a new pastor, following the emeritation of Rev. March 14, 2007 --Rev. M. Kortusreceives the call fromGeorgetown PRC. February 27, 2005-Rev. Canada). July 18, 2004 --Rev.Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) announced his decline of the call to Doon, Iowa Prot. Herman Hoeksema from office of the ministry and deposed the consistory of Eastern Ave. Christian Reformed Church.July 7, 1924-- The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, convening in Kalamazoo, MI, adopted the "Three Points of Common Grace" which became the occasion for the formation of the Protestant Reformed Churches. Carl Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI), and Rev. Steven Key (Hull, IA) declined the call to serve the congregation of Kalamazoo, Michigan.February 26, 2006- Rev. G. Eriks, Rev. Ronald Van Overloop (Georgetown Prot. Charities. February 8, 2015 - Rev.R.Smit (missionary to the Philippines) informed First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI that he had accepted their callto serve as her next pastor, following the retirement of Rev.J.Slopsema last summer. December 19, 2010 -Rev. January 30, 2011 -Hope Prot. August 19, 2012-Hope (Walker) PRCextended a call toRev.R.Kleynof Covenant PRC, Spokane, WA. Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) accepted the call to serve the First Prot. Church, Walker, MI made the following trio: Rev. S. Key concludes his active ministry in Loveland PRC and the PRC, as his emeritation takes effect (ordained in September 1986). M. DeBoer received the call from Hosanna PRC (Edmonton). R. Smit(missionary to the Philippines)declinedthe call fromHosanna PRC(Edmonton). You need JavaScript enabled to view it. C. Terpstra (Holland, MI) announced his decline to the call to serve as missionary to Ghana.July 6, 2003--Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MI, called Rev. S. Key (Loveland, CO PRC) announced his DECLINE of the call from First PRC of Holland, MI. M. Kortus received the call to Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB). July 18, 2010 -Cornerstone PRC called Rev. M. McGeown (Limerick RF), C. Spronk (Faith PRC) and M. VanderWal (Wingham PRC, ON). E. Guichelaar(Randolph PRC). Tom Miersma to serve as their pastor, September 10, 2009 -First Prot. J. Holstege(Zion PRC)declinedthecall fromHosanna PRC(Edmonton, AB). June 25, 2017 - Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), N. Decker (Trinity PRC - Hudsonville, MI), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC - Spokane, WA). Ref. Questions concerning your membership, account status information (such as entry fees and fines), doctor release paperwork and earnings should be directed to the PRCA member records department at 719-528-4747. Rev. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC in Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC). October 27, 2019 - The Consistory of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) announced a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope, Redlands, CA), and Rev. December 16, 2007 --Rev. S. Key is installed as pastor in the Loveland, CO Protestant Reformed Church. March 25, 2012 -Rev.R. D. Noorman (SW PRC-Wyoming, MI). Ref. March 14, 2012- Hope PRC (Walker, MI) announced a new trio: Revs.G. PRCA APAC members, Weber Shandwick, partners up with THIS CAN HAPPEN on workplace well-being and mental health support for employees. R. Barnhill preaches his farewell in Peace PRC. October 28, 2018 - Rev. May 16, 2013 - Doon IA PRC votes to extend a call to Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC). His emeritation begins September 1. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) declined the call from Edmonton, AB, Protestant Reformed Church.May 22, 2005-Rev. April 16, 2017 - The congregation of Southwest PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. John Marcus (Edmonton), and Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma ( Pittsburgh, PA mission) was called by the Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church, May 31, 2009 -Rev. Wm. April 2, 2017 - Rev. Wm. C.Spronk (Faith PRC) and Rev. September 5, 2021 - Rev. If you would like to support the work that the Park Royal Community Association does in our community, please consider making an extra donation. May 27, 2012 -Hope PRC (Walker, MI) extended a call toRev.John Marcus, pastor of First PRC (Edmonton, AB). Carl Haak (Roselle, IL) accepted the call to Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MI.August 29, 2004 --Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville). J. Smidstra(First PRC-Holland)declinedthe call fromZion PRC(Jenison, MI) to serve as PRChome missionary. May 30, 2012 -Randolph (WI) PRCannounces a trioof Revs.