Title 14 was last amended 2/23/2023. (b) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must ensure that a wildlife hazard assessment is conducted when any of the following events occurs on or near the airport: (1) An air carrier aircraft experiences multiple wildlife strikes; (2) An air carrier aircraft experiences substantial damage from striking wildlife. These objects must be constructed, to the extent practical, on frangibly mounted structures of the lowest practical height, with the frangible point no higher than 3 inches above grade. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) (c) The wildlife hazard assessment required in paragraph (b) of this section must be conducted by a wildlife damage management biologist who has professional training and/or experience in wildlife hazard management at airports or an individual working under direct supervision of such an individual. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Equipment and agents. (3) Type of rescue and firefighting equipment to be provided. view historical versions Title 14 Chapter I Subchapter G Part 139 Subpart C 139.203 Previous Next Top eCFR Content The following are definitions of terms used in this part: AFFF means aqueous film forming foam agent. Any limitations imposed by the Administrator, 4. (c) Except as provided in 139.319(c), if there are five or more average daily departures of air carrier aircraft in a single Index group serving that airport, the longest aircraft with an average of five or more daily departures determines the Index required for the airport. No. In addition to the quantity of water required, each vehicle required to carry AFFF must carry AFFF in an appropriate amount to mix with twice the water required to be carried by the vehicle. (6) Training of fueling personnel in fire safety in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section. (3) All rescue and firefighting personnel must participate in at least one live-fire drill prior to initial performance of rescue and firefighting duties and every 12 consecutive calendar months thereafter. (c) The plan required by this section must address or include -. 139-27] RIN 2120-AJ70 Safety Enhancements, Certification of Airports AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. (a) This part prescribes rules governing the certification and operation of airports in any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the United States serving any -, (1) Scheduled passenger-carrying operations of an air carrier operating aircraft configured for more than 9 passenger seats, as determined by the regulations under which the operation is conducted or the aircraft type certificate issued by a competent civil aviation authority; and. Each certificate holder must properly maintain each marking, sign, or lighting system installed and operated on the airport. (d) In the case of amendments initiated by the FAA, the Regional Airports Division Manager notifies the certificate holder of the proposed amendment, in writing, fixing a reasonable period (but not less than 7 days) within which the certificate holder may submit written information, views, and arguments on the amendment. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; Amdt. The curriculum for initial and recurrent training must include at least the following areas: (i) Airport familiarization, including airport signs, marking, and lighting. A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the traffic and wind direction indicators, as required under, 21. If the required Index level of capability is not restored within 48 hours, the airport operator, unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, must limit air carrier operations on the airport to those compatible with the Index corresponding to the remaining operative rescue and firefighting equipment. (h) Extinguishing agent substitutions. Equip personnel with sufficient resources needed to comply with the requirements of Title 14 CFR part 139. (b) Maintain records required under this part as follows: (1) Personnel training. ATP CTP ATP Certification Training Program. (3) Measures authorized by the Administrator for controlling pedestrians and vehicles, such as signs, signals, or guards, when it is not operationally practical to have two-way radio communications between the tower and the pedestrian, vehicle, or escort; (d) When an air traffic control tower is not in operation, or there is no air traffic control tower, provide adequate procedures to control pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas or safety areas through two-way radio communications or prearranged signs or signals; (e) Ensure that all persons are trained on procedures required under paragraph (b) of this section prior to the initial performance of such duties and at least once every 12 consecutive calendar months, including consequences of noncompliance, prior to moving on foot, or operating a ground vehicle, in movement areas or safety areas; and. (iii) Instrument landing system (ILS) critical area signs. Each vehicle required under 139.317 must -, (1) Have a flashing or rotating beacon and. (1) Prepare, and maintain for at least 12 consecutive calendar months, a record of each inspection prescribed by this section, showing the conditions found and all corrective actions taken. Unscheduled operation means any common carriage passenger-carrying Movement area means the runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport that are used for taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and aircraft parking areas. That statutory provision contains stand-alone requirements for such air carriers and special exceptions for operations in Alaska and outside the United States. After considering all relevant material presented, the Regional Airports Division Manager notifies the certificate holder within 30 days of any amendment adopted or rescinds the notice. Experienced Airport Operations Specialist.Ensures compliance with Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14CFR Part 139) by conducting inspections of runways, taxiways, ramps and other. (4) A reporting system to ensure prompt correction of unsafe airport conditions noted during the inspection, including wildlife strikes. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must develop and maintain an airport emergency plan designed to minimize the possibility and extent of personal injury and property damage on the airport in an emergency. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the following rescue and firefighting equipment and agents are the minimum required for the Indexes referred to in 139.315: (a) Index A. (i) Each airport subject to applicable FAA and Transportation Security Administration security regulations must ensure that instructions for response to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(7) of this section in the airport emergency plan are consistent with its approved airport security program. (2) Surface irregularities on movement areas, safety areas, or loading ramps and parking areas. What is Part 139? - Part 139 Airport Certification In 2000, Congress mandated that FAA issue a rule relating to certification of airports serving scheduled passenger air carrier operations conducted in aircraft with 10 to 30 seats (except in the State of Alaska ). (a) Each certificate holder who acts as a cargo handling agent must establish and maintain procedures for the protection of persons and property on the airport during the handling and storing of any material regulated by the Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 171 through 180) that is, or is intended to be, transported by air. In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must -. 139-27, 78 FR 3316, Jan. 16, 2013]. (a) An index is required by paragraph (c) of this section for each certificate holder. (d) Each certificate holder must prepare and keep, for at least 12 consecutive calendar months, a record of each dissemination of airport condition information to air carriers prescribed by this section. (3) As authorized by the Administrator, become a part of the Airport Certification Manual. 139.341 Identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas. (vi) Application of the types of extinguishing agents required for compliance with this part. (c) Make and maintain any additional records required by the Administrator, this part, and the Airport Certification Manual. (b) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the maintenance and configuration of unpaved areas that are acceptable to the Administrator. "Published Edition". (d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the conduct of airport self-inspections that are acceptable to the Administrator. (3) Snow, ice, slush, or water on the movement area or loading ramps and parking areas. (g) Implementation. For each runway available for air carrier use, a supplemental wind cone must be installed at the end of the runway or at least at one point visible to the pilot while on final approach and prior to takeoff. (c) Train all persons who access movement areas and safety areas and perform duties in compliance with the requirements of the Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. (i) Be submitted in writing at least 120 days before the proposed effective date of the exemption; (ii) Set forth the text of 139.317 or 139.319 from which the exemption is sought; (iii) Explain the interest of the certificate holder in the action requested, including the nature and extent of relief sought; and. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for compliance with this part that are acceptable to the Administrator. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. Aeronautics and Space Chapter I. (2) Emergency personnel training. [Doc. 14 CFR 139.325 - Airport emergency plan. (3) Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the signs required by paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and (b)(1)(iii) of this section must be internally illuminated at each Class III airport. As a Certifications Curriculum Manual, Chapter 2 - Texas FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; 72 FR 68475, Dec. 5, 2007]. (4) Coordination of airport and control tower functions relating to emergency actions, as appropriate. 