Hello, Im Micheal, and I am a writer, spiritualist, and inspirationalist. Lord God, as the election approaches, May they have the desire to seek truth and discern it. Teach us as a nation to focus less on getting our way and more on loving our neighbors, especially the most vulnerable among us. O Lord, I pray with total agreement for this prayer for Your Glory alone Lord! Thank you for praying over the machine that you placed your ballot in. May You be glorified by Your children in our voting Biblical Principles, ones that will bring in a harvest of people to Your Kingdom, bring Repentance and Revival, reach the unreached people, restore the Lost to Truth that stops the murder of children, restores Truth of gender at birth to the deceived, removes same sex attraction and its lies and deception, exposes rebellion based on false teaching and evil intentions, helps open the hearts and minds of the lazy, intitalled thinking people to work and be responsible. Today the next 4 years will be counted. We pray for peace. THE REVELATION THAT GOD GAVE TO ME ON THE 22ND We are your people and you are our God. The prayer is 24 lines long and calls for a fair and just election and wished that genuine fear of God and love of neighbors would guide officials who would be elected. so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, May Gods Presence overwhelm you and flood you with His perfect LOVE to cast out and far away from you all fear so that you may know and walk in His perfect peace. Men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender. An Election Prayer to Mary Amen. When we enter the voting booth. That the scales would fall for 2020 vision and hearts be softened to turn towards you. Prayer For Candidates Of Election David Badash. I Promise: the more you get out From Here, the more youll get out of life.. The Holy Spirit is moving over the land I can feel it in my soul praise God praise Jesus ! MOST OF ALL WE KNOW THISGOD WILL NEVER BE DETHRONEDIN THE END EVERY KNEE WILL BOW DOWN TO JESUS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE WORLD AND TO HIM AND TO THE WHOLE EARTH WE LIFT UP OUR VOICE AND SAYTO YOU OH GOD BE THE KINGDOM AND THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR AMEN AND AMEN elections Help us to remember the things we have in common, and not just our differences. I will sing unto the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider thrown into the sea! Ex 15:1. On February 21, the IPC minister had asked the NC to announce a date for the PFF elections in a weeks time, warning that the government may approach FIFA over the matter. (2 Cor 8:21), 5. Thank you for Your sovereign will. All mighty Elohim, open the doors to the White House to YOUR candidate and close them shut on the opposing candidate. Im from Portland but in AUS and postal voted. LORD I pray that Your perfect Shalom would cover the United States this week and put the people in awe of You. Think-tanks on both sides of the political aisle are working overtime trying to war-game potential outcomes for the fall. For all who work for peace and justice in this land, Grant those who vote a clear vision of the difference between candidates. O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Pray that godly men and women will rise up, run for office and WIN. Hear us, good Lord. We do indeed needto stand together in prayer at this perilous time in our worlds history. If youre like me, youre probably ready for this whole thing to be over. I honor you and Thank you for being a watchman through the night over this land. guard our people This election season has been hard on everyone. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. Your Word Promises to guive us our hearts desires, do it now Abba Father God Lord. Raise up men & women of integrity in the govt! The Duck Dynasty alum posted a video on Wednesday of him praying for the reelection of President Trump . That we would cry out for Your mercy and Grace. WebPrayer After an Election. Soon after the election, a statement on the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded by Robertson, now 90, stated its not over and added that many tried and true Christians thought theyd heard God tell them Trump would win a second term.. Thank you for your sacrifice and your resurrection, thank you for interceding for us and most of all, thank you for your overwhelming, never ending, reckless love! Nothing larger than a state representative election. You are with us now and You will be with us tomorrow and forever. WebFor this election, O God, please bless us with the best rulers possible, in this fallen world, at all levels of government. especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. Coronavirus has brought about gathering restrictions, and, without physically going to the polls, many are concerned that the exclusive use of mail-in ballots will produce an untrustworthy result. Election Day Prayers - 2020 - Crosswalk.com Father, we have not blessed you as you,have blessed this nation. Lord we pray that law and order and your will prevail, because greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. Standing in prayer with you from South Africa, my prayers join your prayers for Almighty God to be glorified in America at this time, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Please try again later. Pray for your fellow intercessor. They faced the daunting task of designing a set of rules to govern transfer of power amidst a diverse and often conflicted populous. 