These areas include several trailheads in local National Forests and Bureau of Land Management lands. Its super fucked, and as an LEO, I have no problem saying that. 60 Posts . A California Sheriff has broad discretion as provided in Penal Code Section 26150(a) to issue a CCW to those qualified Riverside County citizens that demonstrate both "good cause" and "good moral character. residency and 24 out of 25 did not follow their own policy on GC. All the below will likely pass in a Light Green county. where i'm at, the sheriff wants everyone to carry. 01-26-2023 8:28 PM by Vinnie Boombatz. Especially ones that will help me decide on my good cause. I'm looking to apply for my CCW in LA County, and just wanted to ask a few questions and for general guidance. Note: These examples are not I've heard that you may need to apply to the specific city you're in 1st (through the LAPD . by Chris Jennewein June 25, 2022 Handguns collected by New York City Police. I felt in fear for my safety and believe that I was in real danger of being attacked. that CA DOJ BOF is not publishing up to date CCW issuance info every year. There are 3 levels in Dark Red (from most restrictive to least): actual No Issue. When a business or occupation is of a high-risk nature and requires the applicant's presence in a dangerous environment. El Dorado, My wife and I both share a passion for antiquing, we could have anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars in cash or valuables with us. CCW Authorized Firearms Instructor . Breitbart News reported that SCOTUS's June 23, 2022, ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen struck down New York's proper cause requirement for concealed . A new Carry a Concealed Weapon, or CCW, unit within the Sheriff's Department could increase an already rising number of permits issued within Los Angeles County, those familiar with the CCW. If an incomplete application package is . The recent big update is coming into Los Angeles. Most years we hunted dove, quail and duck. Sacramento is one of them. The space listed for lease is described as general office. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. I was taught from a young age firearms safety from my Dad and have shot IDPA and USPSA with him. Already one person with a "light red" Good Cause has been approved for a CCW. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.For these reasons, I feel that my life is in jeopardy and require the concealed weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life.Because of this, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured. That's also why I'm getting multi CCW so I can conceal in other states. I submitted my OC CCW Application today (7/22/21). The finding of good cause should recognize that individuals may also face threats to their safety by virtue of their profession, business or status and by . The 2nd Ammendment guaranteesthe PeopleThe Right to Keep and Bear Arms. While commuting to and from work or antiquing, I have encountered suspicious, vagrant people who I suspect to be users of drugs or apart of a criminal element have enquired about the nature of my job or what I am carrying in my vehicle in regards to the amount of tool or antiques I collect. The 4-hour Renewal course is offered on one Friday of each month, as well as two Saturday's each month, from 8:00am to Noon or 12:30pm. LA: 1 page Fact Sheet: Audit Summary: Full, 88 page report: One year later, LASD under Sheriff AV has still not complied with the CSA's recommendations. I suspect the only real hurdle these days is the in-person interview, but if you dont have a criminal record or do anything dumb it should be pretty easy to receive a CCW. I provided articles of vehicle thefts that were similar to what I had and said I could be a target of armed robbery due to the rarity/value of my vehicles. the policy of your local Sheriff's Department Good Cause criteria. (For proof use photos of activities, value of equipment/property, sales receipts, copy of club membership card, photos of trophies won, training certificates, C&R license. County sheriffs enforce this policy, and in San Diego, Los Angeles and other urban counties, permits are rarely granted. I actually do hike a lot. Riverside County Good Cause Worksheet___________________________________________________________________Step 1 - The Ask:Example: I am asking to be issued a CCW so I can legally carry a firearm because I am at greater risk that the general public because I ____________.___________________________________________________________________Step 2 - Details:Make the case for why you are a target.Who will attack you? Just be honest and give a valid reason. Burglars, robbers, terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, or a specific threat)2. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (4) Live and/or work in a dangerous area as seen by crime stats (provide crimemapping maps, news stories, gov't stats), (5) Recreational activities in remote locales with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times (e.g., amateur wilderness photography, target shooting, hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, motorcycling, backcountry skiing, etc.). Anti Slip Coating UAE Step 1 Your Because StatementPick one of these 7 statements and make it into a specific statement about you using because.1. Inmyhonestopinion,Ibelieverobbers,thieves,drugaddictsputmeatagreaterriskofgettingharmed, becauseofthetoolsandequipmentIhavetocarryandtransport. (12) The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population (e.g., private investigators, some lawyers, process servers, plain clothes security guards, bodyguards, fugitive recovery agents/"bounty hunters," taxi drivers). Not necessarily. What about "I carry thousands of dollars worth of gun at night, so would like to concealed carry it to protect the value of the gun I'm carrying". Ivebeenin, constructionforover15yearsandhavetraveledthroughoutSouthernCaliforniatovariousCountiesrangingfrom, LosAngelesandSanBernardinotodifferentjobsites. For additional training, I have taken an NRA basic pistol class and the Riverside County CCW course offered by Defensive Tactics and Firearms. Asanexample,Ihavetocarryasarequirementanucleardensitygaugewhichisverybrightand, labeled. Nice to know OC has passed 9500. I can assure you there is at least 2 lol. Each county may differ when it There's time stamps to jump around. It is our belief that individuals should be armed to protect themselves within our Constitutional Rights. (Proof includes police reports (if BG unknown), permanent restraining order (if BG known), evidence of current threats (e.g., audio recordings, video/pictures, written threats, etc).) I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. All the below will likely pass in a Light Red county. Ihaveshotrifles,handgunsandshotguns, myentirelife. I wonder who has gotten one recently there to make the map like this? comes down to good cause. Yellow county might as well be red. Effective immediately, the sheriff no longer needs any kind of proof of good cause or a good cause statement. Healthcare, Industrial, Retail, Construction, etc.)3. I am particularly at personal risk when arriving to the areas and prepping, as well as when I return from training and am cleaning and loading the equipment. Im in Kern, dark green, I had a dui and got a CCW 5 years later. Dark green,have medical conditions BUT went into rehab af 18 and take antidepressants so I figure I'm boned. I would say we have it nice living in Kern, if you need any help with the process send me a PM. