American Diabetes Association. (n.d.). Although your stomach and back can be. (2017). Some deficiencies include vitamin C deficiency and vitamin K deficiency. A poor diet can affect health in a number of negative ways, and vitamin deficiencies can contribute to random bruising. any help? Dr. John Cunha on eMedicineHealth explains that discoloration on the skin is caused by tiny blood vessels breaking under the skin. Why do I bruise do easily? Other symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer are painful breasts that suddenly swell, itching, and nipple changes or discharge.21, Another type of cancer that can cause easy bruising is leukemia. Although random or sudden bruising does not necessarily mean that a person has a medical condition, it may still be worth discussing with a doctor. Unexplained bruising on the legs . Hemophilia is a genetic condition wherein people lack either clotting factor VIII or IX, resulting in excessive bruising. WebMD. For example, being in the sun too long, aging, or a vitamin deficiency can weaken small blood vessels near the skins surface. ? Bruises typically heal on their own within two weeks of the initial injury. Although being in the sun is necessary to help the body produce vitamin D, too much sun exposure can damage your skin and cause you to bruise easily. Unexplained bruising on your legs is one of the signs of advanced diabetes. If you think you have an underlying condition that's been missed by your doctor, you can ask for a second opinion. Aging also leads to easier bruising. People who are prone to bruising may not remember a minor trauma and assume that the bruise has appeared out of nowhere. For example, a lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy which causes unexplained bruising and bleeding. You should also speak to a GP if you have any unexplained bleeding, such as: blood in your urine vaginal bleeding between periods vaginal bleeding a year or more after the menopause ( postmenopausal bleeding) bleeding from your bottom blood when you cough blood in your vomit Lumps Bruises that are caused by underlying health conditions are addressed by treating the specific condition or disease. Know the symptoms and what to do if you experience them. It aids in the delivery of oxygen throughout the body to cells and without adequate oxygen, skin becomes more likely to bruise. This bleeding disorder is a lifelong condition. Sunburn can take a long time to heal and its effects can be long-lasting. Bleeding Disorders, American Society of Hematology;, last accessed August 28, 2017. Medications like aspirin, blood thinners, antibiotics, and anticoagulants can affect the blood cells by making them easier to traumatize, leading to bruising. Bleeding disorders may cause large bruises to develop without any explanation. Vitamin C, for example, supports your immune system and aids in wound healing. Dr. Blahd says that if you have no other symptoms, then random bruising is nothing to worry about. This can cause the bruise to take on a green color or tinge. Treatingan associatedpsychological problem can often relieve the physical symptoms. People who have cancer often experience excessive bleeding and bruising. Vitamin deficiencies of various sorts can lead to unexplained bruises. White, G. (2008). Ecchymosis, which occurs when blood leaks from a broken capillary into surrounding tissue, is common and requires a preventive treatment plan. Bruising in your stomach or abdominal area is typically caused by: direct blows to your abdomen a fall in which you injure or land on your stomach accidents, such as a car accident The trauma. Bruises happen to all of us, and there is no way to avoid them. The red coloring is due to the fresh blood near the surface of the skin. For the most part, bruises will eventually heal on their own. When the liver is damaged, it stops producing the proteins required for blood clotting. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Bleeding and bruising (thrombocytopenia) and cancer treatment. Finally, the hemoglobin will break down and release a chemical called bilirubin, which will cause the bruise to turn yellow. Dr. Dennis Lee on MedicineNet says that along with random bruises, liver disease can turn the skin yellow and cause all over body itching. Bruises are often harmless, but they can sometimes indicate a medical condition that requires medical treatment. Medicine such asantidepressantscan be helpful, even if you're not depressed. Pain management medicines such as ibuprofen or naproxen, Radiation therapy of the bone marrow or pelvis, You dont know where the bruises are coming from and they occur regularly. Dr. Cunha says that it will take between one to two weeks for bruises to completely heal.2. its painless and i have no idea what's the cause. There may be a blood clotting issue or another underlying condition that needs treatment. However, random, sporadic bruising may be a symptom of something less obvious, especially if there are other symptoms. Add the beeswax to the mixture and stir over low heat until the beeswax melts. Also, UV rays can contribute to the dermatoporosis effect in the skin. The American Cancer Society says that leukemia can cause a number of symptoms including weight loss, constant tiredness, recurrent infections, and unexplained bleeding.22. Bruising in the geriatric population. Bruising is common. Heart failure: Could a low sodium diet sometimes do more harm than good? Swelling or a raised bump on your skin (hematoma). Usually, these diseases are accompanied by other symptoms and random bruising occurs in the later stages of the disease. Experts say prevention