What a perfect addition to an wonderful family. We suggest saying something personal about the employee. 2. If you want to share your well wishes with the family, you can use some of the examples at the top of this post or use one of the sample emails below. Born on (Birth Date), he weighed (Birth Weight) and measured (Birth Height). 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. So if youre nervous about spilling the beans, dont be. Formal invitation letter to be present at the function. Alternatively, you could send a restaurant gift card that the new parents can use. There are so many people to tell about the arrival of your new baby, it can seem impossible to make sure you share with everyone. You can ask for a temporary reassignment, reduced hours, or light duty but you may also be subject to reduced pay if you are no longer doing your regular job. You should also include the specific dates you'll be leaving and returning to work. After all, a pregnancy announcement can signal significant changes for your coworkers, too. In my experience, HR or a friend of the new mom or dad receives notice of the babys birth and passes the word on. It could be embarrassing. Ok, so this card could also be used for someone who is leaving the company but how funny would it be for someone who is going off on maternity leave? Make sure your team knows where and when they can say hello and welcome their new colleague. Joyce will participate in employee onboarding activities for her first few weeks on the job.Joyce will work closely with [insert co-worker name], who will serve as her official mentor. The whole family is doing great, and we'd be happy to welcome scheduled visitors starting (Date). I have some great news.Im pleased to announce that Joyce Abraham will join our team as [Policy Analyst] on 16th December 2020.Joyce will work with the [Policy, Partnership, and Enterprise Department] to scale our impact.She has previously worked in the [international policy space]. Ongoing communications and assessing both usage and employee sentiment can help ensure that workers understand and value the benefits they're being offered. Circular Im Here milestone prop Happy Hour 3: Set up new hires at separate tables and announce it's time for "New Hire Hot Seat.". They also raise productivity by over 70%, Glassdoor reports. One example of an email you can send to congratulate your coworker on their new baby is this: Dear [Coworker], I am excited to hear the wonderful news about your new baby! What should you include in a new employee email? Summary. All the staff at this moment informs that a special get together has been arranged on [mention the relevant date] to celebrate this momentous occasion with [mention the first name of the employee] herself. This means that shots of mom immediately after delivery or breastfeeding should not be included in such an email. Other than that, just enjoy the newborn snuggles. Please log in as a SHRM member. But you do want to create a little buzz, so people get excited about their new colleague. Send your greetings with new baby congratulations letter wishing your co-worker and his or her family. On (date) I became a dad thanks to the birth of my healthy baby boy/girl, (Baby's Name). I'm sure you are both quite proud. We all know the effort and strength she had shown during these past ninth months, even going to the extent of coming to the office for her work till the 8 months of the pregnancy, which is a commendable job in and of itself. We are so happy for the arrival of your healthy new baby. A member of the HR team or the hiring manager can send this email to introduce the newest member to all current employees. Mention the date from when you will be re-joining the office and taking over your duties. Social media announcements are equally quick and simple as emails. Shutterfly birth announcements have more modern and fun designs starting as low as 39 cents per card. When you are generating a mass email for the workplace announcement, there are several factors to keep in mind: Once you are sure it is OK to email an announcement to co-workers, know what information to include, and are clear on the tone of the email, you can start writing. To request permission for specific items, click on the reuse permissions button on the page where you find the item. If youre not ready to share your good news, its generally easy to hide your first-trimester bump, if you even have one, with loose clothes. This will include recruitment, record maintenance, and payroll processing. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Congratulations to you both on the safe arrival of your happy heathy baby. How do you hide some of the more subtle pregnancy symptoms that may be a dead giveaway? Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. Even if some team members work remotely, they know the new employee with this announcement email.Some companies spice up this first day for the new hire by showing them around the various departments and introducing them to other employees.As simple as this gesture could be, its always a memorable one. [employee name] is a volunteer at our local [program], [fun fact about employee], and [fun fact about employee]. The next thing you should do after congratulating the new hire is to highlight your companys communication channel by encouraging other employees to join you in the welcome message. Download Template : (pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc), [Mention the phone number and email address]. Please enroll little Jody in my health insurance, and let me know about the added cost. ", Similarly, Amy O'Neill, vice president and director of health and well-being strategy at Liberty Mutual Insurance, points to a significant increase in the use of EAPs, noting that "3 out of 4 people who used our EAP program in 2020 did so for the first time.". Speaking from