It is like a cosmic eraser that erases the effects, the memory, and the cause of sin in our lives. The Violet Flame is an energy of transmutation. One thing you might want to look at is the throat chakra since you had issues with the area which may be issues with communication, trust, and speaking your Truth. Think of a problem that youve recently discovered and would like to focus on. I am interested in what you are doing with the violet flame in Canada? The Theosophists believe that human beings go through different spiritual development levels as they reincarnate. Think of electricity there has to be balance so negative and positive cancels each other out. Try saying to your body when you have an ache You are nothing, you are nothing, stand down you have no power. For sure get things checked out but do not let your attention keep on the problem as energy flows where your attention goes and makes things worse! If the Violet Flame caused the tightness it is part of the transmutation and releasing old, stock, blocked energies in your body that is dense caused by your beliefs in the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil rather than Tree of Life that is Perfection. So you could in this dream feel the energy which means you were consciousness not unconsciousess? Always rememberthat those who fall in the swamp may come up covered with mud; for the quicksands of life, by their very nature, always seek to drag man down. When one's pursuit of science becomes tainted by a materialism and ignorance of God's laws, then the green of the aura no longer reflects the pure emerald hue of the stone by that name, but it becomes muddiedan olive drab, even a brownish green. But man can and does escape these conditions, overcoming through the same glorious victory that brings forth the lotus in the swamplands of life.I want you to understand, then, that by a simple act of invoking the light of the Christ consciousness, man can overcome the ugly chartreuse green of jealousy and resentment, the muddied yellow of selfish intellectualism, the crimson reds of passion, and even the almost violet-black attempts of self-righteous justification. Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation. Keep this visualization in your head while reciting the decree. For example, any time we lose our temper, get annoyed, or spend our time judging others, we are negatively qualifying that energy. The name of God, I AM That I AM, as taught to Moses, is the key to manifestation. Some experienced the secret flame itself, and some knew of it as the power of Gods mercy to change hearts and the world around them. Denise Kane 61 Paperback 13 offers from $3.27 Editorial Reviews About the Author Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. Does Kuthumi teach that the aura is an extension of the self. The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. I said it might be Michael and I checked my pendulum later it said yes! First who was the person in the room telling you to look at your power? The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. "I AM a ray of God on the seventh ray, I AM saturated with the violet light, my . The color violet-ray has the highest vibrational frequencies that stimulate spiritual growth and has ties to transformation. I do feel loved and safe with this wonderful gift and know that I will eventually come to grips with this. BONUS: Additional resources about the violet flame. . A common one starts with I AM meaning God is in me.. You can add the violet flame to your daily prayers or meditations, whatever they are. . I remember thinking Okay, this is actually real, but what is my power?. Thank you for the Great Work the Summit Lighthouse is doing to spread the Light to the world. By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us. Hi Paula thanks for sharing that Mark Prophet also studied the Kriya Yoga technique! Heaven has a just in time delivery system. We face intense challenges so we are given the miracle of the violet flame to help us transmute the past and to create a new world. Much like our spiritual paths, fire can be dangerous, but also an agent of change and rebirth in a new form. It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. As you practice directing the violet flame to help others, you can begin to think of your aura as a violet-flame fountain where all whom you meet can come and drink. I almost didnt, because I been so many times. Listen to your Souls calling. The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! Knowing about the violet flame and feeling the energy of the violet flame are two different things. ~good Vibes~ For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. How to Use the Violet Flame in 9 Steps - The Summit Lighthouse Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now You can give violet-flame decrees anywhere, anytimein your car, while doing chores or before going to bed. I stopped doing everythingand yet the numbers appear. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. When it is not misqualified by the human sense of possessiveness, attachment or inordinate desire, it produces within the aura a billowing cloud of pink energy, denoting that the individual is infused with an awareness of God as love. The violet flame does not simply surround and remove debris; it transforms it into pure light energy. Are you a spiritual traveler? While it's engaged in battle, its mountain of coal will burn bright red, sending off sparks that scorch the surrounding area. The Violet Flame - Wikipedia We are usually aware when we are in the presence of someone who is holy, and often we have a warning when we are in the presence of someone who is dangerous. I went to see my dentist who is very Holistic. Like they were more experienced. All Rights Reserved. All you need is a peaceful and quiet place to say some prayers to invoke the light. A poweful and effective affirmation when you experience a negative thought .I AM invoking the violet flame to transmute anything less than Love and Light