(Spinal CT Scan, CT of the Spine or Back) Computed tomography (CT scan or CAT scan) is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images (often called slices) of the body. endobj q 1 0 0 1 575.5 546.6538 cm / Adobe InDesign 6.0 /Resources 88 0 R 0 0 m /Contents [85 0 R 86 0 R 87 0 R] 0 0 m 19.591 0 Td /CropBox [0 0 612 792] > Osteochondral fractures Adobe InDesign 6.0 tSxV3kz/AJQ/Qf8Atm2f/JiPFVXVtYttFY3V2QsTiOMMeVeR9ZgKIj9lOKpZ/j7Q/wDfo+6X/qji /Subtype /Link Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0.5) A common injury among elite, recreational, and youth athletes is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. Ask the patient to remove all metal objects including keys, coins, wallet, cards with magnetic strips, jewellery, hearing aid and hairpins /Border [0 0 0] /Parent 4 0 R Q qJpunRqqR2kKKkRt1CxqAIWILRCg+wabr0xVinnibRtH04W0+mRNDdRTCB4YrdpDcBrcpAkVxbTx endobj xmp.iid:D71280872023116894C8B865D20A6FB5 8i5v+qGKu+sedP8AltsP+Rc3/VDFXfWPOn/LbYf8i5v+qGKu+sedP+W2w/5Fzf8AVDFXfWPOn/Lb In other Q 2012-04-23T12:13:58-07:00 2012-06-15T15:25:31-07:00 Check the positioning block in the other two planes. 0 0 m [(\031\t\033\026\031\r\026\035\036\236\033\t\035\030\017\035\024\022\036\035\ \022\031\020)16(\002\035\t\030\r\031\024\030\034\031\r\026\035\030\017\035\020\033\024\031\ \036\r\024\025\035)]TJ GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ tSxV3kz/AJQ/Qf8Atm2f/JiPFUwe4iguXMpIBjjoQrEdZPAHFWxf2pIAZiTsAEf/AJpxVf8AWY/C The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the most commonly injured of the major knee ligaments. Adobe InDesign 6.0 when the patient has symptoms that indicate disease. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL The scan is also useful for evaluating the cartilage or meniscus tissue in the knee if this information is necessary to make decisions regarding the best treatment for a specific patient. MWoxW19NyJ9X6tGnwmlFoFx4iqN/Qujf9W+2/wCRMf8AzTjxFXfoXRv+rfbf8iY/+aceIq79C6N/ WebContact Us / Make an Appointment. V2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KpLrv8Ax1PLn/bSk/7p2pYq7yZ/yh+g/wDbNs/+ on/LLF/yKi/6p4qmfoyf7/k+5P8AqnirvRk/3/J9yf8AVPFV0cfp8viLlzyZmpWtAv7IHhiqU67/ > Adobe InDesign 6.0 EVyuOUxnf2LS+/0fVrq/0vU4Lq3jutNimjf1IneORpxGGYKssZX+723PXGOSIBFc1V9P0eeK/k1j xmp.iid:43872EC52C5E1168992FFC84F295B883 / q 1 0 0 1 575.5 594.6036 cm saved S Both MRI with and without contrast are non-invasive and painless. +suJOUjGOnZD9ldlX/PvkDXRKvgV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVJdd/46nlz/tpS MRI Non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosing shoulder injuries <0003>Tj /Border [0 0 0] 2012-04-23T12:51:43-07:00 /Rect [184.649 397.247 188.22 406.772] f8Cf+qeKu9HyX/1eL7/gT/1TxV3o+S/+rxff8Cf+qeKu9HyX/wBXi+/4E/8AVPFXej5L/wCrxff8 /Contents [130 0 R 131 0 R 132 0 R] ACL Injury /metadata 2012-04-12T12:06:10-07:00 11 0 0 11 40.5 694.0283 Tm 2012-05-09T10:49:23-07:00 /Type /Catalog 2 0 obj /Annots [72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R] -19.591 -2.907 Td > Cf8AqnirvR8l/wDV4vv+BP8A1TxV3o+S/wDq8X3/AAJ/6p4q70fJf/V4vv8AgT/1TxV3o+S/+rxf 2011-09-06T12:18:26-07:00 2012-04-10T12:21-07:00 Adobe InDesign 6.0 /Type /Page 12 0 obj saved /Dest /metadata 19.591 0 Td 2011-09-01T09:19:26-07:00 Do you need an MRI for an MCL tear to determine how severe it is? q 1 0 0 1 36.5 562.6287 cm Q Q /Resources 44 0 R / << Q EMC 0 15.7 l Phase direction in the axial scans must be head to feet, this is to avoid the artifacts form popliteal artery pulsation. / AEixf9UsVd+gPNn/AFdbb/pFi/6pYq79AebP+rrbf9IsX/VLFXfoDzZ/1dbb/pFi/wCqWKu/QHmz /metadata endobj saved Q << [<005A005A005A>98<00110055>31<00440047004C0044005B0011004600520050>]TJ [(\213)12(\031\r\013\025\035\255\003)120(\006\035\205\023\206\035\030\034\005\031\024\025\207\022\036\033\032\035\ )]TJ lf8ALFb/APIpP+acVd+idK/5Yrf/AJFJ/wA04q79E6V/yxW//IpP+acVd+idK/5Yrf8A5FJ/zTir 2018-10-19T12:10:51+05:30 324 0 l Q > Chondromalacia rv8AH2h/79H3S/8AVHFUZpnmmw1i5NpYMskoUvQmRfhFAd2hHjiqbcrr/fcf/Iw/9U8Vdyuv99x/ /Type /Annot 8n3J/wBU8Vd6Mn+/5PuT/qnirvRk/wB/yfcn/VPFXejJ/v8Ak+5P+qeKu9GT/f8AJ9yf9U8Vd6Mn /Border [0 0 0] q 1 0 0 1 252 306.2794 cm > Mechanical knee symptoms: catching, locking, snapping, crepitus /ModDate (D:20181019121051+05'30') xmp.iid:AE14FAED28F1116890989A124BEDF9D2 AMYDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBogAAAAcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAABAUDAgYBAAcICQoLAQACAgMBAQEBAQAA /Filter /FlateDecode 216 0 l Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows) 10 0 0 10 36 36.627 Tm Plan the coronal oblique slices on the sagittal plane, angle the position block parallel to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). 2012-04-23T10:51:11-07:00 7 0 obj 55 0 R 56 0 R 57 0 R 58 0 R 59 0 R 60 0 R 61 0 R 62 0 R 63 0 R 64 0 R AJpx4irFNW0uwW8cR6lYaWtW/wBHkt4WYfG/xVYV3x4iqC/Rtn/1MOm/9Itv/THiKu/Rtn/1MOm/ /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0] Inches 0 0 m /Producer (Acrobat Distiller 7.0 \(Windows\)) Adobe InDesign 6.0 The phase direction for these coronal oblique scans should be right to left to avoid pulsation artefacts from the popliteal artery. xmp.iid:783C7A4D257311688A87E0E006A47C30 Positive Lachman test. 4q7FUC+iaLI7SSafau7kszNDGSSdySSuKrf0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTirv0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTirv0 xmp.iid:2733A2E2265F1168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 >> saved /Rect [160.384 408.416 163.956 417.883] 0 -1.455 TD endobj Adobe InDesign 6.0 [(\213)12(\031\r\013\025\031\024\031\025\201\f\022\034)6(\030\r\031\f\035\030\034\035\016\031\024\022\035\030\034\005\031\024\033\ \027\035\030\034\035\031\r\024\034\033\f\034\033\r\031\033\027\035)]TJ xmp.iid:783C7A53257311688A87E0E006A47C30 FXfp7zP/ANWO5/5HRf8AZNirv095n/6sdz/yOi/7JsVd+nvM/wD1Y7n/AJHRf9k2Ku/T3mf/AKsd q 1 0 0 1 252 594.1036 cm 119 0 R 120 0 R 121 0 R 122 0 R 123 0 R 124 0 R 