PONTIAC, MI - Pontiac Public Library to hold an event with Author Phoenix Q Brown this upcoming Saturday, September 18, 2021. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Other notable road, bridge and traffic projects that are in progress or anticipated to be completed this fall include: Type of Work: Reconstruct and Widen Road from Two to Five Lanes, Location: Plumbrook Drain to Clinton River Road, Type of Work: Mill, Base Repair, Asphalt Overlay with Four Bridge Rehabilitation Locations, Location: 10 Mile Road to 11 Mile Road Service Drive (I696), Type of Work: Partial Reconstruction, Mill, Base Repair, and Asphalt Overlay, Type of Work: Bridge Rehabilitation with Pedestrian Walkway, Type of Work: Mill, Base Repair, Asphalt Overlay, Type of Work: Install Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal Radios, Type of Work: Fiber Optic Cable for ITS and Traffic Signal Systems, 25 Mile Road and Romeo Plank Road in Macomb Township, Type of Work: Roundabout Intersection Reconstruction, Type of Work: Diagonal to Box Span with Reflective Backplates, Location: Over the Salt Slang Gloede Drain, 26 Mile Road and County Line Road in Chesterfield Township and Lenox Township, Type of Work: Signal Upgrades, Adding Right Turn Lanes and Asphalt Overlay, Type of Work: Network Architecture Design and Deployment. Jan 13, 2023. airport searched following CSC allegation against aviation club member, ROUNDUP: L'Anse Creuse North finishes sixth in state competitive cheer finals, Warren City Council nixes Ryan Road condo plan, County Line Road closing over I-94 for bridge work in northern Macomb, Man with a beef for McDonald's workers in Richmond accused of threatening to shoot up eatery, As Adderall shortage continues, DEA plans to limit some telemedicine prescriptions, House where JonBenet Ramsey was found dead listed for sale for almost $7M, Columbia University permanently drops SAT, ACT admissions requirement, The Waterbed Doctor: California retailer lays claim to retro bed with nearly 40 years of service, sales, Felonious Florida podcast: Missing teenage girl leads to several cases of child sex trafficking, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Project consists of mill, curb and gutter, base repair and asphalt overlay. To sign up for email updates from Macomb County or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your email address. (586) 469-5325. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. Bridge traffic will be maintained with one lane open in each direction throughout the duration of the project. The Detroit Wing Co. Grand Opening! TRAC engages high school and middle school students in solving real-world problems, such as designing bridges or analyzing the environmental effects of building a highway. Macomb County Department of Roads Traffic Operations Center (TOC) . Find some of the most unique bars in the Motor City that match your mood, or even personality. In Wayne County, eastbound and westbound Eureka at I-275 will have one lane open until late September. Shelby-Utica News . Macomb County's $28M interceptor project enters key phase. Romeo Plank Road in Macomb Township will be widened from two to five lanes likely in 2023, following approval of a key chunk of the project by a pair of Macomb County Board of Commissioners committees. Some of these projects are expected to be complete by the end of this year. Construction will occur between 2021 and 2023 with final project completion projected for 2024. City warns renters after police find house party full of minors drinking alcohol. This is a free event and is open to the public. Two lanes will remain open in each direction. Beginning Friday following the morning rush hour, westbound M-59 traffic will be shifted to the right lane and shoulder beginning at North Avenue to allow crews to safely work on the left lanes from Elizabeth Road to Romeo Plank Road. missed. Project is part of a gas main replacement by Consumers Energy under a Department of Roads permit. Dequindre Road from 10 Mile Road intersection to the Maple Lane intersection in Warren. Detroit, MI - Without us knowing it, donating is not always about money. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for Michigans nearly 10,000-mile state highway system, comprised of all M, I, and US-routes. You can also sign up to receive email and text alerts for construction and traffic updates at roads.macombgov.org. This bridge project will start on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, and is planned to be complete by the end of December 2021. One lane on southbound Schoenherr will be open to traffic. A shovel ready design will be ready in 2020 and initiate the bid process. You can spend time with your furry friends and shower them with love by taking a walk through these lovely parks across Oakland County. Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant, The current estimated total for the project is $217 million. Phase 1 Project Begins:Friday, April 2, 2021,9 a.m. Traffic Details:Beginning Friday following the morning rush hour, westbound M-59 traffic will be shifted to the right lane and shoulder beginning at North Avenue to allow crews to safely work on the left lanes from Elizabeth Road to Romeo Plank Road. Project Overview The Innovate Mound project will reconstruct approximately nine miles of Mound Road between I-696 and M-59. Safety Benefit:Rebuilding this roadway will improve the pavement surface for a smoother drive and allow for safer pedestrian sidewalks. 25 Mile Road and Romeo Plank Road /Garfield Road in Macomb Township. Residents and businesses requiring immediate assistance can contact the construction ombudsman at 1-855-MOUND-4U (1-855-668-6348). These are three places where you can find grilled pork menus in Detroit. Rebuilding this roadway will improve the pavement surface for a smoother drive and allow for safer pedestrian sidewalks. Nearly 40% of the project is completed, with major construction on the north end slated to wrap up by November. Although traffic remains open, drivers are anticipated to be able to find alternative routes and delays. Seek alternate routes when possible. That is why MDOT offers many ways to help ease the stress of commuting by providing information that commuters want and need as they make daily travel decisions. ANN ARBOR, MI - Tying the knot soon? New projects Wayne County Rebuild I-275 from south of M-153 to Five Mile Road. Also in the township, construction of a roundabout at 25 Mile and Romeo Plank and what will be Garfield is slated to start next month, with completion planned for November, weather permitting. Transportation System Performance allows MDOT's regions and engineers to expand their knowledge on how Michigan freeways are operating over time and how they compare to each other. Please enter valid email address to continue. Project consists of pavement widening, mill curb and gutter, asphalt overlay, sidewalk and ADA ramps, pavement markings and traffic signal and restoration work. Resources for local governments regarding grant & economic development opportunities, project coordination, and state and federal requirements. Get it for free by attending a workshop with Zero Waste Detroit or Green Living Science. Meanwhile, elsewhere in north Macomb County, the intersection of 26 Mile and County Line roads will receive upgrades. you in a timely manner. Go Lions! (CBS Detroit) The Michigan Department of Transportation will be rebuilding 4.5 miles of M-59 in Clinton, Macomb, Harrison, and Chesterfield townships in two phases over two years. To ask a question or submit a service request for maintenance on roads or traffic signals, click here to fill out the assistance form. The widening on 23 Mile Road in the township has been taking place for years, with one more phase to go after this years section is completed. Road projects are always weather dependent and subject to delays. Harrison In Oakland County, northbound and southbound M-1 will be closed from 13 Mile Road to Normandy Road from 6-9 a.m. Saturday for local event. Before she joined the team in 2018 she worked at WILX in Lansing as a digital producer. MDOT's Highway Programs focus on the development and management of the department's roadsides, environmental efforts and policies, and federal-aid highway information. 