August 2013 January 2021 August 2021 history. The object of ancient alien assistance has to be huge and heavy making it difficult to transport without extraterrestrial levitation devices or modern heavy tractors etc. Having a passion and being able to make a living off it, especially one where you are challenging all the do called experts in ares you were not gifted enough to become a professional in must be very attractive. Oh, and he was a secret agent of the Russian okhrana, who served as a spy in France. . KATHLEEN MCGOWAN OBITUARY. Stories from my family that . July 2013 listening to my grandmother tell me all of the secrets that she did not want to die with her. Some people, however, are beyond help and need to be exposed. According Van Deursen and Koremans, Philip Coppens was paying his wifes expenses from his own accounts before his death but did not finish paying for the last five tours before he died in December 2012. | September 2022 Can you still be *the* Grail Child that many generations removed? In ihrem Verschwrungsthriller "Das Jesus-Testament" verwebt Bestsellerautorin Kathleen McGowan geschickt die wenig bekannte wahre Geschichte der Mathilde von Tuszien mit Maureens riskanter Suche nach dem . May e it's just about economics. When I got to Kashmir and found other families made the same claims, I immediately dropped my claim and began promoting them for DNA studies. This woman told Sawyer the whole thing was a pack of lies. The Magdalene Line series. To me, the book didn't read like a rush job to jump on Brown's bandwagon. March 2013 | Her own career in entertainment began when she was a union liaison for Universal Studios in the 1980s. August 2012 August 2020 "Mary Magdalene's looking at me. Maybe KMG *is* part Divine September 22, 2011 - December 30, 2012 (his death). All rights reserved. It's very common down there! Filed July 18, 2014- retrieved from PACER- case # 3:15-cv-00467-HLA-PDB. But they are." In one blog article: { } Kathleen says, quote: I "owe money to a business or businesses in France" - FALSE FALSE FALSE. Your comment will be posted after it is approved. It is beginning to feel like that parlour game where you have to guess the name of a famous person. Primarily because within the early beginnings of the US, all major powers of the world were those of royalty and we could not afford to become a rogue nation. Kathleen McGowan was born in Hollywood, California into a family with strong television and film ties. Olsson's comment on this case was posted June 4, and her final commentary appeared July 7, 2015 on Facebook , one year after this case began. February 2022 February 2021 Soon after the Royal Program began, it was used as a ploy for acceptance in world trade and commerce. I just read the "Veteran's Today" article and it has more bull in it than a cattle ranch. Do I believe that gyspy woman ,yes. The plot leads her to an arcane secret society which fetes her as the long prophesied descendant of Magdalene and Christ's union. I will now address something else written here- about the lawsuit I have against Kathleen McGowan. July 2010 I came away a believer, and that's what I wrote about in my book- the relics and scrolls that remain relatively unknown in Kashmir, plus a few family members there who believe Yuz Asaf is their ancestor.. Such as? She was one of the first female officers working for the Division of Human Services at Ancora State. November 2015 She is popular for being a Religious Author. McGowan, Kathleen Erin Age 57, died Thursday, August 31, 2017, in Norwood Park, Chicago, IL. Much later when my birth as legal US government king was to be a sure thing, a final meeting of the monitoring council and the federal government convened to determine the fate of that program. A restraining order has even had to be taken out against one woman, who was basically stalking her through the Amazon website. had this mental image, Between the David Dees artwork and the content, it's like a condensed fortified version of five years of the Jeff Rense site. I did not want to draw attention to myself. I have already been awarded 2 million dollars from Kathleen McGowan and Simon & Schuster. . Not only did she find Jesus' and Moses' graves, but she even found Mary's tomb in Muree, Pakistan, and the ruins of the home of Aaron, brother of Moses. RSS Feed. Set mainly in France, the story concerns a deadly quest for religious artefacts which could prove that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married. In 1991, she went to work for The Walt Disney Company where she stayed until 1996. I always broken record Barkun here. I also give permission to everyone who wishes to share this post and I will no longer protect her from the consequences of her own actions. Marseille was a fine place to die and had been for centuries. The process is based on the six-petalled rose depicted at the center of the Chartres cathedral labyrinth. October 2016 Back then, publishers told her no one would ever be interested. (Gene D. Matlock, The Open Secret of India, Israel and Mexico-From Genesis to Revelations! Thanks for the space. The former needed it to be compatible with the Islamic teachings concering Jesus (and establish relics and mythos for his cult), while the latter needed it to be compatible with Christianity (and promote the fusion of Eastern mysticism and Chirstianity). Also, in the same way that fears of UFOs and alien invasion depicted in movies, etc. I