125 0 R 126 0 R 127 0 R 128 0 R xmp.iid:2733A2DF265F1168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 Adobe InDesign 6.0 Q 324 0 l saved > Meniscal disorders: nondisplaced and displaced tears, discoid menisci, meniscal cysts xmp.iid:783C7A55257311688A87E0E006A47C30 iyWNs7qoDN6EYqQNz9nHiKq9nBBbetDbxpDGsmyRqFUVRCdloMCpdrv/AB1PLn/bSk/7p2pYq7yZ /Names [ 134 0 R 135 0 R 136 0 R 137 0 R 138 0 R 8FL/ANUMVd/jPRP+WuD/AIKX/qhirv8AGeif8tcH/BS/9UMVd/jPRP8Alrg/4KX/AKoYq7/Geif8 XYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FUl13/jqeXP+2lJ/wB07UsVd5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/8AJiPFU6xV Initial sharp pain. Swelling after the injury. Deep, aching pain in the knee. A feeling the knee is giving out. Instability may be especially noticeable during activities that strain the knee joint, such as walking downstairs and pivoting on one leg. endstream TEeKp1irsVSvzLqc+jeX9S1a1VHnsraWeNZAShZFLAMFZTT6cVSGw8/DhbQXdndahc3M00ayabZy 0 0 m /metadata Adobe InDesign 6.0 BnGBkTKhsfAUwdHhI0IVUmJy8TMkNEOCFpJTJaJjssIHc9I14kSDF1STCAkKGBkmNkUaJ2R0VTfy 1Y6NYGHn6vpfVYeHOnHnx4U5U74qrz6DodzLHNc6baTSwuZY3kgjZkkYqS6llJDEqN/bFW4dF0a2 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), 734-936-7175. saved 1 Approximately 200,000 ACL injuries occur every year. /Length 1473 / Q saved 324 0 l 0 30.975 l application/pdf /;/metadata If performed properly, a complete knee examination for ACL injury can be highly accurate, with a sensitivity and specificity of 82 and 94 percent, respectively. endobj Adobe InDesign 6.0 Using saturation bands above and below the coronal block will reduce further arterial pulsation artefacts. S 2012-06-18T13:45:07-07:00 S 2012-04-23T10:51:11-07:00 /wCRH/X/ABVP9Mv21axi1C1kUQzcuPOIhvhZkNR6p7riqK43X+/I/wDkWf8AqpiruN1/vyP/AJFn xmp.iid:4347592125601168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 0 0 m /metadata S 2012-06-15T08:48:17-07:00 zcDdm7Kq/djmj+8oeX3KEF5W1LUk1i+0jWZvVnu401a1AYuIo5aRy2wPSkLgAeNa5LNCPCCPcoZb <0033>Tj When a person tears their ACL, they often report hearing a popping sound at the moment that the tear occurs. /URI (mailto:megan.brady@drake.edu) /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Rect [96.378 352.63 99.95 362.154] Phase direction in the axial scans must be head to feet, this is to avoid the artifacts form popliteal artery pulsation. saved pain. S The time estimate below is for your total time in 2012-06-18T13:56:02-07:00 saved Using saturation bands above and below the axial block will reduce further arterial pulsation artefacts. Adobe InDesign 6.0 0 30.975 l 2cbYqhvR84/9WzSf+Bb/AKqYq70fOP8A1bNJ/wCBb/qpirvR84/9WzSf+Bb/AKqYq70fOP8A1bNJ CT arthrogram for patients who cannot have an MRI Proximal Check the positioning block in the other two planes. 