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["percent_width"]=> int(480) ["max_image_width"]=> int(1) int(0) int(1400) ["height"]=> [1]=> Yeah i think your right its a 401k that was auto enrolled. int(480) ["url"]=> bool(false) ["percent_width"]=> If you think an incorrect code has been used on your Form 1099-R, contact the administrator of the distributing plan or IRA for more information or to request a corrected Form 1099-R. ["percent_width"]=> }, array(4) { int(150) ["mime-type"]=> int(1400) We take care of them! ["width"]=> int(0) int(1000) bool(false) string(10) "image/jpeg" [0]=> int(560) int(518) string(81) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/your_winter2023_slider.jpg" string(9) "image/png" array(10) { array(10) { ["height"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company is a leading financial services organization that provides a wide array of custody and trust services to a diverse national client base of financial advisors and institutions, asset managers, and benefits administrators. ["percent_width"]=> string(30) "art_contest_2023-1-480x279.png" ["acceptable_h"]=> ["file"]=> ["height"]=> int(1024) ["acceptable_w"]=> } int(0) int(1400) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["next_break"]=> The Mid-Atlantic's six states (see below) and the District of Columbia are nestled between our New England and Southeast regions. ["media_query"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["mime-type"]=> int(768) int(150) ["acceptable_h"]=> int(0) ["max_image_width"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(0) int(150) string(84) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/art_contest_2023-1-150x87.png" string(85) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial.jpg" ["media_query"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> int(1920) If you have questions about your STRATA TRUST Form 1099-R, please contact us at 866-928-9394 or Service@StrataTrust.com. bool(false) [1]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(1000) ["image_full_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(480) ["media_query"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["file"]=> } ["width"]=> ["width"]=> int(150) ["max_image_width"]=> int(1000) int(100) ["next_break"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company * 15 Contacts Reach the right people with access to detailed contact information. } ===========array(4) { string(85) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/art_contest_2023-1-300x174.png" int(150) int(174) int(560) ["image_full_width"]=> string(93) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-300x178.jpg" ["next_break"]=> ["url"]=> int(1400) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> float(1280) array(6) { ["ratio"]=> string(70) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/GSI-article.jpg" string(72) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-150x84.jpg" int(1024) ["width"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["url"]=> ["width"]=> int(1400) int(560) ["mime-type"]=> array(10) { [0]=> bool(false) [2]=> array(10) { array(10) { ["width"]=> int(1400) ["acceptable_h"]=> int(1) } ["url"]=> int(0) ["width"]=> ["width"]=> EDIT: issue has been figured out, thank you so much everyone for your help! ["url"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company offers an extensive line of participant distribution solutions for plans in Mid Atlantics custody or held elsewhere. Current Hours. } string(72) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-150x84.jpg" ["url"]=> Overview. ["next_break"]=> int(0) ["ratio"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["next_break"]=> int(1) } int(84189) Log-in to Matrix Trust Company services. float(480) ["width"]=> [1]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> int(8009) France (French: ), officially the French Republic (French: Rpublique franaise [epyblik frsz]), is a country located primarily in Western Europe.It also includes overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, giving it one of the largest discontiguous exclusive economic zones in the world. Our firm was founded by hard-working, forward-thinking entrepreneurs truly embodying the American spirit. int(300) ["media_query"]=> ["file"]=> We use intelligent software that helps us . Portfolios to retirement plan custodial platforms such as Mid-Atlantic . Life insurance products are underwritten by multiple life insurance carriers. array(10) { NewEdge Securities, Inc.; NewEdge Advisors, LLC. ["image_full_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(150) string(83) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons-150x87.png" int(0) int(696) string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-300x200.jpeg" ["width"]=> bool(false) string(90) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1280x853.jpeg" ["url"]=> Mid-Atlantic Finance Company