Monday February 5 >> Wednesday May 17 Sunday August 20 26 Powered by, 146.79 repeater at Highland Hospital WB2ROC, of information to be found here. The repeater is located east of Rochester atop a 300 ft. tower east of Century High School in northeast Rochester. 9:00pm 10:00pm Iowa D-Star Net8:30pm 9:30pmIowa D-Star Net443.850+ or Reflector XLX632ARecurs weekly Friday September 29 15 Add Repeater Band Feature Linked Systems Emergency Service Repeaters ARES RACES SKYWARN CANWARN Weather Nets Emergency Power Repeaters recommended for use by nearby highway Repeaters by nearest city/town 3 WR2ROC 146.655, 147.030, 147.345, 444.550 system linked to 444.250 Hub at University of Rochester Medical Center. Tuesday May 2 practical and fun for the whole family. Tuesday June 27 Saturday June 10 Wednesday November 29 Sunday July 9 I've been wanting to explore UHF and 220 lately and I noticed it wasn't responding and doesn't appear on repeater book. Thursday November 2 NET: Olmsted County ARES9:00pm 10:00pmNET: Olmsted County ARES147.255 Repeater if date is an Odd number - or - 146.82 Repeater if date is an EVEN number (Both have PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly 20 New York Southern Ontario Repeater Council (WNYSORC), Saint 1 11 Wednesday February 14 Saturday June 17 Monthly socials - a great opportunity to meet your friends, and make new ones! Upstate NY HAM Radio News & Information Binghamton Area Repeater list A few folks have asked for news on active Binghamton Area Amateur Repeaters. We were founded in 1931, and incorporated in September Saturday October 7 Wednesday September 6 21 broad spectrum of topics. Saturday February 10 or upgrade. 3 Friday February 2 11 4 0 obj 9:00am 10:00am Monthly Club Social5:30pm 7:00pmMonthly Club SocialCharlies Eatery & Pub, 1408 2nd St SW, Rochester, MNRecurs monthly Please enter the repeater user function control codes slowly and carefully. Sunday September 24 I will also try to update old posts with confirmations and updates as I get new information .I have a broad range of interests and love to share much of the cool stuff I stumble across. The maximum and minimum outside temperatures for the day at the repeater site will be provided by the repeater in an audio voice. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ham Radio DX 02/19/2023), Are You Ready for 3Y0J Bouvet Island (FlexRadioSystems 02/05/2023), Worked Friday March 24 28 Friday July 7 Sunday July 23 21 Last week 5 Friday June 2 Focusing on education, entertainment, and camaraderie. The WMXW 146.82 MHz repeater is owned and operated by the RARC club and provides reliable amateur radio communications for a wide area including Rochester, Olmsted county and southeast Minnesota area. Monday January 22 Managing repeater and NET frequencies was a tough problem for me. Sunday February 5 var x1 = "staff"; 9:00pm 10:00pm - engineering resources, Stewart W. Smith, Syracuse - Electronics parts, ARAST - Amateur Radio Assoc. 30 13 Tuesday February 27 Livingston, Yates and surrounding Western NY counties, with mobile coverage as far north as Watertown and HT coverage to the cities of Rochester, Canandaigua and more. Friday December 15 6 Anyone interested in amateur radio Wednesday June 14 NY Statewide UHF Linked Repeaters - System 1 "The Empire State Network": RFI - Radio Frequency Interference - "Noise", SKYWARN - Severe weather reporting program, So you want to be a Ham? Thursday June 15 Thursday August 3 Friday February 23 13 25 9 Simple theme. Monday November 20 Monday September 18 Thursday February 8 Monday August 28 9:00pm 10:00pm Thursday July 6 The June testing session is held If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the FREE official RepeaterBook app. 24 Please consider joining and volunteering to become an officer of RRRA. Tuesday January 30 Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority. Friday February 3 17 Over time we have added all kinds of information of interest to Upstate NY Radio enthusiasts. Tuesday December 19 Saturday May 27 26 Thursday February 9 Monday June 26 Tuesday August 1 27 Check out our list below: 146.730 - 100.0 Binghamton K2TDV (Ingraham Hill) Linked to Ithaca 146.895 K2ZG 146.865 - 146.2 Maine WA2QEL (E.A. Friday September 15 7 Release your PTT and the repeater will read back, in audio voice, all of the keys that were decoded. 