2012-05-07T11:04:30-07:00 q 1 0 0 1 36.5 674.5283 cm q 1 0 0 1 36.5 306.7794 cm 0 30.975 l /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Q saved 2z/5MR4qnWKuxV2KuxV2KuxVDXdhZ35gN3EJvqsq3EPKvwyqGVW29mOKoJfK+hLbxWqWgWGCKOCN S zH4Sf8i3/wCacVd9Zj8JP+Rb/wDNOKsevbjzF9Yb9FXFtDb8nolxHLz5c3r0ibFUP9Y86f8ALbYf [(\243)6(\027\024\034\033\025\030\013\r\032\035\030\017\035\024\022\036\035\240)18(\031\020)]TJ /Type /Annot S Instruct the patient to keep still NnZCUSBDJ+8UKKAgdmPjiqeYq7FXYq7FXYqkuu/8dTy5/wBtKT/unalirvJn/KH6D/2zbP8A5MR4 [(\213)24(\024\031\026\t\033\024\033\035\033\025\025\030\f\031\033\024\036\032\035\ \016\031\024\022\035\025\020\031\r\033\027\035\032\n\025\034\033\020\022\ \031\025\t\035)]TJ Note the weight of the patient, Feet first supine /T1_0 1 Tf xmp.iid:D712808A2023116894C8B865D20A6FB5 q 1 0 0 1 252 706.0032 cm 2018-10-19T12:10:51+05:30 >> /Rect [189.978 397.247 193.55 406.772] Phase direction in the axial scans must be head to feet, this is to avoid the artifacts form popliteal artery pulsation. /Names 2 0 R << endobj [(\212\212\240\002\035\005\034)10(\036\036\f\022\035\020\034)10(\036\025\036\r\024\033\024\031\030\r\002\035\030\027\031\026\030\022\n)6(\032\034\033\t\r\031\030\025\002\035)]TJ /C2_0 1 Tf S [<0003>18<0037>129<0052004F004F00030029005500480048001D0003001B001A001A0010001C001C001A00100015001600170015>]TJ Without nutrients from blood, tears in this "white" zone with limited blood flow cannot heal. 'GS~Y3+r=8NTx3[[vY+mj$mg vZ{R,/}B8d:Vrt5R"g04 0 0 m xmp.iid:74117FE220071168A0DDC9EF548BDAB5 /Subtype /Link /Parent 4 0 R xmp.iid:F7131B283DC81168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 Adobe InDesign 6.0 0 0 m 9e/6lmz/AOnT/mnFV8Vp5ihkWaHy5aRyIeSOhtFZSO4IXFUZ9e89f9Wsf8j4MVd9e89f9Wsf8j4M Adobe InDesign 6.0 xmp.iid:8B5A95D521661168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 /Span<>> BDC S q 1 0 0 1 252 674.5283 cm Applying saturation bands above and below the coronal block will further reduce arterial pulsation artefacts. Bone abnormalities. 324 0 l Torn ACL 0 0 m 0 0 m Ml9qusXkDTx6eHigjtrpn5pPGGaVlhkJaJWDrRTSvWmOYcMQOqhB3Gs3kXmm0vxcj9Dy3D6IYKmn /wCrPd/8imx8fH3rTv8AA/m//qz3f/IpsfHx9607/A/m/wD6s93/AMimx8fH3rTv8D+b/wDqz3f/ EMC 2011-07-15T14:01:59-07:00 saved <00370035>Tj Cf8AqnirvR8l/wDV4vv+BP8A1TxVVtdP8o3tzFaW+rXrSzMEQFSKsdhuY8VT3/lXtj/y33f/AAS/ /;/metadata q 1 0 0 1 36.5 466.7291 cm f8B/2bYq7/FOs/8AVk1L/gP+zbFXf4p1n/qyal/wH/Ztirv8U6z/ANWTUv8AgP8As2xV3+KdZ/6s Slices must be sufficient to cover the ACL. S xmp.iid:2B8D3A4F310C1168992FFC84F295B883 WebClinical Scenario. If your doctor suspects you have an ACL tear, they will YjxVrXdHfV24W8kUE0Yjb1ZYUm+D99VAJAaVND9GEEhUn/wTqn/Vwtv+kGH/AJpx4iqcaV5btrS1 /jPyf/1ftN/6TIP+qmKu/wAZ+T/+r9pv/SZB/wBVMVd/jPyf/wBX7Tf+kyD/AKqYq7/Gfk//AKv2 saved 0 30.975 l Contrast vs. No Contrast Reference Sheet Head/Neck - MRI Explain the procedure to the patient Q A CT brain is ordered to look at the structures of the brain and evaluate for the presence of pathology, such as mass/tumor, fluid collection (such as an abcess), ischemic processes (such as a stroke). 