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), A.Lanning (Faith PRC), and J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton). C. Haak, (Georgetown, Hudsonville), and Rev. R. Barnhill (Peace PRC, Dyer, IN) declined the call from Doon PRC. Ref. Church. B. Huizinga (Redlands, CA). A. denHartog (Southwest), and Rev. var addyd6909239a3686a4d44cd8f4d3e6716a4 = 'laning' + '@'; Doug Kuiper (Randolph), and Rev. November 17, 2020 - Rev. October 7, 2007 -Rev. February 22, 2009 -Rev. Church, Hudsonville, MIJanuary 23, 2005 -Rev. J. Mahtani preached his farewell at Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN). February 27, 2011 -Rev. Rodney Kleyn. Martyn McGeown (Covenant PRCNI), and Rev. Church, Hull, Iowa made the following trio: Rev. September 13, 2015 - It was announced in Doon PRC that Rev.Carl Haak had declined the call extended to him by the congregation on August 17 to serve as second missionary to the Philippines. document.getElementById('cloak76c3d9bedfd1c988e21b9ef842af1b2a').innerHTML = ''; S. Key, and Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) announced that he had declined the call to Lynden, WA.September 5, 2001 --Rev. Allen Brummel was installed as missionary-pastor serving in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 31, 2021 -Kalamazoo PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone, St. John, IN). M. DeBoer,(Edgerton), Rev. K. Koole (Grandville) announced his decline to First Prot. The congregation will vote to call onFebruary 17, D.V. October 30, 2022 -First PRC-Grand RapidscalledRev. Ref. of Walker, MI. October 21, 2012-Rev.W.Bruinsma(Pittsburgh, PA Mission)declined the callfrom Hope PRC, Walker, MI. C.Griess (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI) accepted the call to serve as professor in the PRC Seminary. December 20, 2009- Loveland Prot. September 21, 2014 - On Sunday morning, September 21, 2014, the congregation ofDoon (IA) PRCvoted toextend a call to Rev.Cory Griess of Calvary PRC (Hull, IA) to serve as the next missionary to the Philippines. Wilbur Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call to Doon, Iowa congregation.August 1, 2004 --Rev. A. Brummel. December 11, 2016 - Rev. January 1, 2008 --Doon congregation called Rev. September 2, 2007 --South Holland (IL) Protestant Reformed Church holds its final service in their old church building. They plan to call December 25. Ref. October 4, 2009- Bethel Protestant Reformed Church called Rev. October 24, 2021 - Rev. Church in Hudsonville has called Rev. J. Holstege, (Zion), Rev. August 19, 2007 -Rev. W. Langerak (Southeast), January 16 , 2011 -Rev. prca gold card requirements. Church (Hudsonville). S. Key (Hull) announced his acceptance of the call from Loveland, CO. January 20, 2010- Byron Center Prot. R. Barnhill. Church. Church, Jenison, MIApril 2, 2006 -Rev. April 13, 2014 - The Council of Doon (IA) PRC announced a new trio from which to call a pastor. J. Tan receives the call from Covenant ERC in Singapore. M. McGeown (Limerick Reformed Fellowship). August 13, 2017 - The Council of Byron Center PRC formed a new trio from which to call a pastor to replace Rev. Ref. Home / Membership. Ref. December 10, 2017 -Pastor-elect Brian Feenstra is ordained and installed as minister of the Word and sacraments in Immanuel PRC, Lacombe, AB. Holstege will preach an inaugural sermon on Sunday, July 3. April 20, 2011- Cornerstone Prot. Bareback Riding . Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. December 20, 2022 - Hull PRC called Rev. