There wasn't a group on Facebook yet - but there is now! You can pause momentarily to say out loud, OHH, AWWW for our newest Bella 2 color quilt, TimePiece. Its been on my list to share a trunk show of the quilts in the book. Continue until you have four pieces. I am so excited to get started. The back really shows the quilting texture well. Kind of off topic, but I clicked on your link for Snowberry and then saw your Jack Frost pattern - which I totally love! Love the block! Thanks! Then mark the ruler lines with washi tape or a Post-It note as shown above. June 2013 It's September, it's National Sewing Month, and this is what's on our calendar. Quilt Samplers You might have some sewing to finish up Hello, all my Granny Square/ Family Reunion QAL'er's. Moda grandmothers share the pleasures and inspiration sewing for their grandkids provides. June 2017 Rulers/templates So when they Hello All, Lissa Alexander back for week 2 of the Scrappy Celebration QAL in conjunction with American We're counting down the days until Saturday - September 18! 52 - Scrappy Checkerboard by Corey Yoder. I needed darker fabrics because the star blocks are on the lighter side. Joy And Delight Quilt The complete list of Designer blocks, bonus blocks, setting options and blog posts for Blockheads 4. June 2019 (Only the units for the 9" block are shown.). J'avais conserv le bloc de Jan Patek, c'tait le seul bloc en appliqu en vue de raliser l'tiquette du Moda Blockheads 4. Color Studies The third one makes me think of an hour glass with white sand running from top to bottom ("the sands of time"). Thanks Sheri, @coloradocrossstitcher for another successful camp.. Deco Garden This sewalong has been lots of fun! Hi Madelene - The URL for the pattern instructions is at the bottom of Lynne's blog post. February 2021 26 - Churndash Surprise by Corey Yoder, No. Using 36 blocks, I plan on making a center with 4 blocks of the 9" size with a ring of 4 1/2" blocks around it and then a ring of 9" blocks around that, with sashing separating the outer ring of blocks. The link to the Designer blog and the Block Instructions will be added on Wednesday by 8:00 AM CDT. These payments are accepted as compensation for the time spent in writing, sewing, photography, supplies and time of the writer to supply quality content. January 2020 We'll be back next week with Block 2 and a Setting Option. If you're on social media, be sure to check out #modablockheads to see the blocks everyone is making. She's going to make one set of blocks using a scrappy "Fall palette" mixing fabrics from different collections and designers. The form can be found here -, Our CatalogsWholesale InfoCalendarContactModa JobsFAQsPrivacy Policy, Inspiration + ResourcesProject Jelly RollRuby Star SocietyNewsletter Subscribe, Moda Bake Shop Cake Mix Sew-Along Free Patterns Fabric Downloads, Moda Fabrics and Moda Home are United Notions companies 2022 Moda Fabrics + Supplies Powered by triGroup, Moda Fabrics and Moda Home are United Notions companies, 2022 Moda Fabrics + Supplies Powered by triGroup, Moda's Inspiration + Resources - Block 28,, Moda's Inspiration + Resources - Block 27,, Moda's Inspiration + Resources - Block 26, Moda's Inspiration + Resources - Block 25,,,, Yardage Information & Setting Option No. Were at the end of our quiltalong! She pulled out a label-maker to make stickers for the tray with different size pieces, and she'll adjust as needed. 28 - Lincoln's Platform by Barbara Groves & Mary Jacobson, No. October 2018 All of your family and friends are going to be so impressed AND!!!!! SFWeeklyDesigns By the way, I did finish the first chart of Jack Frosts Tree Farm by Little House Needleworks. Spoonflower How do I print the instructions for the block. Where I share my quilting and crafting journey with a little travel thrown in! 11 - Direction by Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life, No. Stickers Mod Flower Box : Mod Flower Box Today, Wednesday March 23, 2022, is the beginning of Moda Blockheads 4. I've missed these! 