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. Where will you be attacked? For all of these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.Put your Statement together and put it into your own words. WhenItoldthemno,theybecamemorehostileanddemandedinathreateningmannerthatItakethem, orgivethemmoney. 0 If youre in a light red county, you are not getting a CCW unless you donate large amounts of money to the sheriff, or you know them personally. Personal protection is warranted to mitigate a threat to the applicant that the applicant is able to substantiate.7. CCW "Good Cause" on Riverside County Board of Superisor's Agenda CCW "Good Cause" on Riverside County Board of Superisor's Agenda Hi Everyone I wonder waht kind of support we could muster at the last minute. To qualify for a CCW license, you must: Be a resident of the county where you are applying; Be 21 or older; Provide a "good cause" for why you should be issued a license; Provide proof of ownership or registration of the firearm you want to be licensed to carry; and Take an approved CCW training course. Also any training/trainer recommendations? Mine didnt even interview me. Alameda and contra costa is nearly impossible. I definitely think the map is off on the high side (favorable to us) by a color for Alameda and Coco Counties. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.For these reasons, I feel that my life is in jeopardy and require the concealed weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life.Because of this, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured. I'm pretty sure Kern county's good case policy is "I leave my house sometimes". My Good Cause okay? example is to provide you with just a few examples. CCW County CCW Information Placer County CCW Information Placer County CCW Information, Records, and Analysis Sheriff: Devon Bell Department: Placer County Sheriff's Office Address: 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn, CA, 95603 Phone: (530) 889-7800 Fax: (530) 889-7899 CCW Web link: Good cause could include, but is not limited to, verifiable documented instances of threats to the personal safety of the applicant, his or her family, or employees. Cookie Notice . CALGUNS.ORG A Division of CALGUNS.NET The California Firearms Owner's Home On The Internet Working Together To Preserve Our Freedoms . What do they want? Ihonestlyfeltandbelieved. Meanwhile, gun-rights advocates are challenging a California law that requires gun owners to show "good cause" before they are issued a permit to carry a concealed gun in public. Website developed, maintained and hosted by Best Handgun Training, Inc. amples are not I thought for sure all the yuppies there would be appalled that you can get a carry permit there. (e.g. California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a sheriff of a county or the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county may issue a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person (CCW license). I don't really have any good cause statements that I could come up with other than the fact I work in information security and have to deal with laptops and other devices with sensitive data that I have to carry around. I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. Nice work. For all of these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.Put your Statement together and put it into your own words. 504 E Alvarado St. #207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.451.6694. Im interested in how people have articulated their good cause to assist them in getting the permit. Plus, remember that equipment that cost you $1,000 isn't equivalent to someone making $500 cash deposits. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. The guns are both valuable and highly desired by "prohibited persons". 2N0 @f & (Use trail maps, calendars, log books, receipts from campgrounds and photos as proof. Accordingly, it is the Attorney General's view that the Court's decision renders California's "good cause" standard to secure a permit to carry a concealed weapon in most public places unconstitutional. The letter will be sent out under the name of the Sheriff, "By" the reviewing sergeant pursuant to Section J 0100 of the Sheriff's Office Policy and Procedure Manual. N.B. You may wish to do more research through the sheriff's department website, or by visiting for a good forum on good cause and issuance policies. How will they attack you?Example: Because I walk my dogs late at night for exercise in a rural area, I fear I will be attacked by robbers looking for an easy target. This is the CA "Good Cause" requirement by County map. Often the interviewing LEO asks you for scenarios of threats/attacks that might happen in your daily life and ask how you'd respond. The bicycles and equipment associated with racing are very expensive and are highly desirable to thieves. Also, below is a draft of my good cause statement, and would like some feedback if possible. ProTip: Avoid saying "because cops are useless road pirates". (See Calif State Auditor's report re. He was telling growers they should have firearms on hand to prevent rip offs and because his guys can't get there quickly enough most of the time. Specifically in counties that are more difficult to receive them. Sad that anyone has to be provide any reason for personal defense. I was wondering about this one too. My coworker recently has his CCW approved and he used that he goes camping sometimes. (15) They are at heightened risk due to a documented "clear & present danger to life, or great bodily harm" against them or an immediate family member (e.g., crazy ex- or disgruntled fired employee, stalker, anonymous nut case/evildoer, etc.).

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