Do not allow unnecessary distractions such as socializing to prevent you from completing your work. They learn from mistakes and failures, and are not afraid to fail again., Optimism is a kind of heart stimulantthe digitalis of failure., Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out., Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Better training, guidance, and support for teachers, including Disability Equality training and ongoing INSET for all staff. In fact, having a positive attitude is so important for nursing, expert Jean Watson describes nursing as the Caring Science (2009). Tervo, R. C., & Palmer, G. (2004). Have sex (that can certainly be an engaging and life-affirming activity!). (No matter how many times you fall down.). Everything is in one article. You can teach him or her the four traditional phrases directed towards loved ones if youd like: May you feel safe. You know you have to be positive However, when we make space for people to express all of their feelings, rather than bottling them up inside, it is then easier for them to be optimistic. Something good that happened this week, I am grateful for my friendship with because, Something silly that I am grateful for. Describe how things might be different if you able to improve these protective factors. Watson, J. You have definitely displayed each of these traits at one time or anotherdont sell yourself short! So often I have heard a loved one say to a cancer patient who is crying, Stop crying. I praise your diligent work on this and thank you for this data. Show appreciation. Create activities and experiences that enable students to get outside the school and learn from the outside world and perform community service. This includes your physical work area and the files on your computer, if you use one. Which of the following demonstrate workers who are using strategies for good time and task management? Write course descriptions around key questions. Figure out alternative ways to teach something if your approach isnt working. Which type of communication is Sarah using? Find positive friends, mentors, and co-workers to support and encourage you. At first, some professional behaviors might not come naturally, such as being on time for meetings or staying focused enough on a project to meet a deadline, but eventually, with self-discipline, those behaviors will become easier. Forbes writer Victor Lipman (2017) puts findings like these in simpler terms: Its always easier to follow someone with a positive outlook.. You'll build a better reality for yourself if you choose to see the positive in any situation and make the most of it. Related: 7 personal attributes to mention in your interview Professional Work Attitudes . Say it with feeling! True False A business with happy customers will build a good reputation, allowing it to attract top-level: Employees Research and development budgets Marketing consultants Prices 2. True False Business COLL 148-21289 Answer & Explanation Solved by verified expert Good communication can make work happen more efficiently and accurately, build strong relationships, and improve the overall quality of work. What is needed in order for an employee to be productive? Creating art that helps them to manage their feelings and turn their mind towards the positive (more info, Have each family member create a Slinky Character Trait Person. Which of the following is an example of nonverbal communication? I would like to thank you for sharing these tips. Built with love in the Netherlands. Promotion of the social model of disability. Lukovski, Z. Keep your work space organized. Be willing to slow down the learning process. Understanding the psychology of positive thinking. Which of the following is a phase of stress that involves an increase of energy output as the body goes through the process of releasing hormones to help facilitate physical actions to protect the individual? Which of the following demonstrates good organizational skills? Next, it instructs you to rate the ease of each activity on a scale from 1 (difficult) to 10 (easy) and the reward you get from each activity on a scale from 1 (not at all rewarding) to 10 (very rewarding). You can write them directly on the worksheet, but it may be most helpful to copy them onto a note card and carry them with you. This will help you to be responsible and dependable. Elliot Seif from the ASCDs Edge website outlines 13 ways you can help students cultivate this mindset: However, these techniques are not always within a teachers (or parents) realm of control. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients understand and use emotions advantageously. They might say its not possible, but assure them that it is! Your children can keep a journal of their successes to look back on and draw inspiration from. Youve probably heard the common phrases and encouragements used when discussing someones cancer diagnosis. Do a quick Google search on how to cultivate a more positive mindset, and youll see that there are tons of suggestions out there! Use essential questions to focus units, or have students develop essential questions as the focus for learning. Focus a good deal of your teaching on learning how to learn skill development. Use wait time when you are asking for questions. setting consequences Happy employees are more creative than other employees. Dealing with disability (for both those with a disability and those around them). Its okay to feel down or think pessimistically sometimes, but choosing to respond with optimism, resilience, and gratitude will benefit you far more in the long run. Werrell, B. Next, you will answer several questions about the positive events and accomplishments from this time period, including: For the Looking Forward portion, you will complete a similar exercise but with a future time period in mind. A few of the many worksheets on this topic are described below. The only instruction is to consider each of the positive traits listed and write briefly about times when you have displayed each of them. There are many other resources you are likely to use in the workplace, such as technology, equipment, and supplies. On the other hand, positive thinking and positive emotions broaden and build our resources and skills, and open us up to possibilities (Fredrickson, 2004). Choices/options should give students opportunities to develop and expand their interests, see connections and relevance in what they are learning, and expand their talents. This definition from Remez Sasson (n.d.) is a good general description: Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.. This game is described as a positive-thinking scavenger game and it can be used with both children and adults. This worksheet will help you to identify times in your life when things have gone well, when you got things right, and when you thrived. The other players are challenged to turn the first persons thoughts