someone who has been on the receiving end of coworker well wishes two times, it truly is the thought that counts. Some perks are no longer highly valued or even relevant. Ideally, new employee announcements. The best part is, they named him/her (Baby Full Name)! three new employees] will be joining us. Here are a few super cute (and funny) new baby card for a coworker options that you can use: Here is a funny (although a bit vulgar) new baby card that would be perfect to congratulate a coworker on their new arrival. A letter to inform about a babys birth should be started with a polite greeting to him or her. He/she boasts the following career highlights: Over the next several weeks, we will be working hard to train our newest recruit in snuggling, sleeping, and laughing. When you announce your pregnancy at work in a way that lets others know youre looking out for them, it makes it easier for them to look out for you, too. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); On A Mission to Help Small Businesses to Be a Brand. If you'd like to cash in on the stork's delivery now with congratulations, send (Employee Parent's Name) a message at (Phone Number). While Nancy tells us shes excited to be back in her hometown and near family, she will miss the rodeo. Depending on the employee, you may also frame it as an opportunity for them to take on a more advanced role in the company, giving them the chance to prepare for career advancement. It is time for celebration. While the culture in each workplace varies widely, its best to communicate your pregnancy to your boss in person initially, then follow it up with an email documenting your conversation. Jim Danner Next week or Next Monday], [number of new employees, e.g. Your little girl is here! If he/she doesn't bring a smile to your face, we'll give you a full refund of all the hugs, well-wishes, or gifts you gave him/her. However, it can hard to know how formal or informal to be, especially if you are not close to the mother or father in question. Youll probably have to do a bit of tweaking to make it work, but you will want to get some of the same points down each time. It is entirely up to you when you want to announce your pregnancy. You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. This connection with the new employee also bridges communication, and it lets them know youre interested in them. For some of them, it becomes overkill, and emails get ignored if there are too many. Congratulate a Coworker on a new baby email: Don't forget to send your warm wishes to a co-worker who has just been blessed with a baby. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. If you want to let your coworker know you are thinking of them, draw from the ideas above for inspiration and you cant go wrong! The purpose of the email is to communicate acceptance of the new hire. Be direct in your letter's opening paragraph and explain why you're writing the letter and how long you intend to be away on parental leave. Extremely large companies might have many locations or buildings and only send notices to the involved location. Of course, you want to acknowledge the safe and healthy delivery of the newborn baby as this is always a time to celebrate. (Your Name), On Behalf of the (Parent's Last Name) Family. Keep in mind the PDA, ADA, and FMLA are national regulations and the bare minimum of what your workplace must provide. As you dream of possibilities , enjoy these beautiful times with your new baby girl. Now that you know what a new employee announcement email is and can differentiate it from a new hire welcome email, this is the right time to grab a welcome email template and start welcoming your new hires. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health provider. I congratulate [employee name] for entering the beautiful phase of a womans life. Meet our new [job title] +1; New hire announcement; Introducing our new [job title] Pleased to be your new (insert title here)! Upcoming Exclusive Columbia University Webinar. Here's how long baby should share your room and some techniques for getting better sleep while they're there. You might even create a negative impact because your employees will feel like the company is always hiring and firing people. But, you know what's really crazy? Mention the persons name and what they like to be called if its different than their name, Let everyone know when the person will start and where their desk is located, If youre doing any other welcome, let the team know when and where it is, Tell your employees who this person will be working with, their department, and job title, Include some information on the persons background, educational and/or profession, Let your team know the new hires title and what theyll be working on, If theyre willing to share something about their personal life, it can help people get to know them, Include a picture if they will provide one. Child care support has also emerged as an important benefit for recruitment, she noted. Write a few things about your journey (keep it short). Sample Format for New Baby Congratulations Letter to Employee From Brain Joe Manager ABC Bank New York Date: June 25 th, 2020 To, Mr. Jack Brown 54, Hurling Apartments New York Dear Jack, On behalf of ABC Bank, we extend a warm congratulations to you and your wife on the arrival of your new born on June 5 th, 2020. The birth of a baby is a real matter of happiness that needs to be shared with everyone. Ideally, you will share your news personally with your direct reports, assuring them that you will have clear plans in place to ensure your leave is not burdensome to them. It all starts with announcing your pregnancy to your employer, which you need to do with care, respect, and intention. Most people, even professionals, confuse the difference between a new employee announcement email and a new employee welcome message. Sending an employee announcement email to your team should be part of your onboarding process. This email provides a warm greeting from department heads/managers, which helps to put your new employee at ease. Remember that if your coworker is on maternity leave, they may not have access to their work email. 