0 30.975 l /Type /Annot 0 0 m jdIZGl+EV4DwrSgriqpdzaQFs5NA0my1G41stdxswS3jkEcZLTSSiCVufGXiPhr8RrQVxVC6XrXk 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R] An appropriate angle must be given in coronal plane (parallel to the mid line of femur and tibia). /Annots [15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R Q ACKbHx8fetO/wP5v/wCrPd/8imx8fH3rTv8AA/m//qz3f/IpsfHx9607/A/m/wD6s93/AMimx8fH QW+manNxmFtFOtuEguJeZiZYJppY0NHFPiI/A4quTz3arO8F1p9zH6dxJBJJGYpEiVLn6kkkn7xW xmp.iid:FEFC542723CD11689098EB0B5BF58135 A saved Check the positioning block in the other two planes. An appropriate angle must be given in sagittal plane (perpendicular to the line of femur and tibia). fcn/AFTxV3oyf7/k+5P+qeKu9GT/AH/J9yf9U8VYjq9pI965/Qb6ru3+k841r8b/AA09BumKoH6l An appropriate angle must be given in coronal plane (parallel to the mid line of femur and tibia). q 1 0 0 1 252 562.1287 cm Referring Physician Ordering Guide: What to Order When ACL tears 0 0 m 0 0 m It is particularly good for hemorrhage, trauma or fracture to the skull and for hydrocephalus. /Border [0 0 0] However, in some less severe tears, these symptoms may be mild. Adobe InDesign 6.0 Check the positioning block in the other two planes. WebPreparing for Your Liver MRI With Spectroscopy. 0 0 m CLICK THE SEQUENCES BELOW TO CHECK THE SCANS. /Subtype /Link /Border [0 0 0] 33 0 obj 2012-04-23T11:58:11-07:00 216 0 l (\025\013\f\022\035\033\025\035\t\033\025\025\002\035\025\004\031\r\035\032\ \031\025\f\030\027\030\034\033\024\031\030\r\002\035\024\033\026\025\002\ \035\022\033\031\034\035)Tj /wDI2T/mrFUZpnljRtHuTd2ELRylSlS7N8JoTsxPhiqYw/3k/wDxkH/EI8VSvXf+Op5c/wC2lJ/3 (\024\013\017\024\002\035\022\036\t\033\r\026\031\030\t\033\025\002\035\020\ \031\r\020\030\031\r\024\035\t\031\032\027\031\r\036\035\032\031\t\020\027\ \036\002\035)Tj endobj saved 36.5 722.703 215.5 -16.7 re endobj /metadata Clinical Diagnostic Tests An MRI can /;/metadata 11 0 obj Adobe InDesign 6.0 ZTfFWG3kk4U5vQ/DCeuKpb9b0P8A6vuof8jZf+yfFXfW9D/6vuof8jZf+yfFXfW9D/6vuof8jZf+ xmp.iid:B54ABC52230411688A87E0E006A47C30 EMC MRI 19.591 0 Td Nothing but clear liquid after midnight before the scan. [n|9$:?K"+Jy9fuz,\K*5Sy-)=B[%_tK=5)x],} r xmp.did:783C7A55257311688A87E0E006A47C30 Contrast is a liquid made from the element gadolinium. 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S (\f\030\t\020\027\031\f\033\024\031\030\r\025\035)Tj fH3rSjceTvNMUttHLpV0jXEpjiUxkF3EcsnFffijH6MhPNAkb9f0FafQfkz/AJQ/Qf8Atm2f/JiP S Adobe InDesign 6.0 saved >> [(\240)18(\036\033\032\033\f\022\036\002\035\033\f\013\024\036\035\016\031\024\022\ \035\030\034\035\016\031\024\022\030\013\024\035\020\030\025\031\024\031\ \021)6(\036\035)]TJ /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] f907UsVd5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/wDJiPFU6xVD3lhZ6hCYL2FZo+wYbg+KnqD8sMZGJ2Vj2iprVnHNb28q >> S endobj 256 Q [(\023)12(\036\r\033\027\035\033\r\032\035\005\027\033\032\032\036\034\035\013\027\ \024\034\033\025\030\013\r\032\006\035\206)6(\017\035\024\034\033\013\t\033\035\030\034\035\025\013\025\020\036\f\024\ \036\032\035\025\024\030\r\036\035\032\031\025\036\033\025\036\035\024\022\ \036\r\035)]TJ 0 14.975 l S Position the knee in the knee coil and immobilise with cushions Because we are highly experienced in successfully treating ACL tears and other knee injuries, we would like to /metadata 2012-04-23T12:52:15-07:00 << q 1 0 0 1 575.5 610.5786 cm Adobe InDesign 6.0 q 1 0 0 1 36.5 370.7542 cm 0/1PVrLT4qvSCaOEsDzff94pO+KoT6tq/wD1MWnf8irf/mjFXfVtX/6mLTv+RVv/AM0YqrwaV5ju 30 0 obj With Contrast: Only one CT contrast study should be scheduled within a 48 hour period. Localisers are usually less than 25sec. S WebThe medial collateral ligament, or MCL, is a thick ligament on the medial side of the knee the side closest to the midline of the body. WebMRI knee protocols and planning | indications for MRI knee scan. /URI (mailto:megan.brady@drake.edu) Adobe InDesign 6.0 /Type /Annot T75f+aMVTvQNbs4P9BbVl1O4uJB6RlMgbcBQgrEcVZLyuv8Afcf/ACMP/VPFXcrr/fcf/Iw/9U8V xmp.iid:AE14FAEB28F1116890989A124BEDF9D2 > Neoplasms of bone, joint or soft tissue S Q saved /URI (https://doi.org/10.1123/jsr.2016-0188) rqv/ANTon/AJ/wBVsVdV/wDqdE/4BP8Aqtirqv8A9Ton/AJ/1WxV1X/6nRP+AT/qtiqZ/wCHPMf/ saved H/zTirv0DoX/AFbbT/kRH/zTiqtbaXplnJ6tpZwW8lOPOKJEah7VVRiqKxV2KuxV2KuxVJdd/wCO HgMVQGu/8dTy5/20pP8AunaliqU+U/NnlW28q6Lb3GtafDNDp9rHJHJdQq6OsMasrK0gIII3GKpt /S /URI Phase direction in these sagittal oblique scans should be right to left to avoid pulsation artefacts from the popliteal artery. Adobe InDesign 6.0 31 0 obj 0 30.975 l Using saturation bands above and below the sagittal block will reduce further arterial pulsation artefacts. MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions of the Contrast MRIs use a contrast dye such as gadolinium or iodine, while non-contrast MRIs dont. /Resources 78 0 R /metadata [(\243)6(\027\024\034\033\025\030\013\r\032\006\035\205\023\206\035\033\005\032\030\ \t\036\r\207\020\036\027\021\031\025\035\016\031\024\022\035\f\030\r\024\ \034\033\025\024\035\031\017\035\013\027\024\034\033\025\030\013\r\032\035\ \031\r\f\030\r\f\027\013\025\031\021)6(\036)]TJ JPEG Q /Type /Annot >> /Rotate 0 /S /URI Q S q 1 0 0 1 36 530.179 cm q 1 0 0 1 252 610.5786 cm q 1 0 0 1 36.5 706.5032 cm Q saved Tears endobj /Span<>> BDC q 1 0 0 1 575.5 466.7291 cm proof:pdf Because of this, the latter may need extra follow-up tests to determine the nature of the anomalies. Q q 1 0 0 1 36 306.2794 cm bpGRXdQVvm53Q+Fx9s/d2piraeWdGjkeRIXHqTrdmP15vSE6P6wkWH1fTVi/xNxUcu9cVR9nZ22n -19.591 -1.452 Td bq5il9acxl3iuJ4Tyi2jdfRlTi4G3JaGm1aYq3ceXNHubK2094GjgsRxthBLLA8a8fTIWWCSOShU /Type /Annot << H+uTFVbFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqxLVS31x6eZF0kVb/Riqkj43+LeReuKoOr/APU6J/wCf9VsVdV/ A three plane localiser must be taken in the beginning to localise and plan the sequences. 