also in 12" x 12" size. Hey, so I'm tearing up carpet in a house I just bought. We are planning to remove it ASAP but how worried should we be that this is in fact asbestos? Asbestos Floor Tiles Textiles And Composites. for details. STANDARD Excelon floor tiles, example colors: OSAGE GREEN, also see this lab sample fragment of vinyl-asbestos floor tile tentatively identified. Armstrong is a separate company from Congoleum-Nairn. What I know is that tiles are thick (about 3 cm), with a thin layer of material seen (a few I can't afford to get these professionally tested for asbestos and am hoping you can help me identify them per your extensive documentation. for a more-complete understanding of the same question and our answer that you'll find there. The sheet flooring shown at left is identified as an Armstrong resilient flooring product.Another reader had a sample of this resilient flooring tested and confirmed a 70% asbestos content. In some cases, because patents cite earlier patented inventions the package-patent number shows up more than once in research. - Anon. Slosberg, David K., Julian G. Clement, and Jr Walter Mutchler. Asbestos Floor Tiles And Containing Sheet Flooring Vintec. Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. Thanks for asking, Quora User! ThaneI would treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos, based on your notes on home age and floor appearance.At DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS?I pose 5 simple questions that you can try to answer to make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor in your photo contains asbestos. Eri,Thank you so much for your very nice note. Hello, this tile was found under wall to wall carpet in the family/patio room of our new to us old house a split level built in 1968. ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION It that a safe alternative to removing? It's unmistakably a wood-product material even without microscopic examination. Your site is different than any I've seen. at FLOORING MATERIALS, Age, Types and also, Take a look at ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION and alsosee MASTIC, CUTBACK ADHESIVE, FLASHING CEMENT ASBESTOS. The last one specifically refers to a process that used asbestos - supporting my caveat. About your metaphysical question of why it was installed, having not a shred of contextual information about your building any reply I might infer would be baseless speculation. See ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION for suggestions. See details, TIDESTONE style asbestos vinyl floor tiles (Malibu beige 51764) shown above, TRAVERTEX style (Briar tan 51130, Mist white51135, WOODTONE (standard tile, wood tone: Light oak 56850), Custom vinyl cork floor tile ingredients: raw cork & vinyl resins (literature does not cite asbestos), Cork floor tile ingredients: raw cork, resins, and CORK PARQUET floor tiles, in both material types, Also see the 1960's Armstrongs red and white brick flooring patterns illustrated, at SHEET & TILE FLOORING ASBESTOS ID-BRICK PATTERN ID, The 1960s & 1970s motif floor tiles shown above have been reported by readers in homes dating from 1968 and 1973 and are also shown at, Embossed (9 x 9 & 12" x 12")(See 1965-1966 styles of embossed floor tiles), CUSTOM SHALESTONE (Bushkill white - left) 12" x 12" x 1/16" floor tile images from 1969, Imperial Modern (9 x 9 & 12" x 12") (see 1968). Please bookmark this page to make it easy for you to check back for our response. 11 Ways to Make the Most of Your Towns Curbside Just Floored! "Pesticide exposure and risk for Parkinson's disease." Details about asbestos in this marble-chip resilient flooring are. In some instances, we have seen up to six layers of asbestos floor tiles. So they must be vinyl. Please re-post the image if you can. This will give the buyers a heads up so they dont start tearing out the tiles should they wish to install new flooring. - information courtesy of Armstrong Corporation. See Thanks to reader Aaron Cramer for contributing photographs of Sears Roebuck vinyl asbestos floor tiles, August 2010. The company stopped manufacturing these tiles with asbestos in December of 1982. Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Tiles were produced in 1962 in both 9" x 9" and for order quantities over 9,000 sq.ft. Also, my tiles don't seem like vinyl to me. You can make a more useful guess about the asbestos question by clicking the live link in the article recommendation above titled materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. Thanks to its great mechanical properties and fire-resistance, asbestos was added to a wide variety of materials, vinyl and linoleum included. Or see ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION FAQs 1960-1969 - questions & answers & ID photos of 1960's era flooring suspected of containing asbestos, posted originally on this page. European Respiratory Journal 10, no. I have a baby is 9 month old crawling around the house. Some localities restrict asbestos testing to licensed asbestos remediation experts. Resilient Floor Covering Institute, 1030 15th St. NW, suite 350, Washington D.C. "Asbestos Floor Tile Removal Guide & Instructions - copy on file as