Configuring VLANs Figure 9-3 Example of VLAN Propagation Using GVRP Switch 3 Switch 2 R 2D 1 3 1 D R Switch 1 1 R 2 End Station A D 3 D 1 R D Switch 4 1 R Switch 5 R = Port registered as a member of VLAN Blue = Port declaring VLAN Blue VLANpropagation GVMP Note: If a port is set to forbidden for the egress list of a VLAN, then the VLANs egress list will not be dynamically updated with that port. Optionally, set the interface used for the source IP address of the TACACS+ packets generated by the switch. Setting target addresses to control where SNMP notifications are sent 6. C5(su)save config Saving Configuration to stacking members Configuration saved C5(su)-> 2. Terms and Definitions Table 9-3 VLAN Terms and Definitions (continued) Term Definition Forwarding List A list of the ports on a particular device that are eligible to transmit frames for a selected VLAN. Figure 3-2 Sample CLI Defaults Description Syntax show port status [port-string] Defaults If port-string is not specified, status information for all ports will be displayed. Setting TFTP Parameters You can configure some of the settings used by the switch during data transfers using TFTP. PoE is not supported on the I-Series switches. On all switching devices, the default Spanning Tree version is set to MSTP (802.1s) mode. Terms and Definitions 20-12 IP Configuration. Display the current password settings. . Enabling IGMP on the device and on the VLANs. remote access ssh and telnet switches - Cisco Community Implementing VLANs building has its own internal network. Downloading New Firmware Enterasys C5 Command Line Interface Enterasys Networks, Inc. 50 Minuteman Rd. For information about upgrading firmware on a new stack, refer to Configuring a Stack of New Switches on page 1-8. Table 11-5 describes how to display link aggregation information and statistics. Resolution of incidents of 2nd level. A6500-RC EMERSON16-Channel Output Relay, EMERSON, ACS880 frame size R8i inverter modules can be connected to the drive DC bus through a disconnector (or fuse-switch). Using the Command Line Interface Note: At the end of the lookup display, the system will repeat the command you entered without the ?. area area-id virtual-link router-id Refer to Configuring Area Virtual-Links on page 22-12 for more information. Managing Switch Configuration and Files Using an I-Series Memory Card The I3H-4FX-MEM and I3H-6TX-MEM IOMs provide a memory card slot where a small, separately-purchased memory card (I3H-MEM) may be inserted. Table 25-3 Setting Routing General Parameters Task Command(s) Enable or disable IPv6 forwarding. Specification Guide (English) Quick Setup Guide (English) User Manual (English) Installation Instruction (English) DFE (PLATINUM) WITH 60 10 100 1000BASE-T 7G4202-60 Basic OSPF Topology Configuration Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip ospf areaid Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip ospf enable Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#exit Router 2 CLI Input Router 2(su)->router(Config)#interface vlan 1 Router 2(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip ospf priority 10 Router 2(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip ospf areaid 0.0.0. Display the access entity index values. Procedure 5-1 Creating a New Read-Write or Read-Only User Account Step Task Command(s) 1. This overrides the specified timeout variable: set spantree spanguardlock port-string Monitoring SpanGuard Status and Settings Use the commands in Table 15-9 to review SpanGuard status and settings. This setting is useful for configuring more complex VLAN traffic patterns, without forcing the switch to flood the unicast traffic in each direction. engine ID A value used by both the SNMPv3 sender and receiver to propagate inform notifications. Configuring DVMRP System(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#exit System(su)->router(Config)#interface vlan 2 System(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 2))#ip igmp enable System(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 2))#exit IGMP Display Commands Table 19-5 lists Layer 2 IGMP show commands for Enterasys stackable and standalone devices. 0 advertisement address IP destination address for advertisements. If there is still a tie, these ports are connected via a shared medium. Chapter 23, Configuring VRRP Configure IPv6 Chapter 25, Configuring and Managing IPv6 Security and General Management Configure Access Control Lists (ACLs). Table 20-3 show ip ospf database Output Details. Router 4 is configured as an ASBR connected to a RIP autonomous system. (Telnet client is enabled by default.) This value should be the minimum of the default prune lifetime (randomized to prevent synchronization) and the remaining prune lifetimes of the downstream neighbors. Using Multicast in Your Network Table 19-1 PIM-SM Message Types (continued) Message Type Description Join/Prune (J/P) These messages contain information on group membership received from downstream routers. STP Operation Figure 15-3 Multiple Spanning Tree Overview Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) ROOT Bridge MST Region MSTCentral MST Region Root S1 Root Non-Regional Bridge KEY: CIST Region SID 0 SID 1 Blocked Port SID 0 is the default Spanning Tree and interconnects all bridges to the Root Bridge. This document presents policy configuration from the perspective of the Fixed Switch CLI. MultiAuth idle-timeout Specifies the period length for which no traffic is received before a MultiAuth session is set to idle. Examples 17-18 Chapter 18: Configuring Network Monitoring Basic Network Monitoring Features .. 