10 - Ducks And Ducklings by Jo Morton, No. One Bonus Block will be posted on Fridays, every 3-4 weeks. Mini Quilts ~Kris, Our CatalogsWholesale InfoCalendarContactModa JobsFAQsPrivacy Policy, Inspiration + ResourcesProject Jelly RollRuby Star SocietyNewsletter Subscribe, Moda Bake Shop Cake Mix Sew-Along Free Patterns Fabric Downloads, Moda Fabrics and Moda Home are United Notions companies 2022 Moda Fabrics + Supplies Powered by triGroup, The pattern for the block can be found on Lynne's blog -, Moda Fabrics and Moda Home are United Notions companies, 2022 Moda Fabrics + Supplies Powered by triGroup, Moda's Resource+Inspiration Center - Blockheads 4, Expandable Bamboo Storage Trays by Lipper - No. You knocked it out of the park :))). You might have some sewing to finish up Hello, all my Granny Square/ Family Reunion QAL'er's. Coconut. Moda Blockheads Round 4 Line-Up. However, I was instructed to set up an account thru Bloglovin. Trade Shows We weren't sure how it was all going to work, but we definitely had fun with it. For binding I'm not sure what I'm using yet but it might be the new Thatched bias binding that Moda makes which is sold by the yard. We do love these 4" blocks - Tammy made a second block using Lynne's Freedom Road collection, and she changed up the fabric placement. And the Castleton quilt is gorgeous!! Oh what a beautiful block. Simple Solstice Quilt Totes I used the called for DMCs on 32 ct white linen. It IS your grandmother's quilt! I had so much fun stitching up my blocks using fabrics by @thimbleblossoms Im chatting about these pretties on my blog today where youll also find links to the PDF block pattern and the first cross-stitch pattern. Charm Pack Quilts June 2020 Happy Sewing! Download or read book Blockheads! Hi Laure - No worries, I get distracted like that too! June 2019 BLOCK #1 is SQUARE WHEEL from Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles Quilters. February 2019 Moda Blockheads 3 January 2013 My friends @modafabrics & I have teamed up for this one and I hope you enjoy watching! This one is brought to us by @lellaboutique Im using a mix of Buttercup & Slate and Spring Brook fabrics for my blocks. April 2022 My Spellbound Quilt Block for Sewcialites 2,, Bonus blocks can be found on Moda's Inspiration+Resources Center every four weeks on Fridays as well! Shipshewana Why is it named Kouign Amann? I am so happy to finally have finished this quilt. 1 by Michelle White,, Jenelle's Blog Post about the block with the instructions -, Moda's Inspiration+Resources post with a cutting tip and Basic Layout option -. Do you see the stay-stitching on the outside edge of the block? This means 4 big blocks in center, 20 small blocks next and 12 big blocks in the outer row. . (Even better.). Moda grandmothers share the pleasures and inspiration sewing for their grandkids provides. I'm honored and delighted to kick off the 4th round of Moda Block Heads. Creative Grids Rulers 15 - Corner Pocket by Barbara Groves & Mary Jacobson, No. Charm Pack Quilts Trim the unit to size. Workshops And Lectures, February 2023 It's September, it's National Sewing Month, and this is what's on our calendar. Be sure to check the box above E-mail Address for Moda Blog/Inspiration+Resources. Moda's blog:. This month's theme was to stitch something in a collection. March 2022 Village Quilt November 2021 Robin. For this sewalong, they asked for blocks that make us crazy. I know everybody calls it "flip and sew" but that's just wrong. Too hot for May! I dont think Im using any of the called for colors because I didnt have any. Heres my start on the fabric. Bountiful Sew Along October 2018 T-shirts And Giftware October 2016 January 2018 Join the Moda Blockheads Facebook group. February 2022 November 2022 This block goes together quickly and fairly easily, it's made with "connector corners" or sew-and-flip. November 2016 Business Tips September 2017 Dandi Annie :). Business Tips Try an easy, alternative way to make flying geese units! This is such a huge gift of your time and I really appreciate it. Wed, 2018-05-16 14:46. Double-check the markings because "measure twice, cut once" is particularly true here. You might have some sewing to finish up Hello, all my Granny Square/ Family Reunion QAL'er's. October 2014 I used Auriful 50 cotton wt thread for the piecing and most of the quilting. thank you! Etsy Color And Quilt Shop 22 What 1980s band had fans that happily called themselves blockheads 1 Miami 2 from EDUC 102A at Bicol State College of Applied Science and Technology. Hello Everyone! January 2022 Lynne will be sharing her block and maybe some tips and tricks for her wonderful layered patchwork technique on her blog - Kansas Troubles Quilters. Block No. Coriander Quilts 2023. 