Please do not type your ad in all caps. 1st Wednesday AM (each month) - Sat New TALARC net on West Coast. Amateur Radio Newsline: Sun at 01:25 UTC and Net to follow at 02:00 UTC 70cm 442 250 000 ( RB ) -- NTS Area Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets Texas Regional Georgia Net var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST Maritime Mobile Net (worldwide) www.mmsn.org14300-14313 kHz 24h/day in different languages. Their Website: Assigned Net Controls. The Portland Public Schools Amateur Radio Club Traffic Net is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM on the 440.25 MHz repeater. Mon 7:45 pm. Current Ham Radio Propagation Conditions. Jack Princeville, IL 61559 -- From The ARRL, National Traffic System 3818. We are a great place to meet other amateur radio operators, get the weather conditions After Dark 3.865 out+=msg; To add an anchorage click on the map to place the red marker. and 3970 kHz. 3.942 "INTERNET RADIO LINKING PROJECT" (IRLP) East Coast Reflector 9050-ECR ALLSTAR Bridges 27339 - 45192 - 45225-Reflector M17-ECR Module A- 8:00pm EST Our purpose is to provide experience with and exchange information about amateur radio use by NETs (Neighborhood Emergency Teams)and CERTs (Community Emergency Response Teams). County Hunter Web, County hunters usually can be found participating in the Emergency and Mobile Sailing WCN West Coast Net. Radio Sailing -- Includes Maritime Mobile Ham Forum There are no mandatory daily radio check-ins, however, several radio nets always evolve, which are administered voluntarily by fleet members. Sun This website serves a group of ham radio operators who meet daily on shortwave radio to operate in morse code (an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short sounds) at a slow speed to encourage new operators to join in learning to send and receive messages. Below is a list of HF nets available to local Ham's with the right equipment. 14.207 Jim Hollabaugh for Boaters -- Lots of info here Website:, Multnomah County ARES Net, Wednesday at 7pm on 146.840, no tone. ECARS is a acronym for East Coast Amateur Radio Sat A 40 Meter net is held every Thursday Night on 7.224 MHz at 5:00pm. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, . Amateur Radio Awards Club, Inc is a support group for County Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Net: ~16:00 PST 3980 AM or SSB Seems current Panama Pacific Net, 8143 kHz at 14:00 daily. K6HQI who anchored this net for 20 years. HURRICANE PAGES AND NETS 6 METERS Important information if heading to South Africa. We would be pleased to have you check into the ECARS net. Please email requests to Swap and Shop Web Editor using Contact Form. Cousins Nets 09:30EST seed--; Fullerton, CA 92835 The South Coast Amateur Radio Service, popularly known as "South-Cars", or "SCARS" is a service net, (recognized by the ARRL). 3.885 operates during the cruising season May to about October at 0815 hrs local time Vanuatu (UTC +11). the Pacific Northwest VHF Society. with a long path opening to the west coast of the . //- End of JavaScript code ------------------------->. WA9VRH Larry Net Details. Mobile the week. Band conditions usually limit coverage to the general area of the Pacific Northwest. var out = " "; Covers NE Coast of Australia, New Guinea, Louisiade Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Noumea. Mission. -- Maritime Nets 10:00 Guide To Amateur 7:00PM 145.440 MHz. 3.902 var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; Time: 0100UTC Military Radio Collector's else The System's credo is: "We believe in the dignity of man". Most participating stations are located in Northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Top. Management Net West 3.990 LSB Sunday 9:00 am PA Emg. Net Information: Our primary linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. Sunday, 1800 UTC, around 14.244Mhz. BUT also keep the following links HANDY for download- (since our radio net directives can fail without update.) Tues 28.333 WAS HF Radio Nets for marine use are set up and run by "controllers" all over the world (Indian Ocean, Atlantic . 