The square-well model that we investigate mimics key aspects of the experimental behavior of suspended colloids with short-range, polymer-mediated attractions. The main goals are (1) to study how the subjects' perception of a personalized design depends on its position in the design space and (2) to compare the performance of personalized PALs to a conventional PAL with a fixed design. The purpose of this study was to investigate the patient's perception of noise in the OR before anesthesia, the correlation between the actual noise levels and the patient's perception of noise, and if there are particular patient subgroups that are especially vulnerable to noise. Moreover, to assess robustness of composite filters using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, we devise a new method to count the true positive and false positive rates for which the difference between PCE and threshold is involved. The Andrew field is an oil and gas accumulation in Palaeocene deep marine sands in the Central North Sea. A brief description of the onsite meteorological monitoring program is also provided. Forkel, Johanne; Reiniger, Jenny Lorn; Muschielok, Adam; Welk, Andrea; Seidemann, Anne; Baumbach, Peter. Female users of internet-based screening for rectal STIs: descriptive statistics and correlates of positivity. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (SPSS 10.1 statistical package). Based on the new Green Building Evaluation Standard which came into effect on January 1, 2015, the evaluation index system of green building design scheme is constructed taking into account the evaluation contents related to the green building design scheme. The WorDeL language has been designed to help in the definition of compute-intensive, batch tasks which can be distributed and executed on high-performance, cloud or grid-based architectures in order to improve the processing time. Quantum correlations are tightly bound by the exclusivity principle. TV synchronized addressing of 3 RAMs permits on-line storage of: (1) the maximum unnormalized amplitude, (2) the image x location, and (3) the image y location of the output of each of up to 99 matched filters. The closure correlations include sub-grid models that describe interactions between the fluids and the flow channel, and interactions between the two phases.less. At least 80% of the respondents from all 3 groups (medical directors, DOCs, and administrators) highlighted 24 functions they deemed to be essential or desirable, which were then included in the role description. Analog preprocessing circuits permit digital conversion and random access memory (RAM) storage of those video signals with the correct amplitude, pulse width, rising slope, and falling slope. 21 May. In addition to a description of the deliberative process by which UDI was developed, this article provides confirmatory evidence of the validity. According to this model, pre-existing psychosocial problems (depression, loneliness, or low levels of social support) predispose an individual to GPIU cognitions, behaviors, and negative outcomes. B. F. The purpose of this review is to present a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the main physical properties of DNA-based nanobiostructured devices, stressing the role played by their quasi-periodicity arrangement and correlation effects. Description of the PMAD DC test bed architecture and integration sequence. A Descriptive Correlational Study Examining the Relationship of The GDR are defined in terms of Caltech Intermediate Form (CIF), which is a geometry-description language that defines simple geometrical objects in layers. Of women testing positive for rectal STIs who also submitted vaginal swabs, 29.4% were negative in the vaginal sample. Motivating the Notion of Generic Design within Information Processing Theory: The Design Problem Space. Optimal extensions of the vertical analysis are obtained, and these are shown to be highly inefficient for values of the within-cluster dependence that are likely to be encountered in practice. (PDF) Descriptive Research Designs 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Making the case for evidence-based design in healthcare: a descriptive case study of organizational decision making. Analytical predictions of hub shears for main rotor harmonics 2p, 4p, and 6p generated by C81 are used in conjunction with 2p OLS measured control loads and a 2p lateral tail rotor gearbox force, representing downwash impingement on the vertical fin, to excite the NASTRAN model. Method: Written patient, Aragon workers' health study - design and cohort description, USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database. This study set out to examine the readability of nurse-designed written information leaflets using the Flesch Reading Ease score and the FOG and SMOG readability formulae. Findings add to the previous research on prioritized approaches and evidence-based practice in ostomy care. In critical reading it is also important to know the main systematic errors or biases that can affect a study. Nonlinear batch simulation analysis shows the control law exhibits good performance and meets most of the design guidelines over the entire range of angle-of-attack. Due to the accuracy of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) information and the use of airborne spacing guidance, the minimum PTM spacing distance will be less than distances a controller can support with current automation systems that support oceanic operations. The approach also permits the quantification of the loss of efficiency caused by mis-specifying the correlation parameter in the mixed-effects model. Design education in universities is mainly based on descriptive design models. The study found that students with greater BMIs had lower self efficacy beliefs