It was still extremely painful but she definitely played it to her advantage. Two people can peacefully collect up their financial and physical belongings and go their separate ways, and the only cost is in any duplication of possessions you choose to do, to replace things you formerly shared. I never would have expected that early retirement was possible with you. I keep telling myself it's cheaper than a divorce. Thank you for sharing such a personal matter with us. If I was as strict as he was, I'd definitely be divorced by now. Since I have no SS, pension or retirement I basically decided to myself that my retirement plan would be a self induced deadly accident. I first read it on an article posted here. Women may work when they need to or want to. It is legendary for destroying lives and fortunes, and indeed this is sometimes accurate. I had learned of your divorce through an article, but didnt want to add any comment at all until you were ready to post here. Coming off the back of a divorce I often marvel that something so personally painful as a relationship breakdown was so text book and the issues so run of the mill. RelaxedGal What a powerful post for a hungover new years day. Try breaking your usual morning routine by going out for a short walk . While the first year was very difficult, as you mention. I have flicked to this site over the years but not read in depth. January 2, 2019, 8:36 am, Your story made me think about my situation and motivated me to let my spouse how much I appreciate what she does every day. Your son is very lucky to have two parents who found a way to reasonably and fairly amicable way to end their marriage and preserve as much normalcy as possible. Maybe she got tired of Mustachianism. December 31, 2018, 6:36 pm. During this stressful time, I heard of similar stories from others who were also locked in a high-cost battle. It has also led to other related nature/outdoor group activities. Alana, your state may have a Master Naturalist program, which is a fabulous way to meet environmentally-minded folks. It seems so much easier for those who are deeply rooted in supportive, non/consumerist communities. It adds pain to an already difficult situation. Hypermilling could possibly decrease the cost of my gas by $1/hour (assuming you can get about 15% better mileage) or I could just drive a little faster (below the speeding threshold) and work to minimize delays when picking up a dropping off passengers. To keep things non-promotional, please use a real name or nickname(not Blogger @ My Blog Name). Dave Mason, We Just Disagree Timeless and true. May as well play hard, and be kind. 55 end in divorce. I hope the bump of divorce on the road to badassity doesnt deter anyone. I am going for the Fearless Maximum approach. January 2, 2019, 7:22 pm. January 2, 2019, 10:32 pm. I can heartily recommend taking focusing courses with Ann weiser Cornell, taking the courses obviously costs money but then you can maintain peer-to-peer partnerships for years (Ive been talking every week to one of my partners for 8 years now, he probably knows more about me than anyone else, but weve never met). You may be two perfectly great people with irreconcilable differences, or there might be one great person stuck with an abusive user or loser, or any other combination in the grand spectrum of possible humans. 571 talking about this. We did the spreadsheets and figured it all out, spent the minimum on filing, and have been adults about it ever since (its been 10 yrs). Live happy, free, and empowered until the day I die. But this is usually a personal finance blog. Where De la Rionda brought to mind Dr Phil, with a mustache, dramatic cadence and appeals to what he described as common sense, Chipperfield, the lead defender, reminded me of Mr Rogers. Planning to visit Longmont someday and get to say thank you in person. Keep on keepin on. They are who they are and while you cant change them, you cant make the world any better by spitting venom back at them. Thank you for sharing this MMM. Please do take the best possible care of yourself. 2. And no, there were no frugality issues because earning and accumulating money was always extremely easy for us. C.S Lewis has some interesting words on marriage in his book Mere Christianity, which he openly qualifies by admitting he has never married. Outside of work I spend about 4 hours a week without her. This was not my experience and it is my hope for those who are currently going through the initial stages of this process, or are years past the initial event and are still healing, to continue to let time work its mystical magic. In the best scenario, the end of a marriage is just a change to your love life, and you can continue to collaborate with your former spouse in a wonderful and open way. Okay that was a dark plan. Marriage is a compromise, to be sure, but your starting assumptions are simply not factual. Having babies of your own is even harder. Consider animal shelters, park/rec groups, etc- very people-interactive. Thankyou for this blog, it really has come at the right time.for me to read it. Same here. As for the blogger that distastefully tried to capitalize on this rumor by writing a lengthy post using your name and this subject as its posting name, I have unfollowed the blog ever since and I will not read it again unless a proper apology and other follow up damage controls are properly issued. Thanks for using the internet to inspire and improve peoples lives. Your statement that even the harshest moments come with a little golden key taped secretly onto their side rings true. Discuss successful investing strategies, asset allocation models, tax strategies and other related topics in our online forum community. Also you need to learn hypermiling techniques (google it) to save as much gas (or energy if it is electric) as possible to earn more money from each trip. I hope others read your blog and are encouraged towards finding their own amicable ending to relationships if needed. I have a few questions: 1) Is there anything you and the