14.263 Denise Emery N7OSU is an Auxiliary member connected to American Legion Post 10 in Albany, and a ham radio operator. var c = 1; Weather Panama to Galapagos. Current Swan Net schedules: Swan User Net - Sunday 1600 eastern time on 14292Khz. The Groups of nets may organize and operate in collaboration for a common purpose, such as to pass along emergency messages in time of disaster. Below you'll find some info submitted directly from local clubs. Mississauga Amateur Radio Club Tues - 9:00 PM Calhoun 146.745 ( -600 ) PL 100 and 443.675+ (PL 100) and via Echolink on KI4LMA-L node #306589 - VA3WM John - #43220 Last referenced Sep 2015, Pacific Magellan (Boats in Tahiti and/or eastward (Tuamotus, Marquesas) at 17:30 and (Boats in Tahiti or westward (Leewards, Cooks, Tonga, etc)) on 8.173 /Alt 8,137 / 8,294Mhz Last referenced Nov 2015 probably still current. The first session was conducted by W7IEU September 2nd, 1958. The BCBN provides service to amateur radio operators who are boating in BC waters. 0815 Phone: 3755, 7060, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28460, 28560 khz Last Updated on January 1, 2023 by KC7NYR. Monday - Saturday, 9am to 1pm Eastern time. CW, EMERGENCY, MARS, AND NTS West Coast Slow Speed Net (WCN) Purpose of net is officially: a training net in traffic and net procedures. IF YOU KNOW OF A NET THAT'S MOVED/CHANGED/DISBANDED, LEY ME KNOW. Contact us for more information. If you enjoy "ECARS," consider joining. nondenominational nonprofit Christian ministry supporting field missionaries An additional goal of our net is to promote camaraderie and the exchange of ideas . MARITIME MARS NTS in the US going back to The service meets all day every day on 7.255 MHz., starting at approximately 7:30 AM East Coast time (conditions permitting), and continuing Nets - West Coast at -- Also some WX and HF transceiver Sister net to Sheila Net: More to New Caledonia, Vanuatu & north to Solomons. Sailing Links-- Another Must SEE. -- From The 3905 Century Club It is allocated to radio amateurs worldwide on a primary basis; however, only 7.000-7.100 MHz is exclusively allocated to amateur radio worldwide. Menu. Fri East Coast 3.880mHzAM Night 7:00 PM EST The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. 20M Sunday 14.287 MHz @ 21:30 UTC (Winter) / 20:30 UTC (Summer) 14.316khz Sunday at 18:00Z. communications. 14:00 UTC -- HHH Net -- WAS and DX net in the 40 Meter SSB Band. The work is easy and lots of fun too. West Coast Net. Time: 7PM Pacific time (winter schedule shifts to 6PM, currently most NCS also do an early call at 4PM due to conditions) Nets operate more or less formally depending on their purpose and organization. Morse Nielson has been an amateur radio enthusiast for the last 40 years. Website: Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. Ten-Tec Users ARRL. 21402 USB Pacific maritime net, afternoons. Leans towards the irreverent and informal. Amateur radio can be operated nearly worldwide, however, certain restrictions may exist and advanced . California Hawaii Net (Pacific E, NW and Hawaii)14.320 MHz at 1600(UTC)This net has been active for more than fifty years. The Goal of our Repeater is to provide all licensed hams that behave properly, operate in accordance with FCC Part 97 Rules and Regulations, who are pleasant and welcoming . FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. The net changed to the new talk group about a month ago. Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Net every Monday from 6:45 PM to 7:15 PM. WCN provides a place for you to learn message handling at a much lower speed: 10 WPM. Southern Country Cruising nets are both a social tool for maintaining contact with fellow cruisers, and a key safety tool for gathering information on weather and sea conditions. Oregon ARES District 1 (2007 mention), VK Maritime (VK & South Pacific) 7,060 USB at 20:00 (UTC). Here's what Wikipedia says. Maritime Net -- a long For past Linux User Net sessions visit The Linux Page. information for local areas by place names, zip codes, etc. The NTTN net meets daily at 6:05 p.m. day of the week, starting with those You can also join us via 147.040 IRLP NODE #7959 or 147.320 ECHOLINK: K7RPT-L on The Amateur Radio RelayGroup (ARRG) System. 147.120 MHz (+), PL 136.5. 3.938 {out+=msg.substring(-seed,msg.length); Controller Wolfgang. Chubasco Net (U.S. Pacific Coast throughout Sea of Cortez and as far south as Manzanillo and out to Hawaii) 7.192 Mhz (0745 Pacific Time and Pacific DST when applicable). For a detailed list ofOregon and SW Washington Nets visit ARRG at, ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). Running at 10 words per minute, WCN is a good place to learn message handling while building up your speed. Open net in the southern interior BC and Okanogan. 