All that stamped into the barrel, I didn't make any of it up. The tea pot measures about 13" wide from the . SOLD (ztl), Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Oscar was famous for blowing his call to music on the radio. We're based out of Central Illinois less than a mile from the Illinois River, in the heart of Illinois River Decoys and Calls. $79, Lohman Duck Call. I just noticed you can't see that due to the Wide mouth of the squirrel call. Rotate it 90 degrees and it is alternating walnut and maple vertical stripes. Pekin, Illinois, Reg Trade Markno. NFS, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. One tiny wrinkle or scratch in the label, otherwise Mint. Earl Dennison Newbern, Tn . -Psalms 32:8, "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart." Great stocking stuffers for little future callers and call collectors. Following are the goose call. Mib with papers. The instant I picked it up I noticed the weight difference. It had the red, black and gold lable on it. I can't get a photo that shows the depth of the silver flecks in this call. If you would like to own one of them, give me a call, 740-698-5060.) Years later he came up with a Wood duck he could paint in a hurry and that he liked, that he felt truly represented a Wood duck. Call is Mint as made. 966.9808 New Arrivals and Price Changes Blue winged teal, drake, Robert Elliston, Peoria, IL c. 1930 Blue-winged Teal by Robert A. Elliston, Peoria, IL, 1849-1915. White lettering and world logo are perfect. This Duck Call was made by Doug Rice (1942-2021) of Strasburg, MO. 324pp. It looks like some mud in the impressed letters, will clean up to Near Mint. (utz) SOLD, Harlan, Howard and Andrews, Crew. (dnl) SOLD, Thompson Wildlife Duck Call. Check Pictures. If you are looking for a rare Olt, they don't get any rarer. SOLD. Savage - 220F Slug Gun. Send me your guesses and I will tell you what he told me. Guys who have them, keep them. (dlx) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Exc (ttz) SOLD, P. S. Olt D-2 Duck Call. AS NEW. Fewer than 400 were made and any not given out at the dinner were destroyed according to the man in charge of those things. In those days I would have sworn the barrel was at least a yard long and the stock almost that long. I did, so I thought I would share Eastern Wild Turkey Checkered calls Checkering is nothing more than a textured surface of cross-hatch pattern of parallel lines that intersect each other. They are really that bad. I think even I could call a duck with this call. 99+% of the finish is there. Check Pictures. It wold take a long time and more money to assemble a comlete set. He must have made a million inserts, because for the rest of his call making days, about 50 years, he used those same inserts in every call I have ever seen that he made. VINTAGE CALL COLLECTORS USE CAUTION It has been brought to the board of director's attention that there may be some very good forgeries of BECKHART duck calls entering the market. 4to, 324pp. SOLD (delz), P. S. Olt Old Style C-3 Duck Call. Hand signed. 3/16 inch mark over the M in Martin, otherwise Mint. Duck Calls (73) Duck Decoys (14) Fishing Creels (19) Fishing Reels (94) Turkey Calls (21) NEWEST ADDITIONS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ NEWEST ADDITIONS. Call is 5" and signed on the stopper. The same company made the very famous "Million Dollar Duck Call". Many vintage Gucci bags are lined with the brand's signature print, which adds to their collectability . Call was made by Billy Hays of Milan, TN. (dyl) SOLD, Glynn Scobey MAGNUM Goose Call. Signed with his customary "C B" stamped in the collar. Wooden insert dates it to pre 1985. The machine cut the label a little off, but perfect as made. Beautiful Scobey Signed goose call, MIB. Under that number there is another number: "0073". (eel) SOLD, P. S. W-12 Olt Pintail-Wigeon Duck Call. Very limited production, as I am sure Glynn promised not to use the same pattern again, as he promised me that when he made special calls for me for Dale's Decoy Den 20th and 25th Aniversaries. Or call me, 740-698-5060. $59, P. S. Olt A-50 Canadian Honker Call. It sounds like it has more ducks in it. A good friend told me a story of one hunt he was on. MIB (dnt) SOLD. They seem ready and able to steal my knowledge rather