You can also plan this to happen right after the Take Action Project to save even more time. Have the girls identify each circle by a group they are a member in. Wonders of Water, you may be able, with a bit of creativity, to adapt these meetings to include that series of journey books. Wonders of Water JOURNEY* easy! When earning the Change a Story award, the scouts will reach out to make a change in their world. In this badge, help the girls discover how inventors createand how girlscan becomeinventors themselves! Below is a guide to help them choose which ones spark their interest. Welcome them to the Brownie Quest. To earn the Hear a Story award, the scouts will work to discover clues in stories for how to better the world. Do you think these parts are made up? It also extends to the Cadette Journey MEdia, the Seniors Journey Mission:Sisterhood!, and the Ambassadors Journey BLISS: Live it! If you are doing it on your own, we can help! The three keys they will uncover along their journey are the keys of the Girl Scout leadership philosophy. Hopefully you have found our Brownie A World of Girls! endobj Share a Story 15 minutes: Read a story about making a positive change. Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. Photo from Haute Chocolate#hcstyledstock, One Year of Daisy Scouts (two documents with HOW to do a Journey in a day or sleepover event), Welcome to the Girl Scout Flower Garden(from Making Friends), BetweenEarth and Sky(from Making Friends), 3 Cheers for Animals(from Making Friends), 3 Cheers for Animals (from Plant, Plant, ElectroWhat? To earn, complete the this activity plan: Snacks & Magazines, our fall product program, is a simple money-earning activity to earn funds for hertroop activities and trips. Encourage them to find an ad that speaks to them in some way either positively or negatively. For these take action projects below, we focused on a change that Brownie Girl Scouts could make in their community to help others. Make A Family Star that shares why and how the Girl Scout Law is important in your family. You can hand these out to the girls as they complete each step or have one ceremony where you hand out all three badges at the same time. Please share what your troop did for the Brownie Quest Journey and what were the parts your girls loved and didnt love. They may be connected to a country because they have family from the country or they visited the country. journey. Girls will know they have earned the Discover Key if: Read a Girl Story 15 minutes: Read a story with a girl main character and record the different clues in the story of something one of the characters could use some help with. It seems like that would be information overload and I am not sure how much the girls would absorb. When the unexpected happens, they'llbe prepared. 4 0 obj You do not need to complete each journey in the set, but the journey concepts do build and go more in depth with each progressive level. Available at It also seems like the meetings are more coherent versus 3 Cheers for Animals which at times to me, feels disjointed. This can include sports teams, clubs, classes, friend groups, family, etc. Get a baby picture of each girl. As the girls add cards down, they can move the cards around to build the Girl Scout Promise. Afterwards, we work with our girls to create or choose a special stamp for their letterboxing journey. x\_s6&OR'f f7iiK#QZVI9. PDF. 8) Make some simple STEM task cards and host a STEM night to share science, technology, engineering, and mathematics activities with others. Girls who do this badge can find out more about the peoplethey love. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> journey, Brownies will play a few games from around the world. Our girls love earning their Girl Scout Summit Pin at each level of Girl Scouts so they always complete three journeys. We often paired this with the sharing of their change to host only one celebration, but you could definitely have two! Like you I am not fond of the Journeys, at all. Complete the bulk of the journey in one day and then tackle the Take Action Project sharing a little at each of your next meetings, with a final culmination of a Take Action Project in a month or two. <> We love to use one of the stories we will share during the journey. ql4`e*=;bR#Kj?bc4I#eET"TK Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. The Girl Scout A World of Girls Journey uses the definition of change that means to replace with something else, especially to make something better. Send the girls to the globe or map you will use. Gather friends and family to complete the girls Take Action Project. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Plan to play only one game with your Brownies. Some ideas include a water bottle, a first aid kit, a rain jacket, lip balm, sunscreen, bug repellant, a whistle, a buddy and a snack. Complete lesson plans for you to lead your girls in completing their Brownie Quest JOURNEY*. The Journey awards come in the forms of three "keys" that "unlock" leadership. 5) Make a book about the importance of bees and butterflies, then plant a butterfly and bee garden. The bottom line for me is if it this program is so important, why can it be done in a day? You really do not have to do it, so I would not stress over it. Includes instructions for economical, hands-on activities to enhance the girls' experience. Wonders of Water is the It's Your Planet-Love It! <> <> award requirements focus helping the Brownies to understand that they belong to a large and far-reaching world of girls. This is only my second year leading our troop and I want it to be a good experience for the girls. 