He was previously assigned to the Electronic Systems Center as executive officer to the commander, and led the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System Program before joining Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command as Deputy Director for Engineering. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics oversees Air Force research, development, acquisition and program sustainment activities totaling an annual budget in excess of $60 billion for more than550 acquisition programs. Air Force organizational chart | InsideDefense.com Structure of the United States Air Force - Wikipedia DCMA's Virtual QA Procedures. ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) -- The Department of the Air Force (DAF) awarded The Boeing Company a contract to begin work on the E-7A weapon system Feb 28. % ORGANIZATIONAL CHART September 2021 Page 2 COMMANDER Mobility & Training Aircraft Dir Mr. Paul Waugh, SES W-Patt Air Force organizational chart November 18, 2022 On Nov. 16, 2022 the Air Force released an updated version of its organizational chart. Please note that you should expect to receive a response from our team, regarding your inquiry, within 2 business days. Acquisition Manager - Requirements and Benefits - U.S. Air Force Comprehensive Plan for the Organizational Structure of the U.S. Space Force February 2020 Department of the Air Force 2 Executive Summary The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 established the United States Space Force (Space Force) as a new branch of the Armed Forces within the Department of the Air Force (DAF). ABOUT US MISSION: Accelerating change at every level. Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs. Space Force reveals new structure for acquisition command - C4ISRNet Start here! ABOUT ACQDEMO. PDF Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (Aflcmc) Organizational Chart background-color: #F0F0F0; 4375 Chidlaw Road. If you have trouble finding an organization, contact us here for help. or_q4bv.6Lyo|`Lr+9d6,Uj/91,ddn|q9ylp;2^P Are you a new civilian employee at Hanscom AFB? <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 1224 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> With an acquisition portfolio of more than $20 billion, AMIC's mission is to be responsive, cost-effective . Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications. Fighters and Advanced Aircraft Directorate - AFLCMC Mr. Wert was on the Air Force Program Executive Officer staff as Director for Surveillance and Control Programs, including the E-3, E-4 and Peace Shield. Air Force Space Command Other SAE: Service Acquisition Executive TEO: Technology Executive Officer PEO: Program Executive Officer AFLCMC: Air Force Life Cycle Management Center AFNWC: Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center AFMC: Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Program Executive Officers JPEO F-35 VADM Winter PEO Combat . The purpose behind this template is to provide guidance on the issues and requirements to address at MS C. Each briefing will be different depending upon the nature of the program. -webkit-border-radius: 5px; The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has a complex organizational structure. An official website of the United States government, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics), Principal Deputy , Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics), Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics), Mobilization Assistant to the Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics), Air Force Human Systems Integration Office (AFHSIO), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Environment and Energy Resilience Website Coming Soon! Home page of Air Force Materiel Command He reports directly to the Service Acquisition Executive and is responsible for the more than 350 programs and projects in the PEO Digital portfolio. font-size: 10px; Timothy M. Applegate is the Director, Acquisition Management and Integration Center, Headquarters Air Combat Command (ACC), Joint Base Langley- Eustis, Virginia. The Acquisition Management and Integration Center (AMIC) exists to provide services acquisition solutions for Air Combat Command (ACC), the largest of the Air Forces Major Commands. INFORMATION FOR HANSCOM AFB NEWCOMERS Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) Guidebooks, Accelerated Life Testing Data Analysis Software Tool (ALTA), Acquiring and Enforcing the Government's Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Under Department of Defense Contracts, Acquisition Logistics Engineering (ALE) Tools & Services, Acquisition Metrics Management System (AMMS), Acquisition Plan Review Considerations for Small Business Professionals, Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT) Suite, Acquisition