The subject ProX bass drum displayed less than 0.8mm "out of round" and no measurable "out of flatness", That's pretty good, but it gets better still. Taye drums sm522s; A product type designated by percussion instruments; A country of origin of the type taiwan . Taye Drums and Paiste PST cymbals complete - $875 (Oceanside) image 1 of 6 condition: like new make / manufacturer: Taye Percussion model name / number: Spotlight Once Taye had Ray to guide them, they decided to become a completely independent drum manufacturer. Hear Taye Drums: StudioMaple (Studio Mics) - YouTube As much as this kit is versatile and flexible, if youre looking for a distinct maple, or other particular sound, the birch/basswood blend might not deliver exactly what you seek. }); TAYE DRUM SET: Musical Instruments 1-24 of 58 results for "TAYE DRUM SET" RESULTS Taye Drums PS420JK-SPK-WB 4-Piece ParaSonic Jazz Drum Set $1,40940 $199.99 delivery Jan 30 - 31 Taye Drums TC91 Drum Set Mounting Arm 4 $4399 FREE delivery Jan 26 - 31 Taye Drums GK1407R-BKM 14-Inch Drum Set Tom Tom 1 $22594 FREE delivery Jan 25 - 30 Very well-built, with plenty of adjustments. The one used in this review of course falls in-between at balance-point between the two. Taye makes good drums. Product condition: Used. The question is the ProX which is a thin . Taye Drums & Percussion | Guitar Center network: dfpNetwork, If you can post a pic, and/or any more . Along with many other major drum manufacturers, Taye displayed its widely popular GoKit and many snare drum models from several of its product lines. adUnits.push({ Simply designed for optimum performance, this side-action release system employs a minimum of moving parts. With a large knurled tension knob for easy snare adjustment, and our unique SlipLock feature that prevents unwanted loosening of snare tension, SideLatch is strong, smooth, and flawlessly reliable. Taye is not a custom drum company; they are another Asian manufacturer that was an OEM for a lot of the major drum companies before deciding to make things under their own name. $450.00. network: dfpNetwork, What's more, unlike many other instruments, every component is entirely made by Taye. The basswood shells sound pretty good and the hardware is very durable. When William Goldsmith Was Slamming Drums with The Foo Fighters, Titanium Is (Literally) A Supernova On A Snare Stand, When The Tambourine Was Reinvented: Nine Questions With Richard Taninbaum, Slingerland Future Uncertain After Gibson Declares Bankruptcy, The Of Drums? Famed builder Greg Keplinger joined the firm and his Keplinger snare drum was released. }); You can see many of his drums for sale on Reverb here. I play in half a dozen kinds of situations, he says, adding I enjoy playing with Indian guys, bhagra, basically Punjabi Sikh weddings, and other South Asian weddings That gig is usually a morning performance. In some models the badge has depth. Hand-selected 100% North American Sugar Maple shells featuring EFS Shell Technology providing warm, well-rounded tone, with a balanced mix of bottom end punch, lower mid-range warmth, and hi-end attack. The tom sounds rich and full all the way from below useful range and up to our destination of fairlyhigh. }); My own personal observation is that the bearing edge shape Taye uses lends itself particularly well to the bass drum. The SideLatch strainer works very well in every way. function detectPage(loc) googletag.pubads().setTargeting('advelvet', advelvetTargeting); This gives you the assurance of incomparable quality control and serviceability of every instrument and accessory we create. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_desktoptablet_1stguestpost_300x250', Hey! size: [[728, 90]], Furthermore, Taye Originals come standard with all of our Taye patented designs and innovations that have made Taye Drums an industry leader in terms of sound and functionality. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They have over 20 drum features that no other drum company has. Taye RockPro Hardwood 5 PC Drum Set | Reverb Learn More. Heres an example of where the lower end of the tuning range can be put to use. Simply designed for optimum performance, this side-action release system employs a minimum of moving parts. The hardware is not. Specifications. if(adUnits[i].device.indexOf(device) === -1) {adUnits[i].display = false; continue;} userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type So I didnt listen to all that music or play it. I thought it was a great value - nice light shells that sound great, very nice lacquer finish, good edges and impressed by the overall quality. Look at a problem you are trying to solve from the obverse view. High-end features, high-end finishes, but without the high-end price, ProX was designed with the player in mind. They are great drums. SideLatch: ProX shells are constructed of birch and basswood producing a tonal quality that incorporates the brights of birch, and due to the inherent properties of basswood, the lows associated with mahogany, making it extraordinarily adaptable to any musical genre. The benefit to us customers is that just about any configuration of the available sizes in each series can be ordered without the extra cost, lead time and hassle of a custom order. googletag.cmd.push(function() { When I spoke to him late last year he said he had rediscovered the joy of playing and keeps multiple gigs going. Simply put its an internal curved bracket latched on one end and tightened by the screw on the other. Overall it sounds bigger than its 18 diameter suggests. Disagreements over the business and artistic direction of the company cropped up, and by 1999 Ray was out. network: dfpNetwork, network: dfpNetwork, However if youre in the market for drums with a broad range of sounds that can be adapted to multiple styles and situations, I would take a second look at the ProX. . Seems to be a good a description as any. Can you feel it? Once they had some experience and more than a few innovations under their belt, Taye moved on to offering their own self-branded products directly to musicians. { Taye Diggs - Wikipedia userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use network: dfpNetwork, I realize this is a 'thread resurrection' but I like to chime in when it comes to Taye drums. }); googletag.enableServices(); Let me add the Taye Vintage and MetalWorks lines as well. They stared out just supplying drum parts to other major drum manufacturing companies. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_midcontent_320x50', You are looking at a an awesome set of drums made by Taye percussion. With sizes determined, there are also selections of wood species available; Poplar, Birch/Basswood, Birch, Maple and Maple/Birch as well as the choice of wrap or lacquered finishes. It's a shame you don't hear too much about them. So, other than a reso. Ray Ayotte | Tuning the resonant head closer to the batter head increases sustain gradually and controllably. What is bad if colleagues earn income from their craft made available to a political party. With the right tuning and maybe an additional set of heads the sound of this kit can be shapedto suit just about any genre or style of music. Drum Terms I've been at this for a long time and I have owned and played just about every manufacture's drums. googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_rosatf_468x60_sponsor', [468, 60], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_rosatf_468x60_sponsor').addService(googletag.pubads()); The Tayes sound as good or better than anything I have owned. Another Taye innovation. You have a wide variety of drum sizes and color. Engineered For Sound. Taye Drums - News Hammer Custom Drums Main Page code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_sticky_320x50', Items must be returned in original, as-shipped condition with all original packaging.Learn More. But the results speak for themselves. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type Pro-X This is a higher end rock drum set. A majority of the company was purchased by outside investors in 1994. Ill do my best to describe the character of each drum. Its a little humbling.. Since there is still indirect metal-wood contact between the lug screw washers and the shell, Tayes studded gaskets certainly go a long way to reduce said wood-metal contact. pageType: ['post'], // display only on page type Hear Taye Drums: StudioMaple (Studio Mics) - YouTube For more information on Taye StudioMaple, please visit www.tayedrums.comHere are two drum solos performed by Dave Langguth (0:00-1:24). device: ['desktop'], // display only on device So I decided to give it the Behind The Scenes treatment. To me the design has to tell a story. Taye Drums - Facebook Interestingly enough, you wont find that particular configuration anywhere on Tayes website. Beginning as a company that supplied superior quality hardware and drums to many of the world's most famous brands, after several years it became evident that it was necessary to offer Taye innovations and design ideas to all drummers seeking practical solutions to seemingly complex issues that interfere with the ability to create and perform. At Taye he introduced a range of finishes and colors that seemed to come from palletes not available to other drum builders, with satin finishes that are more reminiscent of some acoustic guitars than drums. From the shells, through the lugs, brackets and other metal parts. It solves all kinds of problems with that badge. Whether its custom shell depths and diameters, unique shell compositions and thicknesses, or rare and exotic finishes, Taye Original will quench your thirst to express your personal taste and style. var dfpNetwork = '143039214'; 3 talking about this. Then when Ayotte Drums, and Ray Ayotte separated, Taye wasted no time recruiting the innovative custom drum builder onto their team. The Taye drums were made as well or in most cases better than any other drums I have owned and I have owned just about everything. var userType = 'guest'; // set the user type, available: guest, loggedin, paid Seeing it in a completely new way helps solve a problem. Retractable spikes eliminate bass drum movement. The factory was enlarged, too, due to increasing demand. (Bottom head75 and batter 78 on the DrumDial.) 14.0-inch x . The bottom tom heads were fairly thin (8 mil) clear models, and the snare had a clear snare-side . Detailed Taye StudioMaple BeBop Review - CompactDrums Bass pedal was real quick and smooth.. no footplate but it has a double chain drive so it doesn't look that n00b. Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. Title: ModernDrummerJuneReview.pdf Author: Truly I do not understand the bitterness in Adunni for her to be exposing her colleagues. The surface is perfectly uniform with seams visible to the eye butnot detectable by feel. adUnits.push({ a fan of Blood Sweat & Tears, who made their mark on the music world beginning in the late 60s onward, with their success reaching astronomical . assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use adunit: 'drumforum_desktoptablet_1stguestpost_300x250', In the interim Ray put his designing talents to work at Taye drums and released some gorgeous models and hardware between 2005 and 2010. }); TAYE Drum Company DEDICATED TO MAKING BETTER DRUMS. While some of these features may seem less significant than others, I appreciatethe leave nothing to chance attitude. StudioMaple tom and bass drum shells are extra thin, 6" to 15" are 6ply 4.5mm, and 16" to 24" are 7ply 5.3mm - accentuating maple's qualities with maximum shell resonance and tonality. Now, you are ready to create. Taye Drum Sets & Kits for sale | eBay PDF Taye StudioMaple And RockPro Drumkits - With a large knurled tension knob for easy snare adjustment, and our unique SlipLock feature that prevents unwanted loosening of snare tension, SideLatch is strong, smooth, and flawlessly reliable. Another practical innovation are the claw hooks that swing away without having to unscrew them all the way. Couple scratches and nicks, usual wear and tear.The sizes are as followed: Please check the fields highlighted in red. Used Taye Drums Studio Maple Drum Kit. Searching for a kit that provides anything and everything you need at an affordable price? To reflect our commitment, we updated our terms and conditions. if(device == 'tablet') googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_tablet_float_videoad', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_float_videoad').addService(googletag.pubads()); . Drum Websites For a limited time, save in the Gibson European Demo ShopUp to 25% off select Gibson guitarsShop now, View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. } The Articulated Claw Hook is designed to isolate the claw from the wood hoop, preventing unwanted tonal interference in live or studio applications. I was surching on the web for Picture like this one and coulnt find anything. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_tablet_sticky_728x90', But what tools will you choose? assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use Drum Articles Home Articles Reviews Resources DIY Articles About, Visit / Like us on Facebook: Each shell is then placed on a 24 X 24 granite slab (Verified for true flatness) and any gaps between the bearing edge and granite measured with a feeler gauge. googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_mobile_320x50_sponsor', [320, 50], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_320x50_sponsor').addService(googletag.pubads()); If you can score this kit at an affordable price, any 'drummer' could make due with it and the kit would translate well to your recordings.

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