3. Leave a comment below and let us know if youve tried A World of Girls Brownie journey. Go around writing (anonymous) notes about the things you value about that person. QFnx;@g}:_j;}9t{IgGg!~Rb;7eIFFAn3FHmL`;2zcDf~vesZNy4Sq7 5;{Satn6/RyNNaW9f7. help mom or dad go grocery shopping and prepare a healthy meal. We have kits for thethree original Brownie* JOURNEY* the Leadership Quest*, A World of Girls* and the Wonders of Water*. The girls A World of Girls handbook includes the story Dancing with Chosita starting on page 18. My troop did the ball toss game mentioned in the Brownie Quest Leader's Guide, followed by the girls sitting down to fill out their "Discovering Me" star, which worked fine. To earn, complete the three activity plans: Enjoy some wonder-filled adventures as girlslearn to love and care for a precious resourcewater! Which parts of the ads seem like they dont match your life? {u~I Journey because the girls will have different opinions on the Take Action project, sharing their project and planning a celebration. The girls will create new stories through their actions and begin to understand the power they have to change the world for the better. 2. To earn, follow the Brownie Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin Requirements. There really is no wrong answer as long as the girls are positive and inclusive. On My Honor Downloads. Who will they invite? This requirement focuses on planning and completing the Take Action Project to create a change to benefit their community. Girl Scouts Brownie Quest official page (includes PDFs and printouts), Girl Scouts of New Jersey have a 4-week journey program on their website They can recreate one of the ads they looked at earlier or make a completely new ad. Who might be interested in the change we are creating? <> I also did another hula hoop activity I learned from an office team-building years ago. Snack ideas: GORP or another snack in a bag so they can eat it on the way to the lake or when Notify me of follow-up comments by email. <>>> Power the ability to direct or influence others. Role-Playing Positive Change 15 minutes: Girls role-play an idea or two from their brainstorm of a character facing a tough situation, solving a problem or making the words a better place. Since it is so popular, I have decided to place all of the Girl Scout Journey in a Day resources for you in one place. While their mom is a mom, she also has other roles in the community. Before you begin the journey, ask your girls to make up five new uses for a box or new ways to play with a toy to warm up their brains to solving problems. So we have usually opted for certificates to show the progress after each step and presentation of badges at the end of the journey. Role a specific job or function performed by a person. Ask the girls to come up with ideas of what they should each bring to make their hike safe. Feel free to use fabric and fabric markers or paper to make your quilt. Brownie Quest In a Day Part of the Journeys sequence. Saying How This Feels to Me helps your girls learn it is okay to disagree and then the girls practice this while planning for their projects and celebrations. In the library, you dont want to tell others that you have trouble reading. Brownie Journey - Brownie Quest - Part 1 9:00-11:00, Take Action workshop and planning. %PDF-1.7 Crafts made with clay have been around for thousands of years. o mMmUfz` rVf+334/S;I oLIm\KzA$@z0Mk> Same goes for their teacher and their girl scout leaders too! They will use their creativity to show what it means to be a part of this larger world and share their take action project with others. There are so many amazing adventures waiting for girls. Girls willuse what theyknows to make sure theirpersonal cookie customers enjoythe purchasing experience. See more ideas about brownie quest journey, brownie girl scouts, girl scout troop. While you explore a Girl Scout Journey, there are badges that often pair well with each journey. This badge begins by asking the girls to make a friendly introduction. Will they plan activities or games? Through this award, the Brownies will see that, together, their three keysDiscover, Connect, and Take Actionunlock the meaning of leadership. As an artist, you can walk outside and see colors, shapes, and ideas for things you want to create. If you are just starting with a Brownie troop, there are many great resources for you. Celebrate the girls accomplishments by hosting or attending a troop or service unit year-end ceremony. Find out how you can make your own art outdoors and have fun doing it! In this badge, girls willexplore basic human needs and how theycan be a philanthropist, a person who gives to people who need help. The A World of Girls Brownie Journey specifically focuses on finding clues in stories to make the world a better place and using creativity to tell their story. Brownie Quest journey book. (And it was even hard to do with 20 adults!) Girls can work theirway through this badge to become clay artists themselves. Brownie Quest is an "It's Your World" journey. Together they read to younger kids, promote healthy eating, or choose a project that improves the lives of their neighbors. 6) Invite others to plant a vegetable garden and help them by planting seeds to transfer to their own vegetable garden. Word Heres what you need to know to encourage girls to become a Brownie hikers. The first two goals focus on the Hear a Story award, the next two goals are the main focus of the Change a Story award, and the final two goals are the focus of the Tell a Story award. Opening Activity 5 minutes: Brainstorm scenes from stories where girls faced a tough situation, solved a problem, or made the world a better place. All of these are connections. We hope you loved our Agent of Change plans as much as our girls and the best part, the troop was excited to tackle another Junior Girl Scout Journey! Be sure to create invitations too. <> Mac OS X 10.10.5 Quartz PDFContext <>/Metadata 290 0 R/ViewerPreferences 291 0 R>> w[VG4O!p^0v0LOlJm61(tCyA*L"5 2VQpb dk#]=c8-v89,I?05C.