I loved Eliza Dushku, but she got a greatending on Angel so I don't mind her absence. She said that she was rather> surprised and disappointed uponhearing abou ther character's death.> > > (Yeah, right, like I could tell if it was definitive based on a> > Usenet posting)> > Hey, you could check the guide for yourself>. This transcript is intended to be used for criticism, comment, and research purposes. Adam activates the chip Walsh had inserted into Riley's heart, making him biddable to Adam's command. "[21], "Lindsay Crouse keeps up a Family Stage Tradition. Certainly Tara's role would have been quite different,or maybe there wouldn't have been a Tara at all. Maybe my brain is just not functioning today, but who is this Ash person? Returning to his apartment, Lindsey found that Darla had left town, taking all her clothes with her. On the other hand, with only Lindsey and Lilah left of Wolfram & Hart's Special Projects Team, their rivalry reached an all-time high as the two start a power struggle for the vice-presidency of the team as at the time neither of them was deemed fit to take the title. Lindsay Crouse is an actress who portrayed Maggie Walsh on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. The Real Reason David Boreanaz Left Buffy The Vampire Slayer Lindsey and Eve. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. reasons and the Big Bad arc had to be redesigned around Adam. [15] Although the "mind numbing" visions that Lindsey reported were non-existent, the events described were real. Harris wasn't playing for money, power or fame. I disagree. But because of Lindsay Crouse having filming conflictions with her movie schedules they had to kill her off and write Adam in? I really enjoy the strong, challenging women that pop up in Buffy's world - Maggie Walsh, Jenny Calendar, Anya, & Tara to name a few. ", Angel Investigations and Team Angel allies, Angel Investigations and Team Angel enemies, Lindsey is the only character besides Angel himself to appear in the first (", Though Christian Kane is a guitar player as well as a singer, it is his. There were other indications that an unknown force was at work in and around U.C. But there's always the possibility that it just represents a "party line" and more truth is found elsewhere. Any more word on this? We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. Or that > > lets face it. Meet Lindsay Crouse. Since Buffy is meant to be the central character surely thedrama should focus on a her rather than Riley. (The writers could change their minds, of course, and makethem crucial to the season seven finale, say, but that's the currentcanon.) 2000. ESPECIALLY if he had returned from controlling hiswerewolf self and got back with Willow (excluding any messy Taraentanglements), then they were totally happyand THEN Oz got shot atthe end of Season 6. This is USENET! "[3], Months later, Lindsey then worked with fellow lawyers Lilah Morgan and Lee Mercer, both having had previous plans ruined by Angel, to have him killed. As opposed to just sort of misguided."[6]. Willow was heavy into magic since season two. After reading an intriguiging book about vampire legends, it seems to me (the book didn't draw this conclusion, it's my own stab in the hear-- er, dark) that pretty much the entire modern picture of the vampire as played in Hollywood and Gothic fiction comes from Bram Stoker's "Dracula", and Stoker actually made up most of it on his own. [12] Deposited, incorporeal, in Wolfram & Hart and unable to leave the city limits, Spike gradually grows attached to L.A. and reconsiders his initial intention to seek out Buffy in Europe, deciding to allow Buffy to remember him as a self-sacrificing hero. Even our quantum physics validate[s] ideas the Buddha taught 2,500 years ago. [sic]. [13] In 2021, she appeared in a limited engagement of Mornings at Seven at Broadway's Theatre at St. Kills me! > > Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. Claiming to receive visions from the Powers That Be, he gained Spike's cooperation and trust. It's very dramatic poetry in that way. I know in a lot of the *old* werewolf stories, youdidn't need silver to kill one, but after all these bleedin' movies got theissue confused, if *I* were hunting one, I don't think I'd gamble on whetherthey were wrong! Lindsay Crouse - Wikipedia ", Lindsay Crouse brings third annual Buddhist retreat to Rockport, Lindsay Crouse Summer Retreat in Massachusetts web site, Lindsay Crouse's Buddhist Teachings posted online at ACI-LA, Lindsay Crouse's additional Buddhist teachings posted online, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lindsay_Crouse&oldid=1133361838, Episode: "Rebecca McManus and Steve Arnold", Episode: "I've Got Batman in My Basement", Episodes: "Captain Kangaroo Court", "A Liver Runs Through It", Episodes: "Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure", "Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore", Episodes: "Forgive, But Don't Forget", "Black Eye", "Sinners and Saints", "All Others Pay Cash", This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 11:35. Marc Blucas is an American actor who is best known for his role in the supernatural teen drama, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. [citationneeded], Lindsey and Eve contrive a situation where Spike saves Angel from a demonic parasite (placed on an unconscious Angel by Eve), which simultaneously disheartened Angel, galvanized Spike, and adds weight and veracity to the claims made by "Doyle"/Lindsey. Lindsay Crouse ( @lindsaycrouse) is a writer and producer in Opinion. On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 16:56:21 -0400, Timothy A. McDaniel wrote: Thoght ASH was supposed to be in the spin-off "Ripper". It is a series with humble beginnings (the movie, starring Kristy Swanson, was a minor cult . She produced the Emmy-nominated Opinion Video series "Equal Play," which brought widespread reform to women's sports. Green supposedly wanted a better