46 0 obj /Dest [8 0 R /XYZ 0 433 0] off speed frame rate bmpcc 4k /Prev 22 0 R By tapping one, you can then pick whether to turn on LUTs, zebras, focus assist, frame guide, false color, and more. Ive had all sorts of cameras in much larger underwater housings, which were aproblem because of their extra buoyancy and lack of manoeuvrability. This was the first time Ihad shot with the Laowa probe or the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera4K. /Next 31 0 R>> /Prev 63 0 R /Prev 33 0 R I use the BMPCC 4K, so there are specific references to that camera here, but most of the information should apply to all models and hopefully youll be able to get a sense of what youre choosing and why, so that you can make decisions and changes as your filming with the BMPCC progresses. Shawn studied both cinema and photography with a strong focus on photojournalism and documentary work. Order Code: CABLE-CCPOC4K/DC Whats impressive about this package is the micro four thirds sensor. Digital anamorphic lenses are now sometimes desireable because that squishing of the image (except in unusually large aspect ratios) preserves more pixels. Maximum sensor frame rate dependent on resolution and codec selected. This extra range lets you manage and massage the image to get you into areally nice place. 26 0 obj It's designed to be used for either time-lapse or slow motion. 27 0 obj < Approximately 60 minutes (recording at 24 fps without any external USB-C deviceconnected), Welcome wallet with QR code for softwaredownload, DaVinci Resolve Studio with activationkey. Z CAM E2 / E2C Professional 4K, E2-S6 Super 35 6K Cinema Cameras . Mac 10.14 Mojave,Mac 10.15 Catalina orlater. New Blackmagic Camera 6.6 Update! A bit like with 4K, shooting at something like 60fps would be really useful just in case you ever wanted to slow the footage down. 4K Video Recording with Simultaneous 8.8 MP Photo Capture. So the smaller micro four thirds sized 4K sensor used by Blackmagic Design, is much better for this kind ofshooting., I have to say the 13 stops of latitude was also really great, because you can see into all of the dark spots. 3728 x 3104 (3.7K 6:5 anamorphic) upto 60fps Via Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro EVF connector, Integrated M4 x 3.3 (0.7 pitch) locking screw. Hal talks about one of his dive trips on asunken U-Boat, surrounded by Tiger Sharks in North Carolina. Can also be used for Timecodeinput. 36 0 obj Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K. < Auto focus available using compatiblelenses. 1920 x 1080 (HD) upto 120fps. Apple ProRes Proxy - 22.4 MB/s, Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 96 MB/s endobj Blackmagic RAW Constant Bitrate5:1 /Next 30 0 R>> The place for questions about shooting with Blackmagic Cameras. /Count 14>> endobj But because of the price, it all seemed alittle too good to be true. So if your Project Frame Rate is 24fps and your Off Speed Frame Rate is 48fps, it would play at half the speed. Although I grew up there, Id never actually been scuba diving there. < /Parent 21 0 R Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 51 MB/s Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 55 to 130 MB/s /Prev 55 0 R>> Project frame rates of 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94 and 60 fps supported. This can help keep your files a bit more organized. < endobj /Parent 15 0 R 1 x CFast card slot, 1 x SD UHS-II card slot, 1 x USB-C 3.1 Gen 1 expansion port for external media for Blackmagic RAW and ProResRecording. Wealso ordered these crazy headphones with lights attached to them, so that we could use them as practicals. endobj 1 X body cap When Blackmagic gave me this new camera to test, I wasnt asked to use any specific features of the camera. Anamorphic is designed to be used with anamorphic lenses. Dima wanted to use the camera with only one light source, relying totally on practicals for his late night shots. Four position NDfilter with clear, 2stop, 4stop and 6stop IR NDfilters. Find out how to get started with the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, what extra bits to buy and how to avoid common pitfalls. Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 144 MB/s Iwas also very surprised at how well the back-screen performed in bright sunlight, where Icould truly see everydetail.. Aswe started shooting itbegan to rain heavily, which I then had to make arain cover out of three binbags. endobj Frame Rates Maximum sensor frame rate dependent on resolution and codec selected. 