`e1L +OsKUvpIE9L"zL. In this badge, girls will find out what theircommunities do to celebrate all the people in them. Yet, for our troop, we found earning the Hear a Story award before the Change a Story award, Tell a Story award, and finally the Better World for Girls! Review with the girls their Brownie Team Agreement. Sometimes these badges are easier to pair than other times. Kids CANNOT Resist These Fruit And Vegetable Creations. What worked well for you? Have the Brownies create a skit about the things they each value that can be found in the girl scout law. The A World of Girls! Journey Awards Girl Scout Brownies are invited on a search. Then, without anyone losing touch with the hoop, they have to lower it to the ground and back up again. Pairs well with the Brownie Making Games Badge. What are some small things people can do that, all together, would make a big difference? . In fact, it was out of stock and the lead time for shipping was 6 weeks. The second relay uses story words. Throughout this project, they will need to work as a team to plan and carry out their project for change to benefit their community. With computers, girlscan make amazing art, find incredible facts on the internet, and send fun cards to friends and family. 30 minutes or more: Give your scouts time to make a plan for their take action project. Some projects may be able to be completed today, others might need to take place another day. This guide includes many, but not all of the badge and award options for Girl Scout Cadettes as well as downloadable activity plans. So I am reaching out to you wonderful people who have been through it all. Typically, the journeys can take up to 3 troop meetings to accomplish. Patrol activity 1: team games- Brownie Blob, human knot, blind fold tent. 1. How so? Brownie Quest is an "it's your world-change it!" journey. Complete a Take Action Project Brownies all over the world share traditions and do good things to make the world a better place. Get excited! Many of you may recall that last year we did one of three Brownie "journeys" in a day last year. Adult Fee: $3. Create your Own Ad- 20 minutes: Provide your Brownies with markers and paper to create their own ad. This is a great time to ask the girls to change the rules of one of the games to make it their own or discuss how this new game is similar to games they have played in the past. I was able to find a copy on Amazon though. Also ask, Are there things in the story that you would like to change?, Sun and Ice 10 minutes: This is a game from Mexico and is a team variation of tag. Many of the skills that the girls use for one circle or world can also help them in another circle or world. Our kit provides step-by-step instructions for you to guide your Girl Scouts in completing their Brownie Quest Journey. I want them to have fun and love doing the journeys. Brownie Quest Journey Quest Meeting 1 If inside, use jump ropes or yarn. By doing the journey in day, we can have more time for other badges and activities. I would like to know if someone has developed a Journey in a day for the Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors? The first key Go around the circle. Once they have decided on a project, they will need to determine their solution and finally share their solution with others. You may want to join the Daisy Girl Scout Facebook group. Some examples include: stand in this circle if you play soccer, stand in this circle if you like music, stand in this circle if you take an art class, etc. The relay continues until the girls have each had at least 2 turns or until one team has built a story. One way to do that is to make sure everyones basic needs are met. Or are they not real in your life but might be for others? 4) The Brownies determine different ways they can benefit their community and pick one. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. Every girl must say a quality she values about herself. 39 0 obj Brownie Quest is part of "It's Your World-Change It." Contents 1 In this Journey, you will: 2 Badges 3 Discover Key 3.1 Discover Your Special Talents and Qualities 3.2 Discover Values of the Girl Scout Law 3.3 Discover Your Family's Values 4 Connect Key 4.1 Connect as a Team 4.2 Connect with Your Family 4.3 Connect with Your Community Let me know what you all think. Girls willlearn to work together to have the most fun possible. We are also going to take a tour of our local animal shelter and then to earn our Red Robin Award the girls are going to collect supplies to be donated to the animal shelter. Use pages 66 67 in the leaders guidebook as a planner to plan out the change you will make, the steps your will take, and what the positive outcome will look like. The girls should say, Girl Scout Brownies. We also love to add a party game to our celebration. People who study history have found ancient clay art and everyday objects when they dig for artifacts. I want this to be something fun that doesnt FEEL like work to them. Then host a Healthy Food Fair to invite other girls to try making the snacks and sample the healthy foods. For girls needing some ideas, they could create an ad highlighting what is special about Girl Scouts or the girls in their troop or create an ad to encourage others to try a sport or read a specific book. I dont know if the Brownie quest is based on old material but it seems like a lot of sitting, writing and home work. While these awards do progress and build upon one another, you do not have to complete them in order. 