programs are needed. Medications such as anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids reduce the bloods ability to clot. They can advise you on any next steps. Thats because your body needs iron to keep your blood cells healthy. Although diabetes itself doesnt cause bruising, it can slow your healing time and allow bruises to linger longer than normal. It can cause excessive bleeding which leads to easy bruising. The tricky part is knowing which. Cines, D. B., & Levine, L. D. (2017). When you strain a muscle, you injure muscle tissue deep under the skin. NHLBI. Symptoms can occur at any age, but most severe cases tend to occur during childhood. Our blood naturally clots to prevent excessive bleeding related to an injury. Learn more about what the colors of a bruise mean here. Learn about how to get. They typically arise due to an underlying health condition such as diabetes. Our gait becomes more unstable, and we bump into things a little more than we used to. Massage the oil into the bruised area (again, not too hard). Treating pain with hot and cold can be extremely effective for a number of different conditions and injuries. When certain blood vessels are damaged, blood platelets bind together to repair the issue. Last medically reviewed on June 28, 2020, A bruise usually results from a blow to the body. Authors of the report said that 90% of bruising occurs on the legs and arms and very rarely on the neck, ears, buttocks, or soles of the feet.4. Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder similar to hemophilia as it also causes the body to be unable to make one of the proteins that are a key part of the blood-clotting process. We avoid using tertiary references. Bruises that take longer than usual to disappear are another concern. Medications can also hinder the blood clotting process and inhibit platelet function. Signs and symptoms of non-hodgkin lymphoma. This causes blood from damaged veins and capillaries to collect near the surface of the skin. Easy bruising and bleeding. Why do women bruise more easily than men? People can prevent vitamin deficiencies by making dietary changes and taking supplements. This is because women have more fragile blood vessels and may bruise more easily on their legs, upper arms, or buttocks. There are two types of bruises that you should be aware ofecchymosis and hematoma. It should get better within 2 to 3 weeks. Pelvic fractures are typically the result of high impact injuries. Whats Causing Broken Blood Vessels on My Face? WebMD. Signs and symptoms of non-hodgkin lymphoma. In rare cases, one of the following conditions may cause random bruising. Thrombocytopenia is a condition that affects blood clotting and can be caused by chickenpox, rubella, and mumps. A ruptured spleen can be a life threatening condition and requires immediate attention. People who have hemophilia B are missing a clotting factor called factor IX. Dr. William Blahd on WebMD says that if your parents bruised easily, there is a greater chance that random bruising will affect you as well.7. The syndrome causes easy bruising because it can lead to thinning skin. Older people tend to bruise easily because of changes to their skin as they age. There are a few autoimmune diseases that can, in some way, make it easier for the body to bruise. Knowing the reason for the appearance of mysterious bruises can help to prevent them in the future. This may result in blood leaking from vessels and accumulating under the skin. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of inherited conditions that affect the connective tissues. What Are These Tiny Red Spots on My Skin (Petechiae)? Bruises often change colors as they heal. This can help speed up the healing process. Certain health conditions, medications, and even inherited disorders can cause random bruising. The National Cancer Institute says that chemotherapy can cause random bruising, as well as tiny purple or red spots on your skin.20, An unexplained bruise on your breast that doesnt go away could be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Easy bruising and bleeding are common leukemia symptoms. I have a bruise on my stomach where my appendix should be.. should i be worried? This accounts for around 75% of all cases of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. That being said, you should see your doctor if: Its difficult to avoid bruising completely, especially when the cause is unknown. There is also the issue of acanthosis nigricans. Vitamin K supplements are often given to prevent unexplained bruising in people who take blood thinning medication.6. MedlinePlus. Various autoimmune diseases can be a reason why you are bruising easily and cant find the reason for it. AAFP. After a few hours, the blood loses oxygen, and the bruise turns bluish in color. The presentation of a fussy infant with bruising: late-onset vitamin K deficiency bleeding. We avoid using tertiary references. You might have many of these remediessuch as tea bags and aloe vera right at your fingertips. If you develop a blood clot, your doctor will probably test you for thrombophilia and may put you on blood thinners (anticoagulants). unexplained weight loss yellow skin and eyes (jaundice) dark urine abdominal pain and swelling nausea vomiting fatigue Medications, including chemotherapy and antibiotics, may also cause both. This is due to weakening blood vessels that are more prone to breakage even with slight injury to the area. That is one reason why some people shouldnt take turmeric regularly for medicinal purposes. Bruises. Sometimes, bruising without an injury could be a sign of a serious underlying