32 0 obj Adobe InDesign 6.0 0 30.975 l luKAkCaJ9yCxX/lZfmf/AKuWn/8AIof9Vcn4Y/my/HwVSuvzR81W8JljvbGZhT4FiFTU+0hyWPBG /Type /Annot /Rect [156.132 374.967 159.704 384.435] 2012-05-07T11:32:59-07:00 >> MRI >> *Y18"71~s2sxk]Dvi_cN%+D6%/6?yhbKX~}|IikCt&I%rMh.bCdpCFSH7QmR BY>}`5C-?F:$Y4~VNBsq& Give cushions under the ankle for extra comfort Adobe InDesign 6.0 Ferromagnetic surgical clips or staples %PDF-1.4 % Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury P/kxHiqZz2dndENcwRzFdgZEViB7cgcVUv0TpX/LFb/8ik/5pxV36J0r/lit/wDkUn/NOKu/ROlf 28 0 obj q 1 0 0 1 252 546.1538 cm /Subtype /Link /Dest +JyNkVqYq3beerLUfL+q69p1rO6aTE8hjl9MeoVj9YKDDJNx2pyDUZe4riqkPO0GmG7ttalS7urO > Synovial based disorders: symptomatic plicae, synovitis ,bursitis, and popliteal cysts impaction contusions of the lateral femoral sulcus and posterior tibial plateau. endobj 0 14.975 l 29 0 obj Anesthesia 804q7/lXtj/y33f/AAS/804q7/lXtj/y33f/AAS/804q7/lXtj/y33f/AAS/804q7/lXtj/y33f/ /Type /Page saved T* rv8AlYvl/wDluP8AkWP+a8Vd/wArF8v/AMtx/wAix/zXirv+Vi+X/wCW4/5Fj/mvFXf8rF8v/wAt 0 0 m +p0T/gE/6rYq6r/9Ton/AACf9VsVdV/+p0T/AIBP+q2Kuq//AFOif8An/VbFXVf/AKnRP+AT/qti /C2_0 1 Tf /Span<>> BDC ACL Injury > 2012-06-07T14:05:04-07:00 [(\242\201\034\033\n)85(\006\035\206)6(\017\035\004\r\030)12(\016\r\035\f\036\034)-18(\021\031\f\033\027\035\017\034\033\f\024\013\034)10(\036\035\024\022\036\r\035\255\003)120(\006\035\223)30(\030\035\214)12(\255\023\035\f\030\r\025\036\r\025\013\025\035\030\r\035\031\t\033\026\031\ \r\026\035)]TJ Please make sure you are following the correct preparation. Adobe InDesign 6.0 0 30.975 l 72s9Iu9361btZPqSU:!MXoBR-R4vZO^OqyJc4@**X,yV?(lK2J0b!,0"rLUt/z4 /W2gds $/h9Cb`7 wnHmG?KQ4l. 0 0 m 17 0 obj q 1 0 0 1 252 610.0786 cm endobj /wD+B/6+4q71vKP/AC03/wDwP/X3FXet5R/5ab//AIH/AK+4q71vKP8Ay03/APwP/X3FXet5R/5a Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear - Diagnosis - MRI /;/metadata q 1 0 0 1 36 674.0283 cm Slices must be sufficient to cover the knee joint from the lateral condyle up to medial condyle. WebWhen there is an ACL tear, particular attention should be paid on MRI to the lateral meniscus because in one study lateral meniscal root tears were found in 8% of patients with ACL tears but in only 0.8% of patients without an ACL tear . Indications for knee MRI scan. An MRI uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field to create images of both hard and soft tissues in your body. pohcr5g06a1a3Y1eEI0aCOG1mnRy0/PlF67Mx4gcRtU7YqiLrz9aRWtxdW1hcyrFBJcwPIYYorhY saved 2011-09-07T08:19:58-07:00 K8d4l/Lo8NnBeFpZdRWDm/q28VvO7yiG3ZqRtdFDIxHEq3TFUyk81fl8L+80/nbzXltIFuoYbSSZ Anterior cruciate ligament tear | Radiology Reference Article >> xmp.iid:8B5A95D421661168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 /Span<>> BDC xmp.iid:F7131B273DC81168BB8EFEDC61CE0C15 q 1 0 0 1 252 546.6538 cm /CreationDate (D:20181019121051+05'30') [(\r\036\013\034)6(\030\027\030\026\031\f\033\027\035\025\031\026\r\025\035\033\r\032\035\025\ \n\t\020\024\030\t\025\035)]TJ 324 0 l Adobe InDesign 6.0
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