Source Selection Interactive Support Tool (ASSIST), Acquisition Strategy - International Considerations Job Support Tool (JST), Acquisition Strategy Building Blocks on Major Acquisitions, Acquisition Streamlining & Standardization Information System (ASSIST), Acquisition Workforce Qualification Initiative (AWQI), Adaptive Acquisition Framework Document Identification (AAFDID) Tool, Advanced Components Obsolescence Management (AVCOM), AFMC Form 73, Waiver and Approval Request, Air Force Acquisition Process Model (APM), Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) Reviewer's Checklist (v. 2.0), Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Product Support Contract Requirements Tool (PSCRT), Air Force Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository (MSRR), Aircraft Operations Surveillance Template (Version 3), Aircraft Operations Survey Inbrief Template, Aircraft Operations Survey Outbrief Template, Aircraft Operations Survey Template (B-version), Aircraft Operations Survey Template (C version), Aircraft Spares Inventory Pipeline Sizing Model, Airframe Depot Readiness Assessment Model (ADRAM), AMCCOM Distribution Simulation Model (DISM), Andromeda Systems (ASI) In-Service Maintenance Planning (ISMP), Andromeda Systems (ASI) Logistics Product Data (LPD) Planner & Estimator, Andromeda Systems (ASI) OPTIAM Optimized Asset Management, Application of Earned Value Management (EVM) to Contracts, Armed Services Pricing Manual, Volume 2 - Price Analysis, Army Transportation Engineering Agency (TEA) Deployment and Distribution (D2) Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Analysis, ASN RD&A One Source Program Assistance and Tools, Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT), Automatic Requirements Computation System Initial Provisioning (ARCSIP), Aviation Readiness Requirements Oriented to Weapon Replaceable Assemblies (ARROWS), Battalion/Unit Level Logistics Evaluation Tool (BULLET), BlockSim System Reliability and Maintainability Analysis Software Tool, Building a Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) Network Schedule, Buy American-Foreign Offer Evaluation Tool, Buy American-Solicitation Development Tool, CALCE Simulation Assisted Reliability Assessment (SARA), Capability Portfolio Analysis Tool (CPAT), CCDC IOT Planning Tool (IPT) Continuous (IPT-C), CCDC IOT Planning Tool (IPT) Discrete (IPT-D), CCDC Planning Model based on Projection Methodology (PM2) Reliability Growth Planning Tools, CCDC Reliability Growth Tracking Model - Continuous (RGTMC), CCDC Visual SESAME (Selected Essential-Item Stock for Availability Method), Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) Acquisition Toolkit, Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) Security Resources Toolkit, ClearTrace for DOORS Technical Specifications, Clockwork Life Cycle Management (LCM) Analytics, Clockwork Solutions Advanced Analytics Platform, CMPRO Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Configuration Management Software, CMstat EPOCH CM Configuration Management Software, cogniti Industry Reference Model with SCOR components, Collaborative Acquisition and Sustainment Environment (CASE), Commercial Acquisition Resources: Examples, Roles, and References, Commercial Item and Nondevelopmental Item Definition Application Tool, Commerical & Government Entity (CAGE) Search and Inquiry (CSI), Completing Financial Actions (Additional Funds) Checklist, Comprehensive Cost and Requirement System (CCaR), Computation and Research Evaluation System (CARES), Computerized Optimization Model For Predicting and Analyzing Support Structure (COMPASS), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM+) Guidebook, Configuration Data Managers Database - Open Architecture (CDMD-OA), Container Design & Retrieval System (CDRS), Contract Modification Authority Decision Help Guide, Contract Property Audit Worksheet Template, Contract Receipt and Review Checklist (Change 1 version), Contracting Justifications and Approval Overview, Contracting Officers Authority for PMS Determination of Acceptability, Contracting Process for Acquisitions flowchart, Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS), Contractor Property Management System Procedure Review Checklist, Corrective Action Plan Evaluation Worksheet, Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook for Military Systems and Equipment, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) Coverage and Disclosure Statement Determination, Cost Analysis Strategy Assessment (CASA) Total Ownership Model, Cost Realism Handbook for Assuring More Realistic Contractor Cost Proposals, Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge (CRWS-BoK) Tool, Cybersecurity and Acquisition Lifecycle Integration Tool (CALIT), Dassault Systemes ENOVIA Product Life Cycle Management (PLM), Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS Product Data Management (PDM), DCMA Post-Award Conference Information Sheet, DCMA Progress Payment Guide - Spotlight on Risk. Click on any of the organizations below to see the websites each has to offer. PJk[A12|LCy= bq` Organizations - AF Integrators analyze the Enterprise Activity Management Plan Program development investment, define and prioritize requirements, and advocate for facilities, utilities and transportation. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433. All OUSD A&S Organizations - Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition The directorate conducts the strategic acquisition, management and disposal of Air Force real property and executes the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations' land and facilities policies through a full suite of services, including appraisals, lease renewals, licenses, easements, title opinions, environmental cleanup and transfer of property impacted by base realignment and closure. The Office of the Executive Director for Special Programs serves under the authority and direction of both the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef) and the USD(A&S), directly reporting to the DepSecDef as the Director of the DoD Special Access Program (SAP) Central Office (SAPCO) and functionally reporting to USD(A&S) as the Director for Special Programs. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration ( ASAF (SA&I)) is a civilian position in the United States Department of the Air Force that is appointed by the president of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate. The USSF Headquarters and Office of the CSO are located in the Pentagon, just like the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. font-family: 'Oswald'; Under the realigned structure, Space Systems Command now has five program executive offices: Assured Access to Space; Battle Management Command and Control; Space Domain Awareness and Combat Power; Communications and Positioning, Navigation and Timing; and Space Sensing. The Assistant Secretary for Space Acquisition and Integration (ASAF/SQ) reports directly to the Secretary of the Air Force, serves as the senior architect for space systems and programs across the Department of Defense, and is the Department of the Air Force Service Acquisition Executive (SAE) for space systems and programs. The office preserves the strength of U.S. ingenuity and innovation without the rigidity of traditional acquisition. Space Acquisition Process Chart. 2 0 obj AFCEC's diverse military , civilian and contracted facility engineering team also oversees Department of Defense and Department of the Air Force facilities criteria development while leveraging data-driven business practices to efficiently field construction materials and services. Rapid Capabilities Office > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display The directorate consists of three divisions: Fact Sheet: Energy Directorate Fact Sheet. Steven D. Wert,a member of the Senior Executive Service, is Program Executive Officer, Digital, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. If you have trouble finding an organization, contact us here for help. Organizations Air Force Life Cycle Management Center EXECUTION DIRECTORATES Air Force Security Assistance & Cooperation Directorate - (WF) Agile Combat Support Directorate - (WN) Female Fitment Maternity Uniforms Pilot Program Metrology & Calibration Simulators Armament Directorate - (EB) Bombers Directorate - (WB) of the Air Force (AF/CCC) Space Acquisition Rapid Deployment Training. From this process, the Air Force has delineated an organization for plan-ning, programming, budgeting, and executing acquisition programs. <> Vision: The USAF and our allies remain the world's most agile and powerful force. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Standard Process to Execute Risk and Issue Management in Acquisition Programs, Version 2.1 (20 January 2022) Air Force Technology Development and Transition Strategy User's Guide (July 2010) Air Staff Acquisition Document Coordination Matrix (19 October 2022) endobj 3 0 obj DD Form 2627 Request for Aircrew Qual and Training, DD Form 2628 Request for Contractor Crewmember Approval, DD Form 3062, Request for Flight Approval, Defense Acquisition Visibility Environment (DAVE), Defense Automatic Addressing System Center Inquiry (DAASINQ), Defense Exportability Integration Job Support Tool (JST), Defense Manufacturing Management Guide for Program Managers (PQM for PMs), Defense Modeling & Simulation Coordination Office (DMSCO) Verification, Validation & Accreditation (VV&A) Tools, Defense Sustainment Chain Operational Readiness Evaluator (D-SCORE), Developing Profit