:). Professional development goals are objectives you can set for yourself to help further your career. If you would like permission to offer an original post on this blog, please contact Diana Peer at dpeer@uark.edu. Thought leaders exist in many areas . Example: SMART: "Today I will write 500 words about the power of love between 10am and 2pm.". I was fortunate enought to be able to help host the DuFour's and Bob Eaker when they came to Bentonville a few years ago to present their PLC institute to our district. We struggle with bus discipline as well! Achieving Personal and Professional Success, goal setting, Happiness, Personality Development, Personal Development, Communication, Negotiation, Deception. However, as the SPED designee in my building i spoke with our SPED PLC and we are trying to get down to a more intimate understanding of how our departments relationship is with our parents. Our school has shifted the inspection of our data to MAPS since both our reading and math MAP testing is based off of CCSS.I wonder if this is a trend across the region? \0a{WiodcuA]rZ+_(@fE=HmT~_m;+CI'c&m[ NJz-I3}go77y2m@>W[P %K'-Meg:yyteXb\h~0\^c_$K\Z%o(2W{p11t`^0K,2=0qNFkYMwccK]7qY3gOV5s& C1IYCG!'bD&9n.syUil0A3bFl6:/Xvxv"02M`-Q$DAQj3.X45#m6YTqqcJv$KWD_G> b6(6>nXi}Nmz"yp;h{LrO neB'6)8j'E3AB@n3 H`i;[7=f2,cH); ,szj(ElV9nks6m8V8a? Get hands-on experience in your field. Faculty Meeting should be called Professional Working Meetings (manage later!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRTKwxKwUsgThis link is to Doug Reeves - The Changing Role of the Principal TodayThis is for the December 4th Blackboard Session (Yeah! Here are ten examples of professional development goals to inspire your own: Growing professionally often means expanding the arsenal of things youre able to do. Accessed March 25, 2022. Increase decisiveness by outlining exactly what's important. The article I read stresses that as schools trim their budgets, principals have the task of doing more with less money. How do you plan to measure your progress? Try selecting two or three diverse goals that cater to different aspects of your career development in order to get the most impact from your work. There may be certifications or technical skills that you could gain in order to improve your employability. HZ>nOOia75s7? The article ends with some bulleted ideas for assistant principals which are important to our continued learning.The two books I am currently reading or rereading are Mindset by Carol Dweck and Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind by Jensen. By January 2014, there will be a 25% decrease in discipline issues on buses as measured by the number of bus referrals submitted. Is it your time management? This is my new mantra to read everyday. Here's a list of 12 administrative assistant performance goals examples: 1. * becoming a stronger resource to her staff for current educational research. The following are steps you may take when creating goals for an internship: 1. Achievable: Setting a goal that you can realistically achieve is key to actually achieving them. The coolest thing about it, is my SPED team loved the idea! Administrative assistants are often the face of the company because they send communications out to fellow employees as well as clients and people who have some type of interest in the success of the business. Part II of Doug Reeves - The Changing Role of the Principal Today6. 09/2021 to 12/2022. How do your current knowledge, skills, and abilities compare? cluster is Professional Capacity of School Personnel, Professional Community for Teachers and Staff, Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community, and Operations and Management. Administrative goals can help an office run more efficiently. 10 examples of professional development goals. 4.7 #7: Learn How to Give Great Feedback. Building administration and Central Office all need to be held accountable.3. You can also browse job descriptions of positions youd be interested in pursuing; the common skills listed will help you get a sense of whats in-demand in your field. I will take a course in Excel by the end of the second quarter to increase my efficiency in creating weekly updates and reports for the company.. Broadening your skillset. It can be used for multiple goals or one and provides a concise chart for you to use to guide your learning. It is always been culturally acceptable that it is to hard to get building leaders to improve. Beefing up your credentials can open up new career opportunities or clear a path to a promotion. Supervise instructional and non-instructional staff. Study Best Practices within industry. Now that you know what SMART goals are, your next challenge is to decide on what kinds of goals you want to focus on to create a growth plan for your career. _&gc;u\/[%/IUDZ>l}>va%ILWhb?Vu L{Ma;2N#3#r4OU&!Fd!IV@_wL+j0;6#nZ6r'd7awk2k$9U{^U-?