mrs could have done different that could have prevented this? So that's the bad news. It took four years off my sentence. This was achieved not through luck or amazing skill, but simply by living a lifestyle about 50% less expensive than most of our peers and investing the surplus in very boring conservative Vanguard index funds and a rental house or two. January 2, 2019, 7:32 pm. Looking forward to see you leading by example that divorce doesnt mean financial ruin and damaged relationships. December 31, 2018, 5:51 pm. But that makes the point stronger. A fellow Canuck. I think you have the exact right approach and for right reasons. Hey Alana, But guess what? What does my romantic life have to do with your financial life? Therefore, it was shameful for Mrs. Money Mustache too. But only if you choose to accept that key and put it to use. Thank you. This was so sad to read, but thanks for your honesty and openness MMM. Thinking of you all, and wishing you all the best. My state has that program, and Ive met and formed friendships with the nicest men and women of all ages by participating in the classes and volunteering. Im reminded of a refrain from an old Dave Mason song there aint no good guy, there aint no bad guy theres only you and me and we just disagree. Good luck to all of you. Reasonableness is required on both sides. Not a game of fairness, especially when children are involved. Addendum #2: Podcast Why your house is a terrible investment with Radical Personal Finance Video Why your house is a terrible investment with Mike & Lauren YouTube. Check out meetup and Facebook groups. Two-L Michelle December 31, 2018, 6:03 pm. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy and peaceful new year. Mr. Leung, who invested through the Great Recession, added: "There was a lot more reason to be scared in 2008. The process was handled as if it were a way to punish someone (me). Every human needs and deserves to be accepted and loved even the people who drive us crazy and even those who treat us poorly. Because sometimes life just serves up a shit salad and we dont have a choice in the matter, but wealwayshave a choice of how to respond to it. The touch of a cluster of leaves revolved it slowly, tracing, like the leg of compass, a thin red circle in the water. December 31, 2018, 6:41 pm. . Being married to the wrong person is such an emotional and psychological drag. First, we were ignored. I dont know if thats very fair What are the rates of happily single people? I can tell you from experience that even under the best of circumstances a divorce is emotionally very difficult. And if you dont choose to fight, a divorce doesnt have to cost much at all. Then we retired from real work way back in 2005 in order to start a family. [volume] (Rural Retreat, Va.) 1892-1918, January 26, 1912, Image 7, brought to you by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. We can get right back to work on positive things to rebuild our lives. Write down the good advice they give. Hugs from the internet :), Mustachio This is however, a very valuable blog post for many. C.S. But fortunately, like everything else, going to war is almost always achoice. December 31, 2018, 6:35 pm. Complaints and insults generally wont make the cut here, but by all means write them on your own blog! My daughter just told me she is getting divorced which also surprised the heck out of me. I will look into the Love Languages book, thanks for the recommendation. Be resilient. MMM Divorce And Kids A divorce is hard on a child. Marriage, even if it doesnt work out exactly the way you wish, is overall a winning concept. Is the difference due to Bogleheads using far more conservative allocations? I know this is unlikely but Im fine with never read that blog again. MMM hats off to you for taking the high road and Im sorry for what you and your ex-wife are going through, and that you have to do it as public figures. We are both doing well in forming new relationships and supportive of the others success in that important aspect of moving on. As a long time reader of your blog, I was shocked to hear the news. I would never advise someone to stay in an unhappy marriage out of fear of being single, and not questioning the choice of those who prefer to stay unmarried. If you survive, you will have the world one day. worked through the do-it-yourself paperwork and paid a $265 fee to the county court for the divorce. I think they help a ton of people. And burn yearson reliving the past, with a mixture of regret and vengeful self-righteousness and self-pity. Logistics matter a lot more than people realize, and this will ensure you see each other more often than if you lived a car ride away. 2) Get outside and independent advice (pay for it if you need to). The FIRE group also has some other meetings like game nights in addition to their monthly meeting. Also, if possible get rid of the car (assuming you have one and the kids are big enough to use public transport by themselves) and start biking. It is quite hard to stay positive and optimistic when your ex is abusing (verbally/mentally/physically, whatever), but it really is the best thing you can do. Thanks for sharing and giving your perspective. Actually, Jim Krueger, An early bandmate of Daves, wrote that one. (hug). Kids will have plenty of trouble on their long road to adulthood if they even make it. Ill leave you with one of my favorite jokes: 3) Survival, Survival, and Survival! Mr. Money Mustache retired in his early thirties and has recently emerged as one of the most inspiring personal finance authors in cyberspace. Im sorry youre having to go through this. I decided to keep improving my chances of a better paying job and decided to go to university. Ive already downsized my home to something half in value and Im hatcheting expenses like a Halloween psycho! But we can. I just started reading a couple of days ago too! Mr. Money Mustache shares his early retirement secrets in an interview for the new Financial Independence Podcast! Hope to read more posts like this in the future! . A