Objectives Weighted Guidelines Method Handout, DFARS 252.228-7001, Ground and Flight Risk, DLA Disposition Services Electronic Turn-in Document (ETID), DLA Form 1821, Certification of Qualification, DLA Logistics Information Services Applications, DoD Class Deviations Integrated pdf file JST, DoD CPIF (Cost Plus Incentive Fee) Graphing Tool, DoD Cybersecurity Test and Evaluation Guidebook, DoD Developer's Guidebook for Software Assurance, DoD Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) Best Value Toolkit, DoD FPIF (Fixed Price Incentive (Firm)) Graphing Tool, DoD Government Charge Card Guidebook for Establishing and Managing Purchase, Travel, and Fuel Card Programs, DoD Integrated Product Support (IPS) Implementation Roadmap, DoD Mishap Classification Tool and CSSO List, DoD Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Enterprise Tools, DoD OSBP Guidebook for Facilitating Small Business Team Arrangements, DoD Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Guidebook, DoD Performance Based Payments Analysis Tool, DoD Program Manager Guidebook for Integrating the Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework (RMF) into the System Acquisition Lifecycle, DoD Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Guide Management Body of Knowledge, DoD Weapon System Acquisition Reform Product Support Assessment, DoDI 5000.74: Defense Acquisition of Services, Double Sampling Plan - 90%, 95%, 97% Confidence, Dun & Bradstreet Supply Chain Management Tools, EAGLE (Enhanced Automated Graphical Logistics Environment) Suite, EAGLE Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS), Earned Value Management (EVM) Chart Analysis, Earned Value Management General Reference (Gold Card), Electronic Technical Manuals Online (ETMs Online), eLORA Electronic Level of Repair Analysis, eLSA Electronic Logistic Support Analysis, eMRD Electronic Maintenance Requirements Determination, Enhanced Technical Management System (ETIMS), Enterprise Metacard Builder Resource (EMBR) Portal, Event Based Surveillance Table (Supplier Risk Management), FAQs about Subcontracting and Evaluation of Small Business Participation, FED LOG (Federal Logistics Data on Portable Media), Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation (FPDS-NG), Financial Management and Analysis Card (FMAC), Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Closeout Flowchart, Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Closeout Interactive Job Aid, Force and Organization Cost Estimating System (FORCES), Forces Command Handbook for Cost and Price Analysis, Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Systems Acquisition Job Support Tool (JST), Fostering Collaborative Stakeholder Relationships (Marble Card), Full Cost of Manpower (FCoM) Cost Analysis Tool, GAO Technology Readiness Assessment Guide, Government Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP), Guidance on Using Incentive and Other Contract Types, Guidebook for Contract Property Administration, Hexagon US Federal Joint Configuration Management Information System (JCMIS), High-Level Contract Data Requirements List Planning Tool (CDRL Tool), Identifying the Critical Path Using a Gantt Chart, IHS CAPS Universe Electronic Components Database, IHS CAPS+4D Enterprise BOM & Product Reporting Solution, Incorporating Test and Evaluation into DoD Acquisition Contracts, Individual Subcontracting Report (ISR) Review Checklist, Integrated Data Environment (IDE)/Global Transportation Network (GTN) Convergence (IGC), Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element Guidebook, Interactive Authoring & Display System (IADS), Interactive Computer Aided Provisioning System (ICAPS), Interactive Defense Acquisition Life Cycle Wall Chart - Major Capability Lane, International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) Assessment Job Support Tool (JST), International Business Planning Job Support Tool (JST), International Cooperative Programs (ICPs) Job Support Tool (JST), Introduction to Air Force Category Management, ISO Corrosivity Category Estimation Tool (ICCET), ISS InSync Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Configuration Management (CM) Tool, Item Unique Identification (IUID) Toolbox, Joint Agency Cost Estimating Relationship (CER) Development Handbook, Joint Appointment Module (JAM) Surveillance and Performance Monitoring (SPM) Module, Joint Electronics Type Designation Automated System (JETDAS), Joint Reliability Availability Management System (J-RAMS) / Long Term Health Management System (LtHMS), Lambda Predict (Predict) Standards Based Reliability Prediction Software Tool, Larson Software Technology Graphic Software Tools, Leading Edge Architecture for Prototyping Systems (LEAPS), Learning Curve (unit & cum.

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