and have you noticed that they show stars in the background where John Lear wrote an entire book about it and claims that the entire experiment from beginning to end was real. This is the stunning moment locals stood in awe as a purplp-colored alien-style aircraft was seen hovering above them. . John Lear, Richard C Hoagland Moon Structures & Retro Engineering of Ancient Technology. He also noted that in the universe, there are still a lot of inhabited planets of different levels of development. Lear also argued that the moon was towed into its current orbit by a huge electromagnetic vehicle, and that vehicle can be seen in a photo taken of the moon crater Tsiolkovsky. Each of them required to name the items that was hidden in the box. All content copyright 2023, )that chased US bombers and disabled their electronicsduring the war. About 25 of the pilots are American they constitute less than 1/24,000 of the 610,000 licensed pilots in the US. Expert says Humans are Aliensand we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Disclosure of classified X documents and archaeological Aztec origin objects found in NASA news: Apollo 11 astronaut sparks alien frenzy with tweet No Im a super soldier fighting in space war after being abducted by Russian scientists decipher extraterrestrial messages and discover a warning to humanity! Famous father Lear Jet Designer's son. I was firstalerted to this following a copy of a FOIA release Armen Victorian showed meabout an early cold war US first nuclear strike plan that was to be concealedbehind a manufactured "UFO flap" to delay any Soviet response. In 1990 John Lear gave a talk in Las Vegas. The New Republic argues Lear's theories were "the kind of thing no one took very seriously". His name is John Lear, and as a captain for a major US Airline, hes flown over 160 different types of aircrafts in over 50 different countries. Out of 2,800 people, only two managed to do it. it was cleared up some time ago, Apollo 8 IIRC, when a returning astronaut was asked if the Moon was made of green cheese. Out of 2,800 people, only two made it. It appears I've slipped into an alternate reality where Evan and Peter agree on something. John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS, page 181 I know Armen well. The day a UFO exploded over the Congo and was recovered by the US, Area 51 Ucesored: Leak! It turns out John Lear has worked closely with this fellow: Collins is the member of a notorious non-lethal weapons/UFO/psyop group known as the Aviary, and the Captain is the Condor: CHICKADEE - Cmdr. Former CIA officer John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment of people with advanced extrasensory perception. Element 116 has no uses as only about three atoms of this element have ever been made. copyright photos; send your photos; proper investigation; 10] Moon Glider Lear has declared controversial information, such as: names, details and range of 250 million humanoid aliens that, according to him, would be living on the Moon. cost? John's father was involved in antigravity technology programs in the mid-1950's, technology completely secret today. s s , s: xss s s ss s . Many mistook early U-2 flights as UFO sightings.The crashed flying disk at Roswell was of Russian origin,developed by the Horton brothers who had worked for Hitler. I'm an amateur musician, having played guitar for over twenty years. Thanks, Spring John's right - you can get these elsewhere (even form NASA), but it's nice of you to post 'em here for us to re-peruse. There is access to mining, a nuclear reactor, and electricity. This has been done for the last 40 years. Europe faces pressure to produce more. Apart from John Lear, there are other US officials who made similar statements. Quite what this bunch are up to is more open to question. in response to thecanard that JFK was killed because he was about to reveal in his abortedluncheon speech at the, that aliens exist and had been contacted. Fast forward to today, and we have former high-ranking members of the military and intelligence agencies sharing their knowledge with regards to strange things that are happening on the Moon. According to a John Lear source within the US Government, he could say 3 things: We have been going to the Moon since 1962. However, they managed to create some and fly them to Earth. QFSWALLETS!! He also holds 18 world speed records , worked with 28 aviation companies and has several distinctions from the Federal Aviation Administration . Dr. John Brandenburg, the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA, has also made some fascinating revelations. Perched on the edge of a relatively pristine crater, this object [Fig. John Lear - Lazar Promoter and Fake CIA Agent - ProBoards All Right Reserved. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear surprised the world by revealing appearances, names and details about the location of millions of humanoid aliens residing on the moon. John Lear: "We control alien technology and there are colonies on Mars" According to him, everything we know about Moon is a lie. John Lear 1987 - YouTube chained dog grieving, hope someone can make his life better (Video). 