f. This indicates that although we may not have mastered the science and art of reading the aura, the God within us is aware of the God within others and the uses or misuses of that consciousness by individuals. As you give it, visualize the dazzling white light from yourI AM Presence, the Presence of God above you, forming an impenetrable wall of light around you. the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. It comes as blessings, it comes as lessons for us to learn to do better, and as opportunity to make things right. Hi Rita before doing this violet flame I have been Yoganandas devotee for 19 years doing his Kriya Yoga technique and doing my spiritual psychological work and I now have very little issues as they have been cleared and worked on. it was so real. Such stress would produce a muddying of the violet light of the aura as well as explosions, perhaps, of great energies of fear recorded as brown, black and gray substance. And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma . Before you begin your decrees, give a prayer, or invocation, asking the Ascended Masters, angels and elementals to come and help you. One step begins the trek of a thousand miles. After 30 days, see what transformative changes happened in your life. I hope to explore these ethereal retreats in the coming months. In the hermetic traditions of Egypt and Greece, colored stones, minerals, and crystals were used in chromotherapy, also known as color therapy. I AM the purity God desires!. Apologies for late response! The negativity in this world is very thick and I see we all need to be doing these decrees and talking to the angels daily if not every second no time to waste! Start repeating the same mantra you used to enter the meditation to close your meditation (in my case its OM MANI PADME HUM.). The Violet Flame is a form of Spiritual Fire (invisible spiritual energy) that is unbelievably powerful for transmuting lower energies, bringing healing and accelerating spiritual growth and development. Think of it: If you can set free energy that was locked in place by a negative thought or feeling, are you not going back and changing the past? The Violet Flame is here to assist the energetic transition of Gaia and humanity into the fifth dimension of consciousness and higher. Sometimes I hear loud buzzing noises and feel indescribable intense fear. Something felt wrong about it. Anger indicates that youve become your story.fear indicates that you are living in the future. Ever walk into a room where people are, The Wonderman of Europe Father of World Freedom and the Aquarian Age The idea of the Spiritual Brotherhood, The Call Compels the Answer! The Violet Flame's Healing Energy - Exemplore As you repeat the decree, notice if you feel more loving and spacious. It's usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines enrages it. Spiritual Healing - Various Spiritual Healing Methods, How to Get Spiritual Power Through Meditation. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. I came to the conclusion it might be TMJ as it can have a host of symptoms. I finally found a way to do my part of service to the planet and all of her beings by sending waves and waves of violet fire to mother earth and her beings. The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages we carry, and it makes use of two important tools: the healing properties of color and sound. I am fast when i decree the mantra & I hope its OK. Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. Im healing. I practice Spiritual Psychologyif you would like to share your issues; e-mail me at or 705-515-1000 or look up my websitemost of the info that might assist you is listed. Saint Germain was an ascended master, a legendary Theosophical spiritual leader, and the Chohan of the violet flame. Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? The violet flame is the seventh-ray of the fire of God, and. Hama, the bloodbender from the Southern Water Tribe, escaped her imprisonment and moved to the small village in the Fire Nation. NT$ 7,250. Those who have green in the aura are devoted to science and to the practical application of that science. Slowly recite: I AM a being of violet fire! The Violet Flame is a Gift on this planet from Ascended Master Saint Germaine. Let me know if you would like to talk or email each other. But there is a different power that comes as you gradually increase the speed and raise the pitch of the decree. This will gently open your heart center. However, the emission spectrum may not have significant spectral lines in the human eye visible range and that would require some checking on your part. If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. Right now I am experience a lot of pain in my ribcage and my pendulum says it is not physical but spiritual and it started with Christies course and has gotten worse. Thank you, I am so glad my team of spirit guides, and guardian angels, etc, helped steer me to find this page. A few of the classic books by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Violet Flame, Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul and Prophesy for a New Millennium, are available for free on this site to help you accelerate your spiritual path. This interaction sets up an oscillation, a vibration that dislodges the density. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. . Fire has been a source of light, heat, and protection since the beginning of our time. Of all colors, violet has one of the highest vibrational frequencies. This Violet Flame materialized through the 4th dimensional energy into my space and made its way into my third eye. Although this is a theoretically possible explanation for spontaneous human. The violet flame can alter, mitigate or entirely turn back prophecy. Imagine the memory being saturated with the violet flame until the form disappears. It also denotes mastery of the throat chakra in the spoken Word. I have been doing Ascended Master Yoganandas Kriya Yoga for 19 years and already one with Divine Mother in the sense of feeling Her or the delicious I am presence every day and that I live for. It revitalizes and invigorates our bodies and changes negative energy into positive energy. I think it would help you to read the initial books in which the teachings on the violet transmuting flame and also on each ones individual divine presence were first introduced to seekers. I bless you all with Pure Love, Light and Om Source purifying energy and the violet flame transmuting power! What is Violet Flame Healing? Everything You Must Know Was the energy positive, peaceful and loving? If you are just beginning to study and practice the violet flame, there is a 30 day introductory series called the Violet Flame Challenge on this site: Take the Violet Flame Challenge. Elementals who represent the fire element are called salamanders; those who represent the air element, sylphs; those who represent the water element, undines; those who represent the earth element, gnomes. Visualize at the center of your being, a sphere radiating flames of white light. I believe the Master, and violet ray which is an intelligent energy, were connecting with you in a powerful way. I stopped everything, meditation, VF.I thought may its to much. Do you make anything of this? Went to Chiropractors, Osteopath, doctors.many was awful . I thought it was an awakening. She is the author of hundreds of popular articles, as well as numerous books and journals on the topics of Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, and more. I hope you will know the joy of becoming one of the thousands of people all over the world who have transformed their lives with this miracle solventthe highest gift of God to the universe. The aura always reflects whether man is maintaining the crystal-clear stream of God's consciousness released through the seven chakras or whether he is misqualifying that energy and thereby producing a muddied stream. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. Check and follow our social media accounts to get updated with our recent posts. Those who have pure emerald green within the aura are healers, and through them and through their chakras flow the healing currents of the Elohim and of the cosmos. The Violet Flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of heavenly alchemy, and a special spiritual solution for our time. Sometimes it helps to imagine this debris as chunks of wood or chunks of tarry substance breaking off from your electronic belt and crackling in the flame. I have started to pass on information from Summit house of the decrees and spreading the word of this powerful spiritual tool. Has anyone doing the violet flame experience that? You are also connecting to your own I AM PResence above you and in you and your I AM Presence will bring to you those experiences you need to evolve at this time. If youd like to harness the power of the violet flame for yourself, you can do so with a simple visualized meditation. But they are a command for the will of God to be manifest. Not only does the violet flame dissolve your own karma, but it can also dissolve group or planetary karma that comes from such things as wars or accumulated injustices. The most dangerous flame would be the most toxic. Violet Flame - What Is It and How Does It Work? - The Summit Lighthouse In fact, this type of fire goes back to biblical times. [Read More]. I went to the doctor for a year with various tests and the main thing they came up with was HPylori and only options was Pharma. Poor lighting, dust, untidiness and stale air impede the flow of spiritual energy. One thing about Violet Flame for them to be effective you have to have faith they really work to clear wrong energies and you cant keep letting that inner outerself self talk when appearances of aches and limitations come to turn your thoughts to the negative as this cancels the benefits you get from the decree. What is the Second Chakra and How Can It Help Me? Every day I give my heartfelt thanks to Saint Germaine , ArchAngel Michael and the violet flame.for giving me tools to rise my vibration , rise above the darkness and help others. I was standing in a small room with a small window. Since you have fear when you started to notice the tightening in your neck you have to do a lot of work on fear and your beliefs about that and fear is an indication you need work on your Heart Chakra as fear is the opposite of love! It can be used for different purposes such as healing physical, emotional problems and improves relationships. While youre visualizing your violet flame and repeating your decree, hold your hands up in front of you with your palms facing outwards as if the problem were in front of you. The positive energy of the violet fire helps you recover from the ill effects of negativity. Hi! Free shipping for many products! This happens on a group level too, in communities, countries and the world. Previously, only those in the spiritual retreats knew of the violet flame. May your journey with the Ascended Masters be an adventure as life was meant to be! I want to get to the Christ STate of Being where there is no more suffering and stay there for eternity! "I AM a being a violet fire" - that means it is the nature of our being! The Masters teach that when you pray and draw more light into your aura, darkness is drawn to it, as if by a magnet. There are certain characteristics that we read in one another at these levels of consciousness that can tell us much about a person before we even know him. I found the 30 day challenge most uplifting and enriching. I am eternally grateful! I have used violet flame with little knowledge about it. It is up to us to forgive, let go, but most and foremost to forgive ourselves before we can forgive others.. We can make this contact through meditation upon the Buddha or the Christ, both of whom have given us the key to unlocking the crown chakra, which is the yellow center. This is indeed a great gift that is given to us by Saint Germain.

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