than learn on their own. I am going to quote from Harlan, p. 204: "All plastic call from Kansas City, has unique mouthpiece filled with activated alumina granules, which absorps (sic) all moisture from the breath, keeping the reed and sounding board dry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Together they make a cool pair and stand out in any collection. There are a lot of very knowledgeable call collectors and makers out there and it's their knowledge that is essential to preserving the history of this art. Lettering worn and there is a tight crack iin the top of barrel. I wish I could hear another one. Yellow and brown applied label (decal) is perfect, no chips or tears. This is the best Broadbill call I have ever had. - Maple Duck Call, Ken Hubbard - Freeburg, IL. Front lower corner has L L Bean on it. The original price on the box was $1.19. 30 day returns. The thin felt tip marker used for signature points toward 1980, as does the reddish brown box. (ent) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. It also has minor gum residue form old price sticker on the top. I tried to show some nice wood striping in the photo. Sounds like a Scobey! Strong white lettering, Exc. $85, P. S. Olt A-50 Goose Call. Scarce. Johnson Standard Crow Call. This is an early Gartner call. Lable is better in real life than in photo, call is Mint. EXC. MIB. Later he used progressively thicker felt pens. Does shopping on Etsy help support small businesses? Mint in package with instructions. Mint. It almost feels like a cocabolo calls feels. Mint. I am being picky.) They were just parts to make calls with. & C. Black A FURTHER GUIDE TO FLY DRESSING John Veniard . Mint. Exc. Red reed, that might need tuning for you. Cut down and modified. Appraisals; Mason, Dodge, Peterson Factory Decoys; Other Factory Decoys; . (Ul) SOLD, Paul Kingyon Duck Call. Signed and with "Canada Call" and image of Canada goose landing in gold on barrel. Brass banded walnut call has called many ducks according to its original owner. The "J. C. Higgins" line of sporting items followed the "Ranger" line in the Sears and Roebuck progression. Near Mint. Hambone call. DR stands for double reed, which it is. Mint. Very nice walnut. (llxz)for the pair. SOLD (dut), Dwight F. Thomas Handcrafted Duck Call. He had no limit to his imagination. Unusual shape. (dex) SOLD, Ken Martin Duck Call. Great! Decoy Ducks-N-Antique Stuff. The uniqueness of Mr Montgomery's calls makes them welcomed and a stand out in any collection. Idaho Falls. See Fleming, pp33-34. Again the red in the label is truly bright red, not as shown. Olt Vintage Model No. Scarce call. Original Price $8.00 (dul) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Snow Goose Call. Call to discuss-740-698-5060, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. $23, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. 38 and 43. Olt Duck Call Model No. Automaticly dates this call 1956-1958, 60 years ago!. The red lable is truly red, not as it apperas in this photo. Absolutely! "Fat Boy Model". SOLD (dlx), Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Exc (ylx) SOLD, Charles Perdew Crow Call. Create new account. Exc. The chance to get two sequential calls AND boxes at once doesn't come along very often. Adjustableness still works. Harlan, Howard and Andrews, Crew. Book is Exc. Walnut is perfect. As some of you know, these have the same shaped, high, toneboard shape as the Keyholes and can be modified like them. I will put a new reed in it from my tiny hoard of Ken's reeds. Brown insert dates it to 1967-1969 as per Glynn in private conversation we had many years ago. (ux) SOLD, Sure Shot Yentzen Duck Call. $189, AN OLD GUNSMITH IN THE FINGER LAKE REGION SOLD. Complete Set Price is SOLD (EXXXZ), F. A. Allen Duck Call. Mint. The band has some drawer marks on it, made because it is the thickest part of the barrel and when the call is lying down, it is lying on the copper band. Maybe because they work so well in the field. I doubt that a goose could get airborne with the wings on these two. Blackwood with brown streaks. I can recall the box change and recall it was about 1978-1981. Hard rubber, Exc+ $75, Thompson Wildlife Calls, Million Dollar Duck Call. Call is Exc+ in Exc box with papers. Harlan Anderson Press. Like all the others