Asbestos_Floor_Tile_Removal_MDH.pdf ] - ", Minnesota Department of Health, retrieved 12/7/2010, original source:, Asbestos Identification and Testing References. See US Patent No. Thanks to reader Kim for the photo of black and white VAT resembling Armstrong Excelon from a 1952 home - January 2011. My understanding is that they may also contain asbestos but I am surprised I have not seen any pictures other than for tiles of different sizes and glue. Arens, Henrietta A., and Francis E. Arens. S.E. Thanks, On 2021-08-18 The home was built in 66, and I am fairly confident t, Has anyone ever seen this flooring is almost like paper. These floor tiles include metallic accents, metallic highlights in gold, silver or bronze dispersed through the pattern. The use of Asbestos dates back at least 4,500 years. @InspectApedia-911, I live in Ozark MO. Would it best to just put a floating floor over it? We've worked hard on this material for many years and are very grateful when readers find it useful. That person suggested we get someone who is independent of the asbestos removal companies (assuming these are asbestos tiles) who could look at the area and .tell us what to do in our best interest. What about the floor about the spatter pattern? Photo guide to asphalt asbestos and vinyl asbestos floor tiles, 1960-69. We have tiles like the top ones. The definitive way to find out if tiles contain asbestos is to have them tested. I'm guessing anywhere between 1950 and 1975. But its ban from production didnt necessarily mean that all products, including floor tiles, had been ripped out of homes or even completely removed from shelves. A vintage, vinyl asbestos floor tile sales-sample showing a distinctive retro pattern. For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. Really? That, too, may indeed contain asbestos. Unsure if we are safe to pull up the linoleum so the new flooring can be level with the rest of the house. Thanks! CENTENNIAL style (Nocturne black 817(above left), CENTENNIAL II style sold in Metallic white 1191 1/16" only, DRIFTSTONE style (Maya glow 1163) vinyl asbestos floor tile photo library from 1964, METALLIC floor tile patterns, (see 1960-1962 photo examples), STANDARD straight grain (Catawba yellow 712), STYLETONE floor tiles in Mossstone 827, PEACHTONE 837. ], Various (colored) fibrous material, homogeneous. 1/16" was referred to as service gauge. In some areas has deteriorated and has holes that emit or accumulate dust. Clean up any remaining bits of adhesive by scraping them off the subfloor while keeping the floor wet, and then scooping them up and putting them in a disposal bag. Any advice? How can I submit a photo of a tile to see if it might contain asbestos? On 2022-06-03 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - white tile mastic adhesive, @Jacob Hood, Below: Flooring sample #04 under polarized light in a PLM microscope. DIY removal is cheaper because no labor costs are involved. -- I.B., Spain. Above: asbestos suspect sheet flooring from the 1960s, from reader Kat. Original filing 16 March 1950. On 2021-06-17 But there are some broken corners and at least one loose tile.If most of the floor tiles are securely adhered, then the safest, most-economical, and expert-recommended is to leave such a floor in place, covering it over with new flooring.See ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION [28] Stanton, .F., et al., National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 506: 143-151, [20] Pott, F., Staub-Reinhalf Luft 38, 486-490 (1978) cited by McCrone, Asbestos products and their history and use in various building materials such as asphalt and vinyl flooring includes discussion which draws on, Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. They are in pretty immaculate condition really so not sure how old they are. Thank you for providing a useful site about asbestos tile. Evidence found near the Lake Juojrvi, Finland, shows that people used it to make pots and other cooking utensils. Anything from 1985 (ish) or OLDER means it is possible to have asbestos in it. Quite possibly it was produced by a European manufacturer and is none of the brands for which we have data. Use a measuring tape to measure the length and width of one of your flooring tiles. Aside from that, some homeowners simply arent comfortable having asbestos tiles remain even if they poseno health risk. Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos As we discuss at PEEL & STICK SELF ADHESIVE FLOOR TILES. On 2021-04-08 If you decide to have the flooring tested for asbestos see ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST for some suggestions. by (mod) - metaphysical questions about brown wood pattern vinyl floor tiles. When we moved in, there was carpet covering all floors except the kitchen. materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air, On 2022-06-29 by InspectApedia (mod) - save and seal nice turquoise tile, @Jeff Koenig, Have a sample of the flooring tested, or you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not the floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at: (See the corkstyle color images from 1956, 1957, 1958), EXCELON DESIGNER TONE-on-TONE colors 9" x 9" x 1/16" (some patterns) & 