Sign up today! * denotes candidates who did not respond to survey requests sent via email and/or phone calls by time of publication. Incumbent Wes Clark is looking to defend his New Braunfels ISD at-large trustee seat. We'd love to hear eyewitness Oak Creek and Freiheit Elementary Schools, and a new middle school to relieve Canyon Middle School. I challenge voters to look at the most recent grade report on their local school and not be horrified. Elec. This will lower maintenance and supply costs. Comal ISD is very reliant on homeowners to provide growth funding. In June, this Board approved a resolution that would ensure that revenue generated by the VATRE, both this year and in future years,isdedicated solely to fund teacher and staff compensation, as well as new teacher positions, says Comal ISD Board President Jason York. On Tuesday, district administration will go over specific guidelines with the board about what it can and cannot do related to sharing information about the election with the public. These two separate elections will address the district's enrollment growth and teacher compensation. Copyright 2021 Comal County Republican Party Paid for by the Comal County Republican Party. Error! Have they mentored students in the National Honor Society or won awards for Robotics at the Texas State Level with their kiddos? Click here to find out what district you are in. I have over 13 years of experience making financial decisions. Schools should keep students safe and secure while they learn. In addition, several San Antonio-area school districts are holding bond elections, including: Comal ISD: $500 . FILE PHOTO: A vote sign sits on the curb at the Comal County Senior Center voting location Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021 in New Braunfels. One of the things that sets me apart from my opponents is that Im currently a teacher and still working with students every day. I feel as if this prevents students from having a good learning environment and reaching their full potential. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Currently I am an English Language Arts and Reading high school teacher working with 9th-12th grade students who are working towards earning English credits so they can stay on track to graduate with their peers. This allows me to literally Think Outside the Box when looking at solutions to problems facing the community and its educational requirements. We do not need to do deficit budgeting. Masks are a simple and effective way to help provide that safety. My top priorities include: Looking at our budget and finding where we are overspending so that we can find a way to pay teachers and support staff more; making sure we are being more transparent and accessible to parents, Comal ISD staff and all community members; offering support by listening to Comal ISD staff to find out what things need to change in our schools to ensure student success; and communicating with constituents. Internet stream is unaffected. The early years of my post-graduate career were spent in the outdoor industry, beginning with the famed YO Ranch and, soon after, a luxury wing-shooting lodge in Kentucky. please consider making your gift of support today. | It is important we manage our tax monies prudently. I have used my skill sets of Cost Accounting, Capacity Planning and Engineering in multi-million dollar capacity manufacturing facility expansions. Comal ISD Positions 1, 2 and 5all single-member districtswill be up for. There was a lot of concern over the health precautions that were going to be set in motion for the school year, but ultimately the first semester was a success. Voters in Bexar County's wealthiest school district overwhelmingly approved a tax rate election Tuesday night, but voters in three other Bexar County school districts rejected their districts' requests for bond funding. Ballotpedia provides in-depth coverage of school board elections in America's largest school districts by enrollment. Why or why not? If you value our commitment to the highest standards of responsible journalism and are able to do so, please consider making your gift of support today. Diaz is married to Texas State Board of Education member Marisa Perez-Diaz and was endorsed by Julin Castro. Drastata and four other board candidates voted to remove the districts mask mandate in March without surveying parents or giving them time to make alternative plans. With a very dynamic growth rate, Comal ISD is poised to continue growing at a rapid pace. Don't Threaten. By Lauren Canterberry In addition, taxpayers continue to receive the benefit of the 20 percent local homestead exemption, which equates to $65 per month, or $780 per year, in savings. I also want to serve because I want ALL students to feel safe in our classrooms and hallways across the district. Error! Last fall, current Board President David Drastata called the coronavirus the China virus in an athletic booster letter, a term criticized for contributing to anti-Asian rhetoric. It is no secret that Comal ISD is growing at an unprecedented rate, and how well we handle additional student enrollment is crucial. Support our teachers and staff. Parents are concerned about what is taught in our classrooms that Texas is not immune to the rampant progressive ideology that is being taught in other states and there is no mechanism in place for our district to give them any kind of assurance. why is my cookies pen blinking purple is there mobile coverage across the nullarbor comal county fire department Comal ISD has a seven-member Board of Trustees. Being a current teacher allows me the ability to understand teachers in the district in a different way. Neither filed for re-election. Louie G. Luna, the only viable candidate for Harlandales District 3, won election by just 16 votes. My goal is to see our district continue being a pacesetter in statewide education. I would like to see teachers, teach and not have to focus on the standardized testing regulations. Would you like to receive