+S[qo]$u I love this idea. Performance standards define the criteria expected when principals and assistant principals perform their major duties. By May 2015 I will provide a variety of opportunities for parent/guardians to participate in I guess in a non professional term we are looking to see "just how we are doing at OHMS." Measuring things with metrics, often as a way to communicate your value as a professional or team. 4.8 #8: Get a Certificate or Degree. According to ZipRecruiter.com, the average pay for assistant principals by state varies from $54,751 to $77,478. DEFINITION. 2023 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. Vision Alignment, Talent Management, Goals and Rewards, Motivate Employees, Leadership, goal setting, Communication, Leadership Development, Onboarding, Coaching, Recruitment, Management, Social Skills, Influencer Marketing, Leadership Dynamics, Team Management, Team Building. However, our current transportation director beleives building administration should deal with it now because he says we have the proper "certification". One, they establish clear performance expectations between the assistant and supervising manager. Educational assistants need practical strategies that go beyond simply 'helping' and instead. Assistant Principal/Lead Teacher Resume. SMART GOAL PART 1: By December 20, 2013 100% of Tillery RTI students who are 2 year's behind will have completed intervention documentation as measured/evidenced by MAP assessment, Dibels, DRA, Benchmark data, and teacher assessments. I am a HUGE MAPS fan!! MAPS allows teacher much quicker feedback to adjust their instruction. If youve always admired your manager who can speak eloquently in front of others, consider a public speaking course. My opinion only: It takes a different type of person today to go into school leadership than it did 20 years ago. endobj Become a thought leader. It's hard because we have been teaching CCSS and adding those benchmark standards in. I always say that a 10 pound weight is not really that much. These are the doers of the organizationwithout which, many companies would just be a group of talented people with ideas or services to offer, but no way to connect all of the dots. The Assistant Principal Professional Growth Planning (PGP) Template is designed to facilitate the assistant principal's professional development. endobj This approach can have drastic effect on student achievment.4. J{N5,EB0^T}:vIl]`THfR6hKtag}BAbX%c44:J1s. Some of the ways having SMART goals will benefit you as an administrative assistant include: Having SMART goals will help you make the most of your time in your current position to prepare you for greater responsibilities in the future. Principals are looking for improved delivery systems and are challenged to stay current with technological advances available. http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/leadership_360/2013/03/principal's_role_changing_says_metlife_survey.htmlThis article highlights the many roles that a principals play in order to successfully build the relationships needed to navigate a school to a superior status. Instructional leader responsibilities have increased in all areas and are extremely different in the area of technology. % Aiming to refine your qualifications can increase your success, your earning potential, and your competitiveness as a prospective employee for other agencies in the future. Promoted staff professional growth, cooperation and self-development. Courses can be directly related to your work responsibilities, but this might be an opportunity to challenge yourself to stretch yourself in new ways. Instructed teachers on classroom management, behavior and instructional . Organize professional development programs, conduct teacher performance reviews and participate in classroom instruction and observation. Once youre at these events, you can: By the beginning of next year, I will have attended at least one professional development seminar related to my position to help expand my knowledge and skills so I can offer the most impactful assistance possible to my team.. Our district used to have the transportation department address the issues. To streamline the scheduling processes at work and increase my efficiency, I will look into digital scheduling software, choose one, and digitize the process within the next month.. Effective goals are time-bound, with a date in mind for it to be complete so you can pace yourself along the way. Have a few suggestions at the ready. However, many of them are general enough to be applied to anyone who wants to succeed in life. Smart Goal #2 Math By May 2014, 55% of all students will be on grade level in math according to Measures of Academic Progress.A strategic action plan has be created to evaluated the initiatives in my school each quarter. When we face more than six initiatives we get frustrated (seems very common in my opinion)I read Mike Schmoker's bool FOCUS. Here are some concrete goals you might aspire to: Read two books in your field in a quarter, Listen to one podcast on a relevant topic a week, Find 10 experts in your field on