Reviews. string(9) "image/png" string(91) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1920x1280.jpeg" int(300) ["filesize"]=> string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-768x512.png" int(150) string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Emily_Piehl_resized-480x320.png" int(696) string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/your_winter2023_slider-150x122.jpg" int(480) ["percent_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> string(93) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-768x455.jpg" string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-480x320.jpeg" ["height"]=> } ["width"]=> int(1) ["height"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(300) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["file"]=> int(1400) [3]=> Explore a wide range of apps, podcasts, articles, and resources to help you thrive in mind, body, and spirit. array(5) { Let us help you learn some important lessons about insurance by sharing some real-life experiences and some helpful tips. array(10) { [3]=> ["ratio"]=> ["ratio"]=> Consult your personal advisor or attorney for advice specific to your unique circumstances before taking action. ["next_break"]=> } int(480) } [1]=> ["width"]=> ["width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> array(10) { int(300) ["image_full_width"]=> A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans. ["next_break"]=> ["width"]=> ["url"]=> int(89) string(10) "image/jpeg" int(1) ["width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> The Personal Investment Account Program is offered by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. int(518) ["url"]=> ["url"]=> string(34) "guar_rate_2023-empower-150x124.jpg" int(696) ["url"]=> The Trustee Custodian for the WEA Member Benefits IRA accounts is Newport Trust Company. [3]=> int(150) } [4]=> The results of recommendations developed by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., cannot be guaranteed. array(10) { ["width"]=> ["file"]=> array(10) { string(85) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/art_contest_2023-1-480x279.png" ["acceptable_w"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> [3]=> int(1400) int(1707) ["media_query"]=> int(1) array(10) { ["width"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(900) ["max_image_width"]=> Not all products and services are available in all states. float(768) Join hundreds of banks, trust companies, asset managers, and broker-dealers that benefit from our state-of-the-art technology and support services. string(9) "image/png" ["width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> int(696) string(35) "Emily-Piehl_testimonial-480x265.jpg" Phone: (605) 224-9189 Fax: (605) 224-4307 ["file"]=> [1]=> int(0) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> array(10) { int(279) [3]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> bool(false) array(3) { Visit Mid Atlantic Trust Company website Who We Serve float(768) ["next_break"]=> Vanguard established Vanguard National Trust Company to provide trust administration and investment management services customized to meet your needs, as well as those of your family and other beneficiaries. ["image_full_width"]=> ["filesize"]=> ["mime-type"]=> Its fun for me to not only be a member but to encourage my colleagues to become members., Its never too early to start saving for your future. array(10) { int(300) array(3) { int(1400) ["file"]=> Dont wait.. ["url"]=> We have more than 30 years of experienceproviding services toa large number of qualified retirement plans, providing assistance withall aspects such as plan design, investment and vendor selection, investment monitoring, and employee education. [3]=> ["height"]=> int(1400) string(35) "403b_plan-as171743928-1024x683.jpeg" int(1280) ["image_full_width"]=> int(432) ["next_break"]=> bool(false) array(5) { int(696) are dedicated to helping our business partners provide first-class service to their clientele. int(0) string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-480x389.jpg" ["width"]=> [2]=> ["height"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> int(0) There were a lot of aha moments. string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/your_winter2023_slider-768x623.jpg" ["acceptable_h"]=> array(6) { [4]=> Unites Families 3. int(284) int(1400) Website. ["ratio"]=> ["url"]=> array(5) { ["percent_width"]=> int(1024) int(300) ["url"]=> array(10) { float(480) int(1400) ["image_full_width"]=> int(1400) Non-retirement (Personal Investment Account), Guaranteed Stable Investment Credited Rate of Return. ["url"]=> ["filesize"]=> int(1400) ["mime-type"]=> ["url"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> int(0) ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> ["url"]=> array(5) { } I am so happy to have a company like WEA Member Benefitsgreat products, great service, very professional. Target retirement funds invest in a mix of stock and bond funds that steadily become more conservative as they approach their target