That wasn't the reason she was here. ", "Yeah..I guess." Fluttershy said before yawning mid-sentence. In the aftermath of the wedding, Twilight has found that her friends have grown. Eventually, the spell reached its climax as both Night and Velvet were completely enveloped by the light. ", "We didn't listen to her when she tried to warn us" Added Fluttershy "So we knew we had to do something to help her. "Let me see my sister captain." Replied Velvet. With that, Shining led Luna down to the throne room. Can you take care of things here?". One did not, and that was Rarity. Twilight was trying to warn you of an impostor, even if it meant making a bride cry. You want to say sorry? For now, shes a 5 speed v6, but eventually will be LS swapped with a single turbo. He glanced up ever so slightly to look at her, but quickly looked back down too ashamed to look her in the eye. Lieutenant Fang, you are hereby dismissed.". I know I am guilty of nearly letting my subjects, my ponies meet their doom, I know I am guilty of nearly letting Canterlot be wiped off the face of Equestria, and I am especially sorry for betraying my student, who holds so much faith for me and has given everything to both ourselves and Equestria. Back in the wedding hall, there was little more than seven ponies with the responsibility of Canterlot's invasion laid on their shoulders, a baby dragon devastated by Twilight's revelation, while also disgusted at his own reaction to the lavender unicorn's outburst at the wedding rehearsal. "Princess, we have brought your sister as you requested.". "Listen up Changelings!" Chrysalis would have revealed her deception and conquered the city in one swift stroke, and the blood of thousands of innocent ponies would have been on our hooves. I think the best thing to do right now is to leave them alone until they had time to take in what I told them. They betrayed her trust, they crushed her spirit and left her to die all in one fell swoop.". Because of your foolishness, our dear Twilight will be lost. You're not the only pony who's having a rough time. Act 1 [Later, when Twilight and her friends are setting up for the wedding preparation before The REAL Canterlot Wedding begins] Twilight Sparkle: Seriously, though, I get why the Queen of The Changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you? Celestia started tossing and turning, her hooves planting themselves against her temples. Those who escape into enemy territory will be left at their mercy. A mlt rnyai - Edward szemszg fanfiction (A dialogue Carlisle/Esme: Selfish by baphne The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (original title) Don't worry Twilight fans Don't worry Twilight fans. "Without her, we can't be friends anymore!" Replied Rarity. Yelled out the conductor as the train whistled. "Instead, I let the glamour of being a bridesmaid and the excitement of doing a Sonic Rainboom go to my head. With a deep sigh of resignation, Applejack prepared to bite the bullet. Unlike you, I would never leave Twilight unless the circumstances demanded it, but were all so caught up in the wedding that it became all that mattered to you! Do you understand, Shining Armor Sparkle?" We thought leavin' her alone to think about what she had done would be best for her.". It doesnt matter anymore. "It's as simple as that. The answer seemed glaringly obvious; Chrysalis had magicked Luna to sleep, before taking her back to her quarters to make it seem as if nothing had happened. One could even say Twilight loved Celestia just as equally as she loved her mother. The girls did not move a muscle, stuck in a shocked trance. We'll let you in, but they are not allowed on this property!" Twilight will forgive you girls. "Well, if you're lookin' at apologizing a third time, it better be pretty darn good! If they are sufficient enough to keep us from entering the castle, then the operation may last longer than estimated. What greeted the Guard Captain was a sight he had seen often enough, but still awe-inspiring in it's visage. Shining was snookered, and he knew it. #3056427 - safe, lemon hearts, lyra heartstrings, minuette, moondancer Surely one like yourself would have learned from their past mistakes. But for now, the three leaders were to help Skoula in planning the attack on the city, before it could be presented to the Queen. Shining's thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Celestia throwing herself atop her bed, dispirited and miserable. Go ahead. "Nothing sinister darling. I'm just wondering why the girls are trying to make it up to me. ", "I failed the Element of Laughter because I chose not to cheer you up." "That is correct sister. What gives you the divine right to lecture us when you are guilty of the same sins?!" With no time to lose, he headed off to carry out his orders. The girls could only look at her with frank expressions. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. It was a plan she was very much impressed with. "According to what she told us one evening, Twilight saw this Cadance doing things the real Cadance would never do. I like this plan. Asked Shroud, preparing his mind to take mental notes, regardless of length. If you'd allow me, I will describe it to you in detail.". That was when the two elder Apples understood Applejack's point. "Oh shut up!" How could you think I wouldn't stand against that?! Whatever this was, they hoped it wouldn't be of any discomfort. Luna responded. The outside world didn't matter anymore. Cadance had just recently left Carousel Boutique to check up on Twilight, as she had planned previously. Said Applejack. I have to be elsewhere, so I must make my stay here as brief as possible. She's even madder now. The girls were leaving you..what could I have done? I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but I do remember asking her what spell she had learned.". Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". It was fortunate enough that Cadance already had Twilight's trust, given that she had no part in the betrayal, but she still had to ensure the latter was convinced enough to let the Mane 5 be heard. Twilight also wished me to inform you that she and Spike will be returning home as soon as they are done packing. Understood?". You see, before I became Nightmare Moon, I shared rule of Equestria with my dear sister. I want you, ALL OF YOU, to get out of my house at once. Night moved closer to his wife, who leaned close to him in response. "Is that why you've come here?! "Come on girls, you did well the first time. Now it was clear to them just how much Twilight valued her friendship with them, as well as her relationship with her brother and with Celestia. ", "Anything to preserve the welfare of my subjects." ", "You were thinking about what had happened, weren't you?". "Take as much time as you need. Rarity quipped cautiously. Cadance was focused mostly on how Twilight was going to feel seeing the girls again. "I knew it. The Mane 5 backed off to give her some breathing space. Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 were aboard the train which followed Twilight's to Ponyville. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. "Ok men, engage your disguises. ", "You don't exactly look like it darling. Said Applejack soothingly. I am her number one assistant, and one of the few loyal friends she still has. SubStar I'm so happy to see you, but shouldn't you be at the wedding?". ", "Either way Son, you have shamed your family." "I have no time to lose. We all chose that stupid bug over our best friend, that's how we repaid Twilight for all the fun times we've had together. We're both aware of how badly her friends, Shining and Celestia emotionally damaged her, but how is it she was not taken by them? After a long and hard trudge through the Black Widow's Peaks, Chrysalis, along with what remained of her army and the prisoners they took from the Canterlot settlement arrived at the Changeling hive, one of the tallest peaks in the entire mountain range. Luna's horn lit up as she prepared to cast the spell. The Twilight Time Lord, Adventurequest Worlds : Twilight the Hero. Replied Shining, equally as sorrowful. I just..". How can you expect me to just forget what happened?". "We won't leave you ever again.". Spike was standing atop the stairwell, his face clearly marked with suspicion. "Royal Guards!". Rarity's expression remained unchanged, but she decided it was best she did not dwell on it. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. I need to know what she was doing the day of the invasion. Things did not go as hoped for Applejack and the rest of the Mane 5. We cannot attack until he says to. "No Mom, I don't wanna go to flight school." Rainbow groaned groggily. Meanwhile, Pinkie had also just woken up. But then came the sound of snorting mixed with snoring. Replied Twilight, who headed back inside. There was no trusting the girls, considering the magnitude of what they had done to Twilight at the rehearsal, but it remained to be seen if there was any credibility in their desire to apologize, and even if their apology was solid enough to prove their remorse. The Royal Guard was out and about, not only patrolling the streets to find and arrest any Changeling stragglers, but to assist with repair and resettlement efforts. And all this came from me feeling alone and abandoned, just like Twilight was.". It was also revealed at the wedding that the impostor had put Captain Armor under a mind-control spell, with Twilight watching every second of it. It was a difficult task to remember what Night Light had told him. With that, Fang departed the throne room, but not before bowing to Chrysalis, who prepared to issue the day's final orders. Lesson Zero was the first thing that came into their minds, a testament to the weight of their collective failure. Applejack, meanwhile, slowly trudged back to Sweet Apple Acres, saddened and dejected. "All I cared about at that point was being a bridesmaid, and the added honour of mingling with Canterlot's nobility. Unbeknownst to them, a Changeling disguised as a tanned yellow pegasus