good way to find them is to learn and engage in things you are interested in. Woah! That cant be easy to do with some people being what they are. Ill continue to use the surplus for projects and philanthropy just as before, but the point here is that ones relationship status does not have to affect their financial status. I'm going through a divorce and have to buy my ex out of his portion of the equity in our marital home, about $100k. Junior Achievement morning shifts from about 8a-2pm at local schools or at JA Finance park Divorce sucks all round, but seems to be easier for the the one who planned to leave, theyve already laid out the groundwork for leaving long before the one that gets left has much of a clue. Link to Mr. Money Mustache article- may wonder why I chose to read . I am so happy to hear that and hope that every happily married couple will FIRE IT UP in 2019 to make their good thing better. If anything, use the experience for the valuable life lessons, and count the many blessings in your life and continue to build on them. Not all volunteer positions involve pure charity-feeding-the-lepers type action (just saying because it sounds like you could use a battery charge in your vollie time). As all my previous relationships lasted no more than 2 years. Ignore them if you can or shut them down. . I am hoping to start the Moustache journey tomorrow. Thank you for sharing such a personal and inspirational story. Anonymous I determined that you have very little control over someone elsess happiness, especially at middle age. Anonymous Im on a two year plan and have been following your posts. And if you hire lawyers and other specialists to fight on your behalf, you just multiply the damage and the cost and stretch out the timeline. Take 100 marriages. havingtolearnthehardway When you are young, energetic, and gregarious, marriage and kids can definitely make things a lot harder, but things start looking different when you are old without kids or you get (really) sick. At this age, people have mellowed and learned from their past relationships and are moving on to a new free stage of life since our kids (if any) are growing up. Twopupsonacouch My wife and I have learned so much from you and we are forever grateful for your contributions to our family and friends and this society as a whole. From personal experience I have found the media to be uncivil and just downright cruel. . Anonymous Because they already do that plenty to themselves. income, or you dont have enough money saved (jointly or separately) that you could remain FIRE solo if needed due to divorce, disablilty, lay off or . We still celebrate family events together (Christmas, graduations, etc.). Been single now for a loooong time. Its a good example of how divorce can get to an amicable place. But at the same time, I feel we havebothalready learnedsomuch, that it seems almost impossible that the experience wont help both of us live better lives in the future. I am really sad hearing this man. Yep the idea of a mediocre partnership just so someone can change my diapers sounds like hell to me. It was ridiculous and my spouse and I laughed while I was crying, but Ive been envious of your life for a long time. I definitely am not willing to be in one just so there is someone to take care of me if Im old and sick (or conversely, I get stuck taking care of someone else after being in an unhappy marriage no to that). Unfortunately, the internet is a place where nasty voices can gather a lot of steam, but those voices do not reflect the truth that many of us are here for you. I wish my parents had divorced 15 yrs before they actually did everyone, especially them, would have been much happier. I think they will! 2. Its so weird to receive this post the day before my financial freedom starts and yet how perfect the advice is. And then well have to drag ourselves back out of that rut again. Im sorry you were the subject of gossip, but Im glad youve risen above the nonsense with such a positive post. Next thing you know, you will land a corporate job! But without my divorce, and my solitude time to absorb my lessons, I would not have the wonderful relationship I enjoy today. Our members range from young folks just starting their journey to financial independence, military retirees and even multimillionaires. If you have any additional tips for me I would be most grateful. It is truly one of the worst things that can happen, most people dont understand unless theyve been through it, which can be very isolating. He actually spends a lot more money each year than he tells everyone, but in order to keep up with his image and cult of followers, he continues to say they live on little. 2) Do you have a pre-nup? Mr. MM, MMM, man I grieve with you at the ending of your marriage. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often. While the ending of a relationship can be sad, I honestly think that as we grow, sometimes the effect of our growth is growing out of a relationship. Life is short. In reality life (and marriage) is a complex and changing process which includes kids as well as getting old and weaker. Definitely one of the classics. My comment form allows you to use a pseudonym so you can be anonymous while you let out the truth. Maybe so. I hope thats of some help. There are discussion groups, people who like to cook, board games, running, hiking, etc. Although that is not surprising since youre outrageously optimistic. Anonymous Your post will be valuable to many and hopefully save a many relationships. She wanted to spare us until she had everything in place. Relationships and friendships and dealing with bossy or dysfunctional friends or family or parents, personal habits and addictions, and everything else. My wife has been a divorce mediator for 25 years and helps me stay keyed to both the negative and positive sides of struggles between spouses or parents and those close to them over separating their family while jointly tending to children. You are in crisis, so I think you need to take baby steps and ask everyone