Simply, we just want our students back everyday and back safely. As areas around the state see an uptick in COVID-19 cases, with many related to the delta variant, the Virginia Department of Health, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Education, released guidance on July 21 that urged masks for all students and staff at elementary schools, regardless of vaccination status. This new science is worrisome and unfortunately warrants an update to our recommendation., RELATED: New CDC guidelines call for masks in schools K-12. Editor. Subscribe to usat McCormick wondered about a remote option for families if they preferred their child not go into school for safety or medical reasons, but Anastasio said there is no plan since the CDC strongly recommends we have students in school. He said school officials may work with some families if there is a medial reason, but the district does not have the resources and staffing to offer a full remote option as it did last school year. Only subscribers are eligible to post comments. AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. (WHSV) - Augusta County students will head to school on Tuesday, August 10 wearing masks. "Arlington Public Schools implemented our mask requirement this school year prior to Gov. Anastasio said the big three in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in schools are universal masking, vaccination when possible and pool testing, which Augusta agreed to take part in at the end of the last school year. Sign in or Subscribe The Columbia County Board of Education will be withdrawing its requirements for students and faculty to wear face-coverings beginning Sept. 29. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. MORE: Mask Mandates Are Hot Topic at Columbia County School Board Meeting Some people asked what the penalty is for not wearing a mask and the board said they do not have an exact answer at this time. The parents of any child enrolled in an elementary or secondary school or a school based early childcare and educational program may elect for their children not to be subject to any mask mandate in effect at the childs school or educational program. Board member John Ward said they do not want to expose faculty to liability and said hopefully they will see low numbers throughout the start of the school year. We reached out to school leaders all over the region. Via has three kids in Augusta County Public Schools and only one of them is old enough to get the shot. Welcher, a licensed nurse and mental health professional, said her child in pre-K came home from school last year with remnants of food, moisture and snot from being forced to wear a face-covering for eight hours. Copyright 2021 WHSV. For more information, see the developer's privacy policy. There was a problem saving your notification. The school board met Thursday night to discuss their back-to-school. Subscribe to usat Masks are still required on buses per federal law. Studentswill be permitted to remove masksduring lunch and while outside. Here are a few of them: Blue Ridge Health District vaccination scheduler, Call the BRHD COVID-19 Hotline 434-972-6261. He was referring to how the Georgia Department of Public Health color-codesCOVID-19 concentrations. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). The only vote against the motion was fromBeverley Manor representative Donna Wells, who had tried to amend the motion to extend the mandatory mask policy until Feb. 28. Augusta County Public Schools is the organization that operates the public school system in Augusta County, Virginia. "Personally, I would like to see the masks gone," Chairperson David Shiflett said, "but now I dont think is the time.. Copyright 2021 WVIR. Board member Donna Wells stated that the board learned this afternoon that legislation passed earlier this year requires schools to follow CDC recommendations for mask wearing. In a statement, the Blue Ridge Health District said: The Virginia Department of Health will analyze the CDCs guidance now that it has been released. I want to work with every one of you. The school division will also follow the CDCs shortened timeline for those who have toisolateorquarantine. School board votes to make masks optional for all students, staff in Augusta County. Make masks mandatory! Milestones were waived in 2020 as a result of the chaos caused by the initial outbreak of COVID-19, and the weight of the test was greatly diminished last year. Augusta County is still considered to be a community with a high transmission level, with the VDH reporting a 36.4% positivity level in its most recent update. Aiken County Public Schools spokesperson Mike Rosier said via email that they will not be mandating masks, citing a memo from South Carolina Superintendent Molly Spearman saying the General Assembly's Proviso 1.108 in the 2021-22 Appropriations Bill prohibits any school district from requiring students or staff to wear a mask. The speakers who opposed the policies voiced concerns about safety issues, parental and privacy rights, and religious freedom. All rights reserved. Stay Connected . Board Chairperson Amanda Olson told McCormick there had been more of a discussion for the mask mandate at a board workshop a couple of weeks earlier, which McCormick did not attend. Anastasio said its easier at all levels since people move around the district. The school board is elected, and the current superintendent is Dr. Eric Bond. Enter your email and password to access comments. Administrators say theyre hearing the same from other parents. 