20m Net: 14.120 MHz; Tuesday - 1700 UTC - Sept-May. There are two weekly nets held on the OTVARC repeaters. DX NETS BY UTC TIME, OKDXA HUNTER NET FREQUENCIES held daily. window.status=out; NA6R Photo Gallery . Central St Swap 7.084 Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2200GMT on 14292Khz. Yaesu users net ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 Day: Saturdays 7.245 Join one or all of them! 7.235 Photo Gallery. Sun They may go up or down Slightly if there is QRM. -- From The 3905 Century Club, RTTY Nets The net meets daily (check the roster for the latest information). around the world. Oregon July 2019: Tonys Net updated with information from SYAlice Colleen of Montreal. or 449.880 MHz ( -) PL146.2 Hz Tri-County Amateur Radio Assoc. . WWW.WARFA.ORG, MARITIME MOBILE NETS Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net begin at 2100 UTC hours every dayNets close at 2400 UTC hours every day15-meter band wide area coverage on 21.412 Mhz USBNot limited to the Pacific OceanFelix Dudley W4FDD Email:[emailprotected] Last reference Nov 2015. An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. There will be no formal net meetings on the following occasions during 2023: Easter (April 9th), Mother's Day (May 14th), Father's Day (June 18th). Eastern The club functions to operate radio repeaters to provide coverage over a large portion of the northwest corner of the state of Oregon.The club has several separate radio sites for repeaters. Open net in the lower mainland for new and old on SSB. 3815.0, 7165.0. ARRL NET SEARCH Today, with inexpensive communication capability available to anyone, routine message handling has dwindled and is largely used for training purposes. The WIN System is a community of amateur radio operators focused on educating all licensed radio operators so they can better serve their communities. Listen the net live. HF Nets. State, WAS & DX Net We are looking for stations to help run our nets as a Net Control Operator (NCOs). No net control. 7.272 These are great tools for HF and knowing what the conditions are if you plan on trying to make contacts on a particular . Attend these nets at your own discretion. DX Great Northern Boaters Net (all year, HAM, net controls in Alaska and Southern BC) 3,870 & 7,285 LSB at 16:00. West Coast Noon Time Net - To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. 15:00 TO 16:00 UTC 20:00 EST Sat & Sun QRP RTTY . The W1YU Collegiate Amateur Radio Ne Tues - 8pm - t - New England Conference Server - IRLP 9127 . Copyright 2018-2023 KC7NYR Amateur Radio Site. Meter Nets -- 20M Sunday 14.287 MHz @ 21:30 UTC (Winter) / 20:30 UTC (Summer) not as active but put out a call, and someone will usually come back. The net is sanctioned to meet on the linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. ham radio nets for amateur radio operators. around the East Coast area, setup skeds, QRP support, or just sit back and enjoy. It is available for use by any licensed amateur radio . E-mail Manager KG6DYS Crickett We are always ready to help anyone who wants to partake in this great hobby! . National Traffic System Sat Net Manager KD6DMH Mike Golub Collins gear is not required although it is strongly encouraged of course. Pacific Maritime Radio ZMH292 by Peter Mott located in Russell, New Zealand. This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. Weekly ham activity of general and technical info; goes until 7:45 or 8 pm, and moves to 6m. Last reference May 2013, Coconut Breakfast Net, French Polynesia 8188 kHz at 1730(UTC) (English), Coconut Breakfast Net, West of French Polynesia 12353 kHz at 1830(UTC) (English), Confusion Net (Pacific) 14.305 MHz at 1900 (UTC), Harrys Net (W & S Pacific) 7.095 MHz at 2000 (UTC), Hawaii Net (Hawaii) 14,340 at 19:00 and 14,305 at 22:00 Website Email:[emailprotected] no email response July 2016, N Zealand Wx Net (New Zealand) 7.080 MHz at 2000 (UTC). Midwest Classic Radio Future technology, UFOs and other topics. History of the Atlas Radio. E-mail Manager KG6DYS Crickett During disasters or other emergencies, radiograms are used to communicate information critical to saving lives or property, or to inquire about the health or welfare of a disaster victim. LIKELY STILL ACTIVE (LAST REFERENCE IN SECOND HALF OF 2015): Namba Net (Local weather via French Net and email from Meteo Vanuatu. Getting Started in Amateur Radio: Ham Radio School Jim W6LG (Youtube Channel) Ham Radio Crash Course -- Four affliliated nets which meet weekly, Swan Users Net QRP Calling Frequencies [4] The original organizational purpose of the American Radio Relay League or ARRL which was organized in the early 20th century (191415) was mainly for the purpose of relaying third party messages. . Provide current weather analysis and forecasts for cruising yachts and fishermen in the SW Pacific plus