stallion, replete with a brown mane and tail had walked into town, and was quietly observing them. Luna nodded firmly. "Pleaseplease don't leave me" Whimpered Twilight, still suffering from the intense effects her memories were forcing upon her. Furthermore, she did also upset the bride, my niece. "Applejack, ah' have lived a long, long life. The time has come for Canterlot to learn the true strength of the Changelings". ", "I was well aware of such a situation unfolding sir." There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. "Is that so?" I will return, and when I do, Canterlot will BURN!". "I will not fail you.". Back in Canterlot, Shining Armor had arrived at his and Twilights old family home with the orders to inform their parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light of their current situation. Eventually, after a spree of incapacitating and harvesting the love of her opponents, Chrysalis was left with Aegis, who was a bedraggled mess. To Luna, that was both an outrage and a major injustice to the lavender unicorn, who had done so much for not only Equestria, but for them both. Rainbow cut in. Celestia could feel her gut twisting with guilt more and more. Said source was Spike, who was facing the wall with his head bowed not in reverence, but in sadness. The lavender unicorn looked at him, having snapped out of her trance. In his hands he held his top hat. She was still listening, despite this. How he wished that Death would be so merciful. This time, she would show no mercy. "You need not explain to me why you and them are here. Shining couldn't keep it together anymore and slowly wept. He was just a boy. Spike could only smile at that. "I did not let her down Luna. "Captain, I hereby bestow upon you the order of leading my forces in the assault on Canterlot, and any other town or villages I decide to conquer. Having settled himself in the living room, Shining gathered what remained of his steely nerves and what was left of his resolve to break the news to his parents. Same goes for Sergeant Tone and his men.". "Twilight has left the city with Spike". "Next stop, Ponyville! Once the locomotive had reached a complete stop, the duo disembarked, bypassing the station building before heading towards the Golden Oaks Library. Leading the Earth ponies was Commander Barbarousis. Unbeknownst to Shining, the Solar Princess was entering a nightmare. "Oh honey! Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. "Proceed Commander." Concerned for his princess, Shining tried waking her up. "Let's go home Spike. ", "Yeah Cadance, I'm fine. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding. You didnt even give Spike a chance to choose the wedding or her!, "Mom, please!" Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. Said Pinkie. "And any enemy that attacks us will have free reign to wreak havoc." Replied Shining. Cried Rainbow. Was the collective response from the gathered war room personnel. "What do you mean your Majesty?" Stepping through them was Spike. Like Twilight, Spike and Cadance before me, I find it hard to comprehend how you, along with Shining and the Element Bearers can dismiss the impostor's attitude as mere stress. Cadance did have a right to be angry, considering how close she was with Twilight, but this was the equivalent of sticking thorns in her body. Not forgetting her strong sense of generosity, she decided to offer Cadance somewhere to sleep for the night. I can let myself out. You will also be in charge of drilling. She just wanted to cry, if it meant getting all of that stress out of her system. How were they able to come to Twilight's aid the first time, when they did not the second time? She is a mare now, not a foal. "There's nowhere in the town we can hide. ", "Shh, it's OK big sister." After a long moment of silence, Fluttershy managed to speak the question that hung on everypony's minds. This time we harvest, and then we kill. Still, she tried her best to remain perky, and after having breakfast herself, she set to work stacking Sugarcube Corner's display case with treats and confectioneries of all shapes and sizes. Twilight had just reunited with her brother, who also happened to be the groom. ", "Of course, the damage that was caused to our friendship is only half the battle." I mean, I know Twilight was only looking out for us and she was worried for me but the way she barged in with no proof to back up her reasoning, I couldn't tell whether or not she was trying to destroy the wedding or shatter our friendship.. The pain must be excruciating, for want of a fitting word. "My magic torch has revealed to me that the leader of the Element Bearers, Twilight Sparkle, has returned to her home in Ponyville following a fallout with her friends, her brother and Princess Celestia, her mentor, feeling hurt and betrayed by all of the previously mentioned. They will no doubt be complemented by cavalry and supported by archers from the castle's parapets. "Yes Luna. "Shininghow could you? She was deep in thought, as well as misery. This was