These two responses, the proper and improper, are illustrated for us in this story of Jesus cleansing the ten lepers. But. The only condition to receive Gods healing for our leprous souls is that we take Him at His word, that whoever believes in His Son Jesus will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). The Lord blessed his obedience greatly. Every so often I come across a Facebook status from someone saying that theyre blessed. These men knew Jesus by name, but they also called Him Master, acknowledging His authority. So if the word blessed means to be made holy or consecrated, then I suspect that most people dont mean to use the word in its literal sense. The thankful leper represents the full fruit of saving faith, namely, lips that give joyful thanks to His name. The nine got what they wanted from God in terms of healed bodies, but they went no farther. For instance, will you still be grateful that youre even alive? It was a test of faith for them to go without any evidence of healing. But, suddenly by the Lords power, they all were restored to perfect health. You will stay in the place of blessing when you live obediently. while making the Vulcan hand sign. I can well imagine one of them arguing, Well look like fools if we show up before the priest in our present condition! Another countered, Yes, but weve got nothing to lose; this is our only hope. But it hurts to walk on these leprous feet! I know, but if we do what He says, maybe well be healed. But this isnt the way He healed the other lepers. I just say "thanks." Jonsblond ( 7802) "Great Answer" ( 2 ) Flag as . Blessed be? Log in, Stopping in a Grove of Pear Trees on a Spring Evening. I interpret it as have a nice day. To Ill pray for you, I say, Thank you, Ill think for you., I usually just smile and say thanks. Its an honest intention. . Lets all learn from this exuberant and thankful leper how to respond to Gods blessings, especially to the blessing of salvation. I cheerfully accept it as it is usually meant: not a theological statement, but a positive way of using a metaphor that reflects the well-wishers background or community. The good news is that God delights to show mercy to those who cry out for it! They complain about their jobs, forgetting that many would be grateful just to have a job or even to have the bodily strength to go to work. Give Him glory! I just say thank you with sincerity in my voice. More generally?Reason be with you.My common sense is tingling.Live long and prosper.May the force be with you.Eat, Drink and be merry.May the odds be ever in your favour.We are Groot. You can find the polarity of a compound by finding electronegativities (an atoms desire for an electron) of the atoms; Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.5, compared to Fluorines A) Enter the the Ksp expression for the solid AB2 in terms of the molar solubility x. And you have yourself a terrific day!". Surely the answer is no, but thats okay because people are not grateful by default. 34:6-7). Dear Scott, I am very well, thank you. Only the One who made us . Theres nothing to compare your life outcome with. "I am very well, thank you" is a simple response to formal emails. Pan's blessings to you too. PLEASE HELP!!! Truly, we serve a generous and compassionate God! At the end of the day, they are wishing you well and being nice. The phrases origins are a bit more murky. Mi hermana se sorprende N-F C-F Cl-F F-F 2 Answers C-F is the most polar. Email Sample One for Changing Your Reply RSVP. I guess in this scenario you can compare your life to other animals, like a fish or something. The Masai tribe in West Africa has an unusual way of saying thank you: They bow, put their forehead on the ground, and say, My head is in the dirt. Another African tribe expresses gratitude by sitting for a long time in front of the hut of the person who did the favor and saying, literally, I sit on the ground before you. (In Leadership Journal [Winter, 1993], p. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Address: 9241 13th Ave SW The phrase's origins are a bit more murky. Diaphragm _____ 3. Usually catches people off-guard long enough to end the interaction. How are you? We should join him in glorifying God at the feet of Jesus with thankful hearts. We are blessed by who we have - a God who is . The proper response is to determine immediately if the pagan girl saying it is hot. Let the world know how good God has been to you. Situation 1: A:I am going out of town for training next week. It is important to understand how to respond properly to Gods abundant blessings. or the like also seems acceptable. It shows that you are longing for his/her company. I doubt if he understood the deity of Jesus, but nonetheless, he took the proper place of worship at Jesus feet. He teaches us that . I'm blessed. The bigger the blessing the longer we should praise Him. "Blessed Be." In fact, the King James Bible includes the verse, Blessed be the name of the Lord.. On the other hand, some people use it as part of regular, non-ritual conversation. #2 Thank you for being the one-of-a-kind special someone in my life. Have a wonderful party we hope to see you soon. I just say thank you and keep it moving, it really doesn't bother me at all. Best, John Doe. 6 Answers They say Kali Ma Theyre referencing this scene from the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: What is the best response to Blessed be? I point out four lessons from this story: Let me review some things from our lesson in Luke 5:12-16 concerning leprosy. 