1/8" , shown above. SC7G made in manufacturing run No. btw just found this site and it's amazing. Scientific reports 3, no. This photo guide to asphalt asbestos & vinyl asbestos floor tiles for each year shows at least one color photo of each floor tile style or pattern in an example color. Hi, It would help us research this floor design if you could tell us the country, city, state or province where the floor is installed. T he flooring during this period was usually made in 9-inch squares and is quite a bit thicker than most of the modern vinyl tiles. Even ceramic, slate, and stone tiles can be installed on top, as long as a fiber-cement backer is installed first. Many homes have asbestos-containing floor tiles, especially those built or updated in the 1970s and before. European Respiratory Journal 10, no. In my OPINION there is no need to test these tiles, as the tiles in your photos are almost certainly from the Armstrong product series you've already identified. . This is a surprising result; the only rational explanations I can come up with for an asbestos level greater than zero but less than 1% might be that the lab is not going to risk guaranteeing zero asbestos in the sample if that's a level of asbestos below that that their procedure can detect, OR the flooring has slight asbestos in its matrix from cross-contamination. For example, some Armstrong 1960s floor tiles were made without asbestos in their matrix. Asbestos in Asphalt Floor Tiles Asphalt floor tiles were commonly placed between the 1920s and the 1960s. The last picture shows the back of the tile. [17] Kentile KenFlex flooring photographs: [22] Thanks to reader Meryl Silvers for hexagonal floor tile photos showing a possilbe Kentile product that contained asbestos. If you do not know the brand name of your flooringyou can take a quick look at example photos of the product line of each manufacturer given [We do not know the company history nor whether there is an association with EverWear vinyl asbestos floor tiles discussed in this article.]. 775) 423-6221. Asbestos in Tile Flooring. - US EPA Here's more detail on that provides building and environmental diagnostic and repair information.In order to absolutely assure our readers that we write and report without bias we do not sell any products nor services, nor do we have any business or financial relationships that could create such conflicts of interest. I started to peel away at it before I thought to check if it could contain asbestos. I hope it's okay I'm posting again. Professional testing can run $350 to $800, depending on whether other materials in your home are tested at the same time. Mastic is a term that has largely become outdated, but you may still find it on old cans around the house. Angie take a look at the simple questions at DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? I can see tile pictures and tile information about asbestos. DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? I think that the cork pattern as well as other light-colored floor tiles will generally date back to early vinyl or "plastic" floor tiles. It's not a pattern that I've seen before. Linoleum is a term invented in 1860 by Frederick Walton to describe sheet flooring. @Rebekah, pre 1983. InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. This morning, before I continued cutting, it dawned on me that it might contain asbestos. Another doesn't consider the tiles a hazard. Any advice greatly appreciated. Co. 775) 423-6221. The same is true in the bath: pebble style underneath a newer layer, except there is no wood layer between.The closest I could find in your list to the lowest layer is Styletone 838 Glaciertone.Thanks for the amazing list. Well, then, thank you for all your patience and kind willingness to help. DESIGNERS SERIES vinyl asbestos floor tiles, shown above Another time period asbestos floors were popular was between the years of 1920 and 1960. If removing the tiles is legal in your community, and you choose to do the work yourself, your local building authority or hazardous waste utility will often provide a list of procedures to follow. Curious if you recognize it. DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? Much appreciation for this database and your time. I'm not sure my ground detected on your site, but I send two photos if you are able to recognize or catalog. ASBESTOS REMOVAL, WETTING GUIDELINES. - US EPA. These tiles contain asphalt and gilsonite as the main binding agents. We are thinking of covering it with hard wood or regular tile. Above: additional photos of this 1960's flooring sample under our stereo-microscope, showing the tile's face and the texture of its back or "bottom" surface. So, more questions: some of the tiles are not securely attached. And while 9x9 floor tiles were common in the 50's and 60's there were indeed 12x12 floor tiles being produced and installed when your home was built. 