Caliber or Gauge. Click next to move on to the Electronic Documents page. 923(d)(1)(B). A community of hobbyists interested in NFA items, history, and news. 3a. Sometimes you (or your trust, company, etc.) I keep my User ID and Password info saved in a text document on the computer with all my eFile stuff. In the lines that ask about your FFL and SOT, you are more than likely going to write in N/A (not applicable). How to Fill out ATF Form 4 - The Trust Shop However, he doesnt like the idea of sacrificing his M4 to do it. Quick question: Does anyone know what "Diners Club" is? Trusts: Do not enter your name in Box 3b. Click next until you reach the Applicant page. ii. You file a ton of paperwork with the FBI, and after they verify you are who you say you are, they will issue you a UPIN. John likes the idea of building an SBR. End of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1, Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 2. But another acceptable answer is "Investment and all other lawful purposes.". as shown Box 3b. For example, if you file via paper form, it may take a few months to get approval to start building your item or firearm. If you entered a PO Box address in box 3b, you have to enter a physical street address in box 3c. Out of the thousands of Form 1 Applications we helped create, 2 of them have been for destructive devices. The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Listen we know that sounds slightly conspiracy theoryish. You do not need to submit another FFL application (Form 7). Please be aware that refusal to provide this informationmay result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". In some respects, federal firearms licenses are fluid documents that can be changed depending on the growth of your business. That means he needs to enter the CLEO info for an agency with jurisdiction over his ranch. The Form 1 Application is so confusing, its our guess that the Application to Make and Register a Firearm was created by some nerdy guy in a closet, that hasnt ever seen an SBR, let alone shot one. Any other use, including any commercial purpose, is strictly prohibited without express prior written consent from the Trust Shop. Information located within this article isan original guide created by National Gun Trusts and not to be cited or used without the written permission of National Gun Trusts. Stopping Power and Caliber, Just enter your name, email, phone number, and mailing address to send them too, In the dropdown select your Quantity (I usually get 10 at a time), In the dropdown select Order Item: FBI FD-258LE NFA, Imports ORI WVATF0800, Each print box is labeled in the bottom left corner, Roll one finger at a time in the top two rows. Then, how do you avoid being part of the 40%. 15% OFF Gun Trusts with DISCOUNT CODE "GUNTRUST" - Our Gun Trusts Are On Sale! You will start by navigating to the ATF's eForms site. Upload all completed & signed Responsible Party Forms (ATF Form 5320.23) to your computer ATF Form 5320.23 - Example of completed Form 5320.23 ; Save a scanned photo of each trustee saved to your computer. You can simply wait unti Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Additional Gun Trust / ATF Paperwork Services, Shrink Your NFA Gun Trust for eForm Upload, FD-258 Fingerprint Card Walk-Through Guide, ATF NFA Engraving Requirements Walk-Through Guide, ATF eForm Registration Walk-Through Guide, Shrink the Size of your NFA Gun Trust Walk-Through Guide, Updating your Silencer/SBR [OAL] Letter Generator, ATF Form 1 & ATF eForm 1 NFA Approval Tracker. A success pop-up will appear. In the why you intend box just put Lawful Purposes or Investment and All Other Lawful Purposes. This box is not required to be filled out. If purchasing with a NFA Gun trust, you will write the name of the settlor and trustee after that, i.e. asks you to Check/List more than one, if applicable. If anything doesnt apply to you, simply enter N/A. Screen 1B: Form 5320.1 Intended Use of Form: Photograph. Yes every responsible person named in the trust is required to fill this out for every application to the ATF. If you have a question, comment, input, or concern (or simply dont have any friends), please shoot us an email at, Federal Bureau of Investigation CJIS Department, Copyright 2001 2021 by The Trust Shop. [6], 3c. Highlighted in orange below are the only sections of the fingerprint card that need to be filled, out along with the prints section. But as Model names are optional (on firearms built from scratch), John could have entered "NONE" if he didnt want to use a Model name. For Example: If you got your trust from the Trust Shop. Now, eforms applications and paper applications are processed at nearly the same rate. We hope you enjoyed reading How to fill out the ATF Form 1 Application. But for now, lets focus on the ATF Copy, which looks like this: There are several different ways you can navigate through this article. Note: If you are paying close attention, you are probably wondering why John entered 7.62 MM as the caliber of the 2nd upper receiver. Box 20 is another terribly worded question. For some reason the ATF decided your DOB is required, but not worthy of having its own Box #. The individual or settlor of the trust name goes here. Just sign your name the same way you did in Box 7; and dont forget to add the date. Then, you will want to read How to fill out FBI Fingerprint Cards and 10 Steps to a Tax Stamp to make sure you complete the rest of your Form 1 Application packet correctly. Create a Gun Trust with the Trust Shop and use the ATF Form 1 System for free. If John is building his SBR from scratch (parts & pieces), his gun trust is the manufacturer. Below are the links that is the fillable .PDF version of the ATF Form 5320.23 application. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. u/NationalGunTrusts I have a question on Question 11, should I check yes and list my social security number on the form or am I misunderstanding that? Caliber or Gauge. 3c. So even if you are going to use a stripped lower receiver to build your SBR, if there is a SN engraved on the stripped lower, it is considered a firearm. 9a. So lets try to make things bit less confusing, by working our way through Box 4 one section at a time. Thats because most of the info on the web is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete. It happens so frequently that the ATF doesnt even bother with it anymore. However, this information assists with the, efficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, background check. You made it through the ATF Copy of the Form 1 Application. Firearm Serial Number. [5] If you are going to keep your firearm at more than one place, enter the address of the place where you will keep the firearm most of the time. You can read it straight through from start to finish (recommended), or you can jump to a particular section of the form by locating the part of the Form 1 Application that is giving you trouble (using the guide picture above) and scrolling down until you see the orange button that corresponds to that Box #. If you are filling out your ATF Form 4 in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 4 walk-through guide here. You can find our walk-through guides for these forms below. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Form 5320.23 and our example filled out form below. Overall Length This is always the overall length of the firearm you are going to build. Email Address. This is your race. Item 3- Responsible Person information. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. This would lead an intelligent person to believe they dont need to enter anything in Box 20 if they are paying with a Check, Cashiers Check, or Money Order. In most trusts the Responsible Persons are the Settlor, Grantor, Creator, Trustee, & Co-Trustees. Do not use .338 Lapua. If so, just GTS (Google That ShStuff) and youll find the answer on the manufacturers website. And, as previously indicated, John has a wife named Judy that says: "No person in their right mind needs such a butt-load of guns!" Do not list just anyone as a "responsible person." If you are applying with a NFA Gun Trust, select trust. ATF Form 1 NFA Tax Stamp Walk-Through Guide : r/NFA Enter the info for your CLEO in your area, most likely your sheriffs office and sheriff of your county. Gun Trust Guide [2023] Everything You Need to Know about NFA Trusts Here are examples for each applicant type: If you are submitting your Form 1 Application as a Gun Trust, you will sign your name followed by the title you use in your trust. If you are both the Settlor and Trustee (or any other combination of Titles), you only need to add one of the titles after your name. Just enter the State where you were born and USA. 27 CFR 555.33 | eRegulations - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms 2x2 photograph is affixed here with a paper clip. This page has been updated for 41F, These links provide instructions on the ATF forms as of 2019 Form 1, Form 4, Form 5, Form 23. Law Enforcement Notification. Before you start tossing stuff in the mail, there are some things you need to do: If you are submitting your Form 1 as a Trust, Corporation, or Other Legal Entity, all of the Responsible Persons need to fill out two copies of the Form 23 (National Firearms ACT Responsible Person Questionnaire). All you need are the 258LE cards (third one in the drop-down): ATF Order Page. The ATF Procedure for measuring the Barrel Length is to measure from the closed bolt (or breech-face) to the end of the barrel or permanently attached muzzle device. You will then be able to pay for the tax stamp before you sign and submit. Each of these numbers is a link to the place where we found the information. For example, I ordered a few personal firearms records and the NFA Branch brochure while says that their goal is to process applications inside 90 days! The ATF may contact any responsible person at any time and all responsible persons are expected to comply. Firearm Model. Responsible Party Name Example Next, fill out the address of maker and item info. }, When youre building a Silencer, SBR, or other NFA Firearm. It