300+ Strong Black Baby Boy Names for 2023. It can be a fine line and difficult to manage. Parents.com suggests baby announcements should include basic information about the family and reflect its personality. I am pleased to inform you that [employee name] has been blessed with a baby. His target date for completion of the course is next May. The way you announce your pregnancy to your coworkers will vary significantly based upon your workplace culture and your relationships with your coworkers. After all, it will be obvious as your belly swells over the next few months. In the meantime, I am committed to doing as much as I can to prepare for my absence. Sending your baby's birth announcement through email is a quick, easy, and free way to let co-workers know your new baby has arrived. A new employee announcement is a critical step in the onboarding process that serves two purposes: (1) it helps your new hire feel welcomed to the team and company and (2) it ensures that your current employees know about the new hire's arrival. Dear [mention reference to all employees]. Do you and baby need some shut-eye? Subject Line: Help us welcome Nancy Newton to our team! Youve gone through a lot of effort to find the best employee for your company. CEO Willowbury Industries, Subject Line: Welcome [Employee name] to [Company name]. Visits can be arranged via email with new mom/dad (Employee Name) at (Email Address). These inputs, according to O'Neill, have led to new benefits and resources such as free access to Care.com for child care and elder care support, extra time off that employees can use to care for themselves or family members, and other programs "to make employees feel cared for and supported during these difficult times. I would love to know about it. Everyone at the company is so excited for you and wishes you all the best! Idea #5: Give New Employees a Shout-out on Social Media. , and their contact details. ", Hoogensen said it's important to keep things simple"both the way we talk about benefits and the processes in place to make them available.". Here are a few cute gift basket options that you can have sent directly to your coworkers home: This new baby box perfect gift for that special mom or mom to be (it also comes in a boy version). By Office of Human Resources. This letter template has all the necessary details to guide you to structure the letter to inform the birth of your colleagues baby. Information you might want to include in your new employee email announcement could be: Something about their educational/professional background, Something personal about the new employee, Where the new person will be located in the building, How to get in touch with the new employee. Any sort of letter that talks about something personal about you, to the boss of your company should always be written appropriately. Muslin Blanket I hope you love your time here. Is Telehealth Really Saving Money for Employers? To: All Staff Subject: Stork Market Boom! Remember, they have to prepare for your gap in work. Each employee comes with a different set of skills, background, education, and theyll be filling different roles. Heres an email example that will make them definitely not miss the office watercooler! If you plan to take a lengthy maternity leave, it takes quite a bit of planning, so it is a common courtesy to notify coworkers who may be affected to give them a reasonable amount of time to plan for your absence. If you want the perfect name for your baby boy, this massive list of popular, cute, and unique African American boy names will give you lots of ideas. Talk about the maternity leave which was given to you from (the date) to (the date). To add a picture to the email, you have three options: While email is the fastest and most convenient way to send out a birth announcement at work, you can use other means suitable to the size and atmosphere of your company. [Your name] Send a gift or card to (Email Author's Name) desk by (Date) if you want in. Take a moment to stop by and welcome her to the company.Joyce is a seasoned traveler and amateur photographer with plenty of stories to share. He/She was born (Day of Week Baby was Born), (Month and date). Florida International University New Employee Announcement Template. Jan 31, 2023 - By Writing a birth announcement email for co-workers is similar to writing a business email in that it should be professional and to-the-point. Maternity Leave Request Letter: 4 Templates, Anniversary Letter to Boss: 12 Types Templates, Maternity Letter to Employer: 4 Templates, Maternity Leave Confirmation Letter Example: 4 Templates, Thank You Letter to Boss: 15 Type Templates, Maternity Nurse Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Congratulations for Baby: 10 Emails and Letters Templates, Goodbye Letter to Boss: 10 Types Templates, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Administrative Aide Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Administrative Analyst Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Administrative Intern Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Agile Business Analyst Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates. 82% of organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention. Boosting Your Positive Outlook, hosted by Columbia University . Deciding how to congratulate a coworker on a new baby can be a bit of a minefield. You must know how to share the information about the birth of a baby. Sending you much love and warm wishes at this happy time. He/she even looks like me with (Hair Color) and (Eye