Twitter to follow. Seeking a position at [School Name] to improve the standard and quality of your operations. Set goals for next 30 days. Some of the issues addressed include the difficulty in finding time to adequately address instructional leadership as well as managing schools. Learning never stops, even after you've earned your degree. S: This goal lays out a specific plan to reduce spending.M: This goal is measured by the completion of a 10% reduction in supply costs by the end of the fourth quarter.A: This is an achievable goal.R: This goal is relevant to the overall success and profits of the company.T: This goal has a specific deadline of the end of the fourth quarter. I agree with Mindset. +r$os"?K`eO>s;h,ka501YHo f:&_ Gpzc{F>2 Unlike your dreams for the future, your specific goals have detail and depth that answer the who, what, when, where, and why of your vague hopes. An assistant principal is an academic professional who helps manage a school's operations by providing support to the principal. Data analysis, project management, or UX design courses may give you the skills you needbut consider other fields like creative writing, public speaking, or foreign languages that can deepen your work in more unexpected ways. I am sharing about Marzanos research on change. Smart Goal #1 Math By May 2014, 70 % of all students will meet their growth goal in math, according to Measures of Academic Progress. These will be measured through pre and post assessments, student work samples, interim assessments, peer and principal observations . Whats your purpose? Since it is performance based I believe it gives a much better idea of where each student truly compares to the NORM. We will be redoing our RTI packet this summer and this is something we could also add to that process. Professional development goals can help you achieve your short- and long-term objectives in your career. When it comes to setting your administrative assistant SMART goals, it may be difficult to establish objectives, especially if you are involved in a variety of projects or departments at work. I would be interested in the results of a survey sent out to our current parents. Be picky about how you spend your time. Phone: (260) 414-5234 | [email] 191 Addison Road | Fort Wayne, IN 46801. Smart Goal #2 Math By May 2014, 55% of all students will be on grade level in . Improvement Plans and Principal/Assistant Principal PGPs can be used to guide the development of PGP goals for educators. i6G1zyq8 !y(XfC;$"1vvs8Ns[2Ry?JO. n(nW~K2umR[%ELmrdyJ:-vetaC[7h4I5+yfH!|VN$j|m].(h(f)(F &Q=F}}Fa3TH`M$xZ4Ti)QOQ The principal secures the funding required to make technology purchases and then must see to it that teachers understand how to use the new technology and incorporate it into lessons.http://www.principals.org/Content.aspx?topic=55757After reading about the changing role of the principal, I wanted to read something that pertained more specifically to my role as assistant principal. The professional development plan is an essential part of your evaluation process (McGreal, 1983). Administrative. In smaller school districts, principals may need to assume these and other duties themselves. Start smaller, and identify your interests. Gain experience at a large, well-known company. You might also find that your professional network will come in handy here. Here is a snapshot of average assistant principal salaries: Glassdoor.com: $88,585. We have talked about doing this as well. Develop skills by taking online or in-person courses, shadowing a coworker, going back to school, among other ways. In addition to understanding what is expected from them as individuals, administrative assistants need to know their departments larger goals so they can write their own goals and prioritize their tasks. Teacher observation data also can be used to inform principal professional development goals. We also have the ADE survey completed by parents during the annual review conferences. Example 4. Here are some examples to get your started: Plan and lead a team initiative to collectively learn a new tool or skill, Vision Alignment, Talent Management, Goals and Rewards, Motivate Employees, Leadership, goal setting, Communication, Leadership Development, Onboarding, Coaching, Recruitment, Management, Social Skills, Influencer Marketing, Leadership Dynamics, Team Management, Team Building, Expanding your professional network can expose you to new ideas, build your profile, keep you informed of new job opportunities, and help you learn continuously., Sign up for events to attend in your field, join professional groups in person or through social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, or find opportunities to volunteer your skills through volunteer databases like VolunteerMatch., Attend five in-person or virtual professional events, Find and join three professional groups on LinkedIn. This SMART goal may involve some research on new vendors to use for supplies or some education for staff to reduce their waste