2. and our By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It more like they're saying 'thank you , have a crappy day'. A feast unto the Lord? Its also a cop-out, perhaps from fear of confrontation or that well-known atheists feeling of Oh, whats the use?. Discuss the implications for witnessing: The refusal to see ourselves as spiritual lepers is a major hindrance to salvation. If you want to make them feel good, say these. Note that this lepers praise was heartfelt: he glorified God with a loud voice (17:15). According to the Law, they keep their distance but they recognize Jesus and cry out to Him for mercy. Jul 25, 2014. Required fields are marked *. I notice, but ignore it. I just thank them and go about my day. Learn Religions. I feel you. I can't say that I am. _____ 1. Sometimes it's the somber tone when the person says 'have a blessed day' that does not lead me to believe they are wishing me well at all. *At Jesus feetWhereas before the man had to keep his distance from Jesus because of his disease, now he comes up near to Him and falls on his face at Jesus feet. Those who have experienced Jesus cleansing power should glorify Him. The Kb of pyridine, C5H5N, is 1.5 x 10-9. In addition to praising openly, we need to also remember to spend time praising in secret through prayer and God will reward that behavior openly. This is not the hill I'm going to die on. I don't get offended. Because of that, it has never bothered me. Spanish Help There would be no point in such action unless they were cleansed of their leprosy, and yet at this point they were not cleansed. If you're not wiccan, say thank you. "You are a blessing to my mornings.". and that is said what works for one human may not work for another and to critize that is inmoral to me! It's infuriating that their delusions effect my life in so many ways. We all are prone to say, I may have my faultsafter all, Im only humanbut Im not a terrible sinner. T.I.In It To Win It 2016 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music EntertainmentReleased . Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button. Im currently a member of the American Humanist Association as well as the Humanist Club in The Villages, FL. He Already Has. Method 1 Thanking God Directly 1 Thank God continuously throughout your day. Context is all the information surrounding the language that is being discussed. I hope you make Santa's good list. It is to exalt Him, to let others know how great He is. God blesses us then we take the blessing and run after some verbal thanks. Thats where every saved person should camp out! No creo que Susana _____ (seguir) sobre los consejos de su mdico. Others may have been embarrassed by his exuberance, but he didnt care! According to Josephus, lepers were treated as if they were, in effect, dead men (cited by Barclay). but any sort of kind statement after will work, marry meet something like that I forgot I dont study wicca anylonger! I just respond with a smile and say something like "You have a happy day, too." By the way: the Greek word for 'blessed' can also be translated as 'happy'. To be fair, I dont think people question the words they use to validate whether its appropriate or not let alone if the definition of the word even applies to what they mean to say. I am not worthy. Psalm 8 This is how we should feel in response to our gracious Lords many blessings. To "I'll pray for you," I respond "thank you, I'm sure you are." With "bless you," this phrase in my opinion is harmless, so I simply say, "thanks." . Oct 15, 2019. Furthermore, just as this awful disease of leprosy separated the leper from the community, so sin causes distance and rupture in human relationships, often among family members. Its important to keep in mind that Wicca is a newer religion, and many of its terms and rituals are rooted in Thelema, ceremonial magic, and hermetic mysticism. It seems to me, that some people often times rather say that theyre blessed instead of lucky, so that they can add an emphasis on the idea that God had something to do with their circumstances. Oracle insight to you. During that rite, the High Priest or High Priest delivers what it known as the Five Fold Kiss, and recites. The lepers pleaded, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us! Mercy, like grace, is Gods undeserved favor. Your Reports Help Protect the Agnostic CommunityReport Content, I think this violates the community guidelines. summer | 4.2K views, 92 likes, 102 loves, 53 comments, 67 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Ramp: His presence is here, worship with us at Summer Ramp now!Welcome to Summer Ramp Do you have regular meetings each month? Even when I know the person saying "Have a blessed day" probably means "Be blessed by God", I simply take it as a kind gesture wishing me well. Now, in some respect, all of that is ok. You may think youre life is better than others but you dont take it to the extreme and rub itin peoples faces. If it is an everyday person I just take it to mean they are wishing me well, and I wish them well back. If you can feel gratitude for just being alive right now, then what makes blessings so exclusive when it comes to gratitude? Context is important. Leprosy rendered a man ceremonially defiled, so that if he was healed, he still had to go to the priest and carry out an extensive ritual of cleansing before he could be accepted back into the religious community and worship (Lev. Paul tells us that Christ broke down that barrier of the dividing wall, so that we who formerly were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel now have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Eph. It is the proof of our faith. Some people don't think so. They awake to see the sun shining, and do not give thanks to God. Have a blessed Sunday! Josh Bocanegra is a serial entrepreneur, digital marketer and software developer. "I don't need to be blessed" if you wanted to be rude, or if someone says, "have a blessed day," you could say, "you have a good day too." You could also say . God was not only going to heal Hezekiah in 3 days, but also he was guaranteeing the king 15 more years of life! " "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Yes, an alternative-to-what-theyre-accustomed-to-hearing reply takes time and may have consequences, but its important. I love when believers dont know the expressions