known, the lettering is mostly vanished, but the banner is complete. Tiger maple. A regional advantage that ensures the highest client satisfaction. You will look long and hard before you find another call and box in this condition. Vintage P.s. L L Bean Crow Call. I have given a brief history and description near the top of this page, below the Call books I have offered. It could have been made anywhere from the late 50s right up until Olt closed the doors. Early, ca 1970s. (dut) SOLD, James Blakemore Hat Pin and or Tie Tack. When I saw this call, I knew I had to hide it away and that is what I did with it many years ago. His calls are scarce! I neglected to ask permission to use his name, so I can't tell you who it was. That's how faint they are and they are few also. This is a Maple duck call made by Doyle Breland (1934-2020). This Duck Call was made by Steve Boyles of Chillicothe, MO. VG+ $59, P. S. Olt All Hard Rubber Hawk Call. Exc. Unless I am doing something wrong, this call does take a lot of air to break, but I am sure you are a better caller than I. Mint. Exc. These seem to be the original snow goose models, becasue they have the standard conventional goose call barrel. A 6 OZ. Wooden insert made before 1985. 3 painted geese on it." Beautifully finished, early Gold label. I bought a lot of these calls from an old duck hunter who doesn't hunt any more. Rather than a defect, I see it as a piece of wood making a statement that it is real. Well, I diverged some, but.. If you do not get a reply, look in your spam or junk folder. There are chips in the top finish coat and on tight crack at collar. Mint. The circle is what is left of the World Logo, dating this call to 1956-1959. Small, fine signature. Very Nice Goose Call made by Donald Steffonson (1939-2019) of Cedar Rapids, IA. It never hardens. Mint in mint box with papers. J-15. Pluses: Made from the "end of the day" plastics where all left oer plastics were mixed giving each barrel a truly unique swirlled look, and it sports the World Logo, meaning it was produced in the late 1950s. Slightly older style shoulder and shallower lanyard ring than the previous call. There is a small niche in the barrel I showed in photo. Tiny crack in bell near wood and flare on bell needs a tinsmith to put it round again. The "200" is there though. 16686 The call is in its original box with the type written directions. $45, Broadbill Diving Duck Call. Worn lettering, but the hardrubber is perfect. The late ones were slightly shorter with a slightly shorter "neck" to the top of the barrel. Fancy is an understatement. (edl) SOLD, P. S. Olt Special D-2 Duck Call. Somehow they got in the wrong places and I sold too many, so now I only have one myself. Ken's very early calls are slightly shorter than his more recent ones. Call is made of Ash wood, a tree that is in dire trouble in Ohio and else where. Duck Decoys Decoys priced over $150. It has 9 snow geese painted around the barrel! Call retains the knotless lanyard Ken was so proud of. MIB SOLD (eexz), Glynn Scobey Metal Reed Duck Call. This is an early Magnum when Glynn was still using the regular goose call barrel. (dnl) SOLD, Ken Martin Duck Call. SOLD (zexx), Johnson Standard Crow Call. I have a new email address, New updates coming as time permits! An exceptionally clean copy. (I have never seen one of these call before that didn't have the metal reed all bent and/or kinked. It is a later call, loosely revisiting the 1990 model he made for the Minnesota club above. If we don't find a way to eradicate the emerald ash borer, the ash tree will join the Chestnut on the missing list for future generations. I am not sure when the JC Higgins brade began to be used by Sears, but it was done by the early, early 1960s. Original Price CHF117.79 Mint. WHITE COLOR.This one is one of the colored Olts and carries a date of 1996 and was made for Tri-County for their annual banquet. VG+ $20, P. S. Olt V-16 Crow Call. Model 601 with hand painted mallard. Duck Call made by David Leigh of Henderson, KY. Very light handling marks on barrel, so Near Mint. Exc- $39, Dwight Thomas Hand Crafted Duck Call. He made trailers and boats, and in 1938, began carving duck decoys after associating with a trio of local duck hunters. Sam "Cox Call" Duck Call.   