our daily news. Maintain the ongoing academic and extracurricular success of our students. For more information about the Comal County Elections, click here. The statistics show that masks work in helping slow the spread of Covid. I am guided by my own motives and the wisdom of like-minded others who have the singular goal of graduating children ready for the challenges they will meet in the future. It is our responsibility to use money wisely, and the wisest thing we can do is pay our teachers more, but not only our teachers, we also need to pay our support staff more. Comal ISD is a very large land mass. Updated I would love the opportunity to work with teachers and parents across the district to promote the well-being of our students. Lauren joined Community Impact Newspaper as a reporter in October 2019. I am a teacher first in all things, and have taught students here in my own district for years I am known by parents and current/graduated students from Smithson Valley, Davenport, and Pieper High Schools. Seats representing District 1 and 2 on the City Council are up for grabs, as incumbents Shane Hines and Justin Meadows did not file for reelection. Rule ISD. Current board president and UTSA education professor Carol Harle easily won reelection in District 6, and incumbent Karen Freeman received the majority of the vote, even with a crowded field of three challengers. Three out of every four voters chose current Board President Norma Cavazos over former trustee David Abundis, who resigned during TEAs investigation into the district. However, we need to ensure that there is equity throughout our schools. Be Proactive. Clay Page will be the new trustee representing Place No. School Board District 6. The San Antonio Independent School District board elections are among the most hotly contested, with the district's largest teachers union backing a slate of candidates to unseat three incumbents and replace a departing trustee on the seven-member board. Meet the Teacher, Orientation, & Open House, Lamar University Educational Leadership Program. In doing so, we will achieve the best quality education. Questions regarding elections can be directed to Melanie Allen at (763)689-6202 or What's making us happy: A guide to your weekend listening and viewing, Attorney General Merrick Garland attends war crimes conference in Ukraine, A mother fights for accountability after her daughter died during ROTC training, Barnes & Noble is staging its biggest expansion in more than a decade. These two separate elections will consist of a Voter Approved Tax Ratification Election(VATRE), which will address teacher and staff compensationand new teaching positions,and a Bond Election, which will address continued District growth. May 7 Election results: School, College Districts Northside ISD, North East ISD, ACCD, Alamo Heights ISD, Boerne ISD, Comal ISD, Harlandale ISD, Ingram ISD, Kerrville ISD,. According to a letter sent to residents from Comal ISD. I am no progressive I am a Christian and am for family values, a quality education for all students, hard work, academic integrity, teacher-enforced discipline supported by administration, and the entire district answerable to you, the voter. Conservative family values are my moral fiber and have guided me throughout my life. The goal of these lawsuits is to nullify Governor Abbotts Executive Order GA-36 on mask mandates in schools and give that power to school boards throughout the state. Sitting in a quiet room for 4 hours straight with only a lunch break is not an efficient way to ensure our students are retaining information. Six candidates have filed for two Comal ISD trustee positions, five seek two city council spots, and six vie for three seats on the New Braunfels ISD board. 1, Did not respond. No board, no person, no institution is perfect. I also earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Houston and transitioned to VP of Operations for an oilfield service company in College Station. My kids are twelve, six, four, and I recently had another child who is almost seven months now. It should also allow contractors to sharpen their pencils on how to rebuild similar buildings based on previous experience. or anything. Two of seven seats on the Comal Independent School District board of trustees were up for by-district general election on May 6, 2017. Where are our new students coming from? He received 38% of the vote, placing him a fraction ahead of Lillian Zapata. That is the equivalent of adding an entire high school to our district every year. However, downtown residents and residents of the Monte Vista, King William and Lavaca neighborhoods opted for new representation in the San Antonio Independent School District. The base of this triangle is taxpayers who expect our schools to provide a good education for our students in an up to date learning environment who can be the leaders and workers of the future. We need to look at how we plan out future growth by working with local leaders in New Braunfels, Garden Ridge, Canyon Lake and Smithson Valley to insure we meet this growth in a fiscally responsible manner. However, lifting the mask mandate that was set in place to protect students and staff less than 12 hours before the next school day and without consulting experts completely disregards all of those efforts. Single-Member District 1 incumbent Steve Lechelop, an attorney who has represented the district since 2013, was narrowly defeated by Sarah Sorensen, a former legislative analyst in the New York State Assembly. Each trustee on the Board is elected separately from the single-member district in which he/she resides. Hello, my name is Kaila Stovall. New Braunfels police chief finalists announced, Q&A: Meet the candidates running for New Braunfels City Council, From persuasive writing to planting trees, Carl Schurz Elementary students celebrate Earth Day, Q&A's: Meet the candidates running for New Braunfels ISD board of trustees, Comal County surpasses 10K confirmed, probable COVID-19 cases. They