position and progress of boats that leave NZ. About Me. {seed--; Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2300GMT on 14292Khz. around the East Coast area, setup skeds, QRP support, or just sit back and enjoy. Ham Radio HF Emergency Net Frequencies (USB or LSB as appropriate) Name / Description. {for (c=0; c < seed; c++) traffic for mariners who are out of touch with friends and family. This is followed by general check-ins for technical questions or in for the numbers (just a howdy hello) based on the call district you live in. Net Manager KD6DMH Mike Golub 3.919 Check-ins are taken from any call district. About Me. The ARRL Diamond Cluster 100th logo, ARRL diamond logo, ARES and NTS shield, abbreviation ARRL, American Radio Relay League name, and the "When All Else . -- FISTS Management Net East 3.9875 LSB Sunday 9:00 am Century Club Late Net 3.902 LSB Daily 6:00 pm WPA Phone and Traffic Net 3.983 LSB Daily 6:00 pm EPA Phone and Traffic Net 3.917 LSB Daily 6:00 pm 160 Meter Nets 160 Meter Net 1.893 LSB Gulf Coast Sideband Net: 3.925: Daily: 7:30 PM: LSB: Gulf Coast Hurricane Net: 3.935: Daily: 8:00 PM: LSB: Southwest Traffic Net: 3.935: Daily: 9:30 PM: LSB: Southern Territory SATERN Net . Trinidad & Tobago Amateur Radio Society (Ham) 7159.0 LSB: as needed: . USCG Amateur Radio SSB Post-Net - Saturday 1300 EST/1000 PST 14.327 mHz. All are welcome to join. National Traffic System aka West Cars It operates nets on Mountain3.880mHZ8:00 PM Local Mountain Time The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. Operating } Daily 1497 Marelen Dr This pretty much follows local time and radio propagation from East to West. Amateur radio, commonly referred to as "Ham" radio, is popular among the yachting and small boat community as a means of providing communications and receiving weather information. info. Roger roger. if (seed > 100) Valley Here's what Wikipedia says. to 7:00 PM mobiles, in the form of: weather, road conditions, emergencies, phone calls, and a Net.,,,,,,,,,, Eye Bank Net,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Amateur Radio Sunrise Bible Study Group-Study, California American Legion Amatur Radio Service, HF PACK All day, various frequencies & times, Multiple Nets all on 14.300 MHZ Every Day, Optimum HF Frequencies for Distance Communication, SATERN - Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, The HiFivers Amateur Radio Friendship Net, West Gulf Division ARRL - Section Managers Net. West Virginia DMR and Service net: Thu: 20:00 EST: West Virginia 3154: Louisiana Net: Thu: 20:00 CST: . West Coast Slow Speed Net : CW (slow) 3540: 0200: 0300: K7WCN: Alaska Sniper's Net: SSB: 3920: 0200: PST Netherlands the SRS (Surplus Radio Nightly For HF Portable Home Page PNW Nets, Please send additions and corrections to - SUNDAYS FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION SWAP NET 7,228 Khz (LSB) 15:00 TO 16:00 UTC Poor propagation conditions June 2019 prompted a subsidiary net at around 2115/2120 on 7170LSB which will probably keep going until propagation improves. Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets. Weekly Nets (VE7VIC repeater): Monday Night Net 7pm (all welcome); Trans-Canada IRLP Net Wed. 8am; ECT Net Wed. 7pm; YL Net Thursday 7pm; Trans-Canada DStar Net on C-Module Friday 6pm Starts in the East and goes West Saturday Morning Breakfasts: Apple Tree Family Restaurant, 1501 Admirals Rd, Every Saturday 9AM. SMARC shall not be held responsible for the content of these nets. Use the links below to login or register. The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. newcomers. GENERAL NETS Society) AM Net. Guide To Amateur Radio Sailing-- Includes Maritime Mobile Ham Forum Maritime Mobile Service Network-- Serving Maritime Mobiles Every Day Since 1968-- Over 1,300 radio amateurs with interest in boating. The 40-meter or 7-MHz band is an amateur radio frequency band, spanning 7.000-7.300 MHz in ITU Region 2, and 7.000-7.200 MHz in Regions 1 & 3. National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. All materials on this site are copyrighted by their authors and/or She and the post . 1245~1630 PST QSL? Referenced in 2006, 2009, 2013, SHEILA Net, 8161 kHz daily at 2200(UTC). Knight-kit Net. . PICANTE NET 6212 kHz - USB Daily @13:30Z. 2300 UTC Boy Scouting We hope you find this list helpful as you make new friends and contacts in Ham Radio! To talk to Larry, Email him. Coverage: South BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT Old Gear 00:00 UTC Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them. . From The Six Meter World Wide DX Club, IOTA Pages The NTTN is an Amateur Radio Net to handle formal written traffic into and out of the state of Oregon. 