Concatenates one or more members to the end of the base array and returns the result as a new array. Once a track has been unloaded, playback cannot occur until it is reloaded. There's no way for the system to know ahead of time whether it's safe to re-execute a passage's contents. Unstows the UI bar, so that it is fully accessible again. Used for post-passage-display tasks, like redoing dynamic changes (happens after the rendering and display of each passage). Sets the story's title. Opens the built-in share dialog, which is populated from the StoryShare passage. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. This array keeps a list of all the things that get put in the inventory. May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup. Deprecated: Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. SugarCube provides a variety of functions and methods that may be used instead, and standard JavaScript functions and methods may also be used. The story metadata store is not, and should not be used as, a replacement for saves. SugarCube does not support the Twine1.4+ vanilla story formats' tagged stylesheets. See the HTML and CSS docs for more information. Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages do not exist within the story. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. If you have a property that uses an array of values, you will be able to use the various "tag" functions to . The story history is a collection of moments. When the story is restarted by SugarCube rather than refreshed via the browser, the playthrough session, if any, is not loaded. The equivalent SugarCube code works a bit differently: SugarCube does not terminate the parsing of the calling passage, so some care is required when calling <>. Note: See Guide: Media Passages for more information. Now, load the saved story from before the changes were made, and you'll see $y is undefined, since it doesn't exist at all in the loaded state. Setting API. The documentation for each macro will tell you what it expects. To do so, click on the name of your story in its main "story map" view. Passage API. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count (which can be -1). Generally, this means only when the variable's value will change between the time the asynchronous macro is invoked and when it's activatede.g., a loop variable. Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) in the range 0 (inclusive) up to, but not including, 1 (exclusive). Request that the browser enter fullscreen mode. Arrays have many built-in methods and other features, and SugarCube adds many more. You can set the autosave to save either on every passage or only on certain passages. A range definition object should have some of the following properties: Note: Returns the topmost (most recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future). Arithmetic: The expression yields a number valuee.g.. Its contents are treated as raw HTML markupi.e., none of SugarCube's special HTML processing is performed. See Macro API for more information. SugarCube does not have any equivalents to Harlowe's (click:) family of macros. Does not affect script or stylesheet tagged passages, for Twine1/Twee. Returns how much remains of the playlist's total playtime in seconds, Infinity if it contains any streams, or NaN if no metadata exists. Returns whether all of the given members were found within the array. Caches an audio track for use by the other audio macros. Creates a link that undoes past moments within the story history. State.prng.init() must be called during story initialization, within either your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or the StoryInit special passage. This method is meant to work with clickables created via .ariaClick() and may not work with clickables from other sources. As new moments are added, older moments that exceed the maximum number are expired in order of age, oldest first. Returns whether the track is currently unavailable for playback. In Twine, you can combine the Set Macro with an If Macro to test is some condition is "true.". Attaches event handlers to the track. The default cursor is the block element character Right Half Block (U+2590) and it has no default font or color styling. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. If you need to know if the player has ever been to a particular passage, then you must use the State.hasPlayed() method or the hasVisited() story function. The DOM macros do have a limitation that you should familiarize yourself with. Arrays have many built-in methods and other features, and SugarCube adds many more. The core of what it does is simply to wrap a call to within a call to .ariaClick(), which can be done directly and with greater flexibility. sugarcube-2: macros: customMacroName: container: true anotherOne: {} If using *.twee-config . followed by the template namee.g., ?yoloand are set up as functions-that-return-strings, strings, or arrays of eitherfrom which a random member is selected whenever the template is processed. Deprecated: Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and replaces its link text with its contents when clicked. Creates a link that navigates forward to a previously visited passage. Returns whether playback of the playlist has been stopped. A set of four hyphen/minus characters (-) that begins a line defines the horizontal rule markup. Then close the dialog box. Returns the current pull counti.e., how many requests have been madefrom the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, NaN. The built-in Restart button, along with the methods UI.restart() and Engine.restart() are provided so that the story can be restarted without restoring a session. The JSON.reviveWrapper() method for additional information on implementing the .toJSON() method. Returns a random member from the array or array-like object. Removes and returns a random member from the base array. Player settings object, set up by the author/developer. Returns whether the slot saves are available and ready. Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a group via its <