when it comes to office supplies and other expenses. Is a Master's in Computer Science Worth it. Accessed March 25, 2022. While the Benchmark test is in its last year, we have support from our BOE to go ahead and assess all we can using the CCSS. While his delievery is a bit dry, he has very good insight.More to come. like it. Do you need this Loan for business and to clear your bills? I am on top of it)The main points I thought about in his his presentation are:1. Continuous learning will benefit you in any position so you can stay up-to-date with current trends, resources, and knowledge. Top 16 Assistant Principal Resume Objective Samples. The administrative assistant works for the manager of human resources. <> Relevant - reachable and relevant to the employee's skill and ability. Make a career change. 2. Having SMART goals as an administrative assistant will help you promote your career growth because it will set your intentions for your everyday actions to help improve your job satisfaction. Growing professionally often means expanding the arsenal of things you're able to do. Educator with 10+ years teaching experience as well as 5+ years in school administration . Also ask your supervisor about what they perceive your strengths to be and the qualities that they appreciate about you. Displayed strong decision making abilities and confidence to staff and students. If your goals are on track with their goals, you will be on the right path for growth within the company and you can make an impact on the businesss success. But they only make sense as an employee . The feedback of data is so much quicker. When she is not writing, Connie is either spending time with her daughter and two dogs, running, or working at her full-time job as a social worker in Richmond, VA. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N PRINCIPAL, K-8 SCHOOL. http://www.iel.org/programs/21st/reports/principal.pdfThis article is Leadership for Student Learning: Reinventing the Principalship and was written in October of 2000. They're responsible for assisting in the development of curriculum, overseeing the school's academic performance and creating strategies to achieve goals and ensuring a productive and educational learning environment. Shared leadership! I also want to know how you guys are making RTI more systematic. Think about what fits your schedule and the level of expertise youre aiming for to see what works best for you. Expand professional knowledge and training. But keep in mind, setting too many goals at once is easily overwhelming, so figure out which goals are your top priority and start there. I could be missing something! Then send us an email now for more details via:(majidvijahlending@gmail.com)LOAN APPLICATION FORM. for teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, and administrators. Smart Goal #1 Math By May 2014, 70 % of all students will meet their growth goal in math, according to Measures of Academic Progress.Smart Goal #2 Literacy By May 2014, 50% of all students will be on grade level in literacy according to Measures of Academic Progress. You dont want to spend your time working toward a goal that wont have an impact on your bigger picture. One administrative assistant may be expected to manage all office operations such as scheduling, filing taxes and other legal paperwork, performing bookkeeping tasks, and coordinating company events, while another may be expected to answer the phone and greet visitors as they come in the door in addition to some other minor tasks. This may mean creating a vision board or just posting them in writing on your bulletin boardbut either way, you want your SMART goals to be prominently posted somewhere that you see them every day to ensure that they stay in the front of your mind and you stay focused on the impact that your daily actions has on your goals. The second survey (April 2014)will show an increase in collaboration and teacher satisfaction by 10% with resulting increase in student achievement on the Benchmark by 5%. I'm posting a short, but thoughtful article. Otherwise, a quick online search should yield plenty of ideas, whether youre looking for marketing podcasts, books on project management, or something else. Help you become more productive and efficient in your work. There are probably a lot of things that you want to get done in life, so you may have all types of goals. Would love to hear what you did. Knowing what you want to change or work on can help you identify where you are nowor, your starting pointand measure your progress against that baseline as you move forward. The job I have now not only allows me to branch out away from the managerial task but expects me to do so and I can say that as an assistant principal I welcome the new opportunities. The HR manager is charged with ensuring that all employee files are kept up-to-date and that those files maintain required employee information. SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. * developing a stronger awareness of each teacher's strengths and areas for growth through daily classroom visits, planned and informal discussions. ~Creating a Sense of Belonging * for students * for teachers * for parents and community~ Provide Clear Direction *for students * for teachers * for parents and communityThe author studied the actions and behaviors of principals in 3 high performing schools that all had the struggles that come along with a low socioeconomic student population. Meet with supervisor for feedback. Specific goals for coursework might look like the following: Complete a course on XYZ topic in a quarter, Map out a plan for coursework youll take throughout the year. Curiosity is a priceless skill for leaders. 