about regulating their exercise habits. However, a key study by Geschke, Sassenberg, Ruhrmann, and Sommer [2007] found that concrete descriptions of belief-inconsistent behaviours actually had a greater impact than abstract descriptions, a finding that does not fit easily within the linguistic bias paradigm. affiliates, to screen movies with closed captioning and descriptive narration (video description) unless such of the U.S. population. Strategies for accomplishing this goal are discussed in general and tested in. The modules were designed around major anatomical regions (thorax; abdomen and pelvis; lower extremities and back; upper extremities; and head and neck) and used various types of simulation (standardized patients, high-fidelity simulators, and task trainers). Here we present statistical properties of the magnitude correlations for the self-similar model along with an analytical analysis of the branching ratio and criticality parameters. Although some specialists recommend screening or treating all pregnant patients for BV, the current practice of not screening or treating all pregnant patients seems warranted until definitive findings establish a conclusive correlation between BV and preterm birth. Alzayyat, Abdulkarim; Al-Gamal, Ekhlas; Ahmad, Muayyad M. Internet addiction is a significant international mental health problem among university students. Furthermore, these transformations are used on optical/digital encryption schemes like the double random phase encryption (DRPE). Quantitatively accurate electronic structure calculations rely on the proper description of electron correlation. Data were analyzed with Spearman correlation coefficients (rs) and content analysis. Hee, Siew Wan; Parsons, Nicholas; Stallard, Nigel. The case report is the least-publishable unit in medical literature. The method involves the introduction of a new language construct called a Module which provides for the separate translation of all equations bounded by it. Wang, Q.; Elbouz, M.; Alfalou, A.; Brosseau, C. We present a novel method to optimize the discrimination ability and noise robustness of composite filters. In the last 5 years, several studies assessing the efficacy of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of multiple AKs have been published. Furthermore, there was no significant three-way interaction among student gender, alcohol use, and descriptive norm perception. Bivariate correlational analyses showed that older women with poorer functional ability experienced greater chronic daily stress, reported more frequent use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and had a higher chance health locus of control. Designing Waveform Sets with Good Correlation and Stopband Properties for MIMO Radar via the Gradient-Based Method. Usually, it aims to establish a link or influence of one variable from another variable. A majority of samples (60%) had the same results, with 32% both pepsin-positive and 27% both pepsin-negative. A description of the integration process used in the assembly sequence is also given along with a description of the support facility. This section reviews three types of descriptive research: case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observation (Figure 3.3). These were found to match well in most of the proposed scalings, although platykurtic and very platykurtic categories were questionable when the proportion of the finer population was below 5%. 1993-01-01. The aim was to explore three specific hypotheses to test correlations between nursing students' team achievements in clinical judgement and emotional, sociological and physiological learning style preferences. Because of the field's relatively small reserves (mean 118 mmbbls), the performance of each of the 10 or so horizontal wells is highly important. Qualitative Description of Spatial Quality in Inclusive Architecture. Comparison with Lasater Clinical Judgement Rubric and Non-parametric analyses were performed. Fernndez-Guarino, M; Harto, A; Snchez-Ronco, M; Prez-Garca, B; Marquet, A; Jan, P. Actinic keratosis (AK) is one of the most common skin diseases seen in clinical practice. Preservice Elementary Teachers Increase Descriptive Science Vocabulary by Making Descriptive Adjective Object Boxes, Rule, Audrey C.; Crisafulli, Sherry; DeCare, Heather; DeLeo, Tonya; Eastman, Keri; Farrell, Liz; Geblein, Jennifer; Gioia, Chelsea; Joyce, Ashley; Killian, Kali; Knoop, Kelly; LaRocca, Alison; Meyer, Katie; Miller, Julianne; Roth, Vicki; Throo, Julie; Van Arsdale, Jim; Walker, Malissa, Descriptive vocabulary is needed for communication and mental processing of science observations. Of 29 nurses, 86.2% were very comfortable managing chest tubes and oozing/non-secure dressings, but only 41.4% were very comfortable managing clogged chest tubes. The articles were grouped into their level of evidence, and descriptive analyses were performed. Fast Face-Recognition Optical Parallel Correlator Using High Accuracy Correlation Filter. The overall structure for a quantitative design is based in the scientific method. This description of the Turkish lexical project reports some initial findings on the structure of Turkish personality-related variables. Regulatory authorities require that the sample size of a confirmatory trial is calculated prior to the start of the trial. This model includes the fluence, composition, energy spectra, and spatial and temporal variations of solar particles both within and beyong 1 AU. Using two different kinds of receptive fields (namely rectangular pooling area and Gaussian pooling area) for selection, we obtain two binary descriptors RFDR and RFDG .accordingly. This cross-sectional descriptive correlational pilot study collected data from a convenience sample of 29 family members using self-report questionnaires. Levels of both the diagnostic tissue destruction biologic markers ALP and AST are significantly higher in cylindric MSIs compared with hybrid MSIs, indicating a correlation to the type and method of placement of the MSI. 