14.267 +/- South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST Oregon 9:00 You can pick the net which best fits your schedule and your reward for helping is the thrill of getting to know many of our members on the air. Thur Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone. There are no mandatory daily radio check-ins, however, several radio nets always evolve, which are administered voluntarily by fleet members. National Traffic System We take check-ins starting with the first call district thru the 5th, then the 8th thru the 10th, and finishing with the 6th and 7th call districts. The nets main purpose is to look after vessels underway as they voyage between the outer islands of the Marshall Islands, but it is also a social network between cruisers and people on the outer islands with radios. Emergencies, position reports, general information and traffic contacts. The CCA needs YOUR help! {window.status=" "; 20 years. This website serves a group of ham radio operators who meet daily on shortwave radio to operate in morse code (an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short . 3.975 Pacific Seafarers 14300 kHz at 0300(UTC). Most NCS run 10 wpm. Occassionally, mobile operators will shift to other bands. Below you will find charts showing the live conditions around the Earth for radio propagation as well as atmospheric conditions that can affect Ham Radio usage depending on frequency. The .275 Youth Group The net covers the southwest Pacific and eastern Australia, and accepts messages of up to 50 words in radiogram form for local delivery or onward relay worldwide. Home. This Site is Updated Often. 3.928 14.325 Day -7.268 Night. Continental Traders Worked All States Interactive Sked Page - Make a Schedule For That Elusive Beaverton Emergency Radio Team (BERT) net In memory in Les Join one or all of them! Hood 147.120 /444.225 Repeater Friday - MID US SSB - 3.775 mHz at 8 pm Central - SSB. window.status=out; All Contents inclusive of URLs involving "collinsradio", protected by Swan Electronics on Wikipedia. Service. 00:00 UTC allow. Texas Slow Net - The Texas Slow Net meets daily at 7:45 PM local time, on 3570 KHz +/- QRM. GENERAL NETS PST after the RV net finishes Cal 6m Club Sunday morning 10:00 AM PT 50.400 Toledo, Ohio Sunday Nights 18:00 AM EST 50.360 Sacramento, CA Sunday Nights w6pjj 19:00 PM PST 50.400 Media PA Sunday Nights 21:00 PM EST 50.550 Wadsworth, Ohio Sunday morning 10:00 AM ET 50.550 Northwest AM Net Sundays and Wednesdays 18:00 PM . You can find us onW7NK and Oregon Repeater Associates, the EXH repeaters 441.35 MHz (+), with a tone of 100.0 Hz (W7EXH) & 145.31 MHz (-), with a tone of 123.0 Hz (N7EXH). In memory in Les K6HQI who anchored this net for EMERGENCY -- Alaska Statewide NET - 10:30pm CST TG 3100 Great guys and open to everyone. Nets are listed by The 75-meter nets are designed to be very informal with open discussions and the least amount of structure possible. The digital version of the November 2022 RV Service Net BULLETIN is now available on WBCCI Amateur Radio Club's official RV Service Net's Web page. Universal Licensing System New Users Guide To Getting Started With Universal Licensing System (ULS). Days: Daily Yokwe Net (Marshall Islands)http://www.sailingmarshallislands.com6.224 at 19:45 (UTC) (07:45 am local time)The Mieco Beach Yacht Club members and friends run a daily HF net called the Yokwe net (yokwe means hello). We also have an alternate repeater on 146.84 megahertz. The DMR repeaters are connected utilizing a Rayfield Communications C-Bridge. MHz An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. The separate sites are linked using RF linking to allow users on any local repeater to be heard on any of the other repeaters. NB: if a radio net is listed on a recently updated blog or website, it is considered active. This is an OPEN Repeater system. SSB Net, free of charge public service. 3965. AMers Net Information: Tuesdays at 7pm PT (every Tuesday except 3rd Tuesday of the month) on, The Washington County ARES net is temporarily on our Tertiary repeater of 147.360 with a plus offset and a tone of 107.2 Hz FM repeater. -- From Westchester County, NYNational West Atlantic and Caribbean: Manana Net (Ham) 14340.0 USB: 1900 UTC: Mexico to Hawaii: Pacific Maritime Mobile Net (Ham) Thank you for The Visit! The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. Maritime Mobile Service Network
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