3 0 obj student learning goals. By spring 2014, NWEA MAP scores for K-5 students will increase by 25% in the area of vocabulary with the implementation of a school-wide initiative in vocabulary instruction.Below is the data from our fall MAP testing and 2013 Benchmark Exam:o More than 50% of K-2 students are below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word studyo 60% of 3rd and 4th are below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word studyo 67% of 5th below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word study2013 Benchmark Literacy scores for all students were 78.67%2013 Benchmark Literacy scores for TAGG students were 75.95%. I read Mindset several years ago, but I don't think I was ready yet to fully internalize the meaning and how it impacts students. It will help you get more done with your time so you'll have more accomplishments to show off at the end of the day. SAU21 Professional Development Plan 2019-2024. More to come (long video!). Here is a list of 21 personal goal examples to help you develop your own goals: 1. Workplace skills are the tools and practices that help people in a workplace connect and interact smoothly with one another. {:&0UV@i_/JB)\x>qpj&)D3Y?WKe YJ@}! Check it outAssistant Principalsin Indiana as Change Leaders: The Need for Professional Developmenthttp://www.oak.edu/~oakedu/assets/ck/files/JLAS_SP10_Abebe_Lindsey_Bonner_Heck_7.pdfThis is exactly what we are learning. Below is a guide to assist you in creating a concise resume that covers all those areas. Courses can help you develop skills, learn about issues relevant to your work, and flex new parts of your brain. For many assistant principals, the move to the role comes straight from the classroom, the counseling office, or a dean position. Attainable - Set achievable and realistic goals. Dont know what you want to do in five or 10 years yet? This is where is the district just comes in and fires the building leadership without giving them the opportunity to grow. Sample Document The Goal-Setting and Professional Development (GSPD) process is an ongoing, recursive process where teachers reflect on current professional practices, identify professional growth goals, establish a professional development plan to attain those goals, track progress towards goals over the course of the year, andeflect on goal . They influence school performance by shaping school goals, guiding school policy and procedures and CONTRIBUTE DIRECTLY TO STUDENT LEARNING!!! The program sets goals for expected student growth and gives detailed data for teachers to see where students are struggling. practice goals. 4UmT1E4O.{bzd,~JgqFX0B)2B cIkjF |kH47p_04*2@256E`=>DO`]v/9,\. For example, your interests in college or university may include . A team which supports the goals of the building. Organization or communication skills? Being satisfied as a professional doesnt necessarily mean striving for constant achievement and earning promotions. But no matter what your goals are, they should be linked to your unique performance reviews and they should be created in the SMART goal format, meaning theyre specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Or, underneath your one-sentence vision statement, provide a list of 3 - 5 aims that show how you will go about achieving your vision in the school year to come. See what makes the most sense for both your short- and long-term career goals. Professional Experience professional improvement, and increases principals' involvement in the evaluation process; and a support system for providing assistance when needed.ii Essential Components of PPES Clearly defined professional responsibilities for principals constitute the foundation for the Principal Performance Evaluation System. Provide you with opportunities to work on areas that you may currently be struggling with at work. "We say we value collaboration, but what do we call kids that collaborate on state test?" Help create school-wide goals including those related to student learning and student behavior. Lets take a look at some examples of SMART goals for administrative assistants. Learning more about your field through various medialike books, podcasts, and news publications, to name a fewcan enrich your understanding of the context around your work and inform you of ways to improve. For example, saying Finish three modules of my online course is more measurable than a goal like Work on my online course. Each goal and action plan together should answer the following questions. Example Goal #2. It provides a list of actions worthwhile for APs. It's been more of a "let's try this and see what happens" and then just try something else if it doesn't work without a true basis for the change. Responsibilities of an Assistant Principal. 