14 CFR Part 139, Certification of Airports Final Rule (b) Fencing that meets the requirements of applicable FAA and Transportation Security Administration security regulations in areas subject to these regulations is acceptable for meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(l) of this section. I (1-1-03 Edition) (c) Furnish the applicable portions of the approved airport certification spec-ifications to the airport personnel re-sponsible for their implementation; (d) Make the copy required by para-graph (b) of this section available for inspection by the Administrator upon request; and view historical versions Title 14 Chapter I Subchapter G Part 139 View Full Text Previous Next Top eCFR Content : FAA-2010-0247; Amdt. (2) The pavement must have no hole exceeding 3 inches in depth nor any hole the slope of which from any point in the hole to the nearest point at the lip of the hole is 45 degrees or greater, as measured from the pavement surface plane, unless, in either case, the entire area of the hole can be covered by a 5-inch diameter circle. Procedures for conducting the self-inspection program, as required under, 22. (3) The pavement must be free of cracks and surface variations that could impair directional control of air carrier aircraft, including any pavement crack or surface deterioration that produces loose aggregate or other contaminants. Part 139 Airport Certification Definitions Definitions - Part 139 Airport Certification Terms Used in 14 CFR Part 139 The revised Part 139 contains more definition than those shown below. Procedures for maintaining the safety areas, as required under, 13. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our Nomenclature changes to part 139 appear at 69 FR 24069, May 3, 2004. 14 CFR Part 139 [Docket No. 49 U.S.C. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting Title 14 was last amended 3/02/2023. (1) Each certificate holder must provide and maintain sign systems for air carrier operations on the airport that are authorized by the Administrator and consist of at least the following: (i) Signs identifying taxiing routes on the movement area. switch to drafting.ecfr.gov. Jesse Reyes - Military Police - US Army | LinkedIn FAA - 14 CFR PART 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS - GlobalSpec (1) Prompt removal or control, as completely as practical, of snow, ice, and slush on each movement area; (2) Positioning snow off the movement area surfaces so all air carrier aircraft propellers, engine pods, rotors, and wing tips will clear any snowdrift and snowbank as the aircraft's landing gear traverses any portion of the movement area; (3) Selection and application of authorized materials for snow and ice control to ensure that they adhere to snow and ice sufficiently to minimize engine ingestion; (4) Timely commencement of snow and ice control operations; and. (i) Designation of personnel responsible for implementing the procedures; (ii) Provisions to conduct physical inspections of the aircraft movement areas and other areas critical to successfully manage known wildlife hazards before air carrier operations begin; (iii) Wildlife hazard control measures; and. (3) Any required vehicle that becomes inoperative to the extent that it cannot perform as required by paragraph (g)(1) of this section must be replaced immediately with equipment having at least equal capabilities. (5) Any additional subject areas required under 139.319, 139.321, 139.327, 139.329, 139.337, and 139.339, as appropriate. FAA Part 139 Ops Required Training - antndigicast.com (FAR 139.203) eCFR The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Displaying title 14, up to date as of 2/08/2023. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. Source (xi) Familiarization with firefighters' duties under the airport emergency plan. (2) 450 pounds of potassium-based dry chemical and water with a commensurate quantity of AFFF to total 100 gallons for simultaneous dry chemical and AFFF application. (a) Under 139.3, the Regional Airports Division Manager may amend any Airport Certification Manual approved under this part, either -. The certificate holder must notify the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Manager immediately when noncompliance is discovered and corrective action cannot be accomplished within a reasonable period of time. (1) Any limitation that the Administrator finds necessary to ensure safety in air transportation. (2) Each safety area must be drained by grading or storm sewers to prevent water accumulation. 14 CFR Part 139 Flashcards | Quizlet (c) Each certificate holder must, as a fueling agent, comply with, and require all other fueling agents operating on the airport to comply with, the standards established under paragraph (b) of this section and must perform reasonable surveillance of all fueling activities on the airport with respect to those standards. (2) Assurance from the shipper that the cargo can be handled safely, including any special handling procedures required for safety. (3) To the extent practicable, provide for an emergency response for the largest air carrier aircraft in the Index group required under 139.315. (iv) Ways to communicate effectively between personnel conducting wildlife control or observing wildlife hazards and the air traffic control tower. (7) Procedures and equipment are established and maintained for alerting rescue and firefighting personnel by siren, alarm, or other means authorized by the Administrator to any existing or impending emergency requiring their assistance. 