40 0 obj Mac 10.15 Catalina,Mac 11.1 Big Sur orlater. /Prev 21 0 R Bugs is aunique project where Peter could try out the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera4K in the world of macrofilmmaking. /Parent 11 0 R Here is a short video that compares video recorded on the BMPCC in raw and ProRes with compressed video footage from a Canon 7D. Yes, it can record 60 frames per second in 4K. At no extra cost to you, if you use those links to purchase an item, I will receive a small commission. Can format media to ExFAT (Windows/Mac) or HFS+ (Mac) filesystems. /Last 57 0 R Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 81 MB/s 20 0 obj If you want to take it warmer, darker or cooler, you now have so much latitude in terms of dynamic range and depth of color. Iunderstand this gives more in dynamic range, so you have alittle bit more highlight-headroom there. /Parent 10 0 R Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 194 MB/s < Sothis was shot on the second morning. 1x Power Switch, 1x Record Button, 1x Stills Button, 1xScroll Wheel with push integrated into handgrip, 1x ISO Button, 1x White Balance, 1x Shutter Button, 3x software configurable Fn buttons, 1x IRIS Button, 1x Focus Button, 1x High Frame Rate (HFR) Button, 1x Zoom Button, 1x Menu Button and 1x PlaybackButton. Would optical flow work to playback the 50fps at 24fps? Diver and underwater photographer, Hal Wells of Hollywood Divers has travelled the globe capturing images of sea creatures. 6144x3456 @24FPS Moza Air 2 is the best gimbal for BMPCC 4k. Bertoli sticks with Blackmagic RAW and chooses to stick with constant bitrate for more reliable file sizes and predictable performance. Packincludes D-tap to 2-pin, 2.5mm barrel to 2-pin and 2-pin to fly lead to create your own custom cables. 13 Stops of dynamicrange Subscribe below and well send you a weekly email summary of all new Photo & Video tutorials. 67 0 obj Frame rate is the measurement of how quickly a number of frames appears within a second, which is why it's also called FPS (frames per second). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. If youre feeling particularly nerdy, Apple have a great white paper on ProRes. /Count 3>> LP-E6 compatible Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery. All audio inputs can also be used for Timecode input. Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 159 MB/s Shooting at 60fps is another deliberate choice youll make if youre thinking about how your footage will be used. As well as writing about visual practices like photography and video, Marie is also the author of Sunderland Industrial Giant (The History Press, 2017), Secret Sunderland (Amberley Publishing 2019), and Celebrating Sunderland (Amberley Publishing 2023). Thank you for your support :)-----#BMPCC6KPro #DualNativeISO #FrameVoyagerDual Native ISO bmpcc 6k pro bmpcc 4k 2021 Apple ProRes 422 LT - 12.75 MB/s You can shoot 6K at 60 fps with the Pocket Cinema Camera, sort of. Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 34 to 81 MB/s /Parent 12 0 R ")f2YM=+F{A;skR Z)+nBm:j`;^x5k$hl*M+3jy BgK8[J Lw 0L -j1m{ 86|'BL>YBKQk=X o9NHw!j KKeEhDj[B`Do%{IZqP2NlYyTLjlRgVy X$IQMng%xX x4=M\?EmwA XrfJU1s"I,K]M!XOtCs((Gv-L'4mSAZ93*=3'K")iv94i/2`h~tb4@+.^tC_&Hf&} u_IB b4Sza"JF]l"[2knSN XT90 1PFal 7\yrfs-w$iGCS05F!(K;LW$ " XelkjO_9d)HYUjoT=20%1@ "*S(%DfN8H t(DF$--GGthm21(LPlAmVz:+&&}%|`mP[AMKC&dtolE9u ~/M Focus Auto focus available using compatiblelenses . The camera will shoot up to 50 fps at 6144 x 3456 16:9 or . /Parent 21 0 R As a result of using the EF mount on the new BMPCC 6K camera, NOT all cages suited to the 4K model will fit. Added support for 2.8K 4:3 2880 x 2160 recording in Blackmagic RAW up to 80 fps for anamorphic lenses. Apple ProRes 422 - 73.6 MB/s Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 180 to 359 MB/s /Next 22 0 R Can save you a lot of headache if you notice it in your footage and run this remapping. endobj Ltd. 2019, all rights reserved. < Apple ProRes 422 - 78.63 MB/s You have an option for shutter speed or shutter angle, which is again down to preference, and an option for 50 Hz and 60 Hz system speed for flicker-free shooting depending on the country you are in. Sjoerd talks about shooting with the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro, using aMitakon 50mm cine prime and LAOWA 100mmlenses. 