3) Create recipe cards with ideas for simple and healthy snacks that kids can make. Brownie Quest Map Have girls sit in a circle. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. - MetaSpoon, Girl Scout swap-Could modify by using felt and gluing it to safety pin. Girls may complete the book independently, or work together in pairs or small groups.This printable paper activity book is designed to fulfill Junior Girl Scout Way ., (Not my Council, just a big fan of their resources!). Brownie Girl Scouts will need assistance recognizing that they can belong to multiple groups and have many different roles. We usually begin this badge with a scavenger hunt to figure out the journey we will begin. One brownie stands in the center of the circle with a handkerchief, she is it. The leader guide suggests taking a whopping 10 meetings to complete this Journey. Date: Sun Jan 07, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST. Almost half of the Journey is planning to earn the Red Robin Award. Brownie Journeys Overview. Now that youve tackled one journey, which will you try next? The girls can share with the same audience the path of their journey and their feelings throughout the journey. I do think some changes need to be made so they are more age appropriate. Again you will need two sets for the two teams. Encourage girls to try all of their senses to earnthis badge! Mix 2 cups of warm water, 1 of cup white craft glue, food coloring, and 2 teaspoons of Borax. endstream "e8? VzUO}-8] $4UiAvO=TJ j f` b f(!\-\m#x9QO)Jd\ 4sk3Z,A]_ The Inventor Badge is a great one to tie with A World of Girls! girls' book for ideas. Phrases to use: On my honor, I will try, to serve, God, and, my, country, to help, people, at all, times, and to, live, by the, Girl Scout Law. Dont forget the Girl Scouts of River Valleys. Guiding your girls through their adventure will be easy, stress-free and rewarding for your troop and for you. The first year we focused on earning the petals. 23 0 obj Depending on your available funds or parents willingness to pay for materials, your troop can decide the best way to use their funds. Ive been on this sub Reddit long enough to know that a lot of the journeys seem boring and I wanna make it fun for the girls. If you have read this blog for any length of time, then you know that I have never been a fan of the Girl Scout Journeys program. Brownie Journey Overview Title Description *All Journeys require a Take Action Project related to the Topic* Community Resources It's Your StoryTell It: A World of Girls Find out about girls around the world and how stories can give you ideas for helping others; play a game from another culture, invite storytellers to talk about what Place the hula hoop in the middle on their fingers -- they can't curve their fingers around it to make it easier to hold! stream To earn, complete the following activity plan: Girl Scouts does not stop when school is out. Complete kit makes Quest JOURNEY* easy! We have promised to care about water. However, our plan does help to meet at least a few requirements of the badges which Girl Scouts suggest pair best with this journey. Join us for another Journey in a Day. Planning a Better World for Girls! Celebration 30 minutes or more: Invite the girls to plan a party to celebrate their journey and the completion of their Take Action Project. That was awesome! <> We found that a Saturday or Sunday morning through lunch or lunch and the afternoon worked best for a journey in a day. <> The Brownie Quest Journey will be completed in one half-day session by exploring the 3 Keys (Discover, Connect, Take Action) led by Cadette guides. 3 0 obj We are going to complete the 3 Cheers for Animals and Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden. Plan a Take Action project, such as visiting a nursery school to read to younger children or teach them a game, creating a school skit about healthy eating, or making a presentation to your city council about fixing a broken sidewalk by your school. My most commented on blog post in the past 6.5 years has been about the Journeys program (you can read it here). -Sb, ARCHIVED - Environment and Climate Change Canada - Weather and Meteorology - Activity Number 3, Whatever Wednesday ( Brownie Journey-Brownie Quest Session 2), Girl Scout Law Keys - "Brownie Quest" Discover Key Activity Pack (Step 2), Session One: Take Home Activity: Making a Family Star (pdf) #brownie #quest #star. Every family has stories. Thanks for finding that for me! I followed it up last year with a post about Councils and leaders having a Journey in a Day program. Every camping trip is a new adventure. Our Globe of Girls 10 minutes: show the girls how they are connected to other people and places by showing them a map or globe. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Do the stories of these ads seem real? Then as part of your Take Action Project, your girls can lead others through making toys for a pet and making a cozy sleeping space. There are many ways to complete this award, including: completing the activities as listed in the Brownie Quest Journey, completing this activity plan, attending a council-sponsored event or customizing activities. @X9rkgH.W?W}~~!,*X]|g?zOBY$ LQ b,bkQvwm o/nzMTL Taking this one step farther, you will need to help the girls realize that they have power to change the world for the better. 