5:00 PM Joint Meeting-Augusta County Board of Supervisors and Augusta County . McCormick said she wished the discussion about masking would have been at the business meeting instead. Several counties have full mask wearing policies for both on the bus and in the school buildings including: McDuffie County; Richmond County; Warren County; Hancock County; The other CSRA . Reading Specialist (Former Employee) - Verona, VA - August 12, 2020. The district had held. He said the basis for his recommendation came from the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention, among other scientific studies, and said he would only make an unpopular decision on the err of safety., Im an experienced educator; I dont have medical training; I dont pretend to know what professionals in the medical field do, Anastasio said. Kids' face masks with Augusta County Schools designs for a. Verify your phone numbers and contact preferences are correct in Campus Parent > User > Settings > Contact Preferences. The CDC recommends those with COVID-19 should isolate for five days and, if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving, then wear a mask for fivedays when around others. Vaccinated teachers and students don't have to wear masks inside school buildings. Your cooperation with this change is expectedand appreciated. Staunton and Waynesboro schools will continue requiring masks for all students and staff. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. The VDOE did not mandate the mask usage, and Augusta County opted to leave it up to individual students and staff. AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) - With the latest surge in COVID cases easing, the Richmond County School System is dropping its mask mandate on campuses starting Tuesday. Superintendent James Anastasio strongly recommended the board vote in favor of the mandate. Some quoted scripture, while others blamed politics. I anticipated more discussion before we voted.. The winners of the 2015 races in the Beverly Manor, Pastures and Middle River Districts served . This is a political scam to see who is going to sit down and shut up, Riverheads student Joshua Cox said . Due to recent in local COVID conditions,the advice of our local health department, and school divisions policies, masks are now mandatory for all students, staff, and visitors. All say theyre waiting for additional guidance from the Virginia Department of Education, the Virginia Department of Health and Governor Ralph Northam. The Augusta County School Board voted 5-1 on Thursday to make masks optional . In the meantime, there are many ways for you to get vaccinated in our community. In a retreat Thursday afternoon at the Augusta County Government Center, the school board voted 5-1 to make masks optional in schools beginning Monday, Feb. 14. This huge statewide spike, and the 29schools that were shifted to distance learning in Richmond County, led to the school board's reaffirming its mask mandate Tuesday. My biggest concern is, I would never go into your home and tell you whats best for your child, McCormick said. About 50 people attended the Augusta County School . Based on current conditions, this is what we need to do to make that happen. Contact Patrick (he/him/his) atphite@newsleader.comand follow himon Twitter @Patrick_Hite. Wayne District representative Tim Swortzel made the motion to make face-coverings optional and North River representative Nicholas Collins seconded. About 20 minutes into the school. All students, staff and volunteers in county schools will wear masks to begin the school year. Vaccinated teachers and students don't have to wear masks inside school buildings. The opportunity to grow professionally is evident there. ", As of its most recent update on Jan. 13, the CDC "recommends universal indoor masking by allstudents (ages 2 years and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.". Over the summer, our children have been maskless, Welcher said. In numbers reported throughThursday morning, Augusta County was at 87positive cases this week, with 12 of those at Stuarts Draft High School and 11 more at Stuarts Draft Elementary. North River representative Nick Collins made the motion Thursday, which gives the school board a chance to reevaluate the decision in the coming weeks if there are any legal challenges to Virginia Gov. We fear if we dont have universal masking, the letter stated, there will be outbreaks warranting school closure.. The community level of Covid-19 in Augusta County is low based on cases and hospitalizations, according to the most recent update from the C.D.C. The policies say schools should allow students to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. Bond's letter did say that parents who choose to keep their children home for the full 10-day quarantine period can do so. Simply, we just want our students back everyday and back safely. School Superintendent Steven Flynt announced the rescinding of the mask mandate during the board's regular session Tuesday. Please subscribe to keep reading. Mask Policy Due to recent in local COVID conditions, the advice of our local health department, and school divisions policies, masks are now mandatory for all students, staff, and visitors. The Augusta County School Board held a special session on July 29th to discuss what turned out to be two issues. The Augusta Board of Education voted. People are also reading If you need help with the Public File, call 540-512-1558. : Plenty of Augusta-area locations offer them, More: At-home COVID test website launches early. Make 2023 the year to let that wonderful you-ness shine. You can share 5 more gift articles this month. AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. (WVIR) - As COVID-19 cases surge within Augusta County Schools, many people continue to speak out against mask mandates. Please subscribe or login first for digital access. Although most of the discussion at Wednesday nights meeting surrounded the VDOE model treatment of transgender students policies, Kristine Welcher spoke out against masks as a