60 Days -. Created by Massachusetts educators during ESE-facilitated workshops in Spring 2013, these goals focus on aspects of practice and student learning, including but not limited to: curriculum and assessment . I agree with Lindsey that a good mantra is "APs must refuse to wallow in the discouraging aspects of the job and instead generate a positive energy that is so contagious that others are inspired to excel.". She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and a Masters Degree in Social Work. By May 2014, 70% of our K-5 students will meet or exceed their individual targeted growth expectation as measured by the Spring 2014 MAP Reading resultsBy May 2014, our RTI process will become more systematic across the building as measured by teacher surveys, SCALE process and a 1-3% increase on Benchmark proficiency for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade literacy and math. http://work.chron.com/changing-roles-principals-10908.htmlThis site includes different articles based on educational topics (financial responsibilities of principals, average salaries, characteristics of successful principals, and more). If, for example, teacher observation data indicates that a group of teachers or the entire faculty share a weakness in one performance area, the principal might develop a learning goal involving that area in order to better support teacher improvement. The assistant principal uses it to set PGP goals, as well as to track and reflect on professional development or goal-related activities; the principal uses it to review progress and score the assistant Interpret and implement the educational and administrative programs of the K-8 school . Accountability has to be from the top down and not from the bottom up! Leadership Project SMART Goal:By spring 2014, Literacy Benchmark Scores will increase by 5% for a proficiency of 85% for 3rd-5th grade students. A few of the many ways in which professional growth efforts will help you in the workplace include that it can: Help you learn new skills that will support you as you advance in your career. This is when you love those speed boats that will help clear the way for the cruise ship. Principal Teri Stokes has some personal goals for the year ahead. Are K-2 students test covers CCSS and our 3-5 test covers the AR standards. Heres what each of those components mean: Specific: Goals should be well-defined and unambiguous so that you know exactly what youre aspiring to. Doug Reeves discusses how "One size does not fit all. Supporting other employees. Or if it makes sense, reach out to somebody in your workplace that you think youll be able to learn from. Can you explain what Measures of Academic Progress is? Administrative assistants have the opportunity to make small changes in a company that can make a big difference for saving time and increasing productivity. You need a metric of some sort to be able to measure where you are now versus where you want to end up. Get better at managing your time. 4.6 #6: Build a Good Remote Work System. Timely - goals must have a clear timeline with start and end dates. The article discusses in length that in order to be an effective instructional leader there needs to be disturbed leadership and that there is no single method that is sure to work for every school. This will help keep you motivated throughout the process so you can count on achieving that big goal at some point down the line. 4.1 #1: Learning New Skills. ?m3Hz}\Zf9xu/yN+x;c Without a deadline, you will also lose a sense of urgency. I am also interested in the SCALE process. S: The goal is to improve teacher feedback scores by 10%. 2 0 obj It describes the frustrations of meeting the daily routines and responsibilities that are all consuming and learning how to be as well as serve as an instructional leader. This is a great idea! Attend professional development seminars, Final Thoughts on SMART Goals Examples for Administrative Assistants, bigger goals in mind while youre making your short-term goals, type of growth they believe you could make, 15 Songs About Acceptance of Others (and Yourself), 125 Fun (and Clean) Would You Rather Questions for Kids, Interact with others in the company on a more equal playing field, Create connections with people in other departments that can lead to future job opportunities, Bond with colleagues who may be able to write recommendation letters for you in the future, Receive recognition for putting forth the effort to care about company morale.

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