United States   |   English (US)   |   $ (USD). Now in my book, and edition of 5 is tiny, so this call is pretty special. And yes, I am writing Johnny over and over, because that is how he signed the insert. The five calls in this photo all came from a sporting goods shop that closed in the 1990s according to the owners son-in-law. It is enough so I can tell by feel or glance that they are smaller. You may never have this oppurtunity again. Awesome Vintage Duck Call In Good Working Order Sounds Great It Does Have Some Wear See All Photos. Manufactured By P. S. Olt, Llc A Game Call Company That Started In 1904. He never had them printed in color again. This one remarkablly clean and free of any dings, dents, scratches. However, the market started with small niche interest groups in the United States. Additionally it has the much rarer Gold lettering. VG+ $89, P. S. Olt Mark V Duck Call. He told me he did that on purpose so as to not dimish the sight of the best parts. SOLD (dllz), P. S. Olt 77 Goose Call. "A lot of collectors are not duck call collectors. Photo in the instructions shows only calls without turning rings. I can't recall another of Ken's calls this color. All or none, I am not going to break them up. Original Price CHF48.29 TRY RAY'S GUN WAX! The box is better than the call and mine came bumped and wrinkled. Insert is a shoulder insert. (My dog just came in to see if there might be something for him to retrieve when I blew it.) You can see the information and decoration on them. He put a note on the invoice stating the call has 6 rings, and it was his personal call in 1980, and it is "One of a kind"! #15. Sold thru Old Guide. Very early call Scobey call that shows much use but goes on ticking. How I wish he were still here and I could look over his table again. (I grade hard using the NFLCC standards for grading. This one retains the granules, which is fairly rare. (nl) SOLD, P. S. Olt D-2 Duck Call. $50, Dwight Thomas Hand Crafted Duck Call. Go up 7 photos, Sta-Dry Duck Call. Some in use marks and one scratch that goes from rear almost to his signature. 16ga. (yx) SOLD, Cajun Goose Call. Just because he bought it in '84 doesn't mean Glynn still had them that late. Try contacting them via Messages to find out! Morgan, who was president of the Callmakers & Collectors Association of America from 1996-97, said the association has more than 550 members across the country. Mint in Mint box, (del) SOLD, P. S. Olt A5 Perfect Goose Call. A vast collection of pristine vintage or antique hunting and fishing collectibles. I have shown it with only a few calls so you can see the stand itself. We got to talking and he recalled them lying about the house as he was growing up. Mint in Mint box. Still all wooden calls, barrels and inserts. Exc. Weight. All Wood, 1985 or before. Mark from a lanyard spring. Compare your signature today with yours 20 or 30 years ago. ORANGE! (dttz) SOLD, Yentzen Duck Call. Most obvious are the two painted geese, which he did rarely. Olt papers inside box. One tiny paper loss on back of box, o/w everything is Mint. This is the copy in my photo. "Fat Boy" Model. He didn't make this type plastic reed call long either. See description and price below next photo. Box very good, insert indestructible it says on box, soo very good also. 360 people like this. Call is shiney, Mint as the day it was made. Ken Martin Goose Call. Mint and scarce. - Carved Walnut Duck Call, Steve Wargo - Memphis, TN. Call is Exc. Pretty wood. A jar of Ray's Gun Wax is $11.95 and I keep it in stock. White lettering and world logo are perfect. This is the deluxe model made of rosewood with pretty heavy wood. Call is probably unused with lite scratches on the insert. (ddl) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. ThanksSold by blackbear-57 in Linn Grove, This Would Make A Wonderful Gift For A Collector. 