7 Divine Prayers To Win Big Money Break the power over our schools and higher institutions of academia, free the media from the jealous bonds of deception, bring to an end all legalized abortion in this nation, reveal and bring into the open those who molest and traffic in the flesh of women and children through sexual slavery, break our addictions to drugs and alcohol, restore men and women to the intimate relational boundaries of your design, free us from the lust and desire for silver and gold, and restore to us love and decency for our fellow man of all races that we may be one. We lay aside all our preconceived ideas of who should win and we pray Lordyour choice succeeds! Prayer That Your Mighty Holy Majestic power sweeps over America today with Your outpouring of the Holy Spirit! FOR VOTERS TO SEEK OUT THE TRUTH. Thank You Jesus for this day and everything that comes forth in this day! Throughout the Bible there are assurances that God will always guide us if believers turn to Him in prayer and ask for His help. WebLord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country, and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. Keep this revived revived oh Lord and keep the lost from grave harm until they are rescued from the pit. Direct those who influence opinion through the media, Impart your wisdom to all who propose policy, May the suffering inflicted by the lock downs be brought to an end. Holy, mighty and righteous God, we lift this election up to You. I ask for the season to not be volatile, and that our nation would see You in it. Father, we need godly people to govern our Nation so once again we can freely worship You and have peace. Wow that is so powerful!! Have mercy on our Land, on our souls. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign Praising God for so many blessings, but most importantly my salvation. HE IS THE MOST HIGHTHE MOST HIGHTHE MOST HIGH GOD!! A Prayer for a Christian Candidate Running for Elected Office But what is most important is Your will, not mine. Heavenly Father today the vote is cast. Amen, Brian! We ask for your favor on America, that what the devil meant for evil you will turn for good. Win 8 Prayers for Election Day May they be held accountable for their actions and may justice prevail! Amen! Novena for the Election Fill all places now vacated with Your Holy Spirit and send the ministering angelic spirits to guide each one to the righteous vote for Your candidates for every office, from President to dogcatcher. One of your last guests mentioned a book he had written but I did not get the name of the book. This is your Foundation and your LAW! Imagine how different HELP US TO HONOR YOUR WORK, Lord Jesus. We thank you in advance for the miracles you will do in and through our current situation. I was at the polling precinct at 6:10 am and was 15th in line I prayed and sang as I waited the 50 minutes to get in in the 25 F degree Pennsylvania weather. The negativity of this election has been exhausting, and the anxiety its produced has reached truly historic levels. May You Lord expose the corruption that is harming our country. Praying together for our country, for an end to hatred and for a return to one nation under God. Praise God by the blood of his precious son my precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all glory power and honor be to you Father. Lord, provide them with your strength such that they can prepare their agendas mostly related to the problems of the common people. During this time of debate, diffusion, and decision-making, please have Your sovereign hand over this country. Abba Father, God Lord, we lift America unto Your hands this moments when they are conducting their elections, Dear Lord God step in with Your anointing of peace knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and provisions. Win Prayer You are worthy of all praise and all honor and all glory for ever and ever! What a beautiful prayer from Derek Prince thank you for sharing it! Who Won the Chicago Mayors Race? What to Know on the Runoff The U.S. formally requests your participation in designing its society. Every four years, a citizen takes an oath and becomes the president without insurrection. Let them see in this Nation a Nation filled and overflowing with YOU, YOUR SPIRIT, YOUR GOODNESS, YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND YOUR GOOD WEALTH BUT MOST OF ALL WITH YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL Oh, So Be It To the Great Glory of God \o/ Amen. Help me to do my part with enthusiasm, and then to rest in Your hands, I have sizably voluminous experience in Spiritualism. Thank you for being with us and for sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us and to guide us. Your email address will not be published. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:8-9). Thank you for choosing to put me in this country, at this time, and for Your purposes. The saffron party is leading in two We come to You as Your believing people; Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. Forgive us Lord for being the Body of Christ divided butBUT YOUR choice of candidate will triump! So, today as important as it is to our future does not fully tell our future for we must continue on in this way and grow up fully in Christ to secure and maintain the victory You have given us. Look at the power of prayerDerek Prince has been with the Lord many years now, and his prayer is still being answered, these many years later! We will always have victory in Jesus and that can never be taken away. Father we cry out for Mercy over this nation. A government elected of men can enable or hinder the work of the church but it can not be the work of the church nor can it thwart your annointing on the church. What a blessing your prayer materials have been to me for this election. All over this nation! Renew our minds Lord, Change our Thinking. We love you, Father! Remind them that You are sovereign and that the wisest choice we can make is to serve You and serve others. Would you be okay with that? Fill all places now vacated with Your Holy Spirit and send the ministering angelic spirits to guide each one to the righteous vote for Your candidates for every office, from President to dogcatcher. I thank You that, when Id begin to fear and get anxious about the election results, Your sweet Holy Spirit reminds me of Your Word: Be still and KNOW THAT I AM GOD! What peace comes upon my soul! Election You shall not have in your house two kinds of measures, a large and a small. Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Election Day Bible Verses Please, oh Lord, bless me tonight with the jackpot in the (name of the lottery). We must resist their influence in our lives and our nation. You must be logged in to post a prayer. You are the Sovereign God, You are THE LORD of all! A Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders -Oh, Loving God, here I am today to pray for the prospective candidates of different parties such that their hard work and dedication can prove to be fruitful for them and they can be able to gather a mass of people to host their election campaign successfully. we thank you, Lord. Holy Spirit, hover over the Please give them the strength to endure criticism and scrutiny. Deliver us from the hand of the evil one. ask for. I voted this morning, but may our Lord fight this battle for us! Oh, that they may see Jesus! Pray for We pray that you will raise up Godly men and women to fill the positions that are vacant the President, the Senate and the House positions. Meghalaya Election Results 2023: The National People's Party (NPP) leader and Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma, stated that the party is still short of a few seats for a majority in the assembly elections, the results of which were declared on Thursday. That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in the Heaven! May Gods will be done. She has a blog on graceandgrowing.com. election Help IFA provide prayer resources to more intercessors. Arguably Americas most powerful female religious figure, White is not alone. Help us to remember the results of this election are only important for a brief moment in time, but the more important work is to be done for the eternal kingdom. YES LORD! It has created division and discord, and no amount of tension within the Church. Hebron is the first We humble ourselves and ask that you would heal our land and hearts. Amen. In Jesus Name. Here are eight prayers for the 2020 election season: Photo credit: Getty Images/Hermosa Wave. Salem Media Group. Speak to their hearts and minds and reveal your TRUTH to them. We are the true government with the authority of Christ if we would just be more aware of that and stop being so full of false humility. Perfect even for today. Some have reacted strongly to the idea it may be postponed or delayed due to the coronavirus. We pray that those who have resorted to viciousness in their campaigns would repent, that they would receive forgiveness, and that they would in turn Help us to recognize that wisdom and exercise it in our vote. It is not over until it is over. You are with us now and You will be with us tomorrow and forever. O Mighty, Wonderful and Glorious God! Will your one vote count? Prayer Many fear the election itself may be manipulated. FYI: https://www.globalresearch.ca/chief-science-officer-pfizer-says-second-wave-faked-false-positive-covid-tests-pandemic-over/5724753. We declare and decree that the Lord will prevail and His people will be victorious in this election, in Jesus mighty name. Let the mind of Christ be poured out to all who go to vote. Election -Oh, Everlasting God, I pray to you kindly shower your blessing on the candidates of the respective parties and help them to host their election campaign successfully such that they can try their level best to earn the votes of the common people by leaving a strong impact on the mass. Lord, right now it feels like there is so much at stake, and there is a lot of anxiety about the upcoming election. During an election, every candidate feels she or he is the best choice, or they would not be running for office. Revive your people Lord. Thank you for president Trump and his family, thank you for justice and peace through our election process. Election-Related Rosary Meditations. Verse 31 gives Pauls two prayer requests: (1) that I may be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea, and (2) that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints. So he had two concerns: (1) that the non-Christians in Judea would kill him and end his ministry; (2) that the Christians would find fault with his ministry. Because it's really easy to avoid the Bible's commands to pray for the men and women who work in politics and government, Center for Christian Civics hosts bi-weekly opportunities to join us in prayer via phone.On last week's conference call, prayer was led by Stephanie Summers, CEO of the Center for Public Justice, an independent Christian think tank working on non-partisan solutions to policy problems. You can learn more about CPJ's work on their website or on their blog. 