18-1 Console/Telnet History Buffer . Chapter 20: IP Configuration Enabling the Switch for Routing . 20-1 Router Configuration Modes 20-1 Entering Router Configuration Modes . 20-2 Example Configuring Area Virtual-Link Authentication . 22-14 Configuring Area Virtual-Link Timers. 22-14 Configuring Route Redistribution 22-14 Configuring Passive Interfaces .. Extended IPv4 ACL Configuration .. 24-12 MAC ACL Configuration .. 24-13 Chapter 25: Configuring and Managing IPv6 Managing IPv6 . Disabling and Enabling Ports .. 26-9 MAC Locking Defaults . 26-9 MAC Locking Configuration .. 26-10 TACACS+ .. 11-3 13-1 13-2 13-3 14-1 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 16-1 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 23-1 23-2 23-3 25-1 Link Aggregation Example.. 11-12 Communication between LLDP-enabled Devices . 13-3 LLDP-MED .. 4-7 4-8 5-1 6-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 9-1 9-2 9-3 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 xx Default DHCP Server Parameters . 4-20 Configuring Pool Parameters 16-6 17-1 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 20-1 20-2 20-3 21-1 21-2 21-3 22-1 22-2 23-1 23-2 24-1 25-1 25-2 25-3 25-4 25-5 25-6 26-1 26-2 26-3 26-4 26-5 26-6 26-7 26-8 26-9 26-10 26-11 26-12 26-13 26-14 Policy Configuration Terms and Definitions 16-18 CoS Configuration Terminology About This Guide This guide provides basic configuration information for the Enterasys Networks Fixed Switch platforms using the Command Line Interface (CLI0, including procedures and code examples. Configuring RIP on page 21-1 Configure OSPFv2. Use this command to manually unlock a port that was locked by the SpanGuard function. Basic Initial Enterasys Switch Configuration - Virtualization Howto Configuring ICMP Redirects This example shows how to enable IP directed broadcasts on VLAN 1 and have all client DHCP requests for users in VLAN 1 to be forwarded to the remote DHCP server with IP address C5(su)->router(Config)#interface vlan 1 C5(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip directed-broadcast C5(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip forward-protocol udp C5(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip helper-address 192.168.1. Procedure 5-4 Configuring Management Authentication Notification MIB Settings Step Task Command(s) 1. In the shared LAN example it may take over as designated port if the original designated port is disabled. VLAN authorization egress format Determines whether dynamic VLAN tagging will be none, tagged, untagged, or dynamic for an egress frame. ACL Configuration Overview Creating ACL Rules ACL rules define the basis upon which a hit will take place for the ACL. If Router R1 should become unavailable, Router R2 would take over virtual router VRID 1 and its associated IP addresses. ARP requests are flooded in the VLAN. Note: The Cisco Discovery Protocol must be globally enabled using the set ciscodp status command before operational status can be set on individual ports. IPv6 Routing Configuration Neighbor Discovery is the IPv6 replacement for ARP. Policy Configuration Overview QoS configuration details are beyond the scope of this chapter. Table 24-1 Output of show ipv6 dhcp interface Command. Configuring IPv4 ACLs Procedure 24-1 describes how to configure IPv4 standard and extended ACLs. If it is not, then the sending device proceeds no further. Stand Alone (SSA) Switch - FCC ID Terms and Definitions Table 15-11 Spanning Tree Terms and Definitions (continued) Term Definition Max age Maximum time (in seconds) the bridge can wait without receiving a configuration message (bridge hello) before attempting to reconfigure. A value of 0 means that two consecutive SPF calculations are performed one immediately after the other. Managing the Firmware Image Setting the Boot Firmware Use the show boot system command to display the image file currently configured to be loaded at startup. DHCP snooping forwards valid DHCP client messages received on non-routing VLANs. IP packets are not encapsulated in any further protocol headers as they transit the Autonomous System (AS). 1.2 IP phone ge. Hopefully the commands above will help anyone get up to speed quickly out of the box in getting basic configuration and connection variables setup. 