Though she prefers the n Perci Jackson may be a daughter of Poseidon but she has the wits that rival Athena's children, agility that may surpass the hunters and dazzling looks that can kill you spoiler alert: Damn his zero resistance toward his husbands pouting, even after seven and a half years of dating, six months of being fiancs, and three years of being husbands. Luke carefully shuffled forwards and Poseidon reluctantly released Percy into Luke's embrace. She jumped in. What the fuck happened? It's okay. He stands before you now actually just like he promised. P A U S E Lukercy (Luke/Percy) slash and eventual mpreg. Suddenly a flash of light blinded the Olympians and all the demigods present, and we all felt a powerful and ancient presence in the room. "Well, that does it," said Zeus with a grin on his face, happy to get rid of his least favorite demigod. "But you're. Wha? The Sea Prince was betrayed by his friends and girlfriend. Meet Sapphire Perseus Jackson, the first demigod daughter of Poseidon. We'd basically gotten married. Orion and Hyperion were worse. "It means Jackson," Kronos said weakly, "Poseidon, on order by Zeus, has disowned you and cut all blood links to you. Neither did Percy. With the choice between the gods and Kronos, he settles on a third option he didn't know he had. Then he hugged me. "You don't want it?" ), Sixteen (bonus chapter birthday gift final part). And to do that, I need you. I still sucked at archery though. He saved their lives constantly not demanding any reward for it other than to help others. Torture of Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) - Rosey - Wattpad tablet einrichten fr senioren. But, I need Luke.". When the Olympians agree to kill the Big three's Greek children because of a call from the future, Percy, Nico and Thalia run away to survive. You Olympians are guilty of so many deaths they are uncountable! He yelled, "Yo, Annabeth. Who cares!!! The same guy I had my first kiss with when I was twelve. I pick her up and walk outside. Yet, when anyone else came up he would act like an angel. Day 7 of the "Percico Positivity Project"; prompt - Superhero. Five times that Luke and Percy worked on a wedding together, and one time they got to work on their own wedding. all bottom Percy. He wouldn't." I wrapped her in my arms. Don't you think? I turned back towards my old room, "Goodbye Hell." by. Now you might be wondering, Percy, why didnt you fight the mortals? Now you might be asking "how do you find hell boring?" "We could just banish him to Tartarus," Dionysus suggested. No matter how much Percy tried, Luke didn't let him up. Work Search: The demigods stood mouths agape at the new information. I looked at Annabeth. yorba linda football maxpreps; . I on the other hand had gone to seek revenge on Hyperion. Thalia Grace has been tasked with escorting a war criminal, post-mortem exhumed of all of his crimes, to the one man who will deliver his judgement and final punishment.The man who saved Olympus through a stupid decision that Thalia still curses daily.Her cousin, Percy Jackson. "Wait what!" percy jackson kidnapped by luke fanfiction lemon. I'd just been walking down the street, minding my own business, when a car pulled over right beside me. Luke's personal cell phone rings during school hours. After Percy ran away from her abusive stepfather, she meets Luke and Thalia and they become companions. I'll just kidnap her so that he won't be able to take her away. Finally, a few minutes of staring, gaping, and shock later, Percy had stopped crying enough to say a few words. Mad at Camp Half-Blood. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Annabeth is tired. He will surely make Elysium. "Annabeth! "He only wants to see you." "Percy, Grover told me that Mr. D needs you." Luke said. Percy is now tasked with caring for a younger sister and trying to figure out what happened to Luke in the past ten years of his absence and how he'll deal with everything Luke has done to him. He's gone. Luke this is Percy! The bed is cold and so is Luke. Todo lo que respecta al universo de Percy Jackson no me pertenece, Crditos a Rick Riordan. many aus and headcannons. What more do you want?! I smiled and we went to go sit next to the Lake. I take a syringe and aim it at her neck. #percabeth I am unable to heal myself and have begun to fade. While her friend, her Cousin, was being hurt in unimaginable ways, they were relaxed and training, just going about their day! Not only did that mean they could find me at all times, it also meant that I always had to stay within 500 feet of Luke. He wants her to love him, but she wants to go back to the Hunters. All of the campers, Romans, and even the Hunters had attended, and watched as Annabeth's shroud was burned. Did you get my text?" I looked at him, puzzled. &quo A fanfic between Luke And Percy Luke carefully shuffled forwards and Poseidon reluctantly released Percy into Luke's embrace. Kronos stood. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (8), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (8), Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase Needs a Hug (Percy Jackson), Annabeth Chase is a Good Friend (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, Protective Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson) & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Cassandra/Iphigenia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Cassandra (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Iphigenia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ajax the Lesser son of Oileus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Sally recruits a whole bunch of people to find her missing kid, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, but he can save himself thank you very much. shouted Ares, "four of my children were killed!". Hey! - Unknown. I canI can", "Have an abortion? to lose half of you in secret is not an easy thing. The fourth is Annabeth's, then it's back to Percy again. I accept requests (in Dms), and will try to update regularly. Aosh Hatchi's Guide to Writing Fan Fiction, The Quater-Blood Chronicles: Prologue- How Percy Got Annabeth Pregnant. It does not matter when. Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson) Consensual Kidnapping Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Fluff Percy Jackson Has A Crush On Luke Castellan Luke takes Percy away from Camp Half-Blood. The driver forced me into the car, gave me some kind of drug to put me to sleep (I still remembered the needle being jabbed into my arm), and drove away. I was in love with the guy who kidnapped me. Percy gets kidnapped. We are doomed." What if Percy had been born a girl? It's sometimes a necklace, sometimes swinging around his wrist in a flash of silver. One-shot. This is a semi #luke I was to be put on trial, as the majority of the deaths were caused by me unleashing my full power in uncontainable rage. Therefore, I, Kronos, Lord of Time and the Harvest, relinquis my titles and give them to Perseus Jackson whom I adopt as my heir and bestow upon him my remaining immortal essence.". After Percy was banished, Olympus celebrated. Once upon a time there was a boy. I checked her pulse. Yes. Percy spread his legs so his stepfather got his head in between them. #LUKERCY. Sally opens the door to her son, tired eyes and all, and pulls him in for a hug. Then the man licked the pulsing entrance and pushed his tongue inside to get a taste of the Anemoi's cum mixed with his stepson's ass juices. Zeus, Hera, Dionysus, Ares, Athena, Demeter, Aphrodite, andmy father! 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. I waited for my father to defend me, but he didn't instead Apollo did. #percyjacksonandtheolympians The Piercer alone killed about half of the Hunters and stabbed Artemis in the leg before he was finally taken down by Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Athena, and Hesphaestus. Starts with Percy/Luke high school and will go through Percy's college and young adult life in different pairings, what he learns about himself and how his life changes. Well this boy's mother was murdered. Sally opens the door to her son, tired eyes and all, and pulls him in for a hug. "L-L-Luke?!". But then the dark pit rises and looks forward to have Percy on his side in the fight and revenge for the Giant War. "The boy must die!" He looked up and saw me, smiling. There's a monster in Percy's bed and Percy loves him. This is simply fanf What if Luke didn't go to Annabeth? Definetly a story about dark Percy, but with a storyline loyal to his character. After High School, Percy moved to Canada to attend college. I'm sorry it took so long to get this out, I've just been really busy. Its not a chapter?! He ran and hugged me close. He's not going to hurt you now. "Real love doesn't meet you at your best. "No! Percy and I came a long way. Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. To escape his choices of whether or not to join Kronos, Luke often sits out by the lake at Camp Half Blood. He failed injuring some people near by accidentall. mOst of it iS luKercy and another ship which you can find out on ur owN. . Percy took my hand. Failure of Olympus!" CADCADWord . My daughter. Luke this is Percy! Grover was at the entrance of camp. Why won't you listen to me?" I shook her. a dark voice yelled, "You have banished a hero who has saved you countless times. "Of course, love," he replied while handing Cassandra to me. Come Back! " Percy, this is Luke!" They shook hands. Seven, the Greeks and Romans were meeting at Camp-Half-Blood for their yearly get together. I kissed her. How do I do that. I laid Annabeth on the grass. " I turned to go with Percy when Luke grabbed my arm. Percy instantly got up and pulled out Anasklusmos "What do you want Annabeth?" He growled at her not making her even flinch. He's joined by old friends and some people he hasn't talked to in years, like Annabeth. "Ok. Ok. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I slip inside and head to her bed. Jun 2022 24. I was sure he'd want to know, but still. Zeus pondered on this for a moment then said, "I agree, he should die.". He handed me his scythe and was gone and ceased to exist. "We don't want any trouble. Me and Percy are 23 now. Out of one came someone familliar, it was Tartarus himself just human sized. Yes I admit it. Alright guys, thanks for being patient. "Absolutely." Tears of joy. I looked at Annabeth, she was unconscious and very pale, I began doing CPR. Yes? Percy hissed as blood welled out, and he glared at Luke. Go Annabeth!!!" The ambush was led by Hyperion, who had reformed despite his apparent death by Tartarus, and a squad of around thirty monsters. I screamed, jumping off the bed. "Percy. In which there are chickens, goats, and gods, not necessarily in that order. Luke sighs in sweet, sweet relief when it finally uploads, the little submission button on the website finally,finally showing full marks done. Can't you see that that will not happen anytime soon?" They can't wait a day can they. It wasnt Percys first time getting kidnapped, but it was the first time it wasnt related to godly matters. Awake. The Son of the Titan of Time is sent to go to Camp Half-Blood to learn more about the gods and demigods so that the Titans can finally rule over the Earth. Get your dirty hands off of me!" But Sea Hero here always has to take her away. It's up to Percy and the rest of the 7 plus #fanfic Two person bitching about their beusthat's it I'm bad at summary. "Bianca. Fighting Ares, his . "After what you've done, I can't say I'm happy. Thalia was kidnapped by Luke. Especially not our child." Luke looked up at me and frowned, still holding our baby. "He only wants to see you ." Luke spat. It was Kronos. "You're not going anywhere." Please note that this WILL be Lukercy(Puke, Perluke, etc.). We have arrived." I hugged him. 0. Not your father nor anyone else will be able to stop me.". But then the dark pit rises and looks forward to have Percy on his side in the fight and revenge for the Giant War. We can have as many children as you want.". Natasha Romanov isn't paid enough for this. They were the same Vrykolakas minions I'd seen a year and four months ago when I was captured by Luke on my wedding day. Percy was so kind, sweet, caring, and the most loyal person to ever live on this planet!!! I missed camp. And I was bored. #percabethfanfiction "Hello, Annabeth. - JS Park. In an unexpected turn of events though, he is reunited with an old friend from school, who happens to be one the youngest and richest architects in known history. Things only get complicated when Kronos, definitely not harmless and not the least bit friendly supervillain, forces Nico's two worlds to clash As the sequel to "Percy in Paradise", this twists 'The Lost Hero' to fit with the previously made changes. I groaned. Nico is angry. Thalia was mad. "Ok, C'mon Annabeth. " "LUKE!!!!" P.S. Four months later, I went into labor. Rated M for a reason! P.S. I grabbed Percys sword off the nightstand and went toward the door, forgetting everything else. YeahI got tagged again. I swear this on the River Styx and Chaos himself. Luke laughed, taking her back. Also, this story is coming close to an end soon. Percy blocked both easily, and he retreated, letting Luke advance. I WILL UPDATE SOON DONT WORRY, I JUST WANT YOU OPINION ON SOMETHING. Your normal Chaos fic. Percy was offered a position by chaos to be the commander of his army. I was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips." tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". If you want I'll change it to Lukercy

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