139.115 Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, reports, or records. (iv) Procedures for pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas and safety areas. ACTION: Final rule. CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS Subpart C. Airport Certification Manual Alamosa Unable to Qualify for Part 139 Certification, Current EAS Procedures for airport condition reporting, as required under, 28. Docket No. (2) Procedures for access to, and operation in, movement areas and safety areas, as specified under 139.329. No. (h) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the handling and storage of hazardous substances and materials that are acceptable to the Administrator. (g) Agent discharge capacity. Certificate holder means the holder of an Airport Operating Certificate issued under this part. This written confirmation must be maintained for 12 consecutive calendar months. Such alternate compliance must be described in the ACM and must include: (1) Pre-arranged firefighting and emergency medical response procedures, including agreements with responding services. Safety area means a defined area comprised of either a runway or taxiway and the surrounding surfaces that is prepared or suitable for reducing the risk of damage to aircraft in the event of an undershoot, overshoot, or excursion from a runway or the unintentional departure from a taxiway. 139.3 Delegation of authority. 1/1.1 See the 'Cross Reference' blocks in the text of this content for more information. (1) With the aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment required under this part and the number of trained personnel that will assure an effective operation, each certificate holder must -, (i) Respond to each emergency during periods of air carrier operations; and. 139.205 Amendment of Airport Certification Manual. learn more about the process here. (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. Best Practices for Fuel Safety Inspection | Airport Improvement Magazine (5) Prompt notification, in accordance with 139.339, of all air carriers using the airport when any portion of the movement area normally available to them is less than satisfactorily cleared for safe operation by their aircraft. The wildlife hazard assessment must contain at least the following: (1) An analysis of the events or circumstances that prompted the assessment. 106 (g), 40113, 44701-44706, 44709, 44719. 139.201 General requirements. The FAA uses this authority to issue requirements for the certification and operation of certain airports that service commercial air carriers. To the extent practicable, the plan must provide for rescue vehicles with a combined capacity for handling the maximum number of persons that can be carried on board the largest air carrier aircraft in the Index group required under 139.315. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 Subpart C -- Airport Certification Manual (FAR These procedures must provide for at least the following: (1) Designated personnel to receive and handle hazardous substances and materials. 1. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, each certificate holder must provide on the airport, during air carrier operations at the airport, at least the rescue and firefighting capability specified for the Index required by 139.317 in a manner authorized by the Administrator. (5) Recommended actions for reducing identified wildlife hazards to air carrier operations. CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS. January 1, 2020. (f) Standards. Each air carrier that provides - in an aircraft designed for more than 9 passenger seats - regularly scheduled charter air transportation for which the public is provided in advance a schedule containing the departure location, departure time, and arrival location of the flight must operate to and from an airport certificated under part 139 of this chapter in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 14 CFR 139.325 - Airport emergency plan. An Airport Operating Certificate issued under this part is effective until the certificate holder surrenders it or the certificate is suspended or revoked by the Administrator. FAA.gov. 14 CFR part 142 programs provided by ATP Jet Simulation, Inc. 2023 ATP Request More Information . (1) Include procedures for prompt response to all emergencies listed in paragraph (b) of this section, including a communications network; (2) Contain sufficient detail to provide adequate guidance to each person who must implement these procedures; and. (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section; and. 14 CFR PART 139. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS. 14 CFR Part 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS | CFR | US Law | LII (ii) When requested by the Administrator, demonstrate compliance with the response requirements specified in this section. (e) The plan required by this section must contain procedures for notifying the facilities, agencies, and personnel who have responsibilities under the plan of the location of an aircraft accident, the number of persons involved in that accident, or any other information necessary to carry out their responsibilities, as soon as that information becomes available. 139.329 Pedestrians and ground vehicles. (d) The Administrator approves the Airport Certification Manual. However, if the average daily departures are expected to increase, then average daily departures may be determined by planned rather than current activity, in a manner authorized by the Administrator. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the installation, lighting, and maintenance of traffic and wind indicators that are acceptable to the Administrator.

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