parent of children attending Stuarts Draft schools. The Augusta County Board of Supervisors will conduct a Public Hearing at 7 p.m., Wednesday, February 8, 2023, in the Board Meeting Room, Augusta County Government Center, 18 Government Center Lane, Verona, Virginia. With this vote, students and staff must still wear masks while in school until Feb. 14. In light of Virginia's school mask policy change, we have included a list of school districts and their decisions on masking. I would rather go with safety; I want kids to be in school five days a week.. Again, we are excited to begin the year and look forward to having our students back. Weve been saying all along students should be in school and shouldnt be tied to masks, said Conservative Parents of Lynchburg Founder Andrew Glover. Under the protocol,masks arerequired for allstudents, staff andvisitors to all school districtfacilities and onbuses,regardless of vaccination status. Copyright 2023 Augusta County Public Schools. AUGUSTA The Augusta Public Schools will require students, staff and visitors to wear masks regardless of vaccination status next school year. Patrick Hite is The News Leader's education and sports reporter. All rights reserved. Photo by Atoms on Unsplash. Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay safe. Welcher said the number of cases did not show a need for further mask mandates in schools as students return five days a week for in-person instruction. Find Augusta County, Virginia public schools, including charter schools, k-12, elementary, middle, and high schools. McClintock said they hope to get the cameras within the next month. MORE | Threat puts Thomson High School put on. The Augusta Public Schools will have in-person learning, five days a week. Please note the display name will appear on screen when you participate. Starting on Jan. 24, Highland County Public Schools says masks will be recommended to protect students and staff amid a high number of COVID-19 cases in the county. The CDC also says all schools should have universal masking, which is something Albemarle County Public Schools are already planning to do, and Charlottesvilles school board could vote to do in early August. Staunton and Waynesboro schools will continue requiring masks for all students and staff. Tuesday Columbia County school leaders made their decision on the mask mandate. Accommodations will be made for students and employees unable to wear a mask for documented medical reasons. Create a commenting profile by providing an email address, password and display name. More:A month since Rosenberg was forced out, Staunton City Council hasn't secured search firm, More:Staunton man pleads guilty to a string of burglaries, gets nearly 10 years in prison. 2023 AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. (WHSV) - Augusta county school board members say they were blind-sided by news out of Richmond over masks in the classrooms. In a retreat Thursday afternoon at the Augusta County Government Center, the school board voted 5-1 to make masks optional in schools beginning Monday, Feb. 14. The Augusta County School Board unanimously affirmed at its meeting Thursday they would follow the law as now presented to them. You can cancel at any time. To get one, go to the subscriptions page. The testing will at first be offered to only employees and students (with parents' permission), but the school district is open to possibly expanding it to the rest of the community. Login. The CDC released this map of the country, which says how your city or county is doing as far as COVID-19 transmission. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator Kelly F. Troxell Ed.D., Executive Director of Personnel (540) 245-5107, Section 504 Coordinator Douglas W. Shifflett, Jr. Ed.D, Deputy Superintendent (540) 245-5108. Masks have been and continue to be required on all Georgia school buses. We got to show some force or whatever you need to do to show those people down there to understand that we need to be allowed to make the decision that best suits our kids because we deal with our kids, we deal with the parents, board member Tim Swortzel said. Augusta County chose to follow Youngkin's executive order, which states in part: Youngkin's order goes into effect Monday, Jan. 24, but Augusta County's School Board wanted to add additional time to see if the current COVID surge in the area will subside. Some in Augusta County oppose school mask mandates as COVID-19 cases surge. More than 300 Augusta County students have tested positive for COVID-19 since school started four weeks ago. Timothy Simmons, who represents the Pastures District, said he is in favor of making masks optional. If your area is orange or red, you should require masks inside. AUGUSTA, Ga. (WJBF) - "It's just not right to have them mandate it," said 8th grader Jonathan Vasquez. You are muzzling our children. Chief Technology OfficerCarolyn McCord provided an update on the school district's 1:1 initiative, PowerUp, which will supply every student with the use of a laptop with internet connectivity. The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, status as a veteran, national origin, or disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The school board sent out a letter on July 22 stating the county did not have the legal authority to reject the state-mandated policies. They have been in public places and taken place in social gatherings. Heres why. Between Dec. 4 and 18, Georgia reported just under 20,000new cases, and most of the state's map was a light-yellow. However, counties around the state had already rejected the policies, and lawsuits appear to show funding is not in jeopardy for localities that voted no, according to a report from the Courthouse News Service. //
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