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh), and Candidate Dan Holstege. Ref. Ref. August 13, 2017 - Candidate Joe Holstege accepted the call to Zion PRC (Jenison, MI). Church (St. John, IN). W. Bruinsma declines the call from Hudsonville PRC (MI). Ref. Charles Terpstra announced that he declined the call to Trinity, Hudsonville, MI Prot. November 7, 2021 - Rev. July 14, 2013 - Doon PRCannounces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs.H.Bleyenberg (Providence PRC, Hudsonville, MI), W.Langerak (Southeast PRC, GR MI), and Candidate Erik Guichelaar. Ref. S. Regnerus accepts the call to Lynden PRC and declines the call from Southwest PRC. March 12, 2017 - The Council of Doon PRC has a new trio for calling a third missionary to the Philippines. John Marcus (Edmonton), and Rev. B. Huizinga, J. Mahtani, and Cand. G. Eriks declined the call from Zion PRC. Ref. June 14, 2009 -Immanuel Prot. M. De Boer (Edgerton PRC), Rev. March 7, 2018 - Rev. C. Haak (Georgetown), Rev. Church has the following trio: Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC, IA) accepted the call from Crete PRC (IL). December 14, 2017 - The congregation of First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) voted to call Rev. Prof.R.Cammenga conducted the service. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids). The PRCA is proud to count as a crucial part of its total membership an additional 594 Gold Card members, who continue to support the PRCA in its effort to ensure a strong future for professional rodeo. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and A. Lanning (CERC, Singapore). Team roping header Kaleb Driggers ($152,956) and his partner/heeler Junior Nogueira ($152,956) are now the single season earnings . Church. March 19, 2017 - The congregation of Doon PRC voted to call Rev. November 16, 2014 - Rev.C.Spronk preached his farewell in Peace PRC. July 21, 2019 - Cand. M. DeBoer (Edgerton PRC, MN) receives the call from Kalamazoo PRC. S. Key (Hull, IA), Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI) declined the call to serve as pastor at Calvary Prot. Ronald Hanko (Lynden), Rev. December 12, 2010 -Rev. April 26, 2015 - It was announced in Doon PRC (calling church for the Philippines mission) that Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) had declined the called extended to him by the congregation of Doon on April 3 to serve as second missionary in the Philippines. Church: Rev. W. Langerak (Southeast), and Candidate Dan Holstege. March 8, 2015 - It was announced in Doon PRC, the calling church for the PRC mission work in the Philippines, that Rev.D.Holstege (First PRC, Holland, MI) had declined the call to serve as second missionary there, for the replacement of Rev.R.Smit. July 30, 2010 -Martyn McGeown was ordained and installed into the office of the Ministry to serve in labors in Limerick, in the Republic of Ireland as missionary under the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. November 8, 2020 - Hudsonville PRC announces a new trio of Revs. June 30, 2019 - Rev. Ref. August 8, 2010 -Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) declined the call from the Kalamazoo (MI) Prot. Welcome into the denomination! A congregational meeting will be held Sunday, March 19. This also means that he was led to decline the calls from Faith PRC of Jenison, MI and First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI. May 22, 2022 -Grace PRCvoted to extend a call toRev. A. Spriensma (Kalamazoo). Ref. Ref. A. Lanning (Jenison), and Rev. August 14, 2022 -Rev. Garry Eriks announced his decline of the call from Trinity Prot. April 23, 2017 - This past Wednesday, the Council of Byron Center PRC formed a new trio of ministers from which to call a home missionary: Rev. K. Koole (Grandville), and Rev. Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) received the call to Edmonton, AB, Canada congregation.August 2, 2004 --Rev. August 2, 2009 -Calvary Prot. April 23, 2006 -Rev. Church of Edmonton, AB, Canada and declined the call to the Edgerton Prot. August 15, 2010 -Rev. October 3, 2021 - Rev. April 20, 2014 -The congregation ofDoon (IA) PRCvoted to callRev.C.Spronk, pastor ofPeace PRC, Lansing, IL. Church of Lacombe, AB, made the trio of Rev. It consists of Rev. January 19, 2020 - On Jan.19 Rev. Church.December 9, 2001-- Rev. May 2, 2021 - Rev. Ref. July 21, 2013 - Randolph PRC voted to extend a call to Candidate Erik Guichelaar to serve as their next pastor.

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