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Description. Correlational research is a type of nonexperimental research in which the researcher measures two variables and assesses the statistical relationship (i.e., the correlation) between them with little or no effort to control extraneous variables. Through an initial card-matching task, pairs of younger adults and pairs of older adults established common ground for sets of picture cards. [Digital Design Language for computer aided design and test of LSI. Levels of mind-mindedness were higher in descriptions of friends compared with descriptions of famous people or works of art. 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false General description of system of accounts and reports. Contents include the following: Mission Overview. An internet-based survey. [A correlational study among perceived stress, anger expression, and depression in cancer patients]. Conclusions: Nursing process indicators can be used to audit nursing care. But paper-based tools are not a very suitable way to manage and share the documentation produced during this step. If it is not as clear or as necessary, exploratory research (which, according to Blaikie (2000), is considered as the first phase of research) may be needed. The most common definition of school improvement found in literature relates to a general effort to make schools better places for students to learn, and covers a wide variety of activities ranging from quick fixes to comprehensive school reform. The property of any material is essentially determined by its microstructure. This increase is achieved by reduction of the numbers of pixels in the joint spatial encodings for the input TSD operands as well as reduction of the number of pixels used in the proposed matched spatial filters for the optical multipliers. At room temperature, the Au/BSTO/LAO microstrip filters exhibited a sensitivity parameter value between 15 and 5 MHz/cm/kV. We orient the reader to distinguishing features and similarities associated with each approach and the kinds of research questions descriptive phenomenological and qualitative description research address. The overall communication system is described with performance analyses, communication operations, and experiment plans. RIME descriptive ratings can be incorporated into EM evaluation instruments and provides useful data related to patient management skills. The description includes: (1) statement of purpose, including general objectives of science education; (2) a list of six course objectives; (3) course content for units on sound, light, optical instruments, electrostatics, current electricity, Michael Faraday and. There is today a growing interest in understanding when and why a description in terms of a multiplex network is necessary and more informative than a single-layer projection. We present here an effective description of the complementary short-range structure using contact terms and stylized two-body asymptotic wave functions. Atomic nuclei are complex strongly interacting systems and their exact theoretical description is a long-standing challenge. A qualitative description design is particularly relevant where information is required directly from those experiencing the phenomenon under investigation and where time and resources are limited. It was first generated in the MonAMI project to promote understanding among different workgroups, proven useful there, and further tested later in some other smaller AAL projects. Developing a national role description for medical directors in long-term care, Rahim-Jamal, Sherin; Quail, Patrick; Bhaloo, Tajudaullah, OBJECTIVE To develop a national role description for medical directors in long-term care (LTC) based on role functions drawn from the literature and the LTC industry. What correlation effects are covered by density functional theory? Parents displayed moderate levels of knowledge, attitudes and use of pain relief methods in relation to their children's postoperative pain and pain management. Twenty-five caregivers of young children (9 with developmental delays, 16 without delays) and between 1 and 7 years were recruited from a subsample of parents who had previously enrolled in a Web-based validation of a PRO on childrens participation and provided consent for future contact. Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or programme, or provides information about , say, living condition of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue. Family functioning was negatively correlated with IPVAS scores ( r = -.22, p = .00). The design of real-valued minimum average correlation energy (RMACE) filter was investigated. The learning module described here is designed to help teachers plan and present a lesson on mathematical proof to pupils. Numerous methods for generating TAMs have been developed in the literature. This study received exempt Institutional Review Board status. However, the study found that students' self care capacity was significantly different at the end of the study period. Wiru, Kenneth; Kumi-Kyereme, Akwasi; Mahama, Emmanuel N; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth, The Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) initiative was introduced to improve coverage and utilization of basic health services for people in remote rural communities whose use of orthodox health services was hitherto limited by distance. Conclusions The high frequency of occurrence of depressive symptoms among Cypriot, ATLAS, an integrated structural analysis and design system. Automated database design from