of other religionssays a lot doesnt? His heart was lifted up. His work has been featured in Forbes, TIME, TechCrunch, Bloomberg, Popular Science and many more. Privacy Policy. The best ways to respond include "I'm so lucky to have you too," "I appreciate you saying that," and "that means a lot to me." These are great ways to respond because they show you care about the other person. Luke is the only gospel to use this word in addressing Jesus, and every other time it is used by the disciples. Es ridculo que t ______ (tener) un resfriado en verano. Thank You. Jesus had healed him and he was going to make it known! (Matt 6:6) Thank you for your teachings! Second, if they truly are being snide, it will eat at them that you did not pick up on their intended slight. Some people mean it as a generic good wish for the season, many mean it as a good wish for the festival they celebrate in honor of their particular version of Jesus Christ and assume you do, too, and some people use it as a dog whistle. If someone wishes you 'Merry Christmas', it's a reasonable assumption that they are Christian, or that they do at least recognize and celebrate the Christmas holiday, so it's fine to respond with 'you too', or more properly, "Merry Christmas to you too!" B: You were blessed. So, I agree with you some people are saying "I want you to know that I'm religious" or "I want you to know that I'm a Christian". What does google say is the definition of blessed? The problem with thinking God has your back is that its actually kind of disgusting. If before his voice had been hampered by leprosy, it was freed up now and he exercised it with full force! But it sounds like you're talking more about insincere, even sarcastic people who may be making snide remarks. Because really if someone said that to me, I wouldnt be sure what they were meaning. What Is The Unpardonable Sin In The Bible? I pray that the content on this site has been a blessing to you! All of the devastating effects of this terrible disease were erased. I have no idea what "blessed" has to do with out of town training. Like that man, many people are blind to the many blessings that God daily showers upon them. To be oblivious to the fact that God is blessing you or, even worse, to take credit for His blessings as if you earned them by your own efforts, would be to slight God. They are wishing you something that they feels has value. I would love to join in too , Thank you . The difference between being blessed and being lucky is not so different. Check attribution guidelines at To be blessed, in other words, is to be special; but logically speaking, in order to be special there must be people who are not-special. "Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken." - Albert Camus. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. the one think i loved about the wicca stuff and that stuck with me! We owe everything to Him and can claim nothing as coming from ourselves. He says that even so, there are far more who are prone to pray in a time of need than to praise God when He meets that need. If she isnt just ignore her. This is a great option for when you don't want to over complicate things. Thats what the lukewarm church at Laodicea thought about themselves: We are rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing (Rev. Gods blessings should humble you. For example: 7*x^2. Same with "Merry Christmas". Thank you is definitely a more appropriate reply. Likewise, if you say it to someone and they tell you they'd rather you didn't, then respect their wishes the next time you encounter that individual. In the same way, it is possible to receive special blessings from God in answer to prayer, such as a healing from a serious illness, and yet to fall short of the best blessing of all. Just as these lepers did not just believe intellectually, but had a faith that obeyed Jesus word, so we must exercise personal obedient faith in Him with regard to His promise to save us from our sins. Entrepreneur. I simply say "thanks". The more benign form is limited to this skin discoloration in a number of places, and even untreated cases heal in from one to three years. Thank God with your life not just your words. Because of this, I question the authenticity and motive behind those who claim that theyre blessed but say it means theyre grateful. The only proper response is to glorify Him from a thankful heart. Consider this: God has offered you a ton of blessings in your life and youre grateful for that. Thanks Griffin, Ive gone ahead and emailed you. That is kind of them. Her invocation ended with: You may decide that you'd like to use "Blessed be" outside of ritual, but only with other Pagans and that's okay too. His story of becoming a Humanist is part of the collection Personal Paths to Humanism. God does indeed lavish blessings upon us, but not in the way most of us like to think. Put it this way: If you were the only person in the world, the idea of feeling blessed would be kind of meaningless. Only one was curious, pleasant, and discussed it with me; the rest got defensive. He wasnt claiming, Jesus did His part, but I did my part. He knew that he had been healed totally because of Jesus mercy, and so he readily fell on his face at Jesus feet. But, in spite of that, the cleansing of these lepers pictures what God does to the souls of those who call out to Him for salvation. But even though in one sense all ten lepers illustrate saving faith, in that they took Jesus at His word and acted upon it personally, in another sense the nine fell short of saving faith. I believe its a mistake if you pray for something for 10 years and then only thank Him for 10 minutes. "How's it going?" The informal cousin of "How is it going" 194; 6.2.4 124-126). Before Isaiah had left the building, the Lord tells him to go back to the king and say that his prayer was heard. I have been researching humanism for school and would like to have a conversation with a seasoned