117 South Groesbeck Hwy., Mount Clemens, MI, 48043, General Media Inquires - please contact John Cwikla at 586-463-3523, Reconstructed 6 lane miles of primary and local roads, Resurfaced and rehabilitated more than 70 lane miles of primary and local roads, Crack sealed more than 30 lane miles of primary and local roads, Traffic technology and communication network modernizations, Replaced critical road drainage infrastructure, 10 Mile Road Schoenherr Road to Hoover Road, 10 Mile Road I-94 to Little Mack Avenue, 16 Mile Road East of Crocker Boulevard at Crossovers, 23 Mile Road Railroad to Gratiot Avenue, 24 Mile Road Deceleration Lanes at Sams Lane, 24 Mile Road Romeo Plank Road to Van Dyke Avenue, 26 Mile Road East of Schoenherr Road to West of Schoenherr Road, 26 Mile Road Property to Ramp East of I-94, 29 Mile Road North Avenue to Hartway Road, 32 Mile Road Denby Street to Van Dyke Avenue, 32 Mile Road Silver Fox Lane to 3,800 Feet East, Armada Center Road Omo Road to Armada High School, Armada Center Road Romeo Plank Road to Bridge West of McFadden Road, Armada Ridge Road Omo Road to 1 Mile East, Bridgeview Street South River Road to 1,600 Feet North, Clinton River Road 17 Mile Road to Romeo Plank Road, Garfield Road 15 Mile Road to 16 Mile Road, Jefferson Avenue 16 Mile Road to Bridge South of Sunnybrook Street, North Avenue 1,600 Feet North of 30 Mile Road to 32 Mile Road, North Avenue South of 23 Mile Road to Property 3,300 Feet South, Partridge Creek Boulevard Romeo Plank Road to M-59, Van Dyke Avenue Messmore Road to 23 Mile Road, Vesper Drive South of 23 Mile Road West of Card Road, Water Way Boulevard North of 25 Mile Road, West Utica Road Ryan Road to Mound Road, Westbound 16 Mile Road Plumbrook Bridge to Schoenherr Road. The St. Clair County Road Commission announced in a recent press release that work is set to begin Tuesday, Sept. 7 from Hough Road to the Macomb County limits. Southbound Schoenherr Road from Clinton River Road to the Plumbrook Drain will be closed to thru traffic for bridge work. In Oakland County, northbound M-5 at Mooney Avenue will have one lane open from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. through late fall. PHASE I COMPLETION DATE: Late Fall 2021 PROJECT DETAILS: The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will be rebuilding 4.5 miles of M-59 in Clinton, Macomb, Harrison, and Chesterfield townships in two phases over two years. Townships:Chesterfield The project itself is worth $1,014,465 and will cause 22 Mile Road to be closed because it is used for bridge construction traffic from Garfield Road to Hayes Road. Open to Traffic (Excludes periodic short term lane closures) Mound Road will have all lanes open to traffic, and construction will be suspended until April 2023, except for utility work utilizing short term lane closures. Clinton Were going to be more a little more conservative in the future to make sure we come under projections.. Phase 2 Construction Construction on Mound Road from 15 Mile Road to I-696 is anticipated to start in March . 23 Mile Road west of Card Road to North Avenue in Macomb Township. In Wayne County, southbound I-75 from Vernor Highway to Junction will have three lanes open, left lane closed through January. List - Roads - Bid Listing | Macomb County Department of Roads 117 South Groesbeck Highway, Mount Clemens, MI 48043 Bid Listing If the Bid Number is underlined when hovered, then documentation is available by clicking on the number. Sign up to receive Department of Roads email and text alerts. Detour will be posted. Macomb County currently spends $3 to $4 million annually on maintenance and repairs. If you need help with the Public File, call (313) 222-0566. The Internship Program offers undergraduate and graduate students interested in civil engineering and construction management careers, valuable experience by working with professional field staff. Upcoming and current traffic projects Mound Road in Sterling Heights and Warren Location: I-696 to M-59 Traffic: Traffic and business access will remain open throughout the duration of the. Expect delays during construction and follow posted detour. In Macomb County, eastbound 11 Mile Road ramp to eastbound I-696 will be closed from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday. Supervisor Frank Viviano said the Romeo Plank project has been in the works for some time now and despite the construction being two years away, approvals were needed now for the engineering, traffic studies and right-of-way purchases. In Wayne County, eastbound M-8 ramp to northbound I-75 will be closed through fall. Galvanized Corrugated Steel Pipe Shelby Twp. In Wayne County, eastbound and westbound 5 Mile Road over I-275 will be closed through late September. Looking for inspiration for your lunch or dinner? The Bureau of Transportation Planning develops and implements a comprehensive transportation planning process which results in investments that are consistent with the policies of the State Transportation Commission. Executive Committee for Grant Procurement, Open During Construction Communications Kit. Luckily for you, we have narrowed down the list so you