natural language input, Gomez, Fernando; Segami, Carlos; Delaune, Carl. A positive likelihood ratio of 4.00 and negative likelihood ratio of 0.18 were obtained. However, to date little is known concerning the contribution of the number and severity of recent stressful life events on the prevalence of depressive symptoms among university students. Characteristics of nursing units (RN workgroup education level and RN workgroup unit tenure) and hospitals (size, teaching status, and Magnet status) were included as control variables. Low and moderate risk of bias were reached by 87% and 13% of the studies, respectively, supporting the conclusions of SR. RDM with semi-trained assessors and evaluation of individual attributes presented higher percentages of concordance with CDP. The Langley thermal protection system test facility: A description including design operating boundaries. Participants also completed the Stoma-related Knowledge Scale, comprising 14 5-point Likert scale questions where low scores indicate low knowledge, and they answered one question regarding self-care ability. Descriptive Research: Assessing the Current State of Affairs Descriptive research is designed to create a snapshot of the current thoughts, feelings, or behavior of individuals. Descriptive correlational design is used in research studies that aim to provide static pictures of situations as well as establish the relationship between different variables (McBurney & White, 2009). We are using a quasi-2D Fermi liquid model to estimate the fundamental parameters of these very interesting materials. The age at first diagnosis ranged from 4 to 25 years. The programs were designed to stimulate the improvement and development of programs for secondary special education and to strengthen and coordinate education, training, and related services. Moreover, we quantify the distance between them using the entanglement spectrum. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. The reverse was true for Medicare spending. The most prevalent research designs were cross-sectional studies (38%), single-case or case-series studies, and narrative reviews. The objective of this paper is to describe the study design, aims and baseline characteristics of participants in the AWHS. They failed the task because they did not use strategic behavior, in particular they used rotational strategy to a significantly lower extent and produced a significantly higher rate of perseverative errors. A total of 37 studies including 105 children were reviewed. This is compensated for in hybrid functionals by mixing in HF exchange. Females (n = 211, 83.7%) and mothers (n = 182, 72.2%) accounted for the majority of the study participants. The latest design is described in detail. Corpus-Based Approaches to Language Description for Specialized Academic Writing, Language description is a fundamental requirement for second language (L2) syllabus design. In this descriptive analysis,. Websites were evaluated for compliance with current General Dental Council ethical advertising guidelines; accessibility, usability, and reliability using the LIDA instrument (a validated outcome tool for healthcare website design and content evaluation); and quality of information using the DISCERN toolkit (a validated method of quality assessment for online written patient information). The design includes a description of the total software system and of each individual module within the system. Khan, Arroj A.; Zeba, I.; Jamil, M.; Asif, M. The oscillatory wake potential of a moving test charge is studied in quantum dusty plasmas. Our result implies that the exclusivity principle might be one of the fundamental principles of nature. These include (1) entrance and patient waiting, (2) traffic management, (3) subwaiting or internal waiting areas, (4) triage, (5) examination/treatment area configuration, (6) examination/treatment area centralization versus decentralization, (7) examination/treatment room standardization, (8) adequate space, (9) nurse work space, (10) physician work space, (11) adjacencies and access, (12) equipment room, (13) psych room, (14) staff de-stressing room, (15) hallway width, and (16) results waiting area. Ienca, Marcello; Wangmo, Tenzin; Jotterand, Fabrice; Kressig, Reto W; Elger, Bernice. The article closes with description of the Juvenile Justice Educational Enhancement Program's continuing evaluation of correlates to educational program quality through the continued development of a comprehensive database. While our experimental manipulations did not impact recognition accuracy, bias-variance decomposition of error revealed non-trivial differences in how participants solved the task. The subjects discussed are: (1) spacecraft configuration, (2) structural design, (3) static load tests, (4) fixed base sinusoidal vibration survey, (5) flight configuration sinusoidal vibration tests, (6) spacecraft acoustic test, and (7) separation and shock test. The specific approach is to develop a design that maximizes the efficiency of a specified empirical model (EM) in the original independent variables, subject to a minimum efficiency for a DA model expressed in terms of dimensionless groups (DGs). The Correlational Research Process 17 The Correlational Research Process 5. The structure of Turkish trait-descriptive adjectives. Zukowski, Marek; Brukner, Caslav; Laskowski, Wiesaw; Wieniak, Marcin. Results Half of the participants in the final study sample (N=25) fully completed a stepwise process of building on their baseline PRO assessment to develop an initial care plan for their child. The most computational intensive treatment required by the correlation is the transformation from spatial to spectral domain and then from spectral to spatial domain. Discussion and Conclusion : as demonstrated in other studies, our results