is very difficult to navigate, extremely user unfriendly and it takes absolutely forever to complete, which means you get to watch the little wheel spin, and spin, and spin. Any applications for a Form 1, Form 4, or Form 5 must now include Fingerprint cards and pictures. You can find our walk-through guides for these forms below. These questions are answered in the ATF Form 54320.23 for each responsible person in the gun trust. Regardless, if you are a citizen of the Red, White, & Blue, check the box next to "United States of America." ERROR!!! Click next to go to the CLEO page. ATF 5320.1Application to Make and Register a FirearmForm, ATF 5320.4Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form, ATF 5320.5Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form. Do not use .338 Lapua. As I noted here, many NFA dealers are planning to offer in-store fingerprinting so you should check with your local gun store. How to guide and walk-through guide for the ATF Form 5320.23 ATF 5320.23 ResponsiblePersonQuestionnaire. if you dont live inside a County, Parish, or Borough? Plus, having a trust lets you share ownership of the NFA items. The ATF Copy 2 To Be Returned To Registrant is the copy of the Form 1 that will be returned to you with your Tax Stamp affixed in the upper right hand corner of Page 1. In order to legally obtain a class 3/title 2 weapon, you will need to fill out the ATF Form 5320.23 form and other paperwork. Unique Personal Identification Number(See instructions 3C). The best answer we can give is that you should enter the next smallest political subdivision after country. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. The ATF official responsible for the issuance and renewal of licenses and permits under this part. "10". And while the internet is definitely an extremely helpful resource for many things, instructions for completing the Form 1 simply isnt one of them. That simply means you need to physically sign your name everywhere a signature is required (you cant photocopy your signature). If youre a sole proprietor, you will be your own responsible person. If youre a partnership, youll probably have two persons. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. This is the manufactures name and address or importer if applicable of the NFA firearm you are registering. Barrel Length This is always the Barrel Length of the firearm you are going to build. Remember our buddy John Smith? 8. Neckbone Armory is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Now The Trust Shop is all about conserving resources, but when a bunch of liberal tree-huggers deny lawful citizens from owning firearms, just because their application was only printed on one side of a page, thats not cool. Any black fingerprint ink pad will work, for example this Fingerprint Ink Pad from Amazon. Nothing is this article should be considered as legal advice or legal opinion. This is the country that you were born in and might be differentthanquestion 9a. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. 4i.Reason for making Apparently the 2nd Amendment actually says: "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed(but only if you have an acceptable reason). In multi-store franchise situations, the store owners are often "responsible persons" on their own licenses, but the corporate managers are not. Race. So, here is the deal: The way the NCIS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) works is that your name gets run through a giant data base. These answers will very and similar to the ATF Form 4473 questions. This is the very same question that was removed from the Form 4473 (the form you fill when you buy a gun at the gun shop), but it seems they couldnt be bothered to make the same adjustment to the Form 1. When you build a Silencer, SBR, or other NFA Firearm, you are required to complete 3 copies of the Form 1 Application. There are many reasons that Filling out the Form 1 (Application to Make and Register a Firearm) can be a really frustrating process, even for people that have previously submitted Tax Stamp Applications. 3h. Box 16 If you are an alien, please share your knowledge of interplanetary worm-hole travel with the Trust Shop or enter your AR#, USCIS#, or I94#, whatever that means? 9b. If you are submitting your Form 1 as a Corporation, or Other Legal Entity, you need to include documentation evidencing the existence and validity of the entity, which includes complete and unredacted copies of partnership agreements, articles of incorporation, corporate registration, declarations, attachments, exhibits, and enclosures. [4] Even if your trust shows your home address (or any other address), you must enter the address where you are going to keep the firearm. First, check the ATF Form 1 box at the top, fill out applicant name using the name and address of your trust. Enter the Trust Name and address from the Form 1, 4, or 5. AR, USCIS, or I-9A Number. I cant tell you what to answer on the second page, just that it must be truthful. 