4. May 2012 Color Play Quilts 31 Day Blogging Challenge There's NO SEWING! (And maybe test it on a piece of scrap fabric.). I, too, like seeing different fabrics for the blocks. For this project, Tammy used one of the Expandable Bamboo Storage Trays by Lipper - No. . Je lui ai rajout une bordure pour crire les indications. Love this weeks block, thank you Laurie. Its a lovely quilt, but there are several different block sizes and I do like a little more conformity in my quilts than that one is. Because I want to keep the sewing joy going, I'm participating in the Bountiful sew along with Fat Quarter Shop with the quilt pattern Corey Yoder designed. I started with a small bundle of red, cream and black fabric and used fabrics from my stash and some new fabrics. While the. This background is from the upcoming Snowberry collection from 3 Sisters - SKU 44145 11. #basketquiltblock #coreyyoder #corianderquilts #patchwork #quiltblock #samplerquilt @fatquartershop #modafabrics #thimbleblossoms #showmethemoda #madewithmoda, I've so been looking forward to sharing this video with all of you! Definite Plus Chocolate. Red Velvet. Hey Corey, my virus protection wont let me download the Block 21. Blockheads 4 - Archive. Red Velvet. October 2020 Carolina Lilies As for nesting seams, this is a picture of the back of the blocks. You can visit Lynne's blog. Moda's Blockheads Facebook Group is also excited, and there are so many beautiful fabric pulls to see - Moda Blockheads Facebook Group. Dandi-Annie Table Runner Quilt Settings It's happening here - the Blockheads Block of the Week is starting. I think this could work well with a center using Chocolate Bar or Charcoal with Cocoa or Stone. Art Licensing Moda Blockheads 4 . Be sure to go visit the others to see what they made: Then check #modablockheads on Instagram and Facebook for more pictures. June 2017 You can pause momentarily to say out loud, OHH, AWWW for our newest Bella 2 color quilt, TimePiece. December 2018 Try an easy, alternative way to make flying geese units! iOS; Android . I will have my small quilt finished very soon Keep reading for the details and link for todays block along with photos of my finished quilt. Moda Fabric The next one reminded me of arrows pointing in with shaded 3d arrow bases. Moda Designers Layer Cake Quilts You can find all the charts on her blog. The link to this weeks block was harder to find, print and forward since she used which I have never heard of. I'm going to try to use my stash. Organization December 2020 January 2020 Thank you for following Blockheads 4 and all of us at Moda - here is the link to the, Isabella Half Yard Bundle - WOVENS - Pre-Order. I had to leave off the bottom part of the chart because I didn't have enough fabric on the scrap I was using. My color choice and setting gives this quilt a more traditional feel to it, so I kept the quilting more traditional, too. Here I have played with taking the colors through in horizontal and vertical bands, like a plaid. August 2021 14 - Fidget Spinner by Lynne Hagmeier, No. August 2018 #basketquiltblock #coreyyoder #corianderquilts #patchwork #quiltblock #samplerquilt @fatquartershop #modafabrics #thimbleblossoms #showmethemoda #madewithmoda, I've so been looking forward to sharing this video with all of you! Seize The Day Feel free to make changes to blocks - add your own special touch to it. Winter Cross Stitch Camp project is finished It's the Tulip House Salt Box freebie by @pinkernpunkinquilting. Is there a way to simplify? Redbubble December 2020 :). Fat Eighth Patterns Our March Give-Away is a 28 piece Summer Breeze 2023 Fat Quarter Bundle from Moda. i am very excited to get started on this, luv luv luv the block,of the week idea. With so many outside commitments, a few had to skip the party, so a few new faces were invited. No. We did it! The complete list of Designer blocks, bonus blocks, setting options and blog posts for Blockheads 4. Blockheads 3 by Joanna Figueroa. Read on for more info on how to get started, including a palette of Bella Solids and a temperature tracker download. Swipe to see my collection of Melisa's houses that I've stitched. Modern to transitional quilt designer. I have enjoyed quilting along with you and your hints have really been helpful. August 2022 My quilt is 68 x 80 and I used Quilters Dream Wool batting. Quilt Borders February 2019 July 2020 Hi Sharon - This is a Mystery quilt so we have to keep a few things for surprises! T Shirts And Giftware Hi Iris - Thank you for letting me know that I forgot to include the finished size of the block! Looking forward to the new year, have you ever considered making a Temperature Quilt? Splendid Fabric Project Jelly Roll The Wild Blossoms fabrics (which are shipping to shops at the end of this month) has a big Width-of-Fabric print that runs selvage to selvage in a big rainbow print of multiple wild flowers. Hopscotch Happy Thank, Robin, for again providing much stimulation and ideas through your color studies for the blockhead blocks. Square Wheel by Moda's Tammy Vonderschmitt - made with Sincerely Yours by Sherri & Chelsi.

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