Color)! Mentioning your full name, the department, and the post, write that you conceived on (mention the date). (Insert Baby Photo) Yeah, can you believe they had a boy/girl? TELUS Health offers free or discounted services to support your personal success and help with everyday challenges. [Your job position] Mary has 4 years of experience as an officer in the Navy Nurse Corps. Put your baby boy announcement on Facebook by posting it on your profile and tagging co-workers or sending out a group message on Facebook Messenger. You can learn about the specific regulations of your state here. You want to make the email easy for others to read so they dont skim so much that they miss important information. She will work as a business writer in the content department. Her first day will be [insert date].Joyce has worked for several years in the [insert industry], and we are delighted to welcome her to the [insert company name] team. Diaper cakes are a classic baby shower gift and they are always a fun way to send new baby wishes to a friend or coworker. Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. They may wonder if theyll have to take on more work or if youll return after your baby is born. The question: Are you a part of us? Please call ahead before stopping by. In the early morning hours of (Birth Date), (Baby Name) made his/her great escape and joined (parent's names) at last. The following tips might help. That's such a great name, I wish I thought of it. } Idea #7: Organize a Casual In-Person Meeting with New Employees. It is our responsibility to support and care for an ethical and dedicated employee of our company at this time. ]Joyce comes to us with more than [XX] years of experience, having served [information about professional experience], and recent accomplishments have included [an example or two from professional experience that illustrates expertise. Properly address your email If you work for a larger company, you may not already know your HR representative so it is important to learn this information. [Employee name] is a [academic/schooling background] student and working to earn an Associate Degree in [major]. Its to officially welcome a new hire to the organization.This email usually goes out on the new hires first day at the company, and it is sent via email to all employees with the new hire in the copy. With it, other team members fully understand that the company has a new hire, and they could tell the department and level.Acknowledging the new employees presence and the value they bring to the organization gives a head-up to everyone. I wanted to share this information with you early to allow for adequate time to prepare. What Is Human Resource Development (HRD)? It's essential that all employees, not just those on the new hire's team, get the opportunity to get to know their new coworker. She would probably be discharged from the hospital on [mention the relevant date], and everyone is expected to not tell her about the surprise party. Congratulations to all three of you. If you need some help with new baby wishes for your part of the card, here are some cute ideas: Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby! We ask that all visitors be planned in advance to work around our rigorous training program. This all depends on your company, the size, and the culture. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential, no-cost counseling to you and your family, 24 . You see, the way you welcome your new hires shows your organizational structure, culture and how you value people. I was happy to hear from my colleagues especially when I already felt a bit out of the loop after I had my children. While I am thrilled about this addition to our family, I also recognize that a maternity leave will impact the office. There are several ways on how to congratulate a coworker on the birth of their new baby. The contents of this blog, including text, original pictures and ideas are the sole property of Seaside Sundays. Here are some templates that you could use. Hand-knitted white bunny rattle Please join me in welcoming our newest team member, [employee name]. At (Time) on (Date), the Stork Market hit its highest mark yet when (Baby Name) was born to (Parent's Names). Encourage Others to Welcome New Hires 5 New Employee Announcement Email Templates Examples Example #1: New Employee Announcement Email Template Example #2: New Employee Introduction Email to Colleagues Example #3: New Employee Welcome Email Example #4: New Employee Introduction Email to Clients Example #5: New employee introduction Email to Team var currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); As you all know that she will be on maternity leave from [date] to [date]. Were super excited that ABC welcomes another strong talent.As youre able, please take some time to introduce yourself to Joyce and join me as we welcome our newest team member.Regards.Director, People Operations[Name][Signature], Hello Team,Im pleased to announce that Joyce Abraham will join us as a Policy Analyst. Me neither! $('.container-footer').first().hide(); This would be the best choice for a workplace email since it is meant to be quick and concise. While you can use a template, there are still going to be some differences. State that you conceived on (mention the date) and gave birth to a baby (mention whether its a boy or a girl). This one from Amazon comes fully assembled with 60 diapers to start the parents off. ]Please join me in extending a heartfelt welcome to Joyce as she begins her journey at ABC Company.Ive attached her photo to help you recognize her when you see her around.Regards.Director, People Operations[Name][Signature], Dear all,Im pleased to announce that Joyce Abraham will join ABC Company in the newly created policy analyst position.She comes to us from XYZ Company, where she led Policy and Partnership and drove much