date. ["mime-type"]=> ["url"]=> } ["percent_width"]=> ["width"]=> int(150) ["acceptable_h"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(730) int(1366) ["next_break"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> [1]=> int(300) int(1400) int(0) array(10) { } int(20207) All advisory services are offered through WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. ["image_full_width"]=> string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/guar_rate_2023-empower-300x248.jpg" [4]=> array(10) { ["ratio"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> } int(150) Furthermore, our directed trustee services may qualify your plans for limited scope audits. string(34) "your_winter2023_slider-480x389.jpg" array(3) { ["media_query"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(696) string(73) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-300x169.jpg" string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-480x320.png" [3]=> ["url"]=> array(6) { int(0) ["acceptable_w"]=> 4,200,070 reviews on ConsumerAffairs are verified. ["height"]=> int(0) 3 See similar companies for insight and prospecting. ["ratio"]=> string(73) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Swenty-768x432.jpg" string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-480x320.jpeg" [3]=> int(696) [0]=> [2]=> string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-300x200.jpeg" int(1) int(300) array(6) { int(696) ["width"]=> }, array(6) { int(0) 610-798-4926. ["height"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> Member FINRA, SIPC. bool(false) int(0) } ["next_break"]=> int(768) ["url"]=> ["width"]=> ["url"]=> int(0) string(84) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons-480x279.png" ["image_full_width"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> [3]=> int(1000) int(1020) ["media_query"]=> array(10) { ["mime-type"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company is part of the Mid Atlantic Capital Group, Inc. family of companies that collectively provide a wide array of brokerage, advisory, and trust services to a diverse . ["media_query"]=> int(696) int(1024) int(150) bool(false) int(1400) With multiple levels of administrative support each designed around your current needs for administrative functions like tax and compliance reporting, distributions and investment selection, Mid Atlantic has the solution that is right for you. string(36) "403b_plan-as171743928-2560x1707.jpeg" ["image_full_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> A Tool To Help Survive And Thrive in The New DOL Regulatory Landscape FiduciaryxChange is Mid Atlantic's proprietary program that allows a broker or advisor's home office to automate level fee-based compensation, seamlessly view plan information, and provide access to third party fiduciary services. ["width"]=> Target retirement funds are not guaranteed and may gain or lose value now and after their target date. ["next_break"]=> string(90) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/403b_plan-as171743928-1280x853.jpeg" int(730) ["url"]=> } that not only save time and expense in managing existing plans, but also provide features that will help benefits administrators win new business. bool(false) int(0) ["media_query"]=> Start Your Free Trial *Contacts and Principals counts are estimates and may differ from the actual number of contacts available in D&B Hoovers. int(1) Printer Friendly View Address: 330 S Poplar Ave Pierre, SD, 57501-2495 United States . ["next_break"]=> int(0) ["width"]=> int(5500) ["max_image_width"]=> March 20, 2017 Paychex, Inc., one of the nation's leading providers in retirement recordkeeping services, today announced that it has expanded its portfolio of partners and solutions that provide investment and administrative fiduciary protection to 401 (k) plan sponsors. ["ratio"]=> string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Emily_Piehl_resized-300x200.png" ["mime-type"]=> array(5) { ["media_query"]=> Equipment Breakdown insurance is underwritten by Mutual Boiler Re. array(10) { int(1920) ["url"]=> [3]=> That is why Mid Atlantic Trust Company provides an innovative set, of sophisticated financial products, technology and support services. int(768) float(300) array(5) { ["media_query"]=> ["file"]=> string(78) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider.jpg" ["width"]=> Doing Business As: MID ATLANTIC FINANCE. int(518) ["file"]=> ["url"]=> ["mime-type"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company (MATC) announced today the expansion of its ModelxChange platform, adding 22 new third-party managers available to the more than 8,000 Professional Money Managers, Investment Advisors, and Plan Record Keepers who utilize MATC for 401(k) trust and custody. ["media_query"]=> int(1) As an independent firm with no proprietary products to sell or sales quotas to meet, we are able to give you objective financial guidance and investment recommendations. ["acceptable_w"]=> array(3) { ["image_full_width"]=> ["height"]=> ["ratio"]=> These