Voluntary Remediation Eligibility 16-602.19 PenaltiesOffenses Non-Gaming Protection of Disabled Adult Witness 5-105. 310. 39-100. Exemption of Pesticides and Products of Substances Used in Conjunction with Application of Pesticides Used for Agricultural Purposes Medical Examination BIA-Tribal Coordination 16-503.9 Seizure and Forfeiture of Unstamped Cigarettes Apprehension of Non-Domesticated Animals 618. Mental Disease Or Defect Section 16-505 Motor Fuels Tax Tribal Chairman Waiver and Variance of Rights and Duties 4-101. Placing a Child in Emergency Protective Custody Special Bobcat and Lynx Export Tags Exemption of Gross Receipts from Sale of Certain Replacement Parts Voluntary Acknowledgement Of Paternity 5-410. 16-605.4 Refund of Tax for Fuel Used for Agricultural Purpose 4-1614. Severability, Title XXVIII (28) - Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgages [Not Available Online] 11-401. Compensation 901. Lease or Rental Defined - Exclusions 4-303. Failure To Comply With Tribal Liquor Law 19-410. 1202. Computation of Tax to Third Decimal Place 16-505.22 Civil Action for Tax, Penalties and Interest Drivers Licenses, Identification Cards, Passport And Immigration Documents 15-505. Witness Expenses Final Determination 607. Prohibition on Improper Conduct Exemption of Lottery Tickets 5-402. Rules and Regulations 26-1501. Council Statement on Provisions Regarding Debts and Money Judgements Applying for Funding 16-501. 2-201.1. 129. Intervention The Standing Rock Reservation covers approximately 3,625 square miles in North Dakota and South Dakota, with a total area of 2,320,275 acres. Penalties and Sanctions 4-602. 6-507. 6-608. 34-703. Conduct of Hearing Notification Hearing 16-501.61. Rural Area Sanitary Facilities Child Custody 1-602. Jurisdiction Currently the reservation is about 1,000,000 total acres. 32-503. 611. Privilege And Not A Right Effects of Termination Order Creation Of The Tribal Title Iv-D Child Support . Class III Gaming Ownership .2 Benefits from the Tribe Burden of Proof 35-105. Traditional Cultural Survey Charitable Gaming Exemptions for Charitable Organization Devoted Exclusively to Relief or Poor, Distressed, or Underprivileged Grievance Committee, Title XIX (19) - Rules and Procedures for the SRST Council 4-706. 5-301. Chapter 5. 16-212. Non-Member Big Game Permit Confidentiality of Records 16-501.126 Exemption for Gross Receipts from Certain Rodeo Services 25-109. 9-708. Forfeiture of Property Empty cart. Penalty for False Reports 16-226. 1-503. Procedures for Appropriation of Water Used in the Development of Geothermal Resources Standing . 38-903. Acceptable Uses 207. 17-410. 6-904. Consent to Jurisdiction In April, Standing Rock Sioux elder LaDonna Brave Bull Allard established a camp as a center for cultural preservation and spiritual resistance to the pipeline . General Design And Location Supervision of Excavation Duties of Tribal Officers 34-1003. 36-305. 16-503.2 Number of Cigarettes in a Package Determination of Required Permit Persons Qualified to Sign Recall Petitions Chapter 5. Tax on Certain Mobile Telecommunications Services Administrative Procedures of the Water Resources Control Board 16-604.7 Sale of Noncompliant Tobacco Products Enforcement & Regulation 16-604.29 Correction of Errors Qualifications to Admission as Attorney or Lay Counselor 26-1807. 34-1205. Chapter 2. 25-110. Pictures 16-221. Procedure on Petition for Review The general election was held throughout the Standing Rock Indian Reservation to elect a new tribal chairperson, vice chair and other tribal council positions. 16-502.21 Constitutional Exemptions from TaxProperty of Public Agencies 19-205. Applicable Laws 19-401. Preliminary Adjudication Hearing 1-105. 3-101. The tribe was also eligible to claim more than 14,100 associated funerary objects. 25-113. The Tribal Council consists of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and 14 council members, consisting of a member elected from each of the eight districts, and 6 at-large council elected by the tribe. The Tribal Council passes legislation, makes budgets, approves of financial transactions, and makes major decisions affecting the tribe including: 1 Standing Rock Ave, 602. Applicability And Jurisdiction 16-604.11 Cigarette-Making MachinesRequirements Section 16-508 Excise Tax on Farm Machinery, Farm Attachment Units, and Irrigation Equipment 4-1001.1 Disorderly Conduct On The Premises Of An Elderly 32-704. Transfer and Intervention in State Court Child Custody Proceedings Garbage, Glass, Etc. Exemption of Sales Otherwise Taxes 16-502.71 Amounts of Tax Paid on Conditional Sales or Installment Contract Receipts 38-402. 15-307. 11-702. 5-601. Hearings for Permit Required 16-501.59. Scope of Subchapter Final Adjudicatory Hearing Habeas Corpus 26-1917. 16-601.31 Information Deemed ConfidentialCertain Releases of Information Authorized 16-501.108 Personal Liability of Officers of Corporation Failing to File Returns or Pay TaxSecurity in Lieu of Liability Chapter 4. 35-701. 33-701. 11-221. 16-605.24 Corporate Officer Liability 7-410. 19-409. 34-1006. 17-416. Public Notification 26-907. 11-208. Service of Orders 16-504.2 Tax Imposed on Receipts from Realty Improvements Contracts with Utilities Consent And Adoption Order 1-701. 38-602. 4-1401. 4-1606. Chapter 11. 4-1641. Media Contact: DOJ-OPA (202) 514-2007 // TTY (866) 544-5309. Application for License 17-414. 4-1409. 6-703. Sanctions 16-604.32 Penalties for Violation of Section 4-102. 3-505. Criminal Penalties Chapter 10. Enforcement Determination of Adverse Effect Costs 34-1203. 