don't care. September 2011 Enter your email below to subscribe to my. If anyone has questions about anything I've written here, you are free to contact me by email or on Facebook..Gene Matlock has been very old, frail, ill, and blind. She had the ring. "The first thought that . Jun 5, 2009, 05:12 AM EDT | Updated May 25, 2011. Further relating that earlier plans and promises concerning the Royal Program were not expedient at the time of it's completion in the early 1940s. KMG claims to be the 58th descendant and Olsson claims to be the 59th. It doesn't matter this whole nonsense of a Grail Child or HolyBlood line. Updated variations of this hypothesis propose that chronic stress at high population density may reduce fitness, reproduction, or program aspects of phenotype, driving . But, again, I was specifically talking about Leftist European anti-Semitism, which came up in connection with your comment about Icke. What she will say, though, is that she had some creepy encounters in America after the book was self-published. However with government consent, the monitoring council of that program (known as The Council of Indians) continued funding and maintenance until the program was completed "October 6, 1942". But his is certainly the version Olsson seems to be following. The Secret Supper - Javier Sierra 2007-03-20 Sent by Pope Alejandro VI to oversee the completion of Da Vinci's Once Stalin purged the jews from the politburo and tossed Trotsky out the jewish left started to abandon the knee jerk communist support. He loved football, golf and his Monmouth race track. February 2015 Popular Culture [1] Focusing on the role of Mary Magdalene, it was self-published in 2005, and sold 2,500 copies. In the early 1950s, original entitlements of my royal birthright were being contested. Permanent Makeup Atelier . Everything fitted into place. She seems like a modern, self-possessed, media-savvy American. Much of Redfern's book centers around the idea of Lam being something like a UFO Gray. Fireside $22 (205p) ISBN 978-1-4391-3765-9. Skepticism Kathy Levine, a . He graduated from . April 2013 The Monitoring Council then said if the birth cannot be honored as planned, might we honor the birth child with the title of "Blackfoot Chief" which to us means the same as king. 2010 . No ancient alien theorist ever suggests that we were helped in creating transistors or GPS's or in making vaccines for polio and smallpox or the atomic bomb. A lot of people well, a lot of people have things that they don't want people to know that they have.". Or maybe it was in the writings of Josephus. December 2016 June 2022 Got it. She is known as one of the world's leading experts on the life of Mary Magdalene, and has studied her and related subjects of women in history and spirituality on four continents over 25 years.She is the mother of actor Shane Francis Smith. Her work is solid, she is published, and her theories regarding the Grail traditions are as valid an anyone else's. Softly: "Yes." July 2021 I can't do that. We're talking about a story told primarily through art, that takes place in France. I could not make any progress if I was associated with them in any way. December 2010 A lot of angry letters got exchanged between me and Kathleen. It's fascinating stuff, but the more I learn about it, the less credibly I find the idea that CIA-types would have made the leaps of logic to connect Crowley to UFOs in the 1950s. She has spent nearly 30 years studying the legends of Mary Magdalene in France, and that of the women who have claimed her as their spiritual godmother for . This stuff tends to sell pretty well. The second novel of the series is The Book of Love, published in 2009, focusing on the life of Mathilda of Canossa which is also a NYT Best Seller. April 2016 I could claim to be the great granddaughter of Atilla the Hun. These things were directly related by the federal government in a final meeting with the monitoring council shortly before my birth was to be a sure thing. Why is nothing as it seems? Habsburgs My deceased husband's Dutch former business partners have attempted to exploit me and my grieving in-laws by demanding money in a way that, in my constitutionally protected opinion, can only be viewed as extortion. September 2010 Olsson was inspired by the works of Gene D. Matlock - as Matlock has pointed out in one of his books. A True Historical and once highly classified and secretive event of the times So why didn't she write all of this up as non-fiction? SHE IS NOT IN FACT A DESCENDANT OF JESUS AND MARY MAGDALENE BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD TREAT PEOPLE LIKE CRAP IF THEY WERE RELATED TO JESUS. It's a simple matter of subject.". July 2017 She quit her job, cashed in her savings plans, sold her clothes on eBay, and entered a TV quiz show. He told Michael la Fosse the same thing..but Michael gave himself a bad name and brought shame to the entire desposyni-bloodline hypothesis. Knights Templar Matilda's long-hidden scrolls demand the return of her "most precious books and documents" to the Abbey of Orvalthe same Abbey from which the prophecy of the Expected One originated. "Umm Artefacts. This article wouldn't have been published in the "National Enquirer" without a lot of editing. Eine Wahrheit. They thought that by preying upon us when we were grieving we would simply pay them and not ask questions.
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