impactful cultural diversity and digital inclusion projects.As an employee of (company name) company, we want you to know that your career aspirations and development are super important to us.We are not just being nice. We truly understand that your job satisfaction contributes to ABCs increased productivity and the level of job quality that the department expects.During this week, Joyce will be seeking input from each of you to gain clarity as to our culture. Mention how happy you are that you got this opportunity to enjoy motherhood. Such messages should be meaningful but also maintain a professional, When Do Babies Start Sleeping Through the Night? All free printables are for personal use only. Some examples of accommodations for pregnancy-related limitations include: Your employer is not allowed to charge you for any costs associated with your accommodation or reduce your pay as long as you are still doing your regular job. The new hire is about to start, but you want to do everything right. How about this cute baby plant and card delivered right to their door? We want pictures of the little angel! ), Seaside Sundays | How to Congratulate a Coworker on a New Baby, Fertility Prayer For A Friend {14 Miracle Prayers About Getting Pregnant}, Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe (Candy Cane Body Scrub). Apply it in practice with Sender.net - the most cost-effective email marketing solution in the market. At this time, she deserves special treatment, and we must take care of her needs. The new employee announcement email newsletter must include some vital points to introduce the new hire. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to Seaside Sundays! Thoroughly train my replacements on how to do certain tasks. Send me an e-mail, or leave a comment. With great pleasure and delight, I announce that [mention the full name of the employee] has become a mother and has given birth to a sweet [mention the relevant gender] child. We just heard the wonderful news today, and are all so excited for you. Before beginning [academic/schooling background], [employee name] attended [academic background] and was a graduate of the [graduation year]. No, a new employee announcement doesnt have to be an email, you can announce in another ways. Write the date on which you conceived and whether its a boy or a girl. Lodin pointed to unlimited paid time off (PTO) as an example of a benefit that is now viewed through a different frame of reference. It is common to announce the new baby just before the employee returns to work. To start, she is assigned to the templates team . Wishing you and your wonderful family the very best at this exciting time! The same goes for companies that have many departments. A fun approach to new hires is to create a short questionnaire and have the employee complete it, and then share the answers. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Workplace emails should be short and simple. Remember, new parents are exhausted and may not find your jokes too funny. Small companies that are very customer/client-focused might not just send an introduction email to their team, but they might also include their customers. Now, though, to help employees deal with the stress that's driving many to quit, employers are focusing on how unlimited PTO "can help support leadership messaging to employees about taking time off, even if it's for a staycation to rest and refresh. New employee announcement email template. They will appreciate that others will know to expect them on their first day. Again, reiterate you will have clear plans in place to ensure your absence has the least amount of impact on the company and your individual employees. A minimum of 30 days notice is required to qualify for maternity leave under FMLA. In this article, Ill share 5 new employee announcement email template examples and help you understand how to plug them to fit your organization. Best wishes and Im sure your new addition will bring so much joy to you and your family. You can add in a photo of the new baby and use any of the suggested wording ideas by removing the "To" and "Subject" lines. [Employee's Name]HR@domain.com. If you want to inject some humour into your new baby email, then tread carefully so you dont say the wrong thing. I Am a Self-Taught Marketer with 10 Years of Experience. no later than the morning of the new recruit's first day. This is a new employee announcement email template you can use to inform your employees about a new hire. strategic values relating to expectations, 7+ Email Personalization Practices with Real Examples, 14 Reminder Email Examples For Every Situation (Templates), 11 Customer Survey Email Template Examples. I have attached my most recent photo for your review. Parent's Guide. We won't send you spam. Were excited about [employees name] ideas for taking [company name] to a new level and incorporating TikTok videos into our repertoire. careers@domain.com. While the new employees welcome message is to address the new employee here, you ensure that your touch points include the purpose of sending the welcome email and communicating some strategic values relating to expectations, requirements, and confirmation of important dates and designation. However, you may choose to disclose your pregnancy to your supervisor earlier if you suffer from severe morning sickness that interferes with your job performance. For example: Mary, My wife and I (or my husband and I, or just I) have a new baby, born 03/22/2020. Before sending a new employee announcement, send the new employee a questionnaire to help you fill out any information of the announcement. Do drop by and welcome her to the team.Regards,Director, People Operations[Name][Signature], To all staff.Joyce Abraham will join ABC to fill our open position in [insert department].

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