9 Places Asbestos May (Still!) U.S.) - what we learn will help others. This house in the tri state area is an older family member's, so the rest of the family got together to discuss. By Glenda Taylor and Bob Vila Updated Sep 24, 2020 5:34 PM. Asbestos found in the vinyl floor tiles at the TOH TV project house means a state-licensed (and well-protected) abatement crew must do the removal. During TEM examination Chrysotile asbestos was detected. For this reason, many homeowners sit unsuspectingly on materials that can be especially hazardous when unearthed duringremoval and renovation. - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos. For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. Hi, what do you think to these. We also very much welcome any criticism, questions, content suggestions. Dont' mix up product names. at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION - (floor tiles) on this page you'll see a link to RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Tiles were produced in 1963 in both 9" x 9" and for order quantities over 9,000 sq.ft. Hello, we want to redo bath & kitchen in 1963 ranch house. 1955 asphalt asbestos or vinyl asbestos floor tiles were sold only in 9" x 9" 1/16" or 1/8" gauge sizes, in one pattern (above) in seventeen colors. The edge view of this tile showing the rather homogeneous makeup of the tile except for its colored face means this is most-likely an asphalt-based tile. Asbestos Vinyl Products - History, Dangers & Abatement U.S. Patent 2,914,807, issued December 1, 1959. 1960 S Linoleum Flooring Asbestos Sheet | If you can identify your floor tile collection name or model number, laboratory testing of the sample to screen for asbestos may be unnecessary. Actually we suspect the total asbestos content of the floor may be much greater. Vinyl or asphalt tiles that have these colors in it have a high likelihood of asbestos fibers. I recommend the procedures you'll find at Kits come with instructions on how to collect the sample and include disposable gloves and a dust mask to wear during collection. One suggests we test the material. Edward, Stanley Robbins. I can guess at the white substance but the floor tile should be treated as presumed to contain asbestos. - F.A. For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. These Excelon designer floor tiles by Armstrong were sold in MINT GREEN 760, SAND BEIGE 762, ECRU 767, KASHA TAUPE 769 - new (See 1957 - 1958 for other color photos) all shown above. Get site. The wondrous new "no-wax" flooring sold by companies such as Congoleum and Armstrong put a glossy sheen on post-war American prosperity. I live in Spain, in a house built in 1967, and I'm quite worried because I suspect that the floors of my house may contain asbestos. The adhesives also had asbestos in them. Feature Strips solid color vinyl-asbestos flooring accent strips were sold in 1", 2", and 3" widths and 24" in length, in solid colors in vinyl-asbetstos flooring for 1962, in 1/16" and 1/8" gauge thicknesses. Safe demolition of asbestos floor tiles should require you to: Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. I would appreciate it. However, we recently uncovered a significant amount of dust that was not cleaned out of a closet after this project. Identifying and Treating Asbestos Tiles in the Home if you think we find this person, are there such people around? We just uncovered these beauties under carpet as we are prepping to install wood flooring. 1960-1969 ARMSTRONG EXCELON FLOOR TILE GUIDE at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. That might give you an idea of whether or not the discovered dust Reservoir was making itself known in other building areas. Keep in mind the mastic used as an adhesive for these older tiles might also contain some asbestos. We have not seen this exact tile pattern before, but from our records it looks a bit like some of the Kentile flooring. Much appreciated. Asbestos has been used in vinyl wallpaper since the 1920s, and vinyl floor tiles and sheet flooring rose to prominence in the 1950s. - G.M. This article series includes a photo-gallery of pictures of floor coverings submitted for identification along with comments on findings, recommendations, & asbestos content. From a photo one cant answer your question with certainty. Asbestos Floor Ceiling Tiles Usage Dangers And Removal. While the reader referred to this as "Armstrong Congoleum sheet flooring", Armstrong and Congoleum are separate individual companies. Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. I have not found research asserting that exposure to asbestos is a cause of Parkinson's but there are medical complications or interactions possible where both are present in one individual; I'll include some research below. The flooring during this period was usually made in nine-inch squares and is quite a bit thicker than most of the modern vinyl tiles. Some self-adhesive floor tiles made by Armstrong also contained asbestos. It means a lot that you took the time and trouble to comment as you did, and of course I'm very happy that our information proved helpful to you.Indeed we have worked hard for over fifteen years to make information at accurate, in-depth, and without bias, so I am of course very grateful when a reader reports that our website has been useful.To that end, I would much appreciate hearing any comments, critique, suggestions, or further questions that you may have about any of our diagnosis/repair articles.
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