medical condition like diabetes, a blood clotting disorder, or an autoimmune disease. Bleeding disorders occur when the blood doesnt clot as it should. If it persists, see your doctor! Next review due: 12 July 2024, Learn about breathing exercises for stress, what your symptoms are like, when they started and what makes them better or worse, what you think is the cause of your symptoms and your expectations of how tests and treatments might help, how your symptoms affect what you can do what they stop you doing, how upsetting your symptoms are how they make you feel. Manypeople with medically unexplained symptoms, such as tiredness, pain andheart palpitations,also have depression or anxiety. The aim of CBT is tohelp you to manage your symptoms by enabling you to understand links between your symptoms, worries, feelings and how you cope. She has been educated in both psychology and journalism, and her dual education has given her the research and writing skills needed to deliver sound and engaging content in the health space. Skin discoloration (red to purple, black, brown or yellow). I have a bruise on the bottom left side of my stomach. The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology reported that ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps to strengthen blood vessels and prevent them breaking. Vitamin C: Fact sheet for consumers. Many people find that they have unexplained bruising on legs and want to know what causes bruises to appear for no apparent reason. (n.d.). Some people may be more susceptible to random bruising than others, and depending on the circumstance, you may want to see a healthcare professional. Mayo Clinic Staff. An unexplained bruise on the breast that doesnt disappear may be one of the first signs of inflammatory breast cancer. 2012;98(6):355-359. Mayo Clinic Staff. They can make a diagnosis, if needed, and advise you on next steps. Bruises, Cleveland Clinic;, last accessed August 28, 2017. Take a few drops of helichrysum essential oil and mix it with a tablespoon of a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil. The possible benefits of medicine always need to be weighed against the potential side effects. If NHL spreads to the bone marrow, it can reduce the number of blood cells in your body. Add the olive oil to a pan and drop in the comfrey leaves. Is my bruising normal? So, if the bruise is still there well after four weeks, its recommended that you seek medical attention. Vitamin C supplements are also used to help reduce random bruising in patients suffering from skin diseases that cause bruising.5, According to MedlinePlus, vitamin K plays a major role in blood clotting. I've had the flu now my stomach and part of my back is bruised what could be the cause? Certain medications and supplements do carry with them the side effect of easier and random bruising. Start with an ice pack wrapped in a towel (not directly on the skin). Peripheral vascular disease. A blunt trauma injury can cause your spleen to rupture. However, it should not appear in isolation and may appear alongside fatigue, appetite loss, abdominal pain, and nausea. If youre undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments, you may have low blood platelet counts (thrombocytopenia). According to Dr. Debra Jaliman on WebMD, vigorous exercise like lifting weights or intensive training can cause tiny tears in blood vessels under the skin.10. Diabetes is a chronic condition that develops because of the bodys inability to produce or use insulin, a hormone designed to manage blood sugar levels. Cancer can cause unexplained bruising in two different ways. Best food forward: Are algae the future of sustainable nutrition? Chronic skin fragility of aging: current concepts in the pathogenesis, recognition, and management of dermatoporosis. They contain a compound called tannin. 2016;17(3):283-286. doi:10.1007/s11154-016-9399-3, Gudmundsdottir SA, Moller PH, Arngrimsson R. Ehlers-Danlos-heilkenni af gerd IV. This essential oil mixture works rather well if it is applied right after a round of ice or cold therapy. Sun-damaged skin. Fraser IM, et al. Always mention any unusual bruising during pregnancy to a doctor or midwife. Some medications can lead to easy or random bruising because of how they affect the body. Here are 10 easy treatments to lessen the pain and reduce the visibility. Management typically involves psychiatric treatment. Learn more. Underlying bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, or factor V deficiency can cause bruising. The bruise is caused when blood cells are damaged, and blood leaks into the top layers of the skin. If it doesn't resolve on it's own, see your family doctor. What Is the Treatment for Random Bruising? Vasculitis is an autoimmune disease that causes the inflammation of the blood vessels themselves. If your skin shows signs of a sunburn, like reddened skin, skin tender to touch, and blisters, you can get relief from sunburn using natural remedies like aloe vera, honey, witch hazel, or oatmeal. Sjukratilfelli og sjukdomseinkenni [Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. Regular exercisewill help keep you fit andmany people find that it also boosts their mood(read about exercise for depression). If you notice abnormal bleeding under your skin after a sunburn, you should call your doctor for a checkup.9. The progression of liver disease. NCJRS. As noted in the previous section, the fatty layer of your skin begins to disappear as you get older, giving the blood cells underneath it less protection from various physical causes of bruising.
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