1950s. Interested in Perdew calls? It has a duck and the name Sta-Dri impressed in the barrel. Olt Pekin, Ills. Want to guess at how long it took him to paint on most of his birds? Mint. Very scarce burnt orange ends. Notice it has never even been hung, punch out still in place at top of the card. Fine/Vg+. $55, Art Beauchamp Duck Call. 2 Gees on goose call and 2 ducks on duck call. (dyt) SOLD, Elam Fisher Type Tongue Pincher Diving Duck Call. This Fine Duck Call was made by Howard Broussard (1940-2008) of Miton, LA. Exc- (dyt) SOLD, P S Olt Model 66 Duck Call. Moving to the right in the top row the next four are scribed with partial paint. Interestingly, Glynn returned to a modified version of this shape in some of his last calls. Idaho Falls, 70s-80s. This one is not for sale, but I thought you might enjoy comparing it to the Johnson Crow call beside it. How embarrassing, the inserts got mixed up on this and the goose call for the photo shoot. It is polished so well, all I get is reflections. I have never seen one of these Jr crow calls with strong white lettering. This one is MIB with papers. Osage orange, signed, with original lanyard. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Very good. Metal reed Reelfoot style. Sale Price $14.00 As stated above the colors in photo are not true to the calls in it. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. It works no matter how cold the temperature gets. Mint (eel) SOLD. A very nice call whose insert matches the barrel. Tooth mstks in plstic, wood is prfect, so Exc-. This is a great stand, holds 33 calls, and is designed to stand on its own or be hung on a wall. (30% off), Sale Price $101.99 It even comes with the original lanyard, which I took off so the call would stand for the photo. That was 1988. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Modified? MIB with papers. Glynn made this uniquely shaped call on special order about 1967 he told me sometime long ago. Cedar insert with metal reed as is normal with Dennison's. My very first call was a similar call, long gone. Appreciate Your Looking And Use Pictures For Description As Well You Can Add Them To Your Collection Or Hunt Them. (zn) SOLD, P. S. Olt Crow call. While many of the items on Etsy are handmade, youll also find craft supplies, digital items, and more. Call has a Bocote band and Blackwood top of the A Nice Maple Duck call by Doyle Breland (1934-2020) of Jena, LA. There is an old style camo pouch that holds both of them. HE TRIED IT ON THE STOCK. Mint. (ct) SOLD, P. S. Olt A-50 Canadian Honker Call. (det) SOLD, Yentzen Double Reed Duck Call. #15-23. SOLD (dcl), Ken Martin Duck Call. Ever wonder who/how the 5 North America Turkey Subspecies obtained their names? You will not hurt my feelings if you do not buy this call. The band seems to be doing its job and containing same, as it has not spread any farther. This box also has the early Route 3 address. The letter strokes are the same as his earlier signatures, but as we age our hand writing seems to degenerate. 1988, SIGNED AND INSCRIBED. Mint in Exc box. And if you want it to hunt geese with, I am sure it can be re-tuned, or perhaps (probably) you are a better caller than I am. Feeling any guilt? $85, This is my Glynn Scobey Collection: (If you are looking to buy individual Scobey calls, I have some for sale on the above the collection. This is a very, very special Perdew call. $29, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Price on request (clx) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Below that is hand written "2005 (illegible), 4 of 5". MIB with papers. (eyt) SOLD. I had one a while ago and someone called to buy it and I told them it was sold without realizing I had another. Darkest walnut Martin call I recall having. Much scarcer than the Regular or E-1 crow calls, I once sold one the Jim Olt for his son's collection! Exc+ in mint box with lanyard, no papers. This is early, before he began to mark his name around the collar. Nr Mint. Box says "Hand Made" on top and both sides. 1979 Royal Game Call Goose Call $ 89.00; A. It has the signature label intact and complete. Key Hole with hard rubber barrel. They are not all the same, you can see the progression Glynn made as an artist especially in the wings. Good sound. Each time it gets sold the buyer fails to pay for it. Sears J.C. Higgins Duck Call in Original Box with Paperwork. This Duck Call was made by Doug Rice (1942-2021) of Strasburg, MO. What can I say about this call? They are almost indestructable. Also contains an order sheet with prices. Mint with Mint label. I don't know how long these were availble, but they don't turn up often, so there could not have been a lot made. This is the call on left lying on the box. Exc. MIB with papers. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Duck Call "Duc-Em" W/ Original Box NOS Olivero's Mfg. Olt Model D-2 Pekin,illinois Regular Duck Call World Logo Globe. Early large letter Lemont. A bored hunter? I have found a proper lid fir the proper World Logo box. I had six and I was going to keep two. Just wipe in on and let it do its magic. These are NOT run of the mill Scobey calls. All Ppwk And Certificate Of Authenticity.Sold by matthewellington in Chapel Hill, Vintage P.s. Painted Snow goose Call. Pre Zip Code (before 1960). (ztt) SOLD, Complete Set of all the Colored Olt D-2 Duck and A-50 Goose Calls. Wooden insert dates it to pre 1985. Glynn Scobey Duck Call. Original Price $39.99 This maple Olt modell DD-120 is difficult to find in any condition. World Logo with correct World Logo box. 31. Shows wear to finish. SOLD, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. VG. The two pics above show the front and back of two calls. You will be the first owner, it has never been sold retail. This call has the circular cut out in the tone board. Includes Mint box, lanyard, papers. (yl) SOLD, Johnny Marsh. One tiny ding on barrel at mouth is it. DR means double reed on Olt terminology. This is made from birdseye maple on steroids! Brass band has tarnished with time, but no other marks on it. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. The call is Mint as are the box and papers that accompany the call in this presentation. Olt Model 77 Goose Call. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. I am unable to remove the insert, et al, from the mouth, so I assume it is glued in. (enl) SOLD, Johnny Bill Weiss Duck Call. (el) SOLD, Lohman Game and Bird Calls, Duck Call. Call to discuss-740-698-5060) Mint. The market first started with small, niche groups of enthusiasts throughout the United States in the 1950s and '60s who began collecting antique duck decoys. I have also stated they are much louder than the standard Olt keyhole call. Anyone who has had anything printed in color knows that each color adds considerably to the cost over just black and white. Cocobolo barrel, a truly beautiful call. (eel) NO LONGER FOR SALE. VG+ (yt) SOLD, Earl Dennison Checkered Duck call with Lip Rest. If you are a Glynn Scobey collector, read the descriptions closely, study the photos, and consider them seriously. Box is sound, not rips or tears, but shows dampness wrinkles on most surfaces. This is pre 1956 all Hard rubber Olt call. Call is 6" and Arkansas style. They are so easy to blow and sound so ducky. Mint as made. Similar to the one above, but with one goose painted on it. Works just fine. SOLD (dxx), Glynn Scobey Goose Call. A few paint loss spots on wing and back of body near the tail, otherwise only light handling marks. Anyone who wants a really scarce, Mint in box crow call should not hesitate to jump on this one. Every duck call he creates is unique. (zzz) SOLD, P. S. Olt A-50 Flute Goose Call. Also laid in is a 1992 PRICE GUIDE! No zip code on paperwork or his address (zip codes started in 1960). Call Is In Good Working Condition.Sold by nurseemare in Shakopee, Rare Old Wood Duck Call In Great Condition. The brawss insert is typical of Johnny Bill's calls. I look forward to hearing from you. Painting looks like early 1980s. Mint. Mint. If These Dont Sell They Will No Longer Be Listed Sold by jongrubb69 in Decatur, Maker P.s. Feel Free To Ask Any Questions!! There are not many this old in this condition still in the box in this condition. Insert has teeth marks on end. (This information came to me from a knowledgeable fellow who took the time to call me and pass the info along. Mint. For the first year Glynn had made the innards out of a white nylon looking material. Number 35-38 are an unusual shape Glynn made for a club in Minnesota about 1990, per Glynn himself. It is a fine piece of craftsmanship, sanded down to about 220 grit sandpaper. Scribed in the greenish part of the call, insert, is "Snow & Blue" on one line, "Speck" on second line, "T. G. S." on a third line and Tim Grounds' signature below that. That continues all around the barrel above the ring and there is some all thru the barrel. Walnut barrel is a darker walnut that it appears above. Barrel has light indentions but there is no sign this call was ever used.
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