will be joined by Daniel Carrillo. Proactively address district growth. Being sure our children are at the forefront of all decisions made by the school district is my top priority, and I will continue to advocate for the conservative family values that are important to many living in Comal County. There was no 72 hour notice as it was required by the state and there were no experts present at that meeting to present the actual facts and statistics to the board. School Board Elections: Comal ISD Texas Public Radio Published April 19, 2021 at 1:20 AM CDT Note: Names are listed in order of appearance on the ballot according to the city clerks' office. More students came back to in person learning when they saw how effective the precautions were. Trustee meetings drew packed board rooms this year following a series of controversial actions, motivating those who opposed their decisions to launch a get-out-the-vote campaign. I plan to have town hall meetings with anyone in the district who wishes to be heard. Each trustee on the Board is elected separately from the single-member district in which he/she resides. We are working to restore the radio signal. For best results call during our business hours Five school board member positions in New Braunfels ISD and Comal ISD will be up for election May 2. Comal ISD incumbent Tim Hennessee received 61% of the vote in his race, despite facing two challengers. Looking to replace the District 6 trustee seat for Comal ISD, which is currently occupied by Marty Bartlett, are newcomers Amanda Jones and Amber Bracegirdle. Click here to find out what district you are in. I want to serve on the board because being more involved in the community has not always been easy as a mom and a teacher, so this is my way to get more involved and to help students in a different way. Texas Public Radio | In addition, utilizing school design replication would lower design costs, maintenance costs and fixture costs. Comal ISD is divided into single-member districts and has a seven-member Board of Trustees. If you value our commitment to the highest standards of responsible journalism and are able to do so, please consider making your gift of support today. After graduating with a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia Lauren was a freelance journalist and worked as a college English teacher in China. D. At first I believe Comal ISD did a good job of providing options to students and parents to see if theyd like to attend in person or remote learning. I am a parent with a long-term vested interest in the district. Texas called me back home and I transferred to Texas Tech University, where I majored in Wildlife Management. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, I believe in hard work and integrity demanded it of my own children and students and will demand it of this board if you elect me. The Board's primary functions are goal setting, approving the budget and policymaking. 3:37 PM Feb 22, 2022 CST, Three New Braunfels ISD positions and two Comal ISD positions will appear on the ballot May 7. The last day to apply for a ballot by mail (received not postmarked) is April 26. The Comal ISD Board of Trustees approved a bond package that will accommodate continued enrollment growth as well as address items such as campus safety and security, student technology, and expansions and improvements at existing campuses during a meeting on Feb. 15. I know for a fact we are overspending in certain areas of our budget via open record requests. Camille Phillips can be reached at, on Instagram at camille.m.phillips and on Twitter at @cmpcamille. As one of the board members correctly pointed out, there's no way that Comal ISD will ever close the gap between what we can offer and the private sector, but we're paying the higher price regardless, which is taking us over budget. Incumbent Laurie Schley lost to former board member Jason York in the race for District 3. Brittany Soto: District No. School discipline at some schools are lax and district policy is not always enforced. Why or why not? We need to reach out to local or even corporate businesses to see if we could get any donations from them. High 82F. | Teachers must know their school board has their back. After graduating with a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia Lauren was a freelance journalist and worked as a college English teacher in China. Increasing teacher pay to keep teachers in Comal ISD would be a step in the right direction. Prior to CI, Eric freelanced for multiple publications and was a reporter for the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Trustee meetings drew packed board rooms this year following a series of controversial actions, motivating those who opposed their decisions to launch a get-out-the-vote campaign. The date and location of the next general election of Trustees for the District shall be in the Single-Member Districts as indicated in Board Policy BBB (Local), which may be accessed by clicking this link and inserting policy code BBB.. I am a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who served as a cyber officer, operations planner and strategist, systems analyst, and served our country at the Pentagon and in a combat environment after 9-11. Career Training is an important by product of our educational system. Our coverage includes school board member and candidate profiles, noteworthy election issues, district data, and more. My goal is not to raise taxes. Finally, high-quality teacher retention and recruitment is a significant challenge, and we must seek creative solutions to funding increases. Please download the PDF file. I do believe the pressure put on students and teachers to perform is not necessary. Details about the VATRE and Bond 2021 can be found on theDistrictswebsite. Student enrollment growth is also a significant challenge for the district, and is projected to increase by 1,200-1,500 students per year for the next four years.
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