7) Create a poster for the Leave No Trace Principles and then host a park clean up day to share the Leave No Trace Principles with others. 2 0 obj <> While Girl Scout journeys are pretty open, they usually include ceremonies or celebrations throughout the journey. c51035b752accfd9ff47541fc7e38c03ee333dd2 Girl Scouts defines a ceremony as a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. Opening Activity 10 minutes: Make a large poster where the girls can record all the things they want to happen as a result of their change. Get them ready to explore the great outdoors! EVERY FRIDAY GET 15% OFF ON DOWNLOADS. Another option is to plan your Take Action Project and celebration for another day. gateway:forms_documents/journeys_badges Each girl will then come to the middle of the circle and state two reasons they LOVE water, and the water promise they have made. Region: Central West. Search for the three keys to leadership during this adventure. I feel like Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden journey is a bit more age appropriate. Brainstorm who has the power to change it. These places may be willing to give you a behind the scenes tour. don't give away the . Check out the ideas below. Two Story Relays 20 minutes: You will need 5 10 minutes per relay. Ideas for Completing Brownie JOURNEYS* Shares Your JOURNEY* can be Rewarding AND FUN! Brownie Outdoor Journey Brownies earn their Outdoor Journey by completing their three outdoor badges and then doing a "Take Action Project". Remember, a Take Action Project should continue to give back to the community after the project has finished. Some ideas include a skit, song, painting, photos, speech, etc. This activity bundle was design to fulfill the Brownie Quest Journey Take Action Key requirements. For each Girl Scout journey, leaders have the option to purchase two books: a leaders guide for the specific journey and a girls handbook for the journey. By allowing the girls to plan the celebrations, they will take more ownership and enjoy them even more. While earning their painting badge, girls will learn to paint, color in super strokes, and see what theirimaginations can do. with your Girl Scout friends or family members! Pick the one(s) that work best for your group. Its okay if they change the story a little as this happens with stories told orally. Brownie Quest Key 1- The Discover Key Meeting 1 Supplies: Ball, poster of a Star, 12 Purple cards with the parts of the Law, Motto, and Slogan on them, a copy of the GS Law, copy of Parent Star to hand out. 2016-05-16T09:36:07.000-04:00 My two co-teachers and I had the teacher guides over the summer to go over them, and then we met to see how to approach it. Guidebook: Brownie Quest Journey Book. In this Journey, you will: Journey: WOW! Plus it took forever! (Me-Family-Girl Scouts and Friends-Community-World), Diy Tutorial: Fog, Water, Rain! 6) Your girls will take action to benefit their community. The site is also an affiliate of,,, Oriental Trading, Viglink, eBay Partner Network, and Commission and may promote products from these sites to earn advertising revenue. _ssIV)V"?^,3 They may resources for you. This is my second year as a Daisy troop leader. In addition, youll also receive a parent questionnaire and a Girl-Led Planner. Planning Tiger Year: February Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings. This pairs well with the Overlapping Worlds where the girls share different worlds they are a member in. <> For this relay, all the cards are on the other side of the room. When girlsfly up to Girl Scout Juniors, theyll get to take part in cool new experiences, help younger Girl Scouts, and make a difference in theircommunities. If you are really short on time, you could read a girl story and skip the other activities. Pairs well with the Brownie Making Friends Badge and Brownie Inventor Badge, Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes (or longer, depending on your Take Action Project). The Journey In a Day seems overwhelming as a leader and for the girls. Now they are Cadettes and are leading Brownies in a Journey in a day - Keeping it simple and making it fun. Our Brownies really enjoyed playing games from around the world, so if you have the time, maybe add in a few extra games throughout your meetings to earn A World of Girls journey. Make a "Troop Fun Jar". Saying How it Feels to Me 20 minutes: Discuss with the Brownies what they do when they disagree with others. Many of use one of these to score points while playing this sport on a field (court). This helps the girls get ready to search for clues in the stories you will share in the journey. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Your email address will not be published. Ask your Brownies to brainstorm different girl groups in which they are a member. Juniors (Grades 4-5): Agent of Change Daisy Scout Journey Handbook Pdf . Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors. Pairs well with the Brownie Inventor Badge, Carry It Out! As your Brownies plan their Take Action Project, they will be looking at a problem that faces their community. Journeys consist of three activity plans and badges consist of one or two activity plans. Switch to Daisy Junior Cadette Senior Ambassador. A special book about (strong female character). Some troops love to celebrate after earning each award, while others would rather have one big celebration after the completion of the entire journey. The program was designed to provide economical, hands-on activities to enhance the girls' experience and to make your time as a volunteer enjoyable and stress-free.

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