advisory services are provided for a fee. Experience counts [1]=> ["height"]=> ["next_break"]=> array(6) { ["url"]=> ["url"]=> int(900) string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider-768x623.jpg" ["percent_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> } ["width"]=> string(28) "insurance_lessons-150x87.png" float(150) } int(300) ["height"]=> int(0) [3]=> int(0) ["media_query"]=> int(1366) } ["height"]=> }. int(1) int(0) ["acceptable_h"]=> int(104) int(1400) float(480) ["url"]=> int(150) New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ["height"]=> } ["height"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["url"]=> int(1000) int(0) In addition to top pay and excellent benefits , our employees enjoy working in . } ["url"]=> AssetMark and AssetMark Trust Company ("AssetMark Trust") are wholly-owned Indirect subsidiaries of Huatai Securities, Co., Ltd. ("HTSC"). int(150) ["acceptable_w"]=> int(5500) array(10) { array(5) { That is why Mid Atlantic Trust Company provides an innovative set of sophisticated financial products, technology and support services that not only save time and expense in managing existing plans, but also provide features that will help benefits administrators win new business. ["url"]=> ["width"]=> Collective Investment Trusts Retirement Cash Account Fund Search Lookup Partner Site TPA-level trust system access (Online Service Agreement Required for Access) 1099 information 1099 Forms - 2012 Online account access for plan sponsors and interested parties (InnoVue User Agreement Required for Access) TOS Mid Atlantic Trust Company Overview. string(38) "Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-768x455.jpg" ["mime-type"]=> ["media_query"]=> } int(0) int(900) int(1) string(83) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/insurance_lessons-150x87.png" int(0) Mid Atlantic Trust Company (MATC) and its affiliated companies serve more than 90,000 retirement plans and trust accounts, representing approximately 14% of all . int(518) ===========array(5) { } } ["media_query"]=> int(1) string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ira_rollover_slider-480x389.jpg" bool(false) ["percent_width"]=> Get ready for another great Wisconsin public school student art contest! About Mid Atlantic Trust Company . our trust and custody services are uniquely delivered. array(5) { int(150) I highly recommend taking advantage of the financial planning services. The terms and conditions of your coverage are exclusively controlled by your written policy. ["ratio"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["filesize"]=> int(900) int(1) With multiple levels of administrative support each designed around your current needs for administrative functions like tax and compliance reporting, distributions and investment selection, Mid Atlantic has the solution that is right for you. int(300) } ["url"]=> Our technology-backed-by-people business model has made LT Trust one of the fastest-growing 401(k) recordkeepers in the market. ["mime-type"]=> int(243) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["next_break"]=> string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/your_winter2023_slider-768x623.jpg" View privacy information at weabenefits.com/privacy. float(768) ["next_break"]=> ["width"]=> int(0) [1]=> int(83) ["max_image_width"]=> array(5) { string(18) "Swenty-300x169.jpg" bool(false) float(480) int(300) ["percent_width"]=> array(6) { int(900) }. Find out how Vanguard can provide for a variety of your family's trust needs. array(6) { ["acceptable_h"]=> string(89) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/guar_rate_2023-empower-480x397.jpg" Please enable javascript to improve your viewing experience. ["percent_width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> ["next_break"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["next_break"]=> bool(false) [2]=> int(0) DepositxChange is our FDIC eligible daily deposit product that offers a competitive alternative to money market funds for plan participant investment menus. string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Emily_Piehl_resized-768x512.png" } ["next_break"]=> WEA Member Benefits is the only financial organization that was created for the benefit of public school employees and their families. Third step if Mid Atlantic doesn't have the money anymore is to check with your state's unclaimed property web site. ["max_image_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> [2]=> int(150) float(768) array(6) { ["mime-type"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> string(35) "403b_plan-as171743928-1366x911.jpeg" ["acceptable_h"]=> int(0) int(300) int(0) string(86) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Emily_Piehl_resized-300x200.png" ["max_image_width"]=> Industrial. [2]=> bool(false) string(82) "https://www.weabenefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Emily-Piehl_testimonial.jpg" int(209) int(1)
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