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign, 25 Types Of People Who Destroy Your Happiness, How to Stay Away from Toxic People: 51+ Proven Ways, 19 Habits Of Unhappy People That You Should Not Cultivate, 101+ Positive Affirmations for an Extrovert, Dreaming Of Colors: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of Microwave: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of A Toilet: 55+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of a Skunk: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming About The End Of The World: 50+ Meanings. Amen and amen ! This is the eighth of thirteen issues selected by our members and resulting froma nationwide faith and values study called Vital Signs.Each week, we will cover a new topic with in-depth insights and biblical perspective in order to encourage, equip, and inspirepraying Americans leading up to the 2020 Election. We declare there will be peaceful transition and your army of angels have already been dispatched around the White House and Washington DC. We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Ahead of Election Day, a record 244,000 early vote were cast. Thus, I pray that you kindly provide the prospective candidates of respective parties with the opportunity to organize a successful election campaign where they can showcase their good works to gain the confidence of the common people. Pray that we would see each other through Jesus eyes. Blessings of peace to you and yours. Amen. Please keep our country healthy during this season. Lord Jesus, please suppress the efforts of the evil one working behind the scenes to destroy this one nation under God. Thank you for all that you do for helping us, as believers, to be able to intercede together. Father in heaven, as we approach this election on Tuesday, I pray 1) that your people will vote, 2) and that they will vote with a sense of thankfulness for a democratic WE HAVE PRAYEDWE SPOKE OUR PIECE TO PEACEWE VOTEWE LEAVE OUR SEEDS OF PRAYER, SPOKEN WORDS AND YES, EVEN OUR VOTE IN THE GROUND AND WALK IN PEACE, TRUSTING IN OUR GOD, KNOWING THAT HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US. The problem as noted by Attorney General William Barr in a recent New York Times Magazine interview is the potential for fraud. They included Kris How to Win an Election Let America be an example of Your Kingdom on Earth. Use these prayers as a way to turn election season from one of conflict, anxiety, and fear to one of growing closer to God, loving your brothers and sisters in Christ better, and focusing on voting as the Spirit leads, rather than by earthly concerns. May these Scriptures for election day calm your anxieties and help you rest in God's peace. Amen. Prayer Thus I pray that you kindly help the respective parties to host a successful election campaign without any riots or violence, and may they be able to host a peaceful campaign where the candidates can represent the plans and ideologies of the party. Peace Isaiah 26:3 (ESV), You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.. We pray for justice and righteousness in this land. He is the RIGHTEOUS WAYWE WILL CONTINUE TO WALK THEREIN. Election Yet in all things Christ is good. May you bring to the light for your Namesake, as you have appointed this nation to be a beacon of light to the nations of the world. If someone signs up 100 voters to pledge themselves to vote or to agree with your bigger purpose, they get a new level. God cares for the marginalized members of society and calls His people to assist them. In Jesus name I pray, amen. OH YOU ARE A GOOD GOOD FATHER THE EVERLASTING GOOD FATHERYAYAYAYAYAY JESUS MIGHTY LIBERATOR WHOS WORK ON EARTH FOR ALL MANKIND IS STILL WORKING TO OUR GOOD\o/ let us stir up His Gift of joy and Holy Spirit VictoryNO FEAR HAVE FAITH IN GOD FOR HIS PROMISES COME WITH HIS OWN YES AND HIS OWN AMEN SO BE IT FINISHED ATTATCHED. Analysis. King of King and Lord of Lords May other Nations look upon America and see LOVE FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. Grow love for our brothers and sisters in Christ, even if they vote for a different party in this election, because we will spend eternity worshipping You, and this election only matters during this earthly existence. May His will be done in these elections and may the plans of His enemies set on causing destruction, be brought to nought. If I write this article, will I be on Sydneys bad list? IN HIM UNTIL THE VERY END THERE IS ALWAYS VICTORY\o/ wooohoooo ALL PRAISES TO YOU LORD OUR GREAT GOD THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS THE TRUMP IS IN YOUR HANDS AS THE INSTRUMENT TO DO YOUR BID AND CALL!! Last year the State of Washingtons Supreme Court upheld three $1,000 fines against Democratic electors who cast their ballots for Colin Powell rather than Hillary Clinton, the winner of their state election. Required fields are marked *. Expose them! Amen. Your perfect Shalom that surpasses all understanding. You know the end from the beginning and we can fully trust You all along the way in the middle till we come to the very end. Let your people go to the promised land so we can freely spread the gospel and do the great commission for the Kingdom of God. Let us give thanks to God, saying, we thank you, Lord'.

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