23 If you are interested let the RRRA Board know. 3 Independent Repeater Coordinating Committee (VIRCC). !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? There are 837 New York repeaters in the database. 24 2 3 9 12 Monday May 29 Friday February 17 11:00am 12:00pm 8 Topics range from the highly technical, pushing the boundaries of amateur radio, to the non-technical, Sunday Saturday December 2 Saturday November 4 Sunday November 26 18 8 It's been quiet for a while, I believe. NET: Southeast Minnesota Digital Net6:30pm 7:30pmNET: Southeast Minnesota Digital Net147.255 Repeater (PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly Friday May 26 Listen to the K2JJI repeater (146.70- PL 100.00 Hz) located on Fulton Co. NY. Saturday August 5 New York Repeater Directory (NYRD) was born in 2003 as an addition to the New England Repeater Directory. Sunday March 26 D-PRS information is routed tothe internet and out on 144.390 as well. 26 Thursday June 22 27 Wednesday May 24 var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; of 1960. 11:00am 12:00pm 3 Saturday August 26 10 Wednesday 6:45am 8:00am 21 /Filter /DCTDecode Sunday August 27 BRISTOL MOUNTAIN. 5 Friday January 5 1 Wednesday March 29 147.255MHz+ PL100 Analog FM; 146.82MHz- PL100 Analog FM; 146.625MHz- PL100 . 11 Sunday September 10 18 Thursday February 16 16 The WEAS 147.255 MHz repeater is owned and operated by Olmsted County Emergency Services. 22 Sunday March 5 Thursday December 7 Sunday December 3 Tuesday April 4 Tuesday October 24 About. Friday August 11 22 20 Wednesday October 11 Thursday January 18 For many years, RaRa has sponsored spring and fall licensing courses 17 25 Avon, NY 14414. Wednesday September 27 23 VE3LYC/MM, Operator Cezar Who is On Board the Ship Bound for Bouvet Island. 23 NET: HF 20m IBM Net11:00am 12:00pmNET: HF 20m IBM Net14.347Mhz USBRecurs weekly } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Monday February 27 Wednesday December 20 29 11 9 ( 02/26/2023), Amateur Radio Enthusiasts Ham It Up in Milford ( 02/26/2023), This Week in Space: Ham Radios, a Spare Soyuz, and the Worst Pile-up Ever ( 02/26/2023), Amateur Radio On the International Space Station Seeking Contact Proposals (ARRL 02/26/2023), Local Operator Explains Why He Believes Downed Object May be Illinois Club's Radio Balloon ( 02/26/2023), Where All Communication is Lost, Farmers Amateur Radio Comes to Fore ( 02/26/2023), Illinois Hobby Group Says Balloon Might've Been Shot Down - CBS Chicago ( 02/26/2023), Schofield Club Excels in International Radio Outreach ( 02/26/2023), The K7RA Solar Update #765 (ARRL 02/19/2023), Illinois Hobbyist Group Says Its Balloon Went Missing the Same Day RRRA also plans to have simulcast Zoom meeting held on the third Friday of 2023 at 7:30pm. 3 28 Saturday February 18 Monday 17 New York Repeater Council, Inc. (UNYREPCO), Western 8:00pm 9:00pm NET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net8:00pm 9:00pmNET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net3583.5 kHz (Olivia 8/500 mode)Recurs weekly Thursday February 1 When your transmitter PTT switch is released, the repeater will beep and then play back the test audio message. 26 Thursday June 1 Sunday February 11 Repeaters using the call sign WMXW are owned and operated by the Rochester Amateur Radio Club. Temporarily off the air - should be back soon! Monday December 18 Get Serious with Amateur Radio; Design & Build a Single-Sideband In August 2020, the RARC club purchased a new Yaesu DR-2X Fusion repeater. 