dont have to wade through all the options on your own. Find out which class best suits your particular talents or interests. Galvanized Corrugated Steel Pipe - Shelby Twp. Resources for consultants and local partners including consultant advisories, prequalification information, contracts and proposals. DETROIT, MI - International Dog Day may be celebrated every year on August 26, but dog lovers can agree that every day must be so. We are committed to improving Macomb County's road and bridge system while delivering the greatest value to residents, drivers and our community.. Yoga is one of the alternatives for you to get the health you expect. Concern about delays in both projects remain because progress on all projects in Michigan has slowed over the past 16 months due to the material and labor shortages spawning from the COVID-19 pandemic, as costs have increased and contractors availability has decrease. To sign up for email updates from Macomb County or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your email address. Unless otherwise noted, the information provided within innnovatemound.org is Copyright 2019 by Hoyden Creative Group. begins in March from Romeo Plank to I-94 There are two major projects coming that will impact drivers in Macomb County. Project duration March 8-Oct. 2021. When completed, the project will reconstruct approximately nine miles of the Mound Road corridor. If you're feeling a bit playful or adventurous, try some of these unique restaurants. For lane closures and construction updates, click on Macomb Work Zone. Traffic Control Barricades and Cones One Time Purchase, Ten (10) Little Buster Sign Stands or Approved Equivalent and Eight (8) Big Buster Sign Stands or Approve Equivalent. Click here to view the Weight Restriction Bulletin. The total rebuild from 11 Mile Road to M-59 is far beyond a resurfacing project. TOWNSHIPS: MDOT provides technologies and partnerships in order to make the transportation system safer and less congested. Here are three yoga classes you can take in Detroit. The next major construction project in 2021 will be a heavy-duty gutting of M-59 in Macomb. There are also two privately-owned and operated border crossings: Ambassador Bridge and Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. In Oakland County, westbound I-696 ramp to southbound I-75 thru late fall. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The HBCU TDRP is a unique partnership between MDOT and Michigan colleges and universities to offer on-the-job training to undergraduate students pursuing degrees in engineering or transportation-related careers. Macomb County currently spends $3 to $4 million annually on maintenance and repairs. If you would like to subscribe for text alerts please select Text Updates in the drop-down menu. At MDOT, safety is paramount. There are several road projects under the Macomb County Department of Roads that are predicted to be completed by the end of this year. Click here for a complete list of road projects, maps and information. 9 a.m. PROJECT DETAILS: Project duration is Sept. 7-December 2021. In fact, it was a German settlement until the early 1900s. Here's a look at affected projects in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. This is original content from NewsBreaks Creator Program. If so, please call our office at. Segment 2 (North of 13 Mile to North of Coolidge Highway) is nearing completion, and Segment 3 (13 Mile Road to M-102 (8 Mile Road)) began in the fall of 2019 and will continue through the 2023 construction season. Macomb. These projects, along with others in the township, are sorely needed to reduce traffic congestion. TRAFFIC DETAILS: A list of 2023 Road Commission for Oakland County major road construction projects (list is subject to changes). There are eight bridge projects, 18 road projects, and one roundabout project in Macomb County now. The office is responsible for media relations, social media, and website development. Ann Arbor possesses over 40 hotels, all the amenities of a large city with a small-town sensibility, there is no shortage of accommodations here. This Teen Financial Educational Series will be held four times every Monday. In Oakland County, northbound and southbound I-275 will be closed initermittently for two 15 minute closures from 6 a.m.-10 a.m. Saturday. Without further ado, let's go straight to these three places that serve American foods near Pontiac.

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