the latter's ultimate redemption. "It will not help Twilight if both Night and myself are turned to the dark side. "Your Majesty, I wish to inform you of an attack on one of the settlements outside the city. I wasn't going to let them go, so I chose to betray my best friend in favour of a bug. "Twilight please! Behind him, the door closed and locked again, sealing him away from the outside world. "General Skoula, I have just come up with an idea which could supplement our forces and bolster the success of the assault on Canterlot. Not only did it give off the obvious signs all was not right with Twilight, but it also made the shield stronger. His attention soon returned to the royal sisters, who were just finishing up Luna's interrogation. "I can't believe ANY of you! "Did you defend Twilight then?" Despite being calmed by magic, Twilight still let out small sobs. The army would be trained hard in the killing of Royal Guards and civilians who attempted to assist in the defence of the city. "My story is not so different to Twilight's, Lady Velvet. If your levels of bitterness increase, so too will the strength of the forces, to the point where the spell cannot protect you. You have not only brought shame to our family Applejack, but you have brought shame on yourself and your Element. Prowler! There was no known reports or rumours of a wedding or any other high-security event this time, according to reports from her spies, thus there wouldn't be a shield to deal with. "The aim of the pegasi attacking the castle is to cut off the princesses from their guards and divert them somewhere we can corner them. As for Spike, he was very much pushed to his limits here. Adventure. However, the former could not help but wonder why if Luna was so badly affected that she allowed the Nightmare Forces to take her over, then why did the same not happen to Twilight? "Good morning girls. However, he was met with no answer as it turned out Celestia had fallen asleep. Twilight bowed her head as well, Spike and Cadance looking up to notice her movements. But if there's anything wrong darling, just talk to me, alright?". She has enough on her hooves without us being may cast the spell Princess. "Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you?" Well, when on that Nightmare Night I tried to connect with my subjects, it was Twilight who helped me to become more down-to-earth and kinder to my subjects than before. "Well, it's best that I start from the beginning..". Applejack barked angrily. Stepping inside the library, she made herself comfortable. Furthermore, the want of a hoofshake at this time would have been utter folly. I just..don't know. Asked Granny Smith. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble. But for now, the main objective was to meet the girls and Cadance at Sugarcube Corner to form a plan. mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight Any information she could get at this time would be of great assistance to figure out how this happened. Without them, they cannot corrupt a host, hence why Twilight did not fall victim to their temptations. With that, the Mane 5 began to move out of the treehouse, one by hesitant one. After pulling herself together, Celestia took a moment to compose herself before speaking. With a sigh, she continued onward to Sugarcube Corner. "CHARGE!" Once more Celestia felt her heart shatter, and this made her feel worse; she and the Sparkle couple had been great friends since the day after they first met, but when it was announced to them that Twilight was to become her star pupil, Velvet had immediate reservations as Twilight was so precious to her as well as Night. She understood that Cadance was trying to play peacemaker, but the odds were against her, and the Mane 5 too. Chrysalis cackled evilly. ", "Ok Twilight." ", "Is that so?" Rarity added. "Twilight, it doesn't matter anymore. "How are we going to get the message across with Twilight still mad at us? Would you care to stay with me for the time being?". Applejack stopped eating. It seemed for a moment she had the upper hand, until Chrysalis turned the tables and defeated her, an event which shocked us all.". Then, there was an explosion; the spell was completed. They were nothing more than relics to her now, relics that celebrated a friendship she thoroughly enjoyed. "Pack your things Spike. Now she knew what was going on, but then came the million-bit question; how would the events of the wedding affect her, and what would come in the future relating to that event that would also affect her? Asked Granny Smith. "That's the Changeling Queen's name, and it sounds every bit as evil as she is." Applejack replied. Twilight, we stand here before you, remorseful and ashamed of what we have done. It is unknown to us what became of Shining and Celestia at that time, but Twilight had nopony else to turn to, hence why we believe that her friends basically betrayed her just for the comparably petty glamour of being the bridesmaids of the wedding.

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