show that knowledge about EBP is not that widespread and its implementation remains a challenge even in university hospitals. Variables consistently associated with TV/video viewing were ethnicity (non-white +), parent income (-), parent education (-), body weight (+), between meal snacking (+), number of parents in the house (-), parents TV viewing habits (+), weekend (+) and having a TV in the bedroom (+). Nurse practitioners (NPs) must use resources wisely, including time, laboratory tests, and medications. With ever higher numbers of data sources and increasing data acquisition rates, dealing with EO data is indeed a challenge [1]. There was a clear positive relationship between RIME category and clinical evaluation score (r(2)=0.40, p<0.01). Course Descriptions for the Improvement of Business Education. Waveform sets with good correlation and/or stopband properties have received extensive attention and been widely used in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. A correlation reflects the strength and/or direction of the relationship between two (or more) variables. To achieve the research purpose, a comparison analysis was conducted to study the differences in research design perspectives and approaches. The difficulties encountered in achieving this kind of machine within schedule in today's industrial environment are retrospectively analyzed. The association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms among Cypriot university students: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study. Sometimes these are referred to as " correlational " or " observational " studies. The findings are discussed in terms of global properties and dynamics of collective systems when constrained by different types of cultural practices. Final versions for the register level designs for all module types were completed. 67.7% of study participants had at least one plaque in, Initial Ship Design Using a Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Moon, Byung Young; Kim, Soo Young; Kang, Gyung Ju. Aspiration events were more frequent than reflux events. However, more parents of children with disabilities reported difficulties in, Stereo Orthogonal Axonometric Perspective for the Teaching of Descriptive Geometry, Mxas, Jos Geraldo Franco; Guedes, Karla Bastos; Tavares, Ronaldo da Silva, Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the development of a software for stereo visualization of geometric solids, applied to the teaching/learning of Descriptive Geometry. Curtis, Elizabeth A; Comiskey, Catherine; Dempsey, Orla. AE-based methods learn a common representation by minimizing the error of reconstructing the two views. Participants expressed frustration with failed communication and a lack of information received. Shoemaker, Lorie K; Kazley, Abby Swanson; White, Andrea, The aim of this study was to describe the organizational decision-making process used in the selection of evidence-based design (EBD) concepts, the criteria used to make these decisions, and the extent to which leadership style may have influenced the decision-making process. The system simulator which is used to determine if the original description is correct is also discussed. Results also indicate that positive nurses beliefs and attitudes toward EBP are predictive of better implementation in clinical practice. Observational studies are divided into survey studies (descriptive and correlational studies), case-studies and analytic studies, the last of which are commonly used in epidemiology: case-control, retrospective cohort, and prospective cohort studies. Descriptive Research Design/Quantitative Variables Data were gathered from interviews with key personnel at five international medical response organizations, as well as during field observations conducted at multiple sites in Jordan and Greece, including three refugee camps. The paper introduces novel model for design, visualization and management of complex, highly adaptive hardware systems. Fan, Bin; Kong, Qingqun; Trzcinski, Tomasz; Wang, Zhiheng; Pan, Chunhong; Fua, Pascal. The CONSORT and Jadad scales were used to assess the quality of design/reporting. For cars, the strongest correlations were observed in the parahippocampal region and in the STG (P < 0.005). SETTING Long-term care facilities in Canada randomly selected from regional clusters. Smoking (p = .0001), alcohol consumption (p = .001), and birth order (p = .006) predicted self-report of rape. A total of 1,458 articles from four Brazilian journals were found: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia, Revista Fisioterapia em Movimento, Revista Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, and Revista Acta Fisitrica. Participants were recruited from a medical-surgical intensive care unit in the Midwest United States. Thus, the prior distribution will reflect this. The authors sought to confirm possible earlier voice change, to compare vocal characteristics among frequent (choir) and infrequent (band) singers, and to determine use of. Design and implementation of Systems Engineering practices on behalf of future projects with emphasis on interoperability. A, Pairwise Trajectory Management (PTM): Concept, Kinetic field theory: exact free evolution of Gaussian phase-space, Airborne Intelligent Display (AID) Phase I Software, Randomized controlled trials and neuro-oncology: should alternative, An inconclusive study comparing the effect of concrete and abstract, An Investigation of Nurses Job Satisfaction in a Private Hospital and Its, Cross-Disciplinary and Intermode Agreement on the. Most of the descriptions are based on questionnaires completed by members of the institutions as well as on corrections of and comments on a preliminary version of the descriptions.
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