storyline to showcase his talents (hey, yeah, hey being pretty much interchangable with Tara's lines). It was> Maggie who was supposed to tell Riley about Angel to humiliate Buffy in> front of everyone at the Initiative. Buffy Phenomenon A New Man (4.12) all too well - persaphones - The Sound of Music - Rodgers . I would say "scheduling conflicts" is the Hollywood answer. I have always imagined that Maggie treats people like grown-ups. If you believe that then how do you reconcile Mr Whedon's comments that he does not plan a series more than one season in advance? "[18], Lindsey destroyed the Sahrvin Clan with Lorne's assistance as planned. Despite this, Angel finally defeated Lindsey and his comrades completed a ritual that dissolved the tattoos that protected Lindsey from the Senior Partners, and he was dragged away through a portal. MORNING READS Ripe and smooth: This village thinks it has. This then forced Lindsey to use an artificial hand from then on. Sunnydale in further> episodes before it was all revealed to us. I'm sure she admires Dr. Frankenstein - or Einstein. And Angel did that. [citationneeded], Lindsey legally represented many vampires and demons, as well as evil humans. Adam wasn't scary enough to be Big Bad on his own either, LOL. He had also been betrayed by his boss, Professor Walsh (Lindsay Crouse) who had been in charge of the initiative but had been lying about an attempt to kill his girlfriend, Buffy. ActuallyI think it would have upset me more to see Oz get shot infront of Willow. Because their behavior was shown on national television, coupled with the loss of the money and their attempt to kill Angel was revealed, which was against the firm's policy, their new supervisor Nathan Reed told them that Angel's life was invaluable while they were replaceable. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Vampires Don't bleed or get injured5. [EXPLAINER]. However as his character grew in complexity, they started to appreciate his role in the series and said they were sad to see him leave. "Quitting is not the same as giving up": Lindsay Crouse and Kirby Ferguson make the case for leaving a job, relationship or hobby. WB / Hulu. [17], Lindsey later revealed the existence of the Circle of the Black Thorn, the Senior Partners' instrument on this plane, a secret society devoted to maintaining man's inhumanity in exchange for power. In 2005, she organized an annual Buddhist educational program, originally held at the Windhover Center for the Performing Arts in Rockport, Massachusetts,[19] and then in 2010 moved to The Governor's Academy in Byfield, Massachusetts. Clements.[14]. --Doctor Who ************************************************************************, I wonder. [citationneeded], Though rivals at heart, Lindsey and Lilah were also forced to also work together. [citationneeded], You kill me? You never will be.Lorne to Lindsey, Unlike most of Wolfram & Hart's other employees, Lindsey was not entirely devoid of a moral conscience. ", Clements, Warren. the middle of season 7 I wouldn't mind that one bit. Buffy: How old was Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy The Vampire Slayer? > >> > I wonder. DonnaMy opinions might have changed, but not the fact that I am right. Though Angel saw Lindsey off, he managed to get one last crack at him by taping a sign reading "Cops Suck" on the back of his truck. Upon discovering this, Lindsey sent several top private investigators to find out who the intruder was. Werewolves and silver bullets could be another false thing. The only Buffy depatures that really phased me were Robia LaMorte, SethGreen, and Kristine Sutherland. Before Angel left, Lindsey had the encounter digitally recorded and alerted the police. It was an experiment that the Government wanted to test was possible or not, and they put Maggie in charge. The Initiative is her baby. If I recall, was not one of Sunday's minions hit by a> taser by a then unknown assailant? READ MORE:Buffy the Vampire Slayer spoilers: Who does Buffy end up with? Crouse was on her way to audition for Bob Rafelson's 1981 remake of The Postman Always Rings Twice, and jokingly Mamet told Crouse to tell Rafelson that "he was a fool if he didn't hire me to write the screenplay." It was> > Maggie who was supposed to tell Riley about Angel to humiliate Buffy in> > front of everyone at the Initiative. Although if you bring up Jenny Calendar I'm still bitter aboutthem killing her off! More recently, in season four, > > > Maggie (Lindsay Crouse was going to be much more of a mother figure> > for Riley, introducing him to> > > another girl to lure him away from Buffy. The actor left to go shoot the movie Knockaround Guys and by the time he was able to return, the show had already changed so radically that there wasn't a place for him anymore. She is also a Grammy Award nominee. What was the original plan for Maggie Walsh? | Buffy-Boards Apr 21, 2022. Lindsey insisted to Lorne that he had changed, offering to sing for him so Lorne might read his future. You must log in or register to reply here. It seems that a lot of the problems that Buffy has had in previous seasons were the results of actors bailing out in mid-production. But it's not just the physical betrayal that rattles Allenby. Lindsay Crouse's departure and S04's Big Bad arc : buffy - reddit Lindsay> > Crouse was signed for the whole season.> >. She was born in New York City on 1948-05-12. Where Are the Workers? - The New York Times His departure really changed the direction of the series and Idoubt it would have been Oz who'd have died. No doubt Joss Whedon would have determined an appropriate and yet senseless way to slay Willow's significant other. Starting in the mailroom, he quickly worked his way up, becoming one of Wolfram & Hart's most valued lawyers. [11] Nineteen days later, Lindsey makes a trip to the crater where Sunnydale once stood and digs Spike's amulet out of the Hellmouth.

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