4 6 15 Friday January 26 (click RaRa is the proud producer of the Rochester Hamfest. 24 If you have any information for the database that you believe needs to be added, deleted or modified, please let us know by Thursday June 8 7 5 The WEAS 147.255 MHz repeater is owned and operated by Olmsted County Emergency Services. 9 1 Friday December 8 Saturday September 2 14 28 Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Wednesday February 1 Iowa D-Star Net8:30pm 9:30pmIowa D-Star Net443.850+ or Reflector XLX632ARecurs weekly (ARRL 02/19/2023), Amateur Radio Digital Communications Releases 2022 Annual Report (ARRL 02/19/2023), Amateur Radio Events Celebrate the Universe (ARRL 02/19/2023), Registration Open for the 2023 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (ARRL 02/19/2023), EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS DUE TO EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY (ARRL 02/09/2023), Dixie Amateur Radio Club Makes Widespread Contact During Annual Field Day ( 02/05/2023), A Rescue Thanks to Ham Radio ( 02/05/2023), The This email address is being protected from spambots. Friday February 10 12 9 of the Southern Tier/Elmira, Rochester/Webster - XRX Amateur Radio Club, Speculator - Junk in a trunk Swapfest 8/13/22, 10 16 Saturday January 20 Other repeaters listed on this page are owned by their respective call signs and are listed here for convenience. Wednesday July 19 Friday October 13 6 Tuesday February 6 If you choose to reference material found on this site, please clearly mention that you found it at 20 24 Several students formed the Amateur Radio Association on RIT's downtown Rochester campus. 26 Sunday September 3 U.S. Military Shot Down Unknown Object Over Alaska ( 02/19/2023), U.s. Air Force May Have Shot Down a Ham Radio Balloon ( 02/19/2023), Bouvet Island Dxpedition is On the Air! is encouraged to attend any of our meetings. Saturday October 21 This registration helps to ensure that only ham radio operators are using the gateway. Friday July 21 16 KN2MET NYC Metro Wednesday April 26 Copyright 2006-2023 Thursday October 12 Wednesday June 28 22 Worked 19 3 14 RaRa also excels in many other areas of amateur endeavor. Upstate NY HAM Radio News & Information: Central New York REPEATER LIST (NEW) Central New York REPEATER LIST (NEW) CNY Repeater List (2015) Some favorite CNY Repeaters from (updated 12/1/15) (please send additions and corrections to * denotes linking to other repeaters Standard Rptr offsets 29 -0.100 About K2GXT's History. Friday November 10 Repeater ID: 36-9710. Thursday October 26 17 Buffalo, NY Weather Forecast Office 12 Tuesday September 12 11 Monday February 26 Thursday September 28 Saturday April 8 Services. 5 8 You can also e-mail me at or through my e-mail address on 8 22 please contact us at, CNYARA club repeater, Sauquoit 145.21, is off the air.KD2LHN member, The repeater will be back on the air in April. NET: Southeast Minnesota Digital Net6:30pm 7:30pmNET: Southeast Minnesota Digital Net147.255 Repeater (PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly I still frequent the system via IRLP since I no longer live in the area, but usually use the 444.10 when visiting back in Buffalo. The repeater is located east of Rochester atop a 300 ft. tower east of Century High School in northeast Rochester. Monday December 25 Wednesday July 5 16 147.225 in Cortland NY was linked to the East Coast Reflector.what happened?I used it all the time from here in Burdett NY. Saturday April 29 27 %PDF-1.7 Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2253 for Friday January 1st 2021 Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2253 with a release date of Friday January 1st 2021 to. Tuesday August 22 Wednesday July 26 17 15 14 Click on a header to sort. Saturday December 16 www.UPSTATEHAM.COM 20 Saturday November 11 4 Home; Calendar; Repeaters; Forum; . 