humanist, if you would like to chat about humanism please email me. I would agree half the time. The average course of that kind of leprosy is nine years, and it ends in mental decay, coma and ultimately death. Hebrews 13:15-16 states, Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. Responding to " bless you ," you could say, "I don't need to be blessed" if you wanted to be rude, or if someone says, "have a blessed day," you could say, "you have a good day too." You could also say, "I don't believe in any religion, so I'm just going to say thank you." If someone says, "I'll pray for you, I might say As such, its not surprising that many phrasesincluding Blessed beappear in other places long before Gerald Gardner incorporated them into his original Book of Shadows. In other words, using it outside of the context of the spiritual and sacred is simply inappropriate. My sister is Wiccan and she uses Blessed Be a lot. We rely on members to let us know when posts contain content that violiate the, Your Reports Help Protect the Agnostic Community, Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members. Blessed be thy feet, which have brought thee in these ways,Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar,Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be,Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty,Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names of the gods. Its so difficult to be a FreeThinking Atheist in my part of the world (Nigeria) funny thing is I was born this way, idk it would be nice to connect with like minds , stubbled upon this site searching for polite way to reply god bless you , well hope to hear from you . in an extremely matter-of-fact tone. God wants us all to see that our hearts are deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. So, be nice as well. They complain about their lack of money, forgetting that they spend more on entertainment each month than many around the world earn as their total income. When a Wiccan or other neo-pagan says "Bless-ed Be!" It just expresses your wish for them to be happy & well. That sense of need leads to the second step: Among other things, leprosy attacked the vocal chords so that these men probably could only make a raspy sound. Today like many days I been told have a blessed day by someone just being friendly. We must spend much time at His feet. If they had lost fingers and toes, they were restored. Praise Openly. And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Every day we should be filled with gratitude for all that the Savior did for us when we were spiritual lepers before Him. 2 Chronicles 32:20-22 Furthermore, the Lord magnified Hezekiah in the sight of the people, protected him from his enemies and enriched him financially. When you say that youre blessed, it implies that your circumstances happened to you on purpose. For me, "have a blessed day" is the same as "have a great day". That's always my answer. 5 Answers There is no word like addressal. They were all outcasts, separated from the common worship and separated from their own people, seemingly under Gods curse. Just as these lepers did not first try to clean up and make themselves presentable, so we are to come to Jesus just as we are. Rather than drawing near and touching them, as He did with the leper in Luke 5:13, Jesus simply instructs them to go and show themselves to the priests. Obey Him as a sacrifice of praise. Thank you for your comments, Gary. I'm not offended by it but a lot of times I want to say no thank you keep it to yourself or I don't need it but thanks. I barely tolerate them. ", If you are open to being blessed by this person and their view of deity: "Thank you, and may you be blessed as well. Like many other phrases in the Pagan lexicon, there is no universal rule that you must use Blessed Be as a greeting or in a ritual context, or even at all. Mississippi Children's Choir - Im BlessedWhen God's Children Get Together Someone asked, Did God answer your prayer? Oh, no, the man replied. They go . - Muriel Rukeyser. really any sort of sign off that you like to use! Now, my coworkers especially, always anticipate that answer from me. I'm So Lucky To Have You Too "I'm so lucky to have you too" is a simple response. In the Bible, leprosy is a dreaded disease that is a picture of sin. "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.". Blessed be is like saying Amen to someone I think! ", If you are not open to such a blessing: "Blessed are all the Lords children.". By using this response, you are making clear that you are already blessed and do not want anything else given to you. My response is usually "Thanks, you too." 6. nore christanity. In the Bible leprosy can refer to a number of skin diseases, but in its worst form, it was what we know as Hansens disease (R. K. Harrison, The New Testament Dictionary of New Testament Theology, ed. I don't take it to mean they're pushing their religion on me. impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, etc. Well I hope you never lose that blessing. 3. Blessed be thy third eye, that sees all. If you are you could return by saying "blessed be". "Some wish blessings, others pray for them. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition The Lockman Foundation,, remind myself that Praise the Lord is not just a slogan or something nice to do; it is a. If you truly care about others and wish to add value to their well-being, why is there a need to proclaim that youre blessed? Ego can be irrational and it may be an indicator for a mindset that is based on logical fallacies. I was thinking exactly this. Wesley discovered that the man had only one coat and that nothing had passed his lips that day, except a drink of water, and yet his heart was full of gratitude to God. Attribution for excerpts should include a clearly visible link to . Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion,

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