33 0 obj Max. 3840 x 2160 (Ultra HD) upto 60fps External controls give quick access to essential functions, while the large 5 inch touchscreen makes it easy to frame shots, focus accurately and change camera settings. Models Walking at Night is his second camera test where he was checking out the cameras higher dynamic range and color accuracy. We use 422 as we find it the best balance between file sizes and quality. Didn't mean to have slo mo. Under " Timeline Format ", there is a " Timeline Frame Rate " dropdown. Extra for the BMPCC 4K: Metabones T Speed Booster ULTRA 0.71x Adapter (Amazon, B&H) or the Aputure DEC LensRegain (Amazon, . Off-speed frame rates up to 60 fps in 6K 2.4:1, 120 fps in 2.8K 17:9 and 1080HD. /Parent 11 0 R g.$)>] x;L dskUIX6Z5!rWIPk"PHtLlog:YjM?L Weclosed the aperture as much as we could to get the image as sharp as possible. Apple ProRes Proxy - 24.25 MB/s, Apple ProRes 422 HQ - 110 MB/s Project goes a little further with project name, camera labeling, and some other quick options. Now, its raw, so there is some flexibility in post, but as a dual ISO camera you have to be careful to what side of the fence you are on. /Parent 11 0 R Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 41 MB/s Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 28 to 68 MB/s Not sure you fully understand how frame rates are set on Blackmagic cameras. /Parent 18 0 R /Dest [4 0 R /XYZ 0 718 0] <> < 24 frames is standard for films and is a cinematic framerate, though there are notable exceptions like The Hobbit films which were filmed at 48fps. Ifound it agreat 4K sensor and really good compromise for asmall camera that still gets really, really good lookingpictures., Olympus Pro 25, 45, 1.2 micro and Olympus Pro 12-100 F4 zoom micro four thirdslenses. Order Code: BATT-NPF570/CAM endobj It's in the hardware specs because they're saying the camera's hardware is able to capture from the sensor at 60fps at 4K DCI. endobj Print ready high resolution 8.8 megapixel still frames can be recorded during video capture, making . Order Code: CINECAMPOCHDMFTEVF endobj This speed accounts for a phenomenon called motion blur, an optical effect that . ProRes at 4096x2160, 3840x2160 and 1920x1080 with film, extended video or video dynamic range or custom 3DLUT. We can . Order Code: BMUMCA/LENSCAP82 Cheers Rick. /Prev 35 0 R 64 0 obj One year, I went back home to see my folks who live in North Carolina. DaVinci Resolve Studio for Mac and Windows including activationkey. Although there is the blue of the wave, there is also this beautiful range of shadows and grays through out the rippling face of the wave. 13 0 obj Ltd. 2019, all rights reserved. < /Next 59 0 R>> ThePocket Cinema Camera ProEVF connects quickly to the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6KPro via asingle connector. Apple ProRes Proxy - 5.6 MB/s. 61 0 obj I also discovered that the audio track stayed regular speed so I could unlink the two and then match the duration of the footage to the audio. In this article, well take a look at how you can get started with recording with your BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera. 45 0 obj /Parent 18 0 R Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 25 to 49 MB/s /Parent 12 0 R To my surprise it had no errors atall., Formby, Manchester, London, United Kingdom, All of the beach shots were at Formby near Blackpool and shot at golden hour, which was about9pm. /Next 25 0 R>> /Count 5>> endobj All items on this website are copyright Blackmagic Design Pty. The BMPCC 4K has received the majority of the updates, adding new frame rates as well as anamorphic recording support up at 2.8K up to 80fps. It has official read and write speeds of 1GB/s and tested speeds of about 800MB/s, which would work in theory. Im not using FCP X to know if that is an option for you. Moving on youll find Bluetooth connection, and then the final page has a few reset options. Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 89 to 212 MB/s You still get all of the highlight details in the background, but you can also see we have the shadow details on the unlit surfaces to the left and right of thescene., Blackmagic RAW Constant QualityQ0, ISO3200, 6K (6144x3456) 50fps, Atlas Orion Anamorphic T2 50mm @T3, EFmount, We spent alot of time in preproduction thinking about each shot, and for this shot, we ordered the same white wig twice to make each girl look like clones. Extended VideoLUT Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 77 MB/s endobj With a larger sensor, 12-bit RAW and 6K resolution, it goes well beyond the last BMPCC 4K model, which had already changed the game for affordable, high-quality video. endobj The base is 400 and the high sensitivity base is 3200. Sjoerd Wess is awell known Instagrammer and YouTuber. endobj Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4K Highlights 4/3 Sized HDR Sensor Record DCI 4K 4096 x 2160 up to 60 fps Dual Native ISO to 25,600 5 Touchscreen Display Active Micro Four Thirds Lens Mount Record up to 120 fps Windowed HD CFast 2.0 & SD/UHS-II Card Slots External Recording via USB Type-C 13-Stop Dynamic Range, 3D LUT Support A big difference of BMR compared to other RAW formats is it's designed to be cross-platform rather than proprietary and not only that, it includes a developer toolkit (SDK) so that support for BMR can be added to other software. endobj Youcan even add an optional OLED viewfinder! Blackmagic Design sent us one of the very first Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera6K to test before it was launched. Apple ProRes 422 LT - 54.63 MB/s /Parent 11 0 R Especially when the waves are this big. Iwrapped it around the camera and acustom lens hood Ihadmade., Blackmagic RAW Constant Bitrate5:1, ISO3200, 6K (6144x3456) 50fps, Atlas Orion Anamorphic T232mm @T4, EFmount, This was shot at Castlefield Bridge near Deansgate in Manchester at10.30pm. When selecting ProRes in the BMPCC 4K you can choose from HQ, 422, LT, and PXY sampling. /Dest [3 0 R /XYZ 0 289 0] /Parent 23 0 R Order Code: CINECAMPOCHDMFTEVF /First 57 0 R 30 miles offshore in California you can be in 1,000 of water, whereas its only 100 in Carolina.. 7. /Parent 18 0 R West-Chemical6686 1 min. Another option for toggle is that you can set whether to display on the LCD, over HDMI, or both. < And on the BMPCC adapter for the Pocket: The new 0.58x Speed Booster reduces the crop factor of the BMPCC from 2.88x to 1.75x, and produces the largest aperture optics currently available, with a maximum output aperture of f/0.74. Off-speed frame rates up to 60fps in 6K 2.4:1, 120fps in 2.8K 17:9 and1080HD. /Parent 15 0 R Then Zhongyi Optics reached out to me, asking if Iwanted to try out their new Mitakon 50mm cine prime. /Parent 12 0 R /Prev 58 0 R Blackmagic RAW 3:1, 5:1, 8:1, 12:1, Q0, Q1, Q3 and Q5 at 6144x3456, 6144x2560, 5744x3024, 4096x2160, 3728x3104 and 2868x1512 with film, extended video, video dynamic range or custom 3DLUT embedded inmetadata. The Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera4K features a4/3 size sensor, 13stops of dynamic range and dual native ISO up to 25,600 for HDR images and incredible low light performance. Hopefully, you've now got a good idea of what the main recording choices in the BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera are and can make an informed decision about what to choose. < Having that higher dynamic range and ahigh bit depth file, means you have alot of wriggle-room to correct anything that needs to be balanced. All items on this website are copyright Blackmagic Design Pty. Just like the BMPCC 4K, . /Next 33 0 R>> Mitakon Speedmaster Cinema Lens 50mm T1.0 (f.0.95)EF The camera really did capture everything Iwas seeing. pic.twitter.com/019E7FUyFG. And thats the truly great thing about have such avibrant and high precisionimage!, Olympus Pro F4 zoom 12-100 micro four thirdslens. /Last 46 0 R < 12 Month Limited Manufacturers Warranty. 9.84 megapixel Super35 CMOS sensor (rolling shutter, but twice read speed than previous C300) Dual Digic DV5 Processors. The place for questions about shooting with Blackmagic Cameras. Choose your required frame rate, say, 23.976 FPS from the dropdown. Order Code: CINECAMPOCHDXBT2 The Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6KPro is an advanced technology, handheld 6K digital film camera with 6144x3456 Super35 high resolution HDR sensor, dual native ISO, EFlens mount and direct recording to USBC disks! Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 45 MB/s 54 0 obj
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