3d. If you are submitting your Form 1 as a Trust, you need to include a complete copy of your trust documents, including all amendments, attachments, schedules, exhibits, etc. Options are: "United States of America" or "Other Country/Countries." Note: The below walk-through guide is for the September, 2019 update of the ATF 5320.23form and is the most current ATF 5320.23 form. This is the model of the NFAfirearm you are registering. This is your ethnicity. Systematic retrieval of data or other content from the Article, whether to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory, is prohibited absent express prior written consent from the Trust Shop. 15f2. If you are paying with a credit or debit card, you will complete the remainder of Box 20 and sign your name. All you have to do is take just the pages that say CLEO Copy on the bottom and mail them to the address on the CLEO form of your chief law enforcement officer. Once you pay, youll be able to select the sign and submit button. ", Regardless of the unconstitutionality (and complete absurdity) of the question, you are required to provide an acceptable answer. Incomplete applications can create significant delays. The only problem is that he doesnt have enough room to list the Caliber, Barrel Length, & OAL for all five uppers in Box 4h. According to the ATF, a Responsible Person is anyone that "Possesses the power to receive, ship, transport, deliver, transfer or otherwise dispose of a firearm." Here we go, finally. There are a couple of different ways you can make sure your application is approved: If you have a Gun Trust from the Trust Shop, you have nothing to worry about. Just remember if you see an 800 # from West Virginia, dont auto decline the call, as it is likely the feds looking for additional info. Fill out the rest of this page with your name, email, address, title (settlor), date of birth, sex, race, state of residence, birth state, and SSN. The following CLEO notification must also be completed. The ATF prefers that you list multiple people on the license. Use the User ID and Password you created in the registering step above. [18] If you are building a firearm from scratch, you need to create a Serial Number for your new firearm. However, its not smart to wait for the ATF to decide who should be listed as responsible persons. Its best to have an application package as complete as possible before sending it off to the ATF. Regardless (as we will need to do oh so many times), lets fix the directions for them. The SSN and UPIN are not required. And, if you want to take your own prints,[35] we have all of the supplies you need. Information located within this article isan original guide created by National Gun Trusts and not to be cited or used without the written permission of National Gun Trusts. Updated 3/31/16, Jews for The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, USA Carry - Concealed Firearm Permit Information and Resources. Most of the time your title is going to be Trustee, but it could also be: Settlor, Grantor, Member, Partner, Officer, Director, Owner, etc. Basically, anyone who will have management power of your business in regards to firearms should be listed as a responsible person. This person will have authority to speak with the ATF, apply for renewal, and even change the license. But for the most part, the Form 23 is the same as the questions you skipped on the Form 1 (Boxes 11-17). The ATF used to require that you "sign your name in blue or black ink," but they revised that to "sign your name in ink." Please complete item 17.". You will have to be present anytime and everywhere that suppressor is used. (Maybe they could get out of trouble on the technicality that the signature box was in the middle of the form Just a thought). After clicking next, you will be brought to the last page of this line item where you can attach other files for this line item. Law Enforcement Notification. If you used the fillable form from above your information that you filled out will propagate through the form. Ive seen approvals as soon as 28 days, but typically its going to be around 33-35 days. If you are one of those people that will have a panic attack if you dont get to enter "300 AAC Blackout" somewhere on your Form 1 Application, you can add it to Box 4h. Never mind. Box 4c - Caliber or Gauge Enter either the Caliber or Gauge in this field. Just put the name of the sheriff office, address to the sheriffs office, and the name and title of the sheriff. You will at least need to fill out anything with an asterisk. Its one page with the address to mail your fingerprints along with some info about you and your item. Either way, the prints must be on the correct cards and they must display the correct ORI number. Youll need an ink pad to roll your finger into and then roll your print onto the fingerprint card. And the ATF is off to a strong start, with nonsensical directions in the very first question: "The tax may be paid by credit or debit card, check, or money order. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. is the address where the firearm will be maintained. The only time you would enter anything here is if you have a Federal Firearms License. Therefore, we hereby declare the DOB box shall henceforth be referred to as Box 13b. Question does the photo have to be a special type of could I just take a picture with my camera and print it on normal paper? Call Us 24 Hrs a Day at: (904) 866-4228 or (877) 7GUN-LAW, We respect your privacy and will not share or sell your information. There is a progress bar at the top showing which page and where you are in the process. Hi my name is Neckbone and I started this site because I love firearms and shooting sports. Race. Box 15f2. You will also need the ATF Form 23 (5320.23), which is the NFA Responsible Person Questionnaire, only if you are applying for your ATF Tax Stamp with a NFA Gun Trust or corporation. If he is building a 2nd upper in 300 AAC Blackout, shouldnt he have entered .300 Cal? [12], However, unlike Model names, Serial Numbers are always required; and they need to be compliant with the ATFs rules & regulations on Serial Numbers. We will give it to you: The answer is Individual Applicants. Yep, there are some areas in the U.S. that are not located within a County, Parish, or Borough. Portland, Oregon 97208-5015. The following CLEO notification must also be completed. We advise paying by check, as this method allows you to track the progress of your application by seeing when your check was cashed. Commonlyreferred to ATFForm 23. But thats not a problem, as he can simply write: "See attached Page for Additional Information" in Box 4h. (ii) If the Director determines that the responsible person or employee is one of the persons described in any paragraph of section 842(i) of the Act (see 555.26), ATF will notify the employer in writing or electronically of the determination and issue to the responsible person or the employee, as the case may be, a document that confirms the determination; explains the grounds for the . 4e. (We told you they were her words. function myFunction() { Social Security Number(See instructions 3C). Any other aliases that you use. You can answer the yes or no questions without messing up anything, but you dont need to if you filed with a trust. Click next to go to the responsible persons page. Unique Personal Identification Number(See instructions 3C). Absentee owners are another example; their general managers would be considered responsible. Heres a video overview of the entire process with all the steps and links youll need below: Youll need to order at least two sets of fingerprint cards and fill them out. The same two fields are obscured on the CLEO Copy, as well as a few additional fields; including: Box 4.g. Box 4 causes more confusion that any other part of the Form 1 Application. If you select the"Other Country/Countries" box, you areexpected to specify what your country/countries of citizenship is/are. This needs to be clear and easy to tell it is you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Generally, the term includes partners, sole proprietors, site managers, corporate officers and directors, and majority shareholders." GET ATF COMPLIANCE GUIDANCE NOW Box ?? (Whether that vagueness is intentional or unintentional, who knows?) Sounds simple enough, right? What should he do? 4j. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnairepaperwork requires you to submit fingerprint cards. Additional Description is kind of a catch-all field, where you can enter any number of things. One of the most commonly misunderstood terms in firearm sales is the responsible person. The ATF adjusted their definition of this term back in 2013, so even if youve heard it before, you should revisit it. Do not use slang here. This is statethat you were born in. Use N/A for a Sear. ATF EFORM 1 ELECTRONIC FILING GUIDE - No further explanation is required. That might be true, but ask yourself this: Did any of the 40% of rejected applicants think they were going to make a mistake? Individuals: Enter your full legal Name and home address. Now, you are asked to sign the Certification box, which says you understand that you are required to send the CLEO Copy of your Form 1 Application to you guessed it the CLEO. Instead of paying the application fee every time your business makes a change (which can be quite burdensome, depending on your FFL type), you can write to the ATF detailing your requested adjustments. 2x2 photograph is affixed here with tape. If you dont want to use a Model name, just enter: NONE. Because hell only be using the SBR when he is at the ranch (which is nearly every weekend), and because Jane caught him filling out a Form 1 Application (meaning he will likely be at the ranch on a more permanent basis), John decides the SBR should stay at the ranch full-time. Have the notarized trust paperwork along with the add item page in your trust scanned into your computer as a pdf. Unless you are a corporate law attorney, it is extremely difficult to read a Corporate Charter, Articles of Organization, Operating Agreement, etc., and understand who is, in fact, a Responsible Person.

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