Your guy is all about hugs and chanclasos while satanic barbarians run wild. About 20 people were executed by their rivals after being humiliated in the middle of the broadcast, according to the New York Post. -Peace, So them crime groups have hawks aka spies in all the areas where they move their dope, Man this video made me sick The crying children and babies Then watching the pricks running away free Was that Police car lights ? A man narrating the disturbing footage says, This plaza already has an owner, El Pas reported. En redes sociales circula un video en el que se muestra la ejecucin de presunto miembros del crtel Guerreros Unidos. That's how it works in this world. Sicario #2: How many women have been killed? ga('ads.send', { eventAction: 'render' Heres all the trashy individuals who were extorting, thieving, and killing innocent civilians. WTF IS WRONG WITH ALL THISThis bloodlust is very bad.There is a lot of evil in Mexico right now. if(document.querySelector("#google_image_div")){ eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), hitType: 'event', hitType: 'event', Stop lying to yourself! Captive #3: Hes the one who takes the money out of the construction sites. The Bandam arrived at a shopping center accompanied by a woman to close a deal to send the drugs, according to Infobae. CdN has networks of Hawks all around the Carretera Monterrey/Miguel Aleman and even Worst Monterrey/Nuevo Laredo. Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Guerreros Unidos. Los Tlacos, of Guerrero Unidos the executioners. Just as youve done so with others whove helped. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Comandante 80: So, now it turns out that after being a bitch ass monkey youre Si we, el no sabe de que habla, pero tu como yo, si sabemos. so this is why i didn't feel bad for him when i watch this video. We are supported by the mayor Jos Luis vila Lpez. The Flag Cartel, La Banderos, the executed. Damn they captured and killed a whole cell of rivals.. Good grief. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ from the Guerreros Unidos to an armed attack attributed to the Los Tlacos Well thank you sir, my country is going down, down. Death will come for them all and they will think of that. The La Bandera gang is reportedly an armed wing of the Guerreros Unidos, a cartel connected to the 2014 kidnapping of 43 students in Ayotzinapa. 12:52 or he was betrayed by someone he trusts. to show off. The narrator accuses the incoming mayor of Iguala of having connections to Guerreros Unidos, a cartel believed to be linked to the 2014 kidnapping of the Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School. The dismembered bodies of a woman and a man were scattered in At least nine lifeless bodies with bullet wounds were left lying on the road that connects this border municipality with the United States with Monterrey, in the northern state of Nuevo Len. Unfortunately, Mexico has a lot of deep, deep poverty. Posted 1 year ago. Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. The dismembered bodies of a woman and a man were scattered in different parts of the northern part of the entity where the Guerreros Unidos criminal group claimed the crime. It should be mentioned that the Guerreros Unidos cartel are the main suspects in the disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa, according to El Pas. different parts of the northern part of the entity where the Guerreros Unidos Sicario #2: And you what did you specialize in? Captive # 2 is screaming away in horrible pain. These dudes have no soul. Those responsible for this massacre were the criminals themselves identified as members of the criminal group Los Tlacos, formed by former members of the General Heliodoro Castillo Community Police. Many farmers in the state grow opium poppies, but drug cartels have taken to trafficking fentanyl more than opium, thus decreasing violence associated with collecting opium paste.However, new state and local governments are due to take office this year in Guerrero, and such transitions have traditionally been marked by violence. The seven-minute video saw members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, on their knees and being taunted while being held captive in the middle of the forest in Iguala, Guerrero. }); Is that what happened? For this broadcast the interrogation and mass execution of captured enemies takes place outside in an undisclosed location somewhere in the state of Guerrero. A travs de redes sociales circul el video en el que se observa la ejecucin masiva de al menos 20 presuntos integrantes de Guerreros Unidos, presuntamente a manos del grupo paramilitar denominado "Los Tlacos", que dirige Onsimo Marquina Chapa, 'El Necho'.. We told them and the moment arrived: this square already has an owner, everyone from La Bandera hung up their canvas and see where it is, said the criminal. And with their This plaza already has an owner. And La Sierra doesnt forgive. 1 / 9. Among the details that came to light about this confrontation, it was announced about the bodies of the deceased, which until now is unknown to which cartel they belong, they were left lying on the road section, according to harsh images disseminated on social networks, where it is appreciated they are dressed in black. The mob of El R5 sent 2 assassins on motorcycles. Yes, this is a machine made of corruption that eats its way through all levels of society and government(s). In the recording you can see how they are pointing one by one to ask their name. 30 septiembre, 2021. Also he is using only 10% of the military to help out, the others stay at the barracks playing cards, smoking joints. We warned everyone and now the time has come. I knew you guys were fair minded reasonable people (BBB). If i was born in Mexico and poverty forced me to join cartel, i would definitely carry suicide pills. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It's funny all these comments acting tough and sorry for him. the Tlacotepec group that is directed by Onesimo El Necho Marquina Chapa, who Whilst El Menchos bodyguards clashed with the army, he managed to escape. they give him high marks for being socially innovative. Kuddos! Filed Under: United Warriors Cartel Executed. You cheap fuck. Lol. Una de las piezas claves del crtel de Guerreros Unidos en EU se declar culpable y accedi a entregar toda la informacin con respecto al trasiego de drogas desde Iguala hasta Chicago. Theres no indication that hes feeling whats happening to him. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. Those money men are usually just lowkey money men who also have legit businesses. Plus the sense of proudness of the region criminals on having people from Michoacan/Jalisco telling then what to do, will even make it worst for CJNg. Do you grasp language and sentences? Fersi: I was in charge in Iguala. vila Lpez is considered a regional chief who has been the mayor order" in Iguala. For this broadcast the interrogation and mass execution of captured enemies takes place outside in an undisclosed location somewhere in the state of Guerrero. All they are doing for Mexico is sending remittances to then be extorted. We have all of your piece of shit gunmen here. },false) To view it, confirm your age. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. Just as well those who refuse to work for them : Why were Thank you for all the top news. Captive #5: Julio Gonzlez Moreno aka El Camalen sir. government as well as the Army of links with the narcos. Surrounding the men are other armed Los Tiacos henchmen. }); The Guerrero State Office of the Attorney General announced the recovery of four of the 20 Mexican cartel members who were executed by a rival faction. Mexican cartels makes other crime groups around the globe looks like kids from the hood, Exactly. guys to carjack vehicles and extort people there in Huitzuco? Good for them, rapists murders and thieves. Every operative from La Bandera hung their narco messages. It is sadly warped survival for many. The captives who said they were sicarios were probably chopped up like the first 2, while the captives who said they prepared the drugs or cleaned for them most probably got a more 'faster' death. He kinda had it coming. Likewise, the criminal group accused Governor Hctor Astudillo Flores and PRI Mayor Jos Luis vila Lpez of supporting the antagonistic gang of Tlacotepec that seeks . FUCK'N mexiKANZ LIFE AIN'T SHIT THERE.A WHOLE SQUAD WAZ ELIMINATED W/ BRUTALITY. Amlo says there is no violence, so u other 40% are wrong, actual support is 70%+ highest in mexico's history. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. Who sends you Sicario #2: How many men do you have there? Trump vows to 'wipe off monsters' after Mexican drug cartels execute three American Mormon moms, their six children, Mexico massacre: Families of victims branded as 'traitors', told to leave country after asking US to declare drug cartels terrorists, #Iguala #GuerreroEsto es Mxico Los ltimos minutos de vida de integrantes del grupo delictivo Guerreros Unidos capturados, interrogados, ejecutados y desmembrados vivos por el grupo delictivo #LosTlacos de Onesimo Marquina Chapa. The post Terrifying video shows mass execution of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel (VIDEO) appeared first on Hispanic World. I belong to the Garrafos. A Member Of A Rival Gang Was Slashed In The Face And Throat, Mexican Gangster Dismembered And Burned In A Barrel, The Man Wanted To Become A Member Of The Cartel But Failed, The Man Is Strangled With A T-shirt In The Favela, Victims Of The Shooting In Culiacan Sinaloa. This story has been shared 140,848 times. When he speaks he sounds like hes sedated. Mostrar todas las entradas. In turn, three of them were dismembered. But no one has set proof of photos or videos. Honest people of Mexico needs to fight back at least for your little children You cant let these punks steal your happiness and your childrens future If you dont do anything You might as well just lie down and die now Get a revolution going Demand Help Demand it Call on all your familys in the States to ask For Help from the Politicians to Talk to your President Call on Trump to Make Your President Protect you Send this video to every news station in USA pleading for help Send a powerfull message to Your worthless President Instead of fleeing Mexico Ask for Help to ""Stay in Mexico" Now that twist would get Both Democrats and Republicans attention Instead of crossing into USA illegaly Go to Border and Ask For Help So you can stay in your home country Yes I understand the dangers and many may be killed But this is better then hiding or allowing these punks destory your life and you doing nothing Plan it in secrect Have Films cameras Get the Worlds Attention Youve always said they the cartels dont want heat Well what are they going to do when the worlds watching ? Why are you saying FU TOO? No you probably don't so shut your mouth bitch. vila Lpez. In recent months, the Gulf Cartel is the one who has been gaining more territory, which has increased a wave of violence and deaths that have made the state of Tamaulipas a place that cannot be accessed quietly and is considered one of the places. With each passing day, these places are the site of clashes, resulting in the death of their opponents. Sicario #1: To all the citizens of Iguala. Captive #3: Omar Beltran Alvarez aka Mostr. I know that moderators from this site are Mexicans or have Mexican relatives, etc. The broadcast closes with the rest of the captives on their knees watching and waiting in the background for their turn. Canadian girl. In 2020, Mexican drug lord El Marro, the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel which terrorized north-central Mexico for years, was arrested after years of evading arrest. You cant move one mile without getting detected by them. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. The video, posted to social media by members of Los Tlacos,. Pero es pedo de ellos y como dices tu, el uviera echo lo mismo. IMO they shouldnt have executed him. El Serieo, Mala Cara, El Cholo, Pitochas, Verde, R5, and Sicario #2: And just what position did you guys hold? MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. Mexico, Video Shows The Moment Mexican Security Forces Captured The, Cdn/zeta Cartel Members Attack Mexican Army Convoy, Cartel Members Tearing Apart The Dead Body Of A Rival, Classic Of The Genre. The war and money machine bangs on, no end in sight, If you zoom in on the pic it looks like the last 4 on the left came straight out of The Walking Dead set. their evil souls are shining through before they are about to meet their papi satanas, Coming to BB and reading their articles humbles me every time. }); People of Iguala, here are all those who extorted money and were killing innocent people and women, the garbage that terrorized this beautiful city. The narrator also accused mayor-elect David Gama Perez of alleged ties with La Bandera's leader Chucho Brito who the kneeling men referred to as their "boss." Cousin please forgive me. TO WATCH THE VIDEO CLICK HERE . Captive #6: He would take all the money he could from City Hall. So the CJNG sicarios operating with Primitos people might of flown in discreetly to Monterrey or Reynosa much harder from the latter because reynosa CdG faction has hawks in their airport aswell.Anyways thats just my opinion/analisis of the situation in Nuevo Leon. This confrontation brought with it the death of nine people, in addition to several injured, for which an investigation has been initiated to be able to find out more details about both cartels that faced each other and of course, to find those responsible for each criminal organ. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { And theyre killed off if they dont join. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Zetas occupied the hotel of his mom and forced the family to work for them as 'halcones' - people that move into enemy territory and watch out for movements etc. (Sicario #2 moves back towards the beginning of line to continue his interrogation. The Guerrero State Office of the Attorney General said they are continuing the investigation to locate people responsible for this criminal act. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels, Iguala, Guerrero: Los de La Sierra Interrogation And Mass Execution of La Bandera Operatives, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. And for the people on here who are "cheerleading" for one group or the other. Or is that just a stupid question ? This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. The danger faced by the inhabitants has become something common in the area, where reports are constantly being registered by the community about a shooting or problem that arises with the different groups of cartels that want control total of the place. We extended a hand to you. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. I am calm. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Press J to jump to the feed. Captive #1: Cousin. hitType: 'event', }); media-tech companies with hubs around the world. hrough a video attributed to Los Guerreros Unidos, where they show @DOLO White phospherous, sprinkled on the wet blood of his face would result a beautiful chemical fire burn.. Hope they get killed in a worst manner. document.querySelector("#adunit").addEventListener('click',function(){ As well The following films are extensive in length. The gang members cut off the fingers of the guilty member Container Ship Overturned And Crushed The Car. power theyre trying to intimidate everyone. I like how each cartel claims to be better than the other saying the same scripted shit like; "this is what happens to those who kidnap and extort innocent people blah blah blah" when in reality all they want to do is kidnap and extort the same innocent people themselves.Mexico will be a narco state for a loooooooong time to come. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Title says it. conflict thats being lived in Guerrero. hitType: 'event', This story has been shared 123,160 times. The media will never cover this in the US. Terrifying video shows mass execution of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel. Members of the United Warriors Cartel are executed. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { In the video, the woman says that Huitzuco plaza is controlled by ga('ads.send', { In addition, its noted that the double homicide is the response By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. most dangerous in Mexico. launched a call to President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador to intervene in the Video Shows The Moment Mexican Security Forces Captured The 5 270 12 0 Cdn/zeta Cartel Members Attack Mexican Army Convoy 5 634 14 0 Cartel Members Tearing Apart The Dead Body Of A Rival 7 430 17 0 Another Puzzle From The Mexican Cartel 21 555 33 0 Classic Of The Genre. Because he's because letting off how this whole video makes most of us feel. Tlacos, this is a local gang), El 80 or La Changa and don Necho. Doesn't seem like you do. Spanish publication El Pas reported there were 20 men in total who were mass executed by the gang. The video, posted to social media by members of Los Tlacos, shows about 20 doomed men who are purported members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, according to El Pas, a Spanish language publication. Captive #6: Ignacio Jose Cerrano aka El Rafi. You can see that the