12 6 4 Friday June 16 29 8 27 Wednesday January 31 19 8:30pm 9:00pm 5 RaRa provides a unifying focal point for much of the amateur radio activity in Western Thursday November 23 30 Thursday September 21 Skip to main content. 11 Hope to see you there. 23 Friday January 12 31 28 11 Ham Radio Breakfast6:45am 8:00amHam Radio BreakfastGrandma's Kitchen, 1514 N Broadway Ave, Rochester, MN 55906Recurs weekly Transceiver from Scratch Part 1 (Hackaday 02/26/2023), NanoVNA Shoot Out with the MFJ-269, in 2023 (Exploring Stuff 02/24/2023), Restoration of a Vintage Zenith G725 Am/fm Receiver ( 02/19/2023), The $13 Ham Radio Balloon That Cost the US Military $400,000! Monday June 12 The club receives its callsign, K2GXT. NET: HF 20m IBM Net11:00am 12:00pmNET: HF 20m IBM Net14.347Mhz USBRecurs weekly The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for New York: K2SGT, WA2DTN. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 22 12 Membership starts at only $10.00 and is Free for students! Tuesday April 18 24 Currently, with over 500 active members, we are one of the largest Amateur Radio clubs in North America. Saturday February 3 2 20 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. 20 11 19 Monday November 13 4 document.write("") 27 Read about it and see ..If you have an upcoming event or news item that you would like published, Tuesday November 14 2 8:00pm 9:00pm document.getElementById('cloak85fe58f08a1c05b4798396fa15ed2414').innerHTML = ''; 21 /Length 15356 17 ), AMSAT - Amateur radio satellite information, Catalogs/Magazines -- World Radio History, Dave's Radio News.mostly receiver reviews, Ham Radio 101 - Getting started in Ham Radio (RARA). 8 Wednesday August 2 Rochester Hamfest is a major club activity attracting international visitors from Canada and Europe. PC Users: If you do not have a spreadsheet program to view the CSV file, you can download and install Microsoft Excel Viewer. Monday October 16 17 Saturday April 15 Show past events 18 N2OP - Jim, K2RTG-Dave, N2MGU-Jim, KB2DIO-Chuck, WB2YGN-John, KD2SL-Kevin, W2GTX-Doug and many others for their own lists, suggestions and review. Wednesday October 18 3 Sunday October 22 24 20 Thursday March 9 Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! The repeater is located at an elevated site approximately two miles west of the center of Rochester and uses an inverted antenna at a height of 275 feet AGL on a tower that is 1204 feet AMSL. Saturday March 25 Amateur radio WR2ROC 146.79 repeater at Rochester, New York . Support 145.11. - 7:30pm 8:30pm Disclaimer: This is a work in progress! 10% of the auction price is paid to the club by the seller to help support RRRA. 4 NET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net8:00pm 9:00pmNET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net3583.5 kHz (Olivia 8/500 mode)Recurs weekly 27 Wednesday December 27 9 Next meeting will be March 17 at 7:30. 27 Thursday December 14 22 Coverage: HT throughout most of Monroe County Note:The only non-profit owned repeater system in Rochester. Tuesday July 25 7 Tuesday October 17 Tuesday May 30 Wednesday December 13 Thursday May 11 9 Monday March 6 8:30pm 9:00pm Wednesday December 6 About Us. Friday November 17 Friday May 19 Thursday August 17 18 Tuesday December 12 18 25 Thursday November 16 include our Rochester Hamfest, summer family picnic, fall banquet, and winter cabin party. Saturday February 11 30 Monday December 4 Friday October 6 4 Maximum and Minimum Temperatures For The Day. This file is exported from the master database nightly and matches the data on this site. Rochester Radio Repeater Association. Sunday June 11 Weekly Coffee Chat9:00am 10:00amWeekly Coffee ChatRooster's Sports Barn and Grill, 2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901Recurs weekly 20 11 Sunday April 2 Saturday March 4 9:00am 10:00am I hope the ECR . Coverage: Northeastern Monroe County, City of Rochester, Note: Looking for new higher location.

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