34-101. Openings and Closures of Seasons Temporary Restraining Orders Without Notice 19-419. Temporary Lodging Moisture and Weather Legal Effect of Water Permit 9-913. Declaration of Policy Members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose reservation is less than a mile from the pipeline, have said they worry a spill under the nearby Missouri River would pollute water they rely on for fishing, drinking and religious ceremonies. Exemption of Sales to Educational Institutions and Hospitals - Purchased for Members or Employees Taxable - Motor Vehicle Registration Fee - Lists Maintained by Exempt Institutions Applications 16-301.1. Chapter 3 Disciplinary Action and Employee Grievances 701. 32-1801. 16-605.17 Application for LicenseIssuance of LicenseDenial of License Standing Rock Sioux Reservation - AAA Native Arts Implemented Internal Controls 16-601.11 Sales Tax on Alcoholic Beverages may be Included in Purchase Price Minimum Age Requirement 4-508. Use Of Dangerous Weapons By Children 16-601.37 (This Section Intentionally Left Blank.) 1-110. Lighting and Ventilation Chapter 12. Temporary Order for Protection or Guardianship 16-505.7 Time and Method for Remittance of Taxes Permit By Rule Issuance Blood Test 9-101. 4-1631. Promoting Prostitution .6 Abuse of Authority Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Is Building a Wind Farm on Their Reservation Illegal Use Or Sale Of Fireworks Definitions Design Criteria 5-107. Absentee Voters 2-302. 19-104. No Application to Property Not Alienable The last Monday of the month is for gaming and other tribal business. 16-501.43. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe operates under a constitution approved on April 24, 1959 by the Tribal Council of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. 36-203. Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia Tire Storage And Hauling Adoption, [Table of Contents created by NILL in September 2018, based on materials available on tribe's website. Class I Gaming Traditional Cultural Survey Permit Application Chapter 4. Business Licenses Jurisdiction 10-118. Absentee Voting by Residents after Ballots Printed 16-604.13 Records to be Kept by Distributors and Reports MadePenalty .2 Political Activities Prohibited During Working Hours Execution and Return of Search Warrant Chapter 3. 15-208. 26-1907. Establishment 9-506. Judgements/Opinions 9-1406. Status Offenders 9-1408. 31-202. 1-707. Chapter 3. 3-204. 18-304. 4-1628. Light and Ventilation 408. Enforcement 1-405. 22-103. 1-109. Exemption of Fair Market Value of Personal Property or Service Given Without Charge to Exempt Organization Subchapter B: Covered Offenders & Covered Offenses Cruelty To Animals Recovery Of Expenditure Of Tribal Funds Exemption of Goods and Services Furnished to Meet Warranty Obligation without Charge Class I Gaming Member Appointments; Member Qualifications Chapter 7. Prior Notice of Well Construction, Reconstruction or Decommissioning 9-802. 1404. Specific Duties Of Commissioners Chapter 2. Reserved Miscellaneous Licensing of Class II and Class III Gaming Operators Chapter 3: Child Custody, Division Of Property, And Alimony Title Immunity from Liability 16-604.8 Use of Cigarette-Making MachinesWhen Allowed Licensing of Restricted Use Pesticides Dealers Non-Member Migratory Bird Permit Accessing Funding 35-702. 4-103. 5-109. Rules of Procedure for Hearings 17-211. 7-308. 16-502.17 Exemption of Materials Becoming Part of Out-of-State Signage or Advertising 19-406. School Boards and Governing Bodies of Pre-Schools and Sitting Bull College 1-308. Criminal Enforcement Actions 36-207. Rules of Criminal Procedure Annual Budget Travel Funds 20-202. Chapter 1. 16-606.10 Qualification for Exporter License Subchapter E. Filing How to Obtain an Absentee Ballot [RESERVED] Licensure of Homes Chapter 3: Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Of Intoxicating Drugs/ Actual Physical Control Alcohol, Nicotine and/or Tobacco, and Drug Abuse Education The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe operates under a constitution approved on April 24, 1959 by the Tribal Council of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. 36-201. 32-1001. Procedure if Security Agreement Covers Real Property or Fixtures 16-502.63 Collection and Remittance of Tax by Retailer 26-1314. Abrogation of Privileged Communications 16-501.53. 19-408. 38-1204. Civil Penalties 7-209. Defenses 1403. 904. Court Ordered Examination (SRHA) was originally created in 1961 by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) and will generate the opportunity to a better selections of custom homes. Administrative Responsibility of the Tribal Paleontology Department Age Requirement Irreparable Harm Nominating Petitions and Notice of Candidacy Juvenile Gathering Ethics Review Commission Vertebrate Fossil Permit Employment Preference Compliance Plan 16-504.10 Prime ContractorDefinition 16-501.57. 5-411. Arraignment and Release Roof Covering Prosecution of Violations 38-401. Sergeant-At-Arms 5-506. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Careers and Employment | Indeed.com Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators Publication of Notice of Election 301. 4-1004. 36-401. 4-803. The people of these nations are often called "Sioux," a term that dates back to the 17th century . 27-105. Commission Rules and Regulations 508. Source: iStock. 16-502.34 Exemption of Authorized Purchases Made with Food Stamps 27-402. Criteria and Procedures for Certifying Firms as Indian Preference Eligible 16-501.49. Miscellaneous Powers Chapter 21. 9-916. 4-1508. 4-606. 16-417.2.
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