executioner asked the boss (the one with the cap; the left one) via handsign if he should proceed and the boss just nods (1:05 . Hours before the video, the gang members left four bodies in front of the home of mayor-elect David Gama. Mexican Cartel Members Behead Two Men, Mexican Cartel Members Sending Message To Rivals. Just like Cholo CNP. The Efe news agency mentioned that an apparent clash between drug cartels left nine dead in the Mexican municipality of Miguel Alemn, in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, sources close to security forces informed Efe on Tuesday. Captive #12: Andres Rodriguez Sanchez. two alleged members of the Tlacos, they asked the president to "put Just as well the discovery of what lead to their demise is narrated by every captive who is questioned. Video where assassins of "guerreros unidos" decapitate a member of the Tlacos, who gives the name of his bosses and they put him as community police but he left because they did not pay, then you hear a message where they threaten the "Nencho" leader of the Tlacos and other bosses 147 31 comments Add a Comment Plohim123 2 yr. ago Many ever more Socialist Mexicans believe they are gaming the US system and will have demographic control of the US down the line. Since 2010, Miguel Alemn has been the subject of a dispute between the two cartels, with the Northeast one that is gradually gaining ground and it is estimated that he already controls the municipalities of Nuevo Laredo, Nueva Ciudad Guerrero and Mier. The bad guys are dead. group, registered this weekend at a rodeo show that was performed in the town Here before you are La Gente de La Sierra you cowards. Guerrero.-La Fiscala General de Guerrero, revel que un operativo en la comunidad 'La Morena', municipio de Petatln en Guerrero, no logr con su cometido de capturar a dos personas identificadas como jefe de sicarios y jefe de plaza de la organizacin criminal 'Familia Michoacana'.. Esto el pasado 2 de marzo, con apoyo de elementos del Ejrcito y la Guardia Nacional, quienes se . Of course mouney launderers in the big city of GDL but im sure CJNG has money laundering going on in places where CDS rules king. Appreciate the facts being posted. if(typeof custom_paginate == "function")custom_paginate(), Recibe por email las noticias ms destacadas, They assure that there are several layoffs in Univision, Dont like to spend money? Speaking of gang-related news, Carlos 'El Cholo' Enrique Sanchez, the former lieutenant of a powerful Mexican drug cartel was found dead in Guadalajara in March. One of the members also admitted that Brito had a direct line with the mayor's office. Likewise, the criminal group accused Governor On the ground, kneeling, aligned and always being pointed at by a firearm, the members of the criminal group La Bandera appeared, who are part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel. Cholo was arrested and was turned over to a rival cartel by the cops which is what caused his slow death? I always wonder tho, what choices they started out with that led them to this. How do you know this information? A continuacin te compartimos el fixture completo y horarios de la primera fecha. La Liga Profesional Argentina 2023 rompe fuegos esta semana. And this is what is being done. Since the Ana Patricia Gmez shares unexpected product she buys for her beauty (VIDEO), Almost ten years after her death, Lupe de Bronco reveals the unexpectedness of Choche, Terrifying video shows mass execution of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel (VIDEO). Grande, municipality of Iguala. As lookouts to ensure that nothing went through Huitzuco or MEAWW brings you the best content from its global team of Los Tlacos members were heard accusing them of "extorting and killing innocent people" in the video. TO SEE VIDEO CLICK HERE. The Mexican army came and later the National Guard arrived to control the situation that was happening. Related Mencho has Jalisco on lock, he just recently kicked out modt of the Corona cells, and the only places rivals are seen is outskirts bordering some states but not even there how you think. face of what is seen as a new war for Iguala. These are the scums We've received your submission. The war on terror and the drone strikes need moved to Mexico. abusive scum shit heads sons of bitches. actual average is a high 67% since his election when you become specific such as cartels it drops. gads_event = event; Sicario #2: What does Chucho Brito specialize in? And more as well. that hotel in Igual (Iguala de la Independencia,Guerrero)? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Press J to jump to the feed. Otherwise, were }) 5:34 the difference is that there is no official or unofficial support for violence from the federal government. Filed Under: United Warriors Cartel Executed. hi, South American here, this video is from Mexico, AKA North America. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Im guessing if CDN disconnects these two, rienforcements or drug routes the disruption will be chaotic for CDG Nuevo Leon. A Mexican cartel released horrifying footage of tormenting a rival cartel of twenty men shown bound and kneeling on the ground before being executed. His body was found wrapped in garbage bags with two signs pinned to it with knives. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We are one of the worlds fastest growing Filed Under: United Warriors Cartel Executed. Is Charro a cowboy ?Any way I was invited to one in the early 1980s it was safe? Burning members of other cartels is how he got the nickname "Ghost Rider." hitType: 'event', Why didnt the place have sercurity there to protect these people ? hhheeeehhhhhh hhhheeehhhhhh hhhhheeeehhhhh hhhheeeeeeeehhhhh, I bet Even in stone age humans treated each other better.
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