in your circle to help. If this is the only alternative. I hope it wasn't, but as he said in the article, it's none of our damn business. In fact, when rumour of our separation got out, multiple gossipy and negative and downright distasteful discussions formed around the Internet on Reddit, other bloggers websites, even right here on my own forum. December 31, 2018, 5:44 pm. You may want to post a case study on the forum with all the numbers and this community will rally around to give you their specific thoughts. When I heard the news, I thought to myself, "how could this happen?" How could a couple split up when on paper, everything seemed so perfect? As a long-time reader said to me in a recent email as we discussed our shared fate, having a solid financial cushion and low expenses and lifestyle flexibility, has made the best of an otherwise difficult situation especially in not having to disrupt the lives of our kids. One of the best things you did was move down the street from your child. Pay attention to the new experiences you have on this journey. It is proof that the core tenets of Mustachianism really are universal, and truly lead to greater lifetime happiness. Proceed with extreme caution is my advice. Welcome fellow Mustachians! Anonymous, December 31, 2018, 8:04 pm. There are a lot of resourceful folks here willing to help. With some counselling and continued learning, I started the path to being a better me in the world. Hello Mr. Moustache, Im continually amazed at how you can take difficult circumstances and choices, and come out stronger. Youth Business Alliance-youth training program for businesses Take a different route to work than you usually do, and a different route home. With the rule of 55 with regard to my most recent 401K, I can technically retire. Do you think its good to have one? I am trying to reconcile the difference and determine what to use in my calculations. Im thankful for this and all your stories, in that they will likely help people focus before its too late. The downfalls of our own relationship are personal and not something we choose to make public, but youve heard it all before anyway. At the end of the day we all just want to be happy. It is truly a life changing website and I cannot thank MMM enough! Thats what Ill be up to in 2019. Sometimes its ok for things to come to an end. Too many couples marry on passion and spur of the moment decisions. Building everyone up and never, ever tearing anyone down. I wish for the two of you, peace, in 2019. teach a lesson, attempt to reduce or protect ego) but it very rarely results in the desired outcomes. And reflected very badly on those taking part. They were saying money is going to be toilet paper." Much like all things in life, theres an ebb and a flow to post-divorce life. Thanks for saying that marriage is a good deal even if it doesnt seem that life delivered what we ordered. Any further commenters need to remember that we are not entitled to information about you, or your family, or anyone else ever. Now THAT would be Unmustachian. It is a testament to your characters that you are able to part on such terms. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Take a look around. If you just googled, 'mr money mustache divorce' you'll see multiple threads on his forum talking about it. I have no insights into divorce or coparenting but I just wanted to say Im sorry to hear about your divorce but glad you both are working through it so amically. They are who they are and while you cant change them, you cant make the world any better by spitting venom back at them., This quote really articulated how I have been feeling of late and obviously applies to humanity as a whole. The few comments I had read, the baseless speculation and entitlement were disgusting. Definitely. My husband left in February, leaving me with two children under 4, a mortgage and all the bills. Im not sure that the initiator of the divorce necessarily has it easier in regards to planning it out. With his divorce though, I imagine that he's currently sitting around 3MM or so. I survived and later thrived out of divorce (it was a process, 10 years). Mr. Been There You continue to be a role model to me. Very impressed by your broad viewpoints and wisdom even through tough times like these. Weve never met but you mean a lot to me as someone who has changed my life for the better, and I feel as though Im writing to an important friend or family member. Personally, I have found over 18 financial literacy organizations that every-day-people can volunteer for. Man, I feel sad. When he got back she waited to see if the affair would continue then had him served divorce papers while he was in bed with the neighbor. "Joey Meets Jack Paar". Your approach is similar to how my European friends handle these situations down to earth and practical-minded with no shame. 3.5 years in, Im still a work in progress but know that Im okay and can enjoy life, and experience joy. What a great post to share on this first day of the new year! This is because conflict is a form of war, and war is the most expensive thing humans have ever invented. Very brave to share that news. Because many bits of damage you do to a relationship arepermanent. fundicin a presin; gases de soldadura; filtracion de aceite espreado/rociado; industria alimenticia; sistema de espreado/rociado de lubricante para el molde My ex and I did the same. December 31, 2018, 6:06 pm. MMM says that a 5% withdrawal rate will last 50+ years. Top 5 life crisis type trauma, but it eases with time. I was ready to move on in life. I read through MMM's blog 5-6 years ago. It has been a hard year. In my experience and from discussions with others (women mostly so its a fairly skewed premise) the initiator has just already worked through the realisation and subsequent grief of the relationships end. Im so glad to hear you were able to find a suitable house nearby. Is it good for my finances? Mr. Smith represents a threat / battle / death to society.
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