to the positive; for example, they can say something like, But now that Ive lost my job, Ill have more time to _______. The first person must come up with a word or phrase that fits the blank. Include narratives on report cards that focus on individual. The ability to prioritize tasks and analyze how many hours need to be spent on each. Clapp-Smith, R., Vogegesang, G. R., & Avey, J. Listen to music that matches your mood. Stay focused and avoid distractions. and develop their own personal style of professionalism. If youre interested in affirmations, try the Mind Tools Content Teams (n.d.) list of positive thinking affirmations: If none of these appeal to you on a deep level, refer to their tips on developing your own personal affirmations: If youre having trouble coming up with your affirmations or you just like to hear a different perspective on positive thinking, you might find some quotes helpful. In this piece, well cover the basics of positivity within positive psychology, identify some of the many benefits of approaching life from a positive point of view, and explore some tips and techniques for cultivating a positive mindset. Share your own positive experiences with your child. Spiegel, D., Butler, L. D., Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Miller, E., DiMiceli, S., Classen, C. C., Fobair, P., Carlson, R. W., & Kraemer, H. C. (2007). Think positive: 11 ways to boost positive thinking. Changing student teachers attitudes towards disability and inclusion. This might be a handwritten list or a list typed on a computer. I am a certified coach and trainer with over twenty years' experience in various (leadership) roles in the area of strategy, marketing and sales. Developing a truly positive mindset and gaining these benefits is a function of the thoughts you cultivate. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information or expectations due . (2015). Another, more comprehensive definition comes from Kendra Cherry at Very Well Mind (2017B): [P]ositive thinking actually means approaching lifes challenges with a positive outlook. Which of the following are examples of etiquette? Make sure employees know the organization's purpose and goals, and encourage them to set their own goals. How do you feel about the positivity movement? Well, the traits and characteristics listed above give us a hint; if you comb through the literature, youll see a plethora of benefits linked to optimism, resilience, and mindfulness. Youll have to get creative to check off everything on the list, especially abstract things like love, but thats part of the challenge. If something is affecting your positivity, take a more . Transform your life with the power of positive thinking. If youre feeling particularly down, you may be tempted to skip one or two, but fight this urge! Use themes to create more interdisciplinary units. Schedule the time you will spend on each task and track your progress. the process of directing people and using other resources, such as technology, money, or equipment, to achieve goals. setting clear expectations Proper Demeanor (in Person and Online) Be polite and well-spoken 100 percent of the time. Additionally, asking thoughtful questions and . Not letting other peoples negativity bring you down. Check your internal dialogue, and challenge that critical inner voice to make room for happiness. the safekeeping of sensitive information, in which the information is only shared with authorized individuals on a need-to-know basis. Davidson, J. Check all of the boxes that apply. Present yourself to the workplace as a professional. a nurse who prioritizes her tasks so she attends to the most urgent patients first. Having a good time even when you are losing. Look for other information that supports the source's account. a plan that shows where money will come from and how it will be used for a specific period of time. It is okay to allow tears to flowthese can be a healthy release. (Katherine Puckett, as reported in Fischer, 2016). Strengthen your brains ability to work with positive information with exercises that involve positive words. Ask yourself, Do I think positively? Take a test or quiz on positivity to see where you stand. In some cases, these groups want to create a nationally recognized professional designation. An optimistic person interacts with their emotions in a hopeful and constructive manner when the going gets difficult. Reliability. What relationships would you like to strengthen during this timeframe? See yourself as helping students build pathways to adult success. behavior that is appropriate to the workplace. According to a research study, many people tune into sad songs as a form of mood enhancement. Read the scenario, and then answer the question. Schedule the time you will spend on each task. Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress. Strengthen your brains ability to pay attention to the positive by routinely redirecting your focus away from the negative to the positive. Create Warm Fuzzy Jars for each of your children; whenever they do something kind or helpful, they can place a pom-pom ball in their jar to represent the warm fuzzy feeling they gave to another person. Effects of supportive-expressive group therapy on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer: A randomized prospective trial. Have the players make a list of things that they feel make life worth living or, for younger children, things that make them smile. 26. Leader self-structure: A framework for positive leadership. Synonyms for positive attitude include positive thinking, optimism, hopefulness, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, bullishness, hope, positiveness, idealism and positivism . that you can be counted upon to meet, or exceed, your responsibilities. Having a positive attitude is a choice you can make. Focus primarily on student strengths and student success. Consider being honest and maintaining professionalism in the workplace by not using company resources for personal purposes. Which of the following are strategies for managing people? The attitude you exude at work can also help other employees respect you since you influence them in a positive way. Appreciate them, and write them down to help you remember. The benefits of positive thinking for body and mind. He wants to get to work on time, so decides to set two alarms. False smiles and superficial cheerfulness will likely do nothing for the cancer patient, but working on cultivating an authentically positive mindset and focusing on the activities and techniques that build well-being can have a significant impact on a cancer patients quality of life andpossiblytheir chances of beating cancer. Happy employees make more money than other employees. Try the mirror techniquesay something positive about yourself (and truly mean it) every time you see yourself in the mirror.

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