2023, Inc. All rights reserved. In an interview with the famous mystery program 'Coast to coast' , John Lear, a retired CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as having secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, which have been on Mars since 1966 and that NASA uses technology from alien spacecraft crashed on Earth in 1953 (the EBE-3). As for the fate of psychics, Mark Stevenson died of illness in 2009. Former CIA Pilot John Lear: There are Millions of Aliens Living on the Moon Several of them are employeed by airlines which seems to put the lie to the notion that others don't speak up for fear of lossing their jobs. 9] appears to be busy mining or like an elephant, extracting water from a giant bowl. I've been in various bands over the years, and would like to join or form a covers band, playing music by Neil Young and Ian McNabb. In actuality, a few of the contemporary buildings were initially constructed on the Moon and then transferred to Earth. Biography: John Lear is a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot, as well as the son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet. TOWERS OF MARS: Three mile-high buildings found in Moons Major Secret Revealed by China Alien Structures. . John Lear, a former pilot for the CIA, claims that there are millions of extraterrestrials living on the moon. In one of his interviews, John made a sensational announcement that Earth is a space prison and unlocked several moon mysteries. Although this may not be true, those who have looked into it know that strange anomalies have surrounded the Moon for decades. Mercury, Apollo, and the rest of the missions were just decoys to distract the populations attention about what we were really doing. One out of only 28 or so pilots on this list: The next step consisted of several questions about the former CIA officers mother. John Lear's Raw Moon Image - Alien Structures Towers Mining & Lunar They could make regular trips to Mars, we made regular trips to Mars in 1966. Dwarfs from Earths satellite have visited our planet more than once. Were they expanding them? -The population of Mars is around 600 million and they are exactly like us. -He had worked with a piece of mining equipment that was going to the Moon, he told him, "John, we built this in Alabama, it was so big that when we finished . There Are Some Human Colonies on the Moon and Mars, According to This Joe McBride / Getty Images. Welcome to Pegasus Research Consortium The mystery item was reported to Kingston police at midnight last night by a concerned member of the public. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. There was a strict five-step selection. In an interview with the famous mystery program 'Coast to coast' , John Lear, a retired CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as having secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, which have been on Mars since 1966 and that NASA uses technology from alien spacecraft crashed on Earth in 1953 (the EBE-3). He was, I believe, former Savak under the Shah's regime and fled to the UK when the ayatollah's came to power. Now some of them have settled in the hollows of the Earth on our planet, and some live on the moon. . photo link = SUBSCRIBE \u0026 SHARE thank you All Material used is for Entertainment purpose only Under The Act (ufogod does not sell/own videos) Music used is from BinOnOne - does not claim any ownership of music Mining? John Lear (1942-2022) was a US Air Force captain, also a CIA pilot. God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything what then? Upon closer examination, we find other suspicious objects (a, b) supporting the story that something more is going on here. (Video), NSOs: Alien Bases Under Our Oceans? We Talked About A Vast Area Of Topics Within This Interview! It means someone else is up there.. John Lear, Navy and Cia Veteran: "There Are Human Colonies on The Moon John Lear (1942-2022) was a US Air Force captain, also a CIA pilot. He was the son of the inventor of the Lear Jet (a type of engine), and flew more than 150 test planes. John Lear, a former CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as that they have secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, that they have been to Mars and that NASA uses alien technology. At the same time, the water penetrated deeply and filled the cavity in the center of the cosmic body. The mining operations may explain the fluctuating gravity field that scientists can't explain. The former CIA pilot, John Lear, gave an interview that has completely surprised the world. Surely, yours truly ruminated, UFO's can't bealien intrusions if the US planned to manufacture a UFO flap to cloak a plannedfirst strike against Russia Re: UFOs are Unrecognized Fascist Observatories. The truth is down there! Massive Government Cover-up, The Earth Is Actually A Disputed Reservation of These 6 Alien Races, The Book of Alien Races Found if the KGB Archives (video)., pub-6205477701819908, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Several are retired which makes one wonder why more retired pilots don't say anything. In fact, I have just received information from a very reliable source who was the Shah's pilot at one time (after flying Mohammed Mossadegh, the elected leader of Iran deposed by the CIA with the help of the original Norman Schwarzkopf, out of the country), that William Buckley also revealed under torture those responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This is "John_Lear_Mining_Operations_on_the_Moon" by PARANOIA Media on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. John Lear: We control alien technology and there are colonies on Mars. Out of 2,800 people, only two managed to do it. -He had worked with a part of the mining equipment that was to go to the Moon, he told him: John, we built this in Alabama, it was so big that when we finished the project, I took a small plane and flew over this piece of equipment to get an idea of how big it was.. Lear became interested in the subject of UFOs 13 months after talking with United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed a UFO landing at Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three small aliens walking up to the Wing Commander. The mission discovered water at the Moons poles. However he became persona non grata on . -@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--. The most amazing thing is that there are many authors of great weight, military or experts in espionage, space aeronautics who confirm many of these incredible statements, such as Colonel Phil Corso, David Wilcock, Glen Steckling, Henry Deacon, or Gilbert Levin. Former CIA agent John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment of people with advanced extrasensory perception. However, Lear is known today because, in the early 1980s to the mid . [Coast to Coast AM Originals]: John Lear, Richard Hoagland Moon As for the fate of psychics, Mark Stevenson died of illness in 2009. Allegedly, those astronauts could breathe rarefied Martian air, so NASA had the opportunity to launch humans on the red planet for a longer time. I think Jan is correct when he suggests the apparent lunacy has deeper motives. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. I started my search asa believer in alien spacecraft at age 12 in, library, but was soon disabused of the notion by seeing that thecraft came routinely in and out of military bases. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. Johns father, had been involved in the mid-50s in anti-gravity technology programs, completely secret technology today. In the 70s before NASA supposedly started destroying the photos taken by Apollo 8, 10 and 11 and published in NASAs 1971 book SB2-46 it was possible to see the city, the space base, pipes, roads, vegetation, lights, mining facilities and a nuclear reactor. There, the cities of fairies, gnomes and dwarfs were formed. In recent years new and even wilder strains of paranoia have sprouted along ufology's fringes. ubxiyokamolou Guest. The RUSSIAN AREA 51 Have TOP SECRET UFO TECHNOLOGY! In the UFO world, John Lear is a well-known and divisive figure. I am the Past State Director for MUFON in Vermont and Rhode Island plus I am the Assistant State Director for MUFON New Jersey with over 1,200 case files investigated. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film. Most striking of all however is Lears assertion that Earth is actually a planetary prison and functions as a correctional facility where prisoners are to reach a higher level of consciousness. john lear moon mining Douglas CaddyMay 20, 2008 in The Apollo Moon Landings. Given that flights into space are carried out only within the same galaxy in which planet Earth is located, and even then at very short distances, therefore, it is not worth completely rejecting the information provided by John, because the government always has something to hide. According to a John Lear source within the US Government, he "could say" 3 things: We have been going to the Moon since 1962. John Lear recounts: "In 1953, the alien spacecraft EBE 3 landed on Earth. Lear can be found on YouTube: Live Nightly 1am - 5am EST / 10pm - 2am PST, Sign up for our free CoastZone e-newsletter, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Little creatures lived there. -He had worked with a part of the mining equipment that was to go to the Moon, he told him: "John, we built this in Alabama, it was so big . Lunar Strip Mine in John Lear's Moon Photos??, page 1 I cannot rule out the existence ofintelligent life in outer space, since there is so little of it here. He also got 18 World Speed Records. According to the former CIA pilot, there are laboratories in these underground cities where genetic experiments are carried out. Capt. Dan Sheehan of the Christic Institute, among others, has been very emphatic on numerous occasions about Buckley's actual role in Beirut at the time of his capture, and the true reasons for the weapons deals which ensued. Who or what organizations actually footed the bill for Sealaunch, and to lose a 100 million dollar satellite somebody has to have lots of money. John Lear (1942-2022) was a US Air Force captain, also a CIA pilot. He told him 3 things: -Weve been going to the moon since 1962. If you actually do some independent research, you might be quite shocked with what you find, especially when it comes to the credibility of the sources. John Lear (1942-2022) was a US Air Force captain, also a CIA pilot. No, no, no . Researcher, LecturerCongressional staffReal Democracy ProjectPO Box 7147 Washington, DC 20044, You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. This recording was released on the DeepWeb unexpectedly in the first month of 2016, and almost instantly became a digital boom. -The population of Mars is around 600 Million and they are exactly like us. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. He also got 18 World Speed Records. Each of them required to name the items that was hidden in the box. At that time, Lear said: "In 1953, an alien ship crashed and captured an extraterrestrial we called EBE 3, which helped the US government. wikipedia.en/Van_Lear, at main chinapedia/wikipedia.en Copyright 2019 Exopolitics Institute News Service. It later turned out to be an innocent animal ID implant (or similar). No one is going to believe this! In 1966 they landed on Mars, and since then they have already explored most of the planets in our Solar System. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isnt ours, theres no way we could have built such a thing. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. For those who want more information I suggest that they pay the small cost to listen to a rebroadcast of the show. They were building various buildings on the Moon. As a good pilot, he worked for 28 different aviation companies. My interests lie in astronomy, space flight, contrail formation, weather, and of course aviation. That changed in the Summer of 1988, when UFO witness Bill Cooper made his first public comments on the ParaNet Bulletin Board System. These two were the moon and the earth. There was a strict selection of five stages. Former CIA pilot: "There are human colonies on the Moon and Mars" (Clip) There is a conspiracy that Mitchell told a man named Farida Iskiovet (allegedly a former U.F.O investigator for the President of the United Nations) about the UFO he saw on the moon. The view from his front yard of the entire valley just before sunset is truly spectacular. But, according to Brandenburg, the Clementine Mission had an ulterior agenda: The Clementine Mission was a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didnt know about.
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