2. ThiscommanddisplaysIPv6NeighborCacheinformation. Ports 1 through 5 on the switch unit 4 are configured as egress ports for the VLANs while ports 8 through 10 on the switch unit 5 are configured as ingress ports that will do the policy classification. SNMP Support on Enterasys Switches Versions Supported Enterasys devices support three versions of SNMP: Version 1 (SNMPv1) This is the initial implementation of SNMP. Ports used to authenticate and authorize supplicants utilize access entities that maintain entity state, counters, and statistics for an individual supplicant. There are a couple of restrictions on the use of stub areas. C5(su)->router# Debug network issues with ping and traceroute Global Configuration Mode Set system-wide router parameters. Counters are only added to the datagram if the sources are within a short period, 5 seconds say, of failing to meet the required sampling interval. Port Configuration Overview Table 8-1 Displaying Port Status Task Command Display whether or not one or more ports are enabled for switching. vlanvlanid (Optional)SpecifiestheinterfaceforwhichtoclearDHCPv6statistics. All operational ports which are not root, alternate or backup are designated ports. Configuring Node Aliases 4-28 System Configuration. Policy profile number 1 is created that enables PVID override and defines the default behavior (classify to VLAN 3) if none of the classification rules created for the profile are matched. Troubleshooting em equipamentos ativos da Rede SIEMENS para VOIP como 3COM, Cisco, Extreme, Foundry, Enterasys (Cabletron) (Routers e Switch's Level 2 e 3. Version 2 (SNMPv2c) The second release of SNMP, described in RFC 1907, has additions and enhancements to data types, counter size, and protocol operations. Note Do not use hardware flow control. Access Control Lists on the A4 A4(su)->router#configure Enter configuration commands: A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list 101 deny ip host any A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list 101 deny ip host host A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list 101 ip permit host any assignqueue 5 A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists 101 Extended IP access list 101 1: deny ip host any 2: deny ip host host 3: permit ip host 148.12.111. For a single user, single authentication 802.1x port configuration, set MultiAuth mode to strict. Stackable Switches. Also configured are two loopback interfaces, to use for the router IDs. Online Library Enterasys V2h124 User Guide - Optionally, disable clearing of dynamic MAC addresses on link change. Only the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) mode of operation is supported. Reviewing SNMP Settings Reviewing SNMP Settings Table 12-5 Commands to Review SNMP Settings Task Command Display SNMPv1/SNMPv2c community names and status. (See Overview on page 18-12 for more information.) Figure 15-5 on page 15-11 presents a root port configuration for Bridge B determined by the port priority setting. SNTP Configuration Procedure 4-2 Configuring SNTP (continued) Step Task Command(s) 3. This attribute contains the 42 byte authenticator response. Policy Configuration Example Configuring Guest Policy on Edge Platforms All edge ports will be set with a default guest policy using the set policy port command. Configure the IP address of the sFlow Collector being configured. ThisexampleshowshowtodisplayPWAinformationforge.2.1: portstring (Optional)DisplaysPWAinformationforspecificport(s). ENTERASYS SECURESTACK C3 CONFIGURATION MANUAL Pdf Download Set the MultiAuth mode. (These drivers are usually provided by the vendor of the adapter cable.) Procedure 19-3 describes the basic steps to configure DVMRP on fixed switches with advanced routing enabled. MAC Locking You can configure the switch to issue a violation trap if a packet arrives with a source MAC address different from any of the currently locked MAC addresses for that port. After you have established your connection to the switch, follow these steps to download the latest firmware: 1. for me it was ge.1.x. RMON Procedure 18-1 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (continued) Step Task Command(s) 8. User Authentication Overview devices that do not support 802.1x or web authentication. The PIM specifications define several modes or methods by which a PIM router can build the distribution tree. The key that SNMP is looking for is the notification entry created with the set snmp notify command. The default value of 0 may be administratively changed. . Achtung: Verweit auf wichtige Informationen zum Schutz gegen Beschdigungen. Refer to page Power over Ethernet Overview Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) IP surveillance cameras Devices that support Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) such as wireless access points Ethernet implementations employ differential signals over twisted pair cables. With the exception of A4 ACLs, all ACLs are terminated with an implicit deny all rule. Port Configuration Overview maximum number of packets which can be received per second with the set port broadcast command: Maximum packet per second values are: 148810 for Fast Ethernet ports 1488100 for 1-Gigabit ports. By default, all applications running on the Enterasys switch are allowed to forward Syslog messages generated at severity levels 6 through 1. Setting security access rights 3. Therefore, a value of 7 is given the highest priority. Creating and enabling VLANs with IP interfaces. Using the viewnames assigned in Step 1, create restricted views for v1/v2c users, and unrestricted views for v3 users. Configuring RIP Procedure 21-1 Basic RIP Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 3. 12-18 Display SNMP traffic counter values. Rafa Lopez - Cybersecurity Presales Manager for EMEA & LATAM - LinkedIn Stateless autoconfiguration is part of Router Advertisement and the Enterasys Fixed Switches can support both stateless and stateful autoconfiguration of end nodes. 2. Configuring PoE Procedure 7-2 PoE Configuration for Stackable B5 and C5 Devices (continued) Step Task Command(s) 6. show file directory/filename Delete a file. Use the ipv6 nd ns-interval command to configure the interval between Neighbor Solicitation messages sent on an interface. The Extreme switch does not use it and does not assert CTS. About SecureStack C3 Switch Operation in a Stack, Installing a New Stackable System of Up to Eight Units, Installing Previously-Configured Systems in a Stack, Considerations About Using Clear Config in a Stack, Stacking Configuration and Management Commands, common denominator of functionality will be, You can mix SecureStack C2 and C3 switches in a single stack, although only the lowest. DHCP Snooping into the software forwarding path, where it may be processed by the DHCP relay agent, the local DHCP server, or forwarded as an IP packet. sFlow Procedure Procedure 18-2 on page 18-14 provides the steps and commands to configure sFlow. Enable OSPF in the interface. ThiscommandclearsIPv6DHCPstatistics,eitherallstatisticsoronlyforaspecificinterface. After authentication succeeds, the user or device gains access to the network based upon the policy information returned by the authentication server in the form of the RADIUS Filter-ID attribute, or the static configuration on the switch. MAC Locking Table 26-6 MAC Locking Defaults (continued) Parameter Description Default Value First arrival MAC address aging Specifies that dynamic MAC locked Disabled addresses will be aged out of the database. Periodically, say every second, the sFlow Agent examines the list of counter sources and sends any counters that need to be sent to meet the sampling interval requirement. Router Advertisement is part of the Neighbor Discovery process and is required for IPv6. Can be no less than the max advertisement interval. We next want to set the admin keys for the stackable switch physical ports: Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set Stack2(rw)->set port port port port port port port port lacp lacp lacp lacp lacp lacp lacp lacp port port port port port port port port ge.1.21 ge.1.22 ge.1.23 ge.1.24 ge.2.17 ge.2.19 ge.2.22 ge.2. Active Cisco 800 Series Router Configuration. UsethiscommandtodisplaySNMPtrafficcountervalues. DHCP Snooping Procedure 26-6 Basic Configuration for DHCP Snooping Step Task Command(s) 1. Optionally, remove a static route. Policy classification Classification rules are automatically enabled when created. Ultimate Pi-hole configuration guide, SSL . = [ ] \ ; ? 1.1 IP phone ge. The sources DR registers (that is, encapsulates) and sends multicast data from the source directly to the RP via a unicast routing protocol (number 1 in figure). Configuring LLDP Table 13-1 13-8 LLDP Configuration Commands (continued) Task Command Enable or disable transmitting and processing received LLDPDUs on a port or range of ports. Enterasys S8-Chassis Manuals & User Guides - This example assumes that you havent any preconfigured community names or access rights. Examples This example displays the current ratelimit configuration on port fe.1.1. If you have different switches with VLANs and want to connect them together you have to set the egress state of the ports where the switches are connect together: example: Switch A is connected with Switch B (let's say the uplink port between both is ge.1.1 then you have to: - create the VLAN : set vlan create 20 DHCP and BOOTP Relay DHCP/BOOTP relay functionality is applied with the help of UDP broadcast forwarding. CoS Hardware Resource Configuration Inbound Rate Limiting Port Configuration Entries ---------------------------------------------------------------------Port Group Name : Port Group :1 Port Type :0 Assigned Ports :ge.1. - Time out the IGMP entry by not responding to further queries from Router 2. Rules in an ACL are order-dependent. For ports where no authentication is present, such as switch to switch, or switch to router connections, you should also set MultiAuth port mode to force authenticate to assure that traffic is not blocked by a failed authentication. Configuring PoE Stackable B5 and C5 Devices Procedure 7-2 PoE Configuration for Stackable B5 and C5 Devices Step Task Command(s) 1. By default, this value is 10 link flapping instances. Display the current settings for the Management Authentication Notification MIB. A feature exists to allow the creation of a single port LAG that is disabled by default. Enterasys devices support version 2 of the PIM protocol as described in RFC 4601 and draft-ietfpim-sm-v2-new-09. Enabling the multicast protocol(s) on configured interfaces. ThisexampleshowshowtodisplayPIMinterfacestatistics. Enterasys->show spantree nonforwardingreason port lag.0.2 Port lag.0.2 has been placed in listening or blocking state on SID 0 by the LoopProtect feature. Configuring SNMP . i . Decides if the upstream